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Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Na današnji dan leta 2233 se bo rodil:

(fictional) James T. Kirk, Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise (in Star Trek)



Popravljeno . Popravil gic

na današnji dan:


* 1919 - Benito Mussolini ustanovi fašistično gibanje

* 1933 - Hitlerjeva vlada dobi diktatorska pooblastila

* 1939 - Tretji rajh zasede Memel

* 1945 - anglo-ameriške enote prodrejo čez Ren med Reesom in Weselom


* 1749 - Pierre-Simon Laplace, francoski matematik, fizik, astronom († 1827)

* 1754 - baron Jurij Bartolomej Vega, slovenski matematik, fizik, častnik († 1802)

* 1829 - Norman Robert Pogson, angleški astronom († 1891)

* 1834 - Julius Reubke, nemški skladatelj, pianist († 1858)

* 1880 - France Kidrič, slovenski literarni zgodovinar († 1950)

* 1898 - Louis Adamič, slovensko - ameriški pisatelj († 1951)

* 1900 - Erich Fromm, nemško - ameriški psiholog, filozof († 1980)

* 1902 - Norman Mclean, ameriški pisatelj († 1990)

* 1904 - Lucille Fay LeSueur - Joan Crawford, ameriška filmska igralka († 1977)

* 1907 - Anton Ocvirk, slovenski zgodovinar († 1980)

* 1910 - Akira Kurosava, japonski filmski režiser († 1998)

* 1912 - Wernher Freiherr von Braun, nemško - ameriški fizik, raketni inženir († 1977)

* 1942 - Walter Rodney, gvajanski zgodovinar, politik († 1980)

* 1955 - Moses Eugene Malone, ameriški košarkar


* 1391 - Tvrtko I. Kotromanić, bosanski kralj (* ok. 1338)

* 1842 - Marie-Henri Beyle - Stendhal, francoski pisatelj (* 1783)

* 1945 - William Napier Shaw, angleški meteorolog (* 1854)

* 1976 - Ivo Lah, slovenski matematik (* 1896)

* 1980 - Jacob »Killer« Miller, jamajški pevec roots rock reggaeja, glasbenik (* 1952)

Prazniki in obredi

* svetovni dan meteorologije

* Slovenska vojska: dan artilerije


Na današnji dan sem dobila PM, ki me je tako osrečil in zadovoljil, da si bom današnji dan zagotovo zapomnila! :wub:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)
grem na tehničnega !  :OK:

Jest tut ,jest tut:kva2:

Popravljeno . Popravil ajgor the mad dog


Maksim Gorki

Rodil se je ruski dramatik in pisatelj, Maksim Gorki, ki velja za začetnika socialističnega romana. Umrl je 18.6.1936. Romani: Mati, Trije ljudje. Drame: Na dnu, Malomeščani.


Modest Petrovič Musorgski

V Sankt Peterburguje umrl ruski skladatelj, ki je želel ustvariti nacionalni glasbeni izraz na podlagi ruske folklorne glasbe, Modest Petrovič Musorgski, rojen 21.3.1839.


Virginija Woolf

Angleška pisateljica, ena najvidnejših predstavnic modernega romana 20. stoletja, Virginija Woolf, je naredila samomor. Rojena je bila 25.1.1882 v Londonu. Romani: Gospa Dalloway, K svetilniku.


Dwight Eisenhower

V Washingtonu je umrl ameriški general in 34. predsednik ZDA v letih 1953 - 1961 Dwight Eisenhower, rojen 14.10.1890.


Marc Chagall

Umrl je rusko-francoski slikar judovskega rodu Marc Chagall, rojen 7.7.1887.


Na današnji dan: je v rodil alpski smučar Jure Franko …

Leta 1962 se je v Novi Gorici rodil alpski smučar Jure Franko, ki se je v zgodovino zapisal kot prvi Slovenec z medaljo zimskih olimpijskih iger.

Jure Franko je nase prvič resneje opozoril na mladinskem evropskem prvenstvu leta 1980, ko je bil drugi v slalomu in tretji v veleslalomu. Čeprav je v nadaljnji karieri dosegel kar nekaj solidnih rezultatov na tekmah svetovnega pokala, pa se je v zgodovino, povsem razumljivo, vpisal zaradi nepozabnih olimpijskih iger leta 1984 v Sarajevu. Bosanski temperament je tedaj v celoti sprejel alpsko smučanje, tako da so številni navijači glasno vzpodbujali slovenske smučarje. Med njimi je bilo največje breme na ramenih Bojana Križaja, ki pa je, tako kot tolikokrat, na velikem tekmovanju ostal brez odličja. Do slednjega pa se je dokopal simpatični Solkanec, ki je z izjemno predstavo veleslalomsko tekmo spremenil v vrhunec domačih iger.

