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Pozerski motor - pozer ali motorist?


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Nisem nikjer nasel "na forumu" tega, ce se kje skriva ali će paše kam drugam - zbrište prestavte ... karkoli




Carbon Fiber Frame - 50

Carbon/Kevlar Bodywork - 25

Carbon/Kevlar Fiber Tank - 20

Chameleon Paint - 15

Large Metal Flake Paint - 15

CF Hugger - 10

CF Front Fender - 10

Polished Frame - 10

Polished Swingarm - 7


Carbon Fiber Rims - 25

Single-Sided Swingarm Conversion - 20

Magnesium Rims - 15

Polished/Chromed Lengthened Swingarm - 15

Chrome Rims - 15

Polished Rims - 10

Lengthened Swingarm - 10

Polished Lip of Rim - 5

Large (>1") Unused Portion of Tire on the Sides - 10

Small (½"-1") Unused portion of Tire on the Sides - 5

Ohlins or Other Aftermarket Suspension and Large Unused portion of Tire on the Sides - 20

Ohlins or Other Aftermarket Suspension and Small Unused portion of Tire on the Sides - 10


Anodized Titanium (Rainbow colored) - 15

Aftermarket Underseat - 15

Shotgun - 10

Carbon Fiber - 5

Titanium - 5


Neon lights - 20

No Rear Fender (at all) - 10

Carbon Fiber Case Cover(s) - 7

License Plate Located Inside Rear Fender - 5

No turn signals (at all) - 5

Colored Aluminum Bolt Kit - 5

Alarm System - 5

Colored Headlight bulb - 5

Carbon Fiber Dash Cover - 5

Other Carbon/Kevlar Fiber or Carbon-lookalike Accessory - 2 for each part

Polished or Chromed Accessory - 1 for each part

Stock Fender - SUBTRACT 5

Still Have Reflectors - SUBTRACT 5


-10 to 0 Why even own a sportbike? Go buy yourself a BMW K1200LT.

1 to 10 You like to ride your motorcycle and can ride it well, for the most part. More

than likely you’re really a true poser, though. You just bought your bike and

are too poor to afford carbon fiber right now.

11 to 25 Some of you can ride, and some of you can’t. If you’ve done some track days and

not crashed then you can ride pretty well. Otherwise you’re still saving money

for the chrome wheels and CF tank.

26 to 40 You ride on weekends to the local hangout and talk about bikes. Then you ride

home. Rarely do you see anything resembling a turn other than the cloverleaf on

the way to and from the hangout. You spend more money on your bike in a month

than you do for your rent or mortgage. You have 1000 shares of Lockhart Phillips


41 to 60 Generally you ride around in a straight line real fast, can’t turn, can’t brake,

and think the MSF stands for “Motorcycle Stunt Fund”, to which you donate $100 a

year. You have specially made sandals that have a shifter pad on the left foot.

61 to 80 You like to do stunts on your bike such as stoppies and wheelies, but wrecked

last week when you botched up a burnout. When this happened you scratched your

unused knee slider on your color-matched-to-your-bike leathers. You told all

your friends who didn't see the incident that you finally got your knee down.

Fortunately the CF case covers, CF-look bar ends, and CF-look mirrors saved the

new chameleon paint job.

81 to 99 You are only one step away from the ultimate poser. You rationalize that all the

modifications make your bike so much lighter and more flickable than even a

factory racebike. Unfortunately the neon lights are weighing you down and you're

thinking about tossing them.

>/=100 You are the Ultimate Poser. You won first place in this spring's bike show for

the "Most Modified Sportbike". You have more money in your bike than is legal.

When you go riding on the weekends with your buds, your excuse for being in the

back of the pack is that you don't want to push it and wreck your toy. Fact is,

you just can't ride. "Countersteering" is not in your vocabulary. You only ride

to pick up chicks.

Evo še original lik - kjer je lep primer pozerskega motocikla :)

P.S: upam da niste prevec zamerili - ker nisem prevedel... sorry

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

Sicer znam približno angleško, vendar, če bom hotel odgovarjati v angleščini, bom šel na angleški forum.

Translate, please, my friend...


Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

ne vem kako bi sploh odgovoru na to temo?? A tle je kao fora, da si neki pozer al kako. Nekaj podobnega sem nekje že videl pa se nikakor ne morem spomnit kje. A mogoče ti veš kje bi lahko to blo Boboxsi? ;) :lol: :D

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

ne vem kako bi sploh odgovoru na to temo?? A tle je kao fora, da si neki pozer al kako. Nekaj podobnega sem nekje že videl pa se nikakor ne morem spomnit kje. A mogoče ti veš kje bi lahko to blo Boboxsi? ;) :lol: :D

0 pik... hmm... nisem najboljsi pozer...

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

Poziram z dvema karbonskima nalepkama in s prstom ponosno kazem na njiju saj data pecat ze itak najlepsemu motorju dalec naokoli...:unsure: :blink: B)

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

Čista nula!!! :lol: :huh: :unsure: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Bo hitr treba neki v tej (pozerski) smeri narest................. :P :D :) B) :rolleyes:

Ciao,by Pero

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

7 pik... :D :P

aja, auspuh mam pa iz inoxa (baje) - a to ni pa nubene pike?!? :huh: :(

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

2 točki???? samo mislim da je bolj problem da nimam denarja, drugače bi bil pravi pozer ;)

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

2 točki???? samo mislim da je bolj problem da nimam denarja, drugače bi bil pravi pozer ;)

Vidis, tko si pa pac samo pozer wannabe :P :lol: :ph34r:

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

hmmmm, a 5 pik dobim zato k se nism cist do roba gume prsu (majn ko eno colo)?!? mislim, sj je skor, 12 mm mi se manka... :(

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

40 točk, mogoče bi lahko pogojno dodal še kakšno. Karbona ko boga...:D B)

pooooooooooooozer :P :lol:

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

40 točk, mogoče bi lahko pogojno dodal še kakšno. Karbona ko boga...:D  B)

pooooooooooooozer :P :lol:

Ga bom kar čimprej s tempera barvicami pobarval <_< :P :D

Povezava do komentarja
Delite na drugih straneh

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