Jackal Objavljeno September 30, 2002 Objavljeno September 30, 2002 Zdravstveno osiguranje Dodju dva pacijenta na operaciju testisa, udje medicinska sestra(plavusa, minica, ogromne sise, sve naj...) i kaze - "zbog zahvata je potrebno prije operacije isprazniti sjemenovode...", i zgrabi prvog za maloga i pocne masirat... pacijent sav zacudjen i sretan za par minuta (sekundi?!) gotov.I dodje red na drugoga... sestra skine frajera, skine se, napali ga, pocne mu lagano pusiti... i kratka je bila sreca onog prvog, pita ju "pa kako to sad njemu pusenje,a meni na brzaka..." veli sestra - "e, to je razlika izmedju regularnog i dopunskog zdravstvenog osiguranja". :)
Gregs Objavljeno September 30, 2002 Objavljeno September 30, 2002 Kamion. Semafor. Plavusa sva zadihana kuca na prozor. Kamiondzija otvara, a plavusa govori: "Zdravo, zovem se Mirna, sve ti ispada nesto iz kamiona, gubis teret". Kamiondzija ne reaguje i nastavlja voznju. Na sljedecem semaforu ista stvar. Kuca ona, kamiondzija otvara prozor, a plavusa sva zajapurena: "Zdravo, zovem se Mirna, sve ti bolan nesto ispada iz kamiona, sve ces prosuti". Kamiondzija opet ne reaguje i nastavlja voziti dalje. Treci semafor i plavusa ponovo kuca. Kamiondzija vec vidno ljut otvara prozor, a plavusa vec na izmaku snaga ispaljuje rafal: "Zdravo ja sam Mirna, a tebi se sve nesto prosipa iz kamiona!" A kamiondzija odgovara:" Zdravo ja sam Fikret, napolju pada snijeg i ja posipam sol pi*ka ti materina....??!!
easyrider Objavljeno Oktober 1, 2002 Objavljeno Oktober 1, 2002 The difference between... ---------------------------- --------------------------- Drug dealers Software developers ---------------------------- --------------------------- Refer to their clients Refer to their clients as "users". as "users". "The first one's free!" "Download a free trial version..." Have important South-East Have important South-East Asian connections Asian connections (to help move the stuff). (to help debug the code). Strange jargon: Strange jargon: "Stick" "SCSI" "Rock" "RTFM" "Wrap" "Packet" "E" "C" "Stash" "Cache" "Drive by" "CTRL ALT DEL" "Hit (LSD)" "Hit (WWW)" "Source" "Source-code" Realize that there's Realize that there's tons of cash in the tons of cash in the 14- to 25-year-old 14- to 25-year-old market. market. Your clients really like your Your clients really like your stuff when it works. When it stuff when it works. When it doesn't work they want to kill doesn't work they want to kill you. you. Job is assisted by the Job is assisted by the industry producing industry producing newer, more potent product. newer, more potent products. Often seen in the company Often seen in the company of of pimps, hustlers marketing people, venture and low-lifes capitalists and fund managers. When things go wrong, a When things go wrong, a "fix" is just a phone call "fix" is just a phone call away but may be expensive away but may be expensive A lot of successful people A lot of successful people getting rich in this industry getting rich in this industry while still teenagers while still teenagers Their product causes DOOM. Quake. SimCity. unhealthy addictions. Duke Nukem 3D... Do your job well, and Damn! Damn! DAMN!!! you can sleep with sexy movie stars who depend on you.
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