Racing Objavljeno December 24, 2002 Objavljeno December 24, 2002 Poglejte v fotogalerije, sem eno slikco dodal :P :P :P
transalp Objavljeno Februar 19, 2003 Objavljeno Februar 19, 2003 Pride ženska na posvet k psihiatru: "Gospod doktor, moj mož vsak dan več ur pred hišo pere in lošči motocikel, sosedje pa gledajo..." Psihiater: "Saj to ni nič bolezenskega - ima pač rad lepo očiščen motor." Ženska: "Ampak moj mož sploh nima motorja..." 1
AlterMann Objavljeno Februar 20, 2003 Objavljeno Februar 20, 2003 Duhovnik je v cerkvi blagoslovil motoriste in njihove motocikle: "Naj vas ta blagoslov varuje pred nevarnostmi na cestah. Ampak pazite, ta blagoslov velja le do hitrosti 120 km/h, za naprej pa potrebujete maziljenje. 1
Windsurf Objavljeno Februar 20, 2003 Objavljeno Februar 20, 2003 Poglejte v fotogalerije, sem eno slikco dodal :P :P :P Katero? A mogoče bosanske policaje? :shock: LP Windsurf
D.J. Objavljeno Februar 21, 2003 Objavljeno Februar 21, 2003 ...pride čoperistka do motorista in ga vpraša, " ti, a mi daš en krog za zapelat", pa ji motorist odvrne, "tamala, takoj ko boš dala, bovo ene par krogov s tabo na kolenih odpeljala" "ja ja :D " reče čoperistka in motorist jo našpera, da še 3 dni komaj hodi. 4. dan pride čoperistka do motorista in ga vpraša....(naprej je že znano)
Killroy Objavljeno Februar 21, 2003 Objavljeno Februar 21, 2003 You Know You're a Biker When... Your girl asks you if you can move the bike so she can watch the t.v. better You had to borrow a helmet to take a girl for a ride on your bike around the block from the bar and hit every bump in the road. (Remember the G string on the blonde) You ever bought saddlebags so you can carry more beer. Your girl follows you to the party with the car so you can take more beer. Your best friends are named after animals. Taking your girl on a cruise means puttin down the highway. Your best shoes have steel toes. You quit your job to go to Daytona. You have motorcycle parts in the dishwasher. Your idea of jewelry is chains & barbwire You have your bike torn apart in your living room. Sturgis is your dream vacation. You name your bike " Shania ." The plumber won't come back to replace the heater till you roll those damn bikes to the other end of the basement & drain the gas out of them so he can weld the pipes. You can tell what kind of bugs they are by the taste of them. You're only sunburned on the back of your hands. You carry around a crushed beer can in the case of soft tar when you park the bike. You know from painful experiance why you dont carry your wallet in your back pocket. You pull your bike into the motel room & use a bath towel to wipe it off. You call someone a wimp because they have a Blister on their thumb. Return home from a long run & pass right by your house. Your girl friend has to climb over the bike to do the laundry in the basement. You think God invented winter so you can get the bike ready for Daytona. You know how many teeth are on your rear sprocket & how much torque to use on your head bolts. You started a BBQ with a welding torch. You carry a picture of your bike in your wallet. Any day you ride is a good day. Your other vehicle is a truck with motorcycle ramps in it. You get hit by a Taxi in N.Y.C., slide 80 yards & ride the bike home 30 miles with a fractured hip. You don't think its a good party till someone rides his or her bike in & does doughnuts in the living room. You've been too drunk to Piss but not to drunk to ride your bike home. Your three piece suit are Chaps, Leather Vests & a Leather Jacket. You have a refrigerator in your garage just for beer. Think Tequilia is a Sex Aide. You wake up next to your girl & your first thought is if your bike will start. Your kids learn to ride on the back of your bike before they can walk. Your garage has more square footage than your house. Your coffee table collapses from the weight of motorcycle magazines on it. You throw a party and more bikes show up than cars. Your kids take a motorcycle chain to Show & Tell . All your ashtrays are pistons from your last engine rebuild. 1
AlterMann Objavljeno Marec 16, 2003 Objavljeno Marec 16, 2003 Dokler travca še nima fedrčkov poskuste tole:
Desmo Objavljeno Julij 22, 2003 Objavljeno Julij 22, 2003 Taken from a 1962 h*nda Motor Cycle Instruction Book. Translated by h*nda for the American Motorcycle Rider. The following rules for motorists are so successful in Japan, that American motorcycle riders might profitably paste them in their hats. 1. At the rise of the hand by Policeman, stop rapidly. Do not pass him by or otherwise disrespect him. 2. When a passenger of the foot, hooves in sight, tootel the horn trumpet melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage, tootel him with vigor and express by word of mouth, warning Hi, Hi. 3. Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by. 4. Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes. 5. Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. Press the brake foot as you roll around the corners, and save the collapse and tie up. :lol:
Desmo Objavljeno Julij 23, 2003 Objavljeno Julij 23, 2003 Tole ne more biti nič drugega kot vic... :blink: :o :D :lol: :huh:
Noise Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Objavljeno September 3, 2003 Tema je namenjena izključno MOTO-štosom ... vici, smešne fotke, linki do video-smešnic, dobre reklame itd... vse to spada, a mora biti povezano z motorji! No, pa se nasmejmo :D :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: Ena dobra za začetek....
Pervy Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 (popravljeno) :lol1: Popravljeno September 12, 2003. Popravil PERVY
Jure007 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Se opravičujem za uno slikco zgori, no ta pa je mal bolj motoristična
Jure007 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Temu bi se pa reklo policaj leta :lol1:
Jure007 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 še ena od mene pol je pa dost, pa še kdo drug
kekec III Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Objavljeno September 12, 2003 Duhovnik je v cerkvi blagoslovil motoriste in njihove motocikle: Naj vas ta blagoslov varuje pred nevarnostmi na cestah. Ampak pazite, ta blagoslov velja le do hitrosti 120 km/h, za naprej pa potrebujete maziljenje. B)
Jure007 Objavljeno September 16, 2003 Objavljeno September 16, 2003 Mujo in Haso se sama peljeta po cesti z mopedkom, vozi mujo in ima vseskozi prižgan žmiguc. Pa ga Haso praša zakaj ma pržganga. Pa Mujo prav, da zato k prehiteva skos. Haso pa začuden: Madonca le koga ti prehtevaš, sej sva sama na cest. Mujo pa nazaj: Si pa res butelj, prehitevam mušice!!
spidy Objavljeno September 19, 2003 Objavljeno September 19, 2003 Sin je vprašal očeta: "Ali želiš, da ti povem, kako sem se vozil s skuterjem po mestu ali boš to raje prebral jutri v časopisu?" 1
greenninja Objavljeno September 19, 2003 Objavljeno September 19, 2003 Sin je vprašal očeta: "Ali želiš, da ti povem, kako sem se vozil s skuterjem po mestu ali boš to raje prebral jutri v časopisu?" :lol1: znana zgodba.. samo meni je ati reku naj se nekaj časa ne vozim z ninjo po prekmurju.. :grrr ah, ti starši..
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