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mimogrede 2: se ze nekaj casa govori,da bi naj dzamijo na dunaju vem pa,ce ze stoji.pred 400 leti so jih ustavili pred dunajem,zdaj pa dzamija....ajajajaj


who dares wins

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Vidik na vso zadevo iz neke druge dimenzije. V premislek.


Dear ones, today you morn for the family members who have made their transitions and who are still in the process. For many of you, the question is this: "why didn't we know?" or "shouldn't Spirit have told us of these things?"

We want you to all know that the words we gave you some time ago are now here: "There is no Human or Spirit who can tell you what is going to happen tomorrow," we said. This is part of the new dimensionality...that all happens outside a linear time frame, and that Humanity is totally in charge.

What you saw today is the result of what we saw and reported to you as the potentials for 2000 and beyond. We told you that you would see spiritual rage, and that there would be forces who would not let go of the old paradigm - the way the world "used to work." Now you, in your country of America are also involved in actually feeling what this means. The battle

begins in earnest, and now you know why you are called "warriors" of the light.

With the millennium change came new responsibility. Part of that revolves around this question: What will you do now? Can you lift yourselves above the anger? Can you see anything more in this than rage? Are you going to join or separate? The chasm opens and the choices become harder... such is the beginning of new wisdom for the planet.

The family who transited in this event, on this eleven day, agreed to be part of this Human horror potential... something that could have changed yesterday if Humanity had so decided. You agreed to go forward, however,and the result will make you part of the world family more than ever before. Perhaps this will bring you all closer to agreement? Perhaps this will

eventually make you decide world events differently? Perhaps more will go to their knees? Perhaps more will understand the "world family?"

If so, then the Humans who came home today will have a grander party than they expected, for it will have advanced planetary healing. All is in divine order, and all is appropriate, even though such statements are not understandable while you are in sorrow. Can you find peace within your heart now, even for those who perpetrated the events? Can you think

interdimensionally? These are the spiritual questions which will separate those who talk about spiritual growth, from those who actually understand and practice it.

Blessed are those family who remain, for they are feeling the pain and suffering of incredible loss. For now, send your energy and your love to them. Remember: The thoughts of the few can change the reality of the many. Hug them from afar. Bring them into your rooms and weep for them, for they need your help.

Then, when enough time has passed.... bring about wise decisions from a new resource of Humans who can now tap into the masters, the ones who are bringing their energy potential to the planet.

A call to action has been sounded in a land that was happy to just exist and watch the others work it out. Now you are all involved in the same challenges. The result? Human free choice will decide all, just as it always has. Only now, there is a profound urgency that was not there before.

You are not alone in this, and legions stand with you to bring about solution to what you all know is now very real.... the old vs. the new. Love is infinitely more powerful, dear ones.

Use it today!

We are with you in your sorrow, and the potential profound wisdom that can

arise from it.

You are dearly loved!


LP Climber

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pred 400 leti so jih ustavili pred dunajem,zdaj pa dzamija....ajajajaj

Pa si potem predstavljaj ljubljanski ali dunajski "skyline"! Se spomnim kako sem bil presenečen, ko sem šel prvič v Skopje, v prijateljsko slovansko državo tam pa čez pol mesta pershingi v luft štrlijo. Potem se pa zvečer z njih derejo kot bi jih kdo za jajca vlekel (preko ozvočenja seveda). Sem mislil, da sem v Istambulu.



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Potem se pa zvečer z njih derejo kot bi jih kdo za jajca vlekel (preko ozvočenja seveda). Sem mislil, da sem v Istambulu.

star....zvecer se gre......samo ko se pa ob 4.50 ZJUTRAJ zacne dreti.....; bil avgusta letos v sarajevu.


who dares wins

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Ko smo ze pri tem, kaj vse ne bodo se nasli na posnetkih!

Potem nas pa krmijo, kako na zahodu ljudstvo dela kot zmešano in nimajo časa za zafrkancijo in da zato toliko višje plače tam in oh in sploh.

Figo, časa imajo tudi za transformacijo dima v leteče krožnike, oziroma cigare.


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ZDA so bile premišljeno udarjene tja, kjer najbolj boli - v center finačne in vojaške moči in hkrati v velik posmeh Bush-u in njegovi administraciji, ki si je prizadevala za izgradnjo jedrskega ščita pred napadi iz 'vesolja' (zelo oddaljenih držav) in vsem njihovim obveščevalnim službam, ki zatajijo (mogoče namenoma?) pri vseh akcijah večjega obsega (napad na Kuvajt, bombni napad na ameriška veleposlaništva in sedaj 4 letala namenjena na civilne cilje)...

Dejansko bomo morali vsi začeti razmišljati drugače. Katastofe (vojna, teroristični napadi, versko posiljevanje in omejevanje osebne svobode) se lahko zgodijo VSEM - američani so bili dosedaj prepričani da so varni, da se njim ne more pripetiti tragedija, kot so se in se še dogajajo drugje na svetu. Povsem drugače je, če se tragedije odvijajo več tisoč kilometrov stran ali pa pred tvojim pragom (danes gledajo na prizore jokajočih, prestrašenih ljudi povsem drugače in z drugimi emocijami, kot so to lahko gledali v Sarajevu - se še spomnite?)...

Dejansko je to bila vojna napoved ZDA. Ampak z drugimi sredstvi in metodami, kot si predstavljamo klasično vojno. In največja zanka - nihče ne prevzema krivde za napad. ZDA besno iščejo krivca in ga bodo tudi našle, če ne drugače, ga bodo enostavno določile. To pa je tudi namen tistih, ki so napad naročili. Ker obstaja velika verjetnost, da bo napad izvršen na islamske države, jih bo to še bolj poenotilo in jim dalo pravi povod za Džihad, brez izbire sredstev...

V vojni pa je dovoljeno vse...


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Sam, da ne bodo zakuhal spet prevec problemov po svetu, pa bo. Naj res odkrijejo prasce, ki so napadli, pa jih razbijejo kot macke, ampak ostale naj pa pri miru pustijo.

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"When in doubt hit the gas..."



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so jo že zbrisal ...


Men piše, da je samo temporary unavalible! Upajmo, da jo bomo vidl!

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Danes je časnik Delo v prilogi Znanost potrdil RANovo in mojo teorijo porušitve newyorških nebotičnikov.

Kar sva midva vedela že takoj, so oni ugotovili šele po enem tednu.

(samohvalasepodmizovala press)


Edited by - brrrm on 19/09/2001 11:17:12

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@ macica in ostali,ki enako mislite: skoda,da nisi bila v NYC danes zjutraj! po moznosti v 67.nadstropju WTC.

se sicer ne strinjam z US-politiko.samo kar je pa prevec je prevec! 50.000 ljudi tam dela! misli malo preden tak drek pises!

by ICE



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yep,ce ne mislim kregati s teboj.v ogledalo poglej in povej katero zastavo ti vidis nad svojim ramenom.upam da ni zelena ali rdeca.


who dares wins

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