Po prvi vožnji spektakularne tekme je bil Jure četrti, z zglednimi možnostmi za napad v drugem teku. Franko je storil prav to! Z izjemno borbeno in napadalno vožnjo je vrgel rokavico tekmecem, izmed katerih je bil izzivu kos le Švicar Max Julen, ki se je tako na Jahorini veselil zlate olimpijske medalje. Srebrna je, ob navdušenju domače množice, ki je hitro sprejela duhovito parolo "Volimo Jureka više od bureka", osvojil Jure Franko, bron pa Andreas Wenzel. Domači uspeh sta s petim oziroma devetim mestom dopolnila še Boris Strel in Bojan Križaj

Franko je nastopil že na olimpijskih igrah v Lake Placidu leta 1980 in osvojil dvanajsto mesto v veleslalomu. Udejstvovanje na največjih tekmovanjih pa je sklenil na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 1985 v Bormiu, ko je bil v svoji paradni disciplini enajsti.

Zanimivo je, da je prav drugo mesto njegova najvišja uvrstitev v najmočnejši konkurenci, saj je bil v svetovnem pokalu najboljši tretji. Najvidnejše rezultate je dosegal v veleslalomu, nekaj točk zbral tudi v slalomu in kombinaciji, ob pojavi superveleslaloma pa se je izkazal za izjemnega tekmovalca v nastajajoči disciplini. Od karavane svetovnega pokala se je poslovil po sezoni 1984/85.

Vir: Siol sportal

Pa da ne pozabmo:

28.03.1874 se je v Kamniku rodil slovenski pesnik in general Rudolf Maister,

osvoboditelj Maribora in borec za slovensko Koroško in Štajersko po prvi svetovni vojni.

Še mi smo se mogl učit o njem :whistle:

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

danes je svetovni dan Romov :afro1:

danes je svetovni dan Romov  :afro1:

Večni popotniki - tako kot mi :lol:


Razpad skupine The Beatles

Član pop skupine The Beatles, Paul McCartney, je uradno razglasil razpad skupine 09.04.1970.


na današnji dan

sem ostala brez avta

in postala pešec

na današnji dan

sem ostala brez avta

in postala pešec

lahko bi bilo hujše če bi ostala brez motorja .) :love1: :friend1: :004


18.4.1937 je bila na Čebinah ustanovljena KPS. .)


1955 umrl Albert Einstein...

Umrl je nemški fizik židovskega porekla Albert Einstein. Razvil je posebno (1905) in splošno (1916) relativno teorijo, ki sta prinesli bistvene spremembe v poznavanju prostora in časa. Einstein se je rodil 14.3.1879.

Objavljeno svet privekal mali Dolfi...

(zanimivo, včeraj pa dobili hitlerjugenda za papeža->vse se poklapa->temne sile so na delu)


p.s. zanimivost: v Malem Lošinju imajo "Ulico 20. aprila"... :lol1:

Objavljeno 1944 brat mojega oceta........ znan tudi kot stric. :)


