AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 The Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera suffered a second day of sustained distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks against its English and Arabic language Web sites on Wednesday. The attacks have pushed the network, which is based in Doha, Qatar , off the Web for the time being and forced Al-Jazeera to increase bandwidth for the sites and step up security in a desperate effort to get back online. "All of our Web sites are down. The U.S. [Web site] is out of order and the Europe [Web site] is under attack. We come up for five or ten minutes and then the attacks bring us down again," said Salah AlSeddiqi, IT manager at Al-Jazeera. AlSeddiqi and others describe a powerful and coordinated attack on Al-Jazeera's Web sites that began on March 25, shortly after the network published photos of U.S. soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Iraqi forces inside Iraq . Beginning on Tuesday, Al-Jazeera was hit with traffic in excess of 200 Mbps and up to 300 Mbps, he said. The network's Web sites typically receive traffic in the range of 50 or 60 Mbps. With the commencement of hostilities, however, traffic to Al-Jazeera's sites had spiked to more than 150 Mbps, AlSeddiqi said. The attacks were described as a DNS (Domain Name System) flood attack by Joanne Tucker, managing editor of Al-Jazeera's English language Web site, whose address is DNS flood attacks send a high volume of Internet traffic to the name servers that are responsible for a particular Web domain, rendering those servers unresponsive. In response to the attacks, Al-Jazeera attempted to increase its bandwidth allocation, but the attackers scaled their efforts to meet the increase, according to AlSeddiqi. As a result of the sustained attacks, the Qatar company that managed the site told Al-Jazeera on Wednesday that its U.S.-based hosting company said it could no longer continue to host the sites because of the effect of the attacks on other customer Web sites, AlSeddiqi said. That company, DataPipe, a service of Hoboken Web Services, in Hoboken, New Jersey , said in a statement that it provided hosting services to the Qatar company that managed the Al-Jazeera site, but had ended its relationship with that company. DataPipe did not have a contract or a relationship with Al-Jazeera itself, the company said. Al-Jazeera was told that its site would continue to be hosted only until the end of March, AlSeddiqi said. The recent attacks and the decision by one of its Web hosting companies has IT staff at Al-Jazeera suspicious of larger forces that may be at work. "We feel it's an organization with knowhow and money. They have very powerful machines to do [the attack] and someone to pay for the bandwidth," AlSeddiqi said. Tucker expressed concerns that the attacks may be part of a coordinated effort to silence the network for coverage that has been critical of the U.S.-led war in Iraq . "It's a strategy to block access to the site to legitimate visitors. The problem is that any content or information that doesn't boost U.S. morale or unify public opinion might be perceived as a threat to the war effort," Tucker said. A security expert familiar with Al-Jazeera's troubles said the news network appeared to be suffering both from an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) "bot" attack and from increased demand due to the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq and the launch of its English language site. IRC bot attacks use IRC chat channels to send coordinated attack instructions to networks of compromised machines worldwide, according to Johannes Ullrich, chief technology officer for the Internet Storm Center at the SANS Institute. While the volume of traffic to Al-Jazeera's Web sites was high, a network of between 1,000 and 5,000 compromised machines could easily generate that level of traffic, Ullrich said. Such networks are not uncommon. Some IRC bot networks contain over 10,000 zombie machines, he said. Casting doubt on the suggestion that the attacks had to originate from a large, well-funded source, Ullrich said that the IRC bots could easily be coordinated by a single user with knowledge of the network and the right commands to issue. "There are probably plenty of people who can do something like [the Al-Jazeera DDOS attack] just for the fun of it. I just got DDOS'd last night," Ullrich said. Others familiar with such attacks say they are common and have many origins. "We have a number of customers who come to us with concerns like [Al-Jazeera's]. Effectively they're experiencing a virtual sit in," said Andy Ellis, chief security architect at Akamai Technologies, an e-business infrastructure provider in Cambridge, Mass. While 200 Mbps is high volume for a single Web site to suffer, Ellis said that he knew of larger attacks. In addition, it is common for such DDOS attacks to be targeted at routers or DNS servers that service a number of different Web sites, according to Ullrich. Hosting companies will frequently decide to stop hosting the site that is attracting the unwanted attention in order to maintain service to its other customers, he said. "The sad thing is that there's very little they can do. If you have 10,000 or 20,000 machines attacking you and they're constantly changing, the only thing you can do is get more bandwidth -- essentially buy your way out of the attack," Ullrich said. Other companies, including many prominent U.S. news Web sites, opt to use private networks such as Akamai's which blunt the force of DDOS attacks by spreading the hosted Web site content out to thousands of host servers, then routing each request to a server close to the request source. Akamai's network also uses load balancing to direct traffic away from servers that are experiencing high demand, as in a DDOS attack, Ellis said. An Akamai spokesman declined to comment on whether the company had been contacted by Al-Jazeera or whether it would be willing to host Al-Jazeera's Web sites. While it works to crawl out from under the DDOS attack, Al-Jazeera is continuing to update content on its English language site. The network is also moving forward with the development of a fully-featured English language Web site that will include more than just war coverage, according to Tucker. The company hopes to be back online soon and said that the launch of its full English language site is on schedule for mid-April, Tucker said. Paul Roberts
Ice Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 in zakaj (se) niso napadli npr. nemskih,francoskih in ostalih US-nasprotujocih domen? zakaj samo od al-jazeera-e?! resnica je prva zrtev vojne.
AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 AlSeddiqi and others describe a powerful and coordinated attack on Al-Jazeera's Web sites that began on March 25, shortly after the network published photos of U.S. soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Iraqi forces inside Iraq .
J Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 čisto BTW! A je naslov "Toliko o Ameriški svobodi govora" sploh pertinenten članku? Mislim, a je v članku slučajno kaj govora a kratenju pravice o svobodnem govorju v Ameriki? Tudi BTW!, a se da komu pregledat ustave zalivskih drzav - mogoče je tudi tam omenjena kakšna podobna pravica? Sicer močno dvomim, lahko pa da se tudi motim? Kazanje mrtvih vojakov in ujetnikov na javnih medijih je nemoralno za našo zahodno kulturo, sploh pa še niso obvestili svojce! Prosim, da se mi kdo ne zakači v besedo "nemoralno"! To vojno jaz vidim tudi kot konflict zahod/vzhod poleg nafte itn...
Ice Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 27, 2003 AlSeddiqi and others describe a powerful and coordinated attack on Al-Jazeera's Web sites that began on March 25, shortly after the network published photos of U.S. soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Iraqi forces inside Iraq . in? kaj bi rad s tem povedal? vidis v zgornjem stavku kaksno absolutno resnico ali dokaz? in ce ja,dokaz za kaj?!
AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Mislim, da je jasno, kdo izvaza DDOS napade. S tem postom nikakor ne opravičujem tega, da je Al Jazeera predvajal posnetke, vendar DDOS napadi kljub temu niso pravi način odgovora.
AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 AlSeddiqi and others describe a powerful and coordinated attack on Al-Jazeera's Web sites that began on March 25, shortly after the network published photos of U.S. soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Iraqi forces inside Iraq . in? kaj bi rad s tem povedal? vidis v zgornjem stavku kaksno absolutno resnico ali dokaz? in ce ja,dokaz za kaj?! Dokaz za kaj? Ne vem, kaj bi ti moral dokazovati?
AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Visitors to both the Arabic and English versions of the Al-Jazeera Web site on Thursday were greeted with an American flag and a pro-U.S. message, the work of an apparent online vandal. The controversial Middle Eastern news service was the victim of a domain hijacking. The actual defacement appeared on a free Web site service provided by NetWorld Connections. Technically known as a "redirect," the hack causes Web browsers that attempt to go to well as the English site--to be surreptitiously redirected to the content hosted on NetWorld's servers. The service detected a spike in traffic early this morning, and an e-mail from a security specialist confirmed that visitors to Al-Jazeera were being redirected to NetWorld's service, said Ken Bowman, CEO of the Salt Lake City company. "We pulled down the content immediately," Bowman said. He added that VeriSign, which administers the domain registry, eliminated the redirect later in the morning. "They never even touched (Al-Jazeera's) site," he said. A representative of VeriSign couldn't immediately answer questions regarding how the domain had been hijacked.
Ice Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 andy1 enostavno zakaj bi moral nekaj,kar trdis tudi dokazati...... ce zdaj recem,da si ti peder,to tudi drzi? po tvoji logiki mora to drzati,saj sem povedal.dokazati mi ni potrebno (spet po tvoji logiki)..... :twisted: resnica je prva zrtev vojne. to,da napises oz. citiras nekoga ali nekaj se ne pomeni prvic da je res in drugic da se je tudi zgodilo.verjetnost obstaja,a brez dokazov lahko gres rakom zvizgat.tudi to je del demokracije. drugo je tvoje osebno mnenje; tega ti ni treba dokazovati nobenemu. :wink:
AndY1 Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno Marec 28, 2003 Dokazal sem ti z linki dveh naslovov, poleg tega sem tudi sam preizkušal. Ravno zaradi tega vedno postam tudi linke. Če ti tudi to ni zadosti, pa mi povej, kaj je potem potrebno narediti? Če ti cnet ni zadosti dober, ne vem, kaj bi ti bilo zadosti. Bi verjel, če bi bilo objavljeno na CNN? :roll:
Ice Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 hmmmm..... sem prebral in ce se ravno ne motim nikjer ne pise,da je to pocela ameriska vlada; ali kdo v imenu ameriske vlade ali po nalogu ameriske recem,da to ni mogoce.najbrz je celo verjetno.vendar obstaja tudi enaka moznost,da to pocne nekdo na lastno roko. nekako tako,kot terorizem: nekateri muslimani to pocno,samo niso vsi muslimani zato teroristi.
SiR Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Kolikor imam jaz raportov z raznih agencij in uradnih zadev iz ZDA, se je ameriško Ministrstvo za obrambo spravilo tako na Iraško vlado kot na TV.... V prvi fazi so spamali e-maile od vseh vladnih uradnikov in druge dosegljive iraške e-mail naslove s sporočili v stilu (prevrnite že Saddama s stolice...), druga faza je napad DDOS... Saj veste - internet je takorekoč ameriški (upravljanje domen in podobno...). Tko da - lahko kao delajo kar čjo...
Ice Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 sym,a sem kje kaj spregledal ali je govor o al-jazeeri?! kolikor vem ta tv-postaja ni iraska temvec bazirana v katarju......
suzuki Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Zgolj v vednost in ravnanje - tole ni o Al Jazeeri, je pa o obveščanju javnosti:
Brrrm Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Nič hudega, če so v Katarju. Po moje so vsi tam doli, če le malo muslimansko dišijo, pod enako stopnjo nadzora. :roll:
Ice Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 eh........ in echalon,DEP1000 in podobne ne pozabiti..... ze big brozer iz voching ju.
SiR Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 31, 2003 Nič hudega, če so v Katarju. Po moje so vsi tam doli, če le malo muslimansko dišijo, pod enako stopnjo nadzora. :roll: misliš malo po nafti? :?
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