21. april


753 P.N.Š. - USTANOVLJENO MESTO RIM (According to tradition, on April 21, 753 B.C., Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, found Rome on the site where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants. Actually, the Romulus and Remus myth originated sometime in the fourth century B.C., and the exact date of Rome's founding was set by the Roman scholar Marcus Terentius Varro in the first century B.C. According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were the sons of Rhea Silvia, the daughter of King Numitor of Alba Longa. Alba Longa was a mythical city located in the Alban Hills southeast of what would become Rome. Before the birth of the twins, Numitor was deposed by his younger brother Amulius, who forced Rhea to become a vestal virgin so that she would not give birth to rival claimants to his title. However, Rhea was impregnated by the war god Mars and gave birth to Romulus and Remus. Amulius ordered the infants drowned in the Tiber, but they survived and washed ashore at the foot of the Palatine hill, where they were suckled by a she-wolf until they were found by the shepherd Faustulus. Reared by Faustulus and his wife, the twins later became leaders of a band of young shepherd warriors. After learning their true identity, they attacked Alba Longa, killed the wicked Amulius, and restored their grandfather to the throne. The twins then decided to found a town on the site where they had been saved as infants. They soon became involved in a petty quarrel, however, and Remus was slain by his brother. Romulus then became ruler of the settlement, which was named "Rome" after him. To populate his town, Romulus offered asylum to fugitives and exiles. Rome lacked women, however, so Romulus invited the neighboring Sabines to a festival and abducted their women. A war then ensued, but the Sabine women intervened to prevent the Sabine men from seizing Rome. A peace treaty was drawn up, and the communities merged under the joint rule of Romulus and the Sabine king, Titus Tatius. Tatius' early death, perhaps perpetrated by Romulus, left the Roman as the sole king again. After a long and successful rule, Romulus died under obscure circumstances. Many Romans believed he was changed into a god and worshipped him as the deity Quirinus. After Romulus, there were six more kings of Rome, the last three believed to be Etruscans. Around 509 B.C., the Roman republic was established. Another Roman foundation legend, which has its origins in ancient Greece, tells of how the mythical Trojan Aeneas founded Lavinium and started a dynasty that would lead to the birth of Romulus and Remus several centuries later. In the Iliad, an epic Greek poem probably composed by Homer in the eighth century B.C., Aeneas was the only major Trojan hero to survive the Greek destruction of Troy. A passage told of how and he and his descendants would rule the Trojans, but since there was no record of any such dynasty in Troy, Greek scholars proposed that Aeneas and his followers relocated. In the fifth century B.C., a few Greek historians speculated that Aeneas settled at Rome, which was then still a small city-state. In the fourth century B.C., Rome began to expand within the Italian peninsula, and Romans, coming into greater contact with the Greeks, embraced the suggestion that Aeneas had a role in the foundation of their great city. In the first century B.C., the Roman poet Virgil developed the Aeneas myth in his epic poem the Aeneid, which told of Aeneas' journey to Rome. Augustus, the first Roman emperor and emperor during Virgil's time, and Julius Caesar, his great-uncle and predecessor as Roman ruler, were said to be descended from Aeneas.)

1836 - BITKA ZA SAN JACINTO (During the Texan War for Independence, the Texas militia under Sam Houston launches a surprise attack against the forces of Mexican General Santa Anna along the San Jacinto River. The Mexicans were thoroughly routed, and hundreds were taken prisoner, including General Santa Anna himself. After gaining independence from Spain in the 1820s, Mexico welcomed foreign settlers to sparsely populated Texas, and a large group of Americans led by Stephen F. Austin settled along the Brazos River. The Americans soon outnumbered the resident Mexicans, and by the 1830s attempts by the Mexican government to regulate these semi-autonomous American communities led to rebellion. In March 1836, in the midst of armed conflict with the Mexican government, Texas declared its independence from Mexico. The Texas volunteers initially suffered defeat against the forces of Santa Anna--Sam Houston's troops were forced into an eastward retreat, and the Alamo fell. However, in late April, Houston's army surprised a Mexican force at San Jacinto, and Santa Anna was captured, bringing an end to Mexico's effort to subdue Texas. In exchange for his freedom, Santa Anna recognized Texas's independence; although the treaty was later abrogated and tensions built up along the Texas-Mexico border. The citizens of the so-called Lone Star Republic elected Sam Houston as president and endorsed the entrance of Texas into the United States. However, the likelihood of Texas joining the Union as a slave state delayed any formal action by the U.S. Congress for more than a decade. Finally, in 1845, President John Tyler orchestrated a compromise in which Texas would join the United States as a slave state. On December 29, 1845, Texas entered the United States as the 28th state, broadening the irrepressible differences in the U.S. over the issue of slavery and igniting the Mexican-American War.)

1918 - V ZRAČNEM DVOBOJU UBIT "RED BARON" (In the skies over Vauz sur Somme, France, Manfred von Richthofen, the notorious German flying ace known as "The Red Baron," is killed by Allied fire. Richthofen, the son of a Prussian nobleman, switched from the German army to the Imperial Air Service in 1915. By 1916, he was terrorizing the skies over the western front in an Albatross biplane, downing 15 enemy planes by the end of the year, including one piloted by British flying ace Major Lanoe Hawker. In 1917, Richthofen surpassed all flying ace records on both sides of the western front and began using a Fokker triplane, painted entirely red in tribute to his old cavalry regiment. Although only used during the last eight months of his career, it is this aircraft that Richthofen was most commonly associated with and it led to an enduring English nickname for the German pilot--the Red Baron. On April 21, 1918, with 80 victories under his belt, Richthofen penetrated deep into Allied territory in pursuit of a British aircraft. The Red Baron was flying too near the ground--an Australian gunner shot him through his chest, and his plane crashed into a field alongside the road from Corbie to Bray. Another account has Captain A. Roy Brown, a Canadian in the Royal Air Force, shooting him down. British troops recovered his body, and he was buried with full military honors. He was 25 years old. In a time of wooden and fabric aircraft, when 20 air victories ensured a pilot legendary status, Manfred von Richthofen downed 80 enemy aircraft and is regarded to this day as the ace of aces.)

1989 - ZAČETEK PROTESTA KITAJSKIH ŠTUDENTOV (Six days after the death of Hu Yaobang, the deposed reform-minded leader of the Chinese Communist Party, some 100,000 students gather at Beijing's Tiananmen Square to commemorate Hu and voice their discontent with China's authoritative communist government. The next day, an official memorial service for Hu Yaobang was held in Tiananmen's Great Hall of the People, and student representatives carried a petition to the steps of the Great Hall, demanding to meet with Premier Li Peng. The Chinese government refused such a meeting, leading to a general boycott of Chinese universities across the country and widespread calls for democratic reforms. Ignoring government warnings of violent suppression of any mass demonstration, students from more than 40 universities began a march to Tiananmen on April 27. The students were joined by workers, intellectuals, and civil servants, and by mid-May more than a million people filled the square, the site of communist leader's Mao Zedong's proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. On May 20, the government formally declared martial law in Beijing, and troops and tanks were called in to disperse the dissidents. However, large numbers of students and citizens blocked the army's advance, and by May 23 government forces had pulled back to the outskirts of Beijing. On June 3, with negotiations to end the protests stalled and calls for democratic reforms escalating, the troops received orders from the Chinese government to reclaim Tiananmen at all costs. By the end of the next day, Chinese troops had forcibly cleared Tiananmen Square and Beijing's streets, killing hundreds of demonstrators and arresting thousands of protesters and other suspected dissidents. In the weeks after the government crackdown, an unknown number of dissidents were executed, and communist hard-liners took firm control of the country. The international community was outraged at the incident, and economic sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries sent China's economy into decline. However, by late 1990, international trade had resumed, thanks in part to China's release of several hundred imprisoned dissidents.)

753 P.N.Š. - Traditional date of the foundation of Rome

1600 - 1st date in James Clavell's novel Shogun (OS)

1649 - Maryland Toleration Act passed, allowing all freedom of worship

1789 - John Adams sworn in as 1st US VP (9 days before Washington)

1828 - Noah Webster publishes 1st American dictionary

1836 - Battle of San Jacinto, in which Texas wins independence from M‚xico

1855 - 1st train crosses Miss River's 1st bridge, Rock Is Ill-Davenport Ia

1856 - 1st railroad bridge across Mississippi completed

1857 - A Douglas patents bustle

1862 - Congress establishes US Mint in Denver, Co

1863 - Declaration of Bah 'u'll h; Bah 'ˇ Feast of Ridv n (Jall 13, 20)

1865 - Abraham Lincoln's funeral train leaves Washington

1874 - J Palisa discovers asteroid #137 Meliboea

1876 - Prosper Henry discovers asteroid #162 Laurentia

1878 - The ship Azor leaves Charleston with 206 blacks for Liberia

1892 - 1st buffalo born in Golden Gate Park

1892 - Black Longshoremen strike for higher wages in St Louis Mo

1898 - Phillies' pitcher Bill Duggleby hits a grand slam on 1st at bat

1898 - Spanish-American War begins

1901 - L Carnera discovers asteroid #470 Kilia

1908 - Frederick A Cook claims to reach North Pole (He didn't)

1910 - Cleve Indians play 1st game at League Park, lose to Tigers 5-0

1914 - US marines occupy Vera Cruz, Mexico, stay 6 months

1921 - Ottawa Senators beat Vanc Millionaires 3 games to 2 for Stanley Cup

1925 - Chuvash Autonomous Region in RSFSR becomes Chuvash ASSR

1930 - Fire at Ohio State Penitentiary kills 320

1933 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #1264 Letaba

1939 - C Jackson discovers asteroid #1505 Koranna

1940 - 1st $64 Question, "Take It or Leave It", on CBS Radio

1944 - NFL Chic Cardinals & Pitts Steelers merge (disolves on Dec 3)

1948 - Baltimore beats Philadelphia, 4 games to 1, for the NBA championship

1951 - Rochester beats New York, 4 games to 3, for the NBA championship

1951 - Tor Maple Leafs beat Mont Canadiens 4 games to 1 for the Stanley Cup

1952 - BOAC begins 1st passenger service with jets (London-Rome route)

1954 - Gregori Malenkov becomes premier of USSR

1954 - USAF flies French battalion to Vietnam

1955 - Bkln Dodgers win, then record 10th straight game to begin a season

1959 - 1211-kg great white shark becomes largest fish ever caught on a rod

1959 - Alf Dean using a rod & reel hooks a 2,664lb, 16' 10" white shark

1960 - Brasilia becomes the capital of Brazil

1961 - French army revolts in Algeria

1961 - USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 32,000 m

1962 - Century 21 Exposition opens in Seattle, Washington

1963 - Beatles meet Rolling Stones for 1st time

1965 - New York World's Fair reopens for 2nd & final season

1966 - Emperor Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) visits Kingston Jamaica

1967 - Dodgers 1st rain out in Los Angeles (after 737 consecutive games)

1967 - Military coup in Greece

1967 - Svetlana Alliluyeva (Josef Stalin's daughter) defects in NYC

1969 - Record 1,152 starters compete in Boston Marathon

1972 - John Young & Charles Duke explores Moon (Apollo 16)

1972 - Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 4 (Copernicus) launched

1975 - Bill Rodgers wins his 1st Boston Marathon in 2:9:55

1975 - Last South Vietnam president Nguyen Van Thieu resigns after 10 years

1976 - Swine Flu vaccine, for non-epidemic, enters testing

1977 - Broadway play "Annie" opens, 1st of 2,377 performances

1977 - Billy Martin pulls Yankee line-up out of a hat, beats Blue Jays 8-6

1980 - Bill Rodgers wins his 3rd Boston Marathon, Rosie Ruiz is disqualified as women's champ as she had not run the entire course

1982 - Atlanta Braves win their 13th straight game

1982 - M Watt discovers asteroid #2991

1983 - Soyuz T-8 is launched [04-20?]

1983 - ś1 coin introduced in United Kingdom

1984 - "Nightline" reverts back from 1 hour to « hour

1984 - After 37 weeks, "Thriller" is knocked off as top album by "Footloose"

1984 - Franz Weber of Austria skis downhill at a record 209.8 kph

1984 - Montreal Expo David Palmer no-hits St Louis Cards, 4-0 in a perfect 5 inn game

1985 - Flyers 5-Isles 2-Patrick Div Finals-Flyers hold 2-0 lead

1985 - Ingrid Kristiansen wins the London Marathon in a record 2:21:6

1986 - Bob Hering sets Formula One power boat record (165.338 mph, Ariz)

1986 - Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault on TV & finds nothing

1987 - Milwaukee Brewers lose after 13th straight victory to start season

1988 - Barbra Striesand records "You'll Never Know"

1990 - "Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue" shown on all 4 TV networks

1990 - National League umpire is arrested for stealing baseball cards

1992 - "High Rollers" opens at Helen Hayes theater on Broadway


1775 - Alexander Anderson - US, engraver/illustrator (Shakespeare)

1782 - Friedrich Froebel - Germany, founded kindergaten

1816 - Charlotte Bronte - Tornton England, novelist (Jane Eyre)

1837 - Fredrik Bajer - Denmark, politican/feminist/pacifist (Nobel 1908)

1838 - John Muir - US, naturalist, discovered glaciers in High Seirras

1849 - Oskar Hertwig - Germany, embryologist, discovered fertilization

1864 - Max Weber - German sociologist (Ancient Judaism)

1898 - Steve Owen - NFL tackle, coach (NY Giants)

1899 - Randall Thompson - NYC, composer (Trip to Nahant)

19-- - Christopher Mayer - NYC, actor (Vance-Dukes of Hazzard, Glitter)

19-- - Jack Fletcher - Forest Hills NY, actor (Grady, Bob Crane Show)

1904 - Jean Halion - artist/author (They Shall Not Have Me)

1905 - Edmund G "Pat" Brown - (Gov-D-Calif)

1907 - Beatrice Kay - NYC, singer/actress (Sister Sue-Calvin & the Col)

1908 - Louis Hostin - France, Light Heavyweight (Olympic-gold-1932, 36)

1909 - Rollo May - US, psychologist (Love & Will)

1911 - Leonard Warren - NYC, baritone (Met 1939-60) died on stage

1913 - Choh Hao Li - bio-chemist professor (isolated growth hormones)

1913 - Norman Parkinson - England, fashion photographer (Harper's Bazaar)

1915 - Anthony Quinn - Mexico, actor (Zorba the Greek, Lawrence of Arabia)

1915 - Frick - (of Frick & Frack)

1916 - Sidney Clute - Brooklyn NY, actor (Lou Grant, Cagney & Lacey)

1917 - Emanuel Vardi - Jerusalem Israel, violist (SD Symph 1978-82)

1920 - Bruno Maderna - Venice Italy, conductor/composer (Hyperion)

1924 - Ira Louvin - Rainsville Ala, country singer (Louvin Brothers)

1926 - Elizabeth - Alexandra Mary Windsor II, queen of England (1952- )

1927 - Robert Brustein - NYC, dean (Yale School of Drama)

1930 - Silvana Mangano - Italy, actress (Death in Venice, Barabbas)

1932 - Elaine May - Phila Pa, comedienne/writer/actress (New Leaf)

1933 - Easley Blackwood - Indianapolis In, composer (Un Voyage Cythere)

1935 - Charles Grodin - actor (Woman in Red, Lonely Guy, Heartbreak Kid)

1935 - Robin Dixon - England, 2 man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1960)

1936 - Bob Cleary - US, ice hockey player (Olympic-gold-1960)

1937 - Charles Lee Herron - Ky, FBI most wanted fugitive (Jan 1 1986)

1947 - Iggy Pop - [James Osterberg], Mich, rocker (Zombie Birdhouse)

1947 - John Weider - bassist (Family-Family Entertainment)

1948 - Paul Davis - country/rock vocalist (I Go Crazy)

1949 - Patti LuPone - Northport NY, actress/singer (Evita, LBJ: Early Years)

1951 - Paul Carrack - rocker (Squeeze/Ace-How Long)

1951 - Tony Danza - Brooklyn, (Tony Banta-Taxi, Tony Micelli-Who's the Boss)

1956 - Rick DeMont - US, 400m swimmer, drug disqualification (1972 Olympics)

1957 - Jesse Orosoco - baseball relief pitcher (NY Mets, LA Dodgers)

1958 - Andie MacDowell - Gaffney SC, actress (Greystroke, Green Card)

1959 - Robert Smith - rock guitarist/vocalist (Cure-Hell's Kitchen)

1965 - Karen Foster - Lufkin Tx, playmate (Oct, 1989)

1971 - Samantha Druce - youngest woman to swim the English Channel

1978 - Avi Phillips - Ontario, actor (Maniac Mansion)

1984 - Ashley Peldon - Staten Is NY, actress (Marsha Lewis-Guilding Light)


1574 - Cosmos de Medici - art patron (Accademia del Disegno), dies at 64

1910 - Mark Twain - [samuel Langhorne Clemens], author, dies in Redding Conn

1918 - "Red" Baron - Manfred von Richtofen, killed in WW I

1961 - James Melton - opera tenor (Ford Festival), dies at 57

1962 - Frederick Handley Page - designer of 1st big airplane (40 seats), dies

1968 - Toby Halicki - car-crash film producer 48, killed shooting stunt

1971 - Edmund Lowe - actor (Front Page Detective), dies at 81

1982 - Joe Sawyer - actor (Biff O'Hara-Adventures of Rin Tin Tin), dies at 80

1983 - Walter Slezak - actor, commits suicide at his NY home at 80

1987 - Edith S Green - (Rep-D-Ore), dies at 77

1990 - Ert - art deco stylist, dies at 97

1990 - Johnny Beagley - winner of two 1942 World Series games

1991 - Richard Bolling - (Rep-D-Missouri), dies at 74



He's Got the Whole World (In His Hands) - Laurie London

Lollipop - The Chordettes

Tequila - The Champs

Wear My Ring around Your Neck - Elvis Presley


Happy Together - The Turtles

This is My Song - Petula Clark

There's a Kind of Hush - Herman's Hermits

Something Stupid - Nancy Sinatra and Frank Sinatra


Disco Lady - Johnnie Taylor

Let Your Love Flow - The Bellamy Brothers

Right Back Where We Started from - Maxine Nightingale

Drinkin' My Baby (Off My Mind) - Eddie Rabbitt


Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) - Phil Collins

Footloose - Kenny Loggins

Automatic - Pointer Sisters

The Yellow Rose - Johnny Lee with Lane Brody


Na današnji dan pred 24. leti bi moral na svet privekati jaz, ker pa sem se odločil za prvomajske praznike, je ta dan na svet privekala moja sestrična- ravno tako pred 24. leti :P

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

Na današnji dan pred 25. leti je v ljubljanskem Klinicnem centru je umrl Josip Broz - Tito.


Na tisti današnji dan sem bil jaz 7 dni star fazan v vojašnici v Kruševcu. :)

Okoli pa panika in podvojene straže in drugo sranje.

Kot, da bi kdo hotel napasti ravno bedno vojašnico v Kruševcu zato, ker je Jožek dve roki in eno nogo od sebe stegnil. :slap:

Na tisti današnji dan sem bil jaz 7 dni star fazan v vojašnici v Kruševcu. :)

Okoli pa panika in podvojene straže in drugo sranje.

Kot, da bi kdo hotel napasti ravno bedno vojašnico v Kruševcu zato, ker je Jožek dve roki in eno nogo od sebe stegnil. :slap:

temne sile separatistične nikoli niso počivale :lol1:

  • 3 tedne pozneje...

Svetovni dan brisač !


na današnji dan so se rodili (med drugimi ) tudi.....

K8(24), Monika(26), J`Mavr0(18), Italjet Dragster(17), jalovec(41), suzyq(42), J`MavrO(18)

matr kok sm jest pamtn :grim :grim :whistle:


1. junija 1924 so Orjunaše med razvitjem prapora v Trbovljah, napadli delavci. Med spopadom je bilo 6 mrtvih.

(ORJUNA - Organizacija jugoslovanskih nacionalistov)



Vsi dogodki: danes

Izberite regijo: cela Slovenija Celje Koper Ljubljana Maribor Kranj Nova Gorica Novo mesto

Vsi dogodki - sreda, 1.06.05

00.00h Razstava fotografij skupine ŠOTOROVCI Fotografska razstava Knjižnica Otona Župančiča, Enota Nove Poljane, Povšetova 37, Ljubljana

10.00h Young Guns

razstava najboljsih mladih oblikovalcev vizualnih komunikacij na svetu Razstava New Moment, Ob dolenjski železnici 182, Ljubljana Rudnik

16.00h Naučite se izdelati spletno stran v štirih dneh!

20 urni tečaj Macromedia Dreamweaver Tečaj Koprska ulica 94, Ljubljana

19.00h Razstava unikatne kermaike

Odprtje retrospektivne razstave unikatne keramike avtoric Zlate Petrušič in Vesne Cibic. Razstava Matična knjižnica Kamnik, Kamnik

19.00h Glasbeni večer - pianistka Maja Tanjšek in violinist Branko Brezavšček

Nastop v atriju restavracije Klubski večer Restavracija Via Bona, Ljubljana

19.00h Razstava MIRA PREGELJ

Odprtje razstave Mira Pregelj ob 100. obletnici rojstva Likovna razstava Galerija Miha Maleš Kamnik

20.00h J. Mortimer&B. Cooke: KADAR MAČKE NI DOMA

Komedija, ki polni dvorane po celem svetu! 11. uprizoritev Špas teatra! Komedija Kulturni dom Mengeš

20.00h Literarni večer z Manko Kremenšek Križman Literarni večer Knjigarna Rimljanka, Ljubljana

20.30h Blaž Jurjevčič TRIO

Koncert jazzovske glasbe Koncert Jazz Club Gajo, Ljubljana

21.00h Orientalski večer

Turška kuhinja in orientalski ples. Klubski večer Yildiz Han, Ljubljana




1495 - 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller

1638 - 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass

1774 - British govt orders Port of Boston closed

1789 - 1st US congressional act becomes law (on administering oaths)

1792 - Kentucky admitted as 15th US state

1796 - Tennessee admitted as 16th US state

1808 - 1st US land-grant university founded-Ohio Univ, Athens, Ohio

1809 - Allardyce Barclay begins a bet of walking 1 mile every hour for 1,000 hours. Each hour he walked a « mile round trip from his home

1813 - Capt John Lawrence utters Navy motto "Don't give up the ship"

1835 - 6th national black convention (Phila)

1843 - It snows in Buffalo & Rochester NY & Cleveland Ohio

1843 - Sojourner Truth leaves NY to begin her career as antislavery activist

1845 - Homing pigeon completes 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days

1855 - US adventurer Wm Walker conquers Nicaragua, reestablishes slavery

1861 - 1st skirmish in the Civil War, Fairfax Court House, Va

1861 - US & Confederacy simultaneously stop mail interchange

1862 - Gen Lee assumes command after Joe Johnston is injured at 7 Pines

1864 - Battle of Cold Harbour, VA

1866 - Renegade Irish Fenians invade Fort Erie Ontario from US

1868 - Texas constitutional convention meets in Austin

1869 - Voting Machine patented by Thomas Edison

1877 - US troops authorized to pursue bandits into Mexico

1888 - California gets its 1st seismograph

1893 - The opera "Falstaff" is produced (Berlin)

1898 - Trans-Mississippi International Exposition opens in Omaha

1905 - Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition opens in Portland, Oregon

1907 - -27ř F (-33ř C), Sarmiento, Argentina (South American record)

1909 - Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition opens in Seattle

1911 - 1st US group insurance policy written, Passaic, NJ

1915 - 1st Zeppelin air raid over England

1918 - Yanks turn triple-play, beat Tigers 5-4

1921 - Race riot in Tusla Okla (21 whites & 60 blacks killed)

1923 - NY Giants beat Phillies, 22-5

1925 - Lou Gehrig replaces Wally Pipp (1st of record 2130 consec games)

1933 - Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago

1935 - Yanks set solo HR record with 6 beat Boston 7-2

1937 - Chic White Sox Bill Dietrich no-hits St Louis Browns, 8-0

1938 - Superman Comics launched

1939 - 1st night game at Phil's Shribe Park (Pirates 5, Phillies 2)

1939 - 1st televised heavyweight boxing match-Max Baer vs Lou Nova

1939 - British sub "Thetis" sinks in Liverpool Bay with all 99 aboard

1941 - 31.98 cm (12.59") rainfall, Burlington, Kansas (state 24-hr record)

1941 - Germany bans all Catholic publications

1945 - WLB-AM in Minneapolis Minn changes call letters to KUOM

1946 - Assault wins Belmont Stakes & Triple Crown

1947 - The OPA, which issued WW II rationing coupons, disbands

1949 - 1st magazine on microfilm offered to subscribers (Newsweek)

1951 - 1st self-contained titanium plant opened Henderson Nevada

1951 - S Arend discovers asteroids #1592 Mathieu & #1593 Fagnes

1957 - 1st US runner breaks 4 minute mile (Don Bowden) [see 05051956]

1958 - Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France

1959 - Constitution of Tunisia promulgated (National Day)

1962 - Oscar 2 (ham radio satellite) launched into Earth orbit

1962 - USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 40,420 m

1963 - King Victor Emmanual III of Italy, becomes Emperor of Ethiopia

1965 - A Penzias & R Wilson detect 3ř K primordial background radiation

1965 - Explosion at Fukuoka, Japan kills 237 coal miners

1966 - 2,400 persons attend White House Conference on Civil Rights

1966 - George Harrison is impressed by Ravi Shankar's concert in London

1966 - Shortwave station Radio NY Worldwide changes calls from WRUL to WNYW

1967 - Beatles release Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in US & goes gold

1967 - Mayor-council form of government instituted for Washington, DC

1968 - Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs Robinson" hits #1

1969 - Tobacco advertising is banned on Canadian radio & TV

1970 - Soyuz 9 launched into Earth orbit for 18 days

1971 - Ed Sullivan's final TV show

1971 - Perth Observatory discovers asteroid #2167 Erin

1973 - Paul McCartney & Wings release "Live & Let Die"

1974 - Bundy victim Brenda Ball disappears from Burien, Wash

1975 - Calif Angel Nolan Ryan 4th no-hitter beats Balt Orioles, 1-0

1975 - Ron Woods replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist

1979 - Supersonics beat Bullets for NBA championship, 4 games to 1

1979 - Wings release "Old Siam, Sir"

1980 - Barbra Striesand appears at an ACLU Benefit in Calif

1980 - H Debehogne discovers asteroids #2543 Machado & #3411

1980 - Ted Turner's Cable News Network begins broadcasting

1984 - KWK-AM in St Louis MO changes call letters to KGLD

1984 - Weightlifter Alexander Gunyashev of USSR snatches a record 211 kg

1990 - Detroit Pistons beat Trailblazers in Portland for 1st time since 1974

1990 - Dow Jones Avg hits a record high of 2,900.97

1990 - The Cowboy Channel on cable TV begins transmitting

1991 - Mount Pinatubo (Phillipines) erupts for 1st time in 600 years

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