Noise Objavljeno December 22, 2003 Objavljeno December 22, 2003 Tema je namenjena spremljanju Dakarja 2004. Nekaj povezav v zvezi s tem: - forum: Pre-Dakar 2004 (priprave, novičke... pred začetkom Dakarja) - - (uradna stran) - - dakar 2004 GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noise Objavljeno December 22, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 22, 2003 20. november 2003 Routa je znana... Dakar bo letos še zanimivejši, zahtevnejši, težji. Številke, ob katerih pade tudi najboljšim tema na oči: večina etap bo zelo dolgih, sedma etapa npr. med Marokom in Mavretanijo preko 1000 kilometrov, s hitrostno preizkušnjo v izmeri 701 km, in recimo najtežja, legendarna etapa 9. januarja TIDJIKJA > NÉMA s hitrostno preizkušnjo kar 736km! Leta 1985 je na tej poti, na prelazu Enji pass, tekmovalce ustavil snežni vihar... Posebni maraton bo doživljala asistenca -- 7. etapa na prehodu iz Maroka v Mavretanijo bo dolga 1040km, 8. etapa po Mavretaniji kar 1535km, 10. etapa na meji med Mavretanijo in Malijem pa 1275km. Slednja etapa bo zanimiva tudi zaradi prepovedi uporabe GPS-a in izredno zahtevne navigacije po zapletenih in prepletenih mrežah poti in cest po prehodu meje... Kar se tiče Maroškega dela (ki je za evropske gledalce iz vidika "dosegljivosti" potencialno zanimiv), bodo v tej severnoafriški državi potekale tri in pol etape. 4. januarja 750 km etapa TANGER > ER RACHIDIA, 5. januarja 575 km etapa (310 za asistenco) ER RACHIDIA > OUARZAZATE, 6. januarja 803km etapa (740 za asistenco) OUARZAZATE > TAN-TAN in 7. januarja nočni odhod do meje z Mavretanijo, tam pa štart 701 kilometrov dolge in zelo zahtevne hitrostne preizkušnje, ki se bo končala s prečkanjem velikega peščenega morja "Erg Oumaghawaba". Maroške etape: Interaktivni zemljevid vseh etap v francoščini Več o trasi na uradnih straneh Dakarja... štartna lista Mapa v priponki!
Noise Objavljeno December 22, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 22, 2003 22. december 2003 Letos se Dakar vrača nazaj k tradiciji, ki mu je prinesla svetovni sloves. Na pot smo pred nekaj dnevi pospremili Mirana Stanovnika, ki se na najtežji maratonski rallye na svetu vrača že devetič! Mirana Stanovnika, puščavskega lisjaka, ki se na pot odpravlja že devetič, smo prejšnji teden na tiskovni konferenci, ki jo je že tradicionalno pripravil v prostorih podjetja Toyota Center na Viču, pospremili na težko preizkušnjo. Na tokratno dirko gleda kot na ogromen izziv, saj bo dirkal tam, kjer je že dvakrat pošteno padel (1998: izpah rame, 2001: kup manjših poškod in skoraj uničen motocikel). "Svoj davek bo med neučakanimi in neprevidnimi pobral Maroko, ki skriva nešteto pasti, od lukenj, jarkov, praku, ki onemogoča vidljivost, pa do skal, ki vedno pustijo sledi na motociklu in vozniku. Srčno upam, da bom v tem uvodnem delu ušel padcem." Etape bodo po njegovem negotove, napake pa takoj kaznovane. Veliko vlogo bo igrala psiha, saj bo dirka nedvomno težka. Puščavski lisjak dodaja, da je prišel čas, da se na cilj pripelje med prvih 15! "V kolikor mi bo uspelo najti pravo razmerje med tvegano in umirjeno vožnjo ter ujeti ritem dirke, uspeh ne more izostati. Seveda pa je Dakar nepredvidljiv rally, kjer potrebuješ tudi športno srečo. Tudi letos me bo spremljala posadka v Toyoti Landcruiser (voznik bo David Stropnik), ki bo tokrat krenila na pot že četrtič zapored. O vzdržljivosti drage Lucy (tako smo jo poimenovali, ko se je vztrajno prebijala skozi težko prehodno mavretansko puščavo) priča dejstvo, da niti enkrat ni doživela okvare..." Štart 26. rallyja bo v Franciji, cilj v Dakarju. Rally bo prečkal sedem držav, pot pa bo vodila mimo mističnih krajev iz bogate zgodovine najtežjega rallyja na svetu. Mesto Auvergne v osrednji Franciji bo 1. januarja 2004 izhodiščna točka rallyja, nato pa sledi transfer prek provanse proti samem jugu Francije v Narbonne, od koder se bo karavana pomaknila proti Španiji. Rally bo zapustil Evropo v španskem Algecirasu tretjega januarja, nakar sledi hitro nočno prečkanje mediteranskega morja in izkrcanje v Maroku. Tempo rallyja se bo tam hitro stopnjeval, ko se bodo pred tekmovalci naenkrat odprla prostranstva veličastne Sahare. Jedro dirke bo v Mavretaniji, v globinah prave puščave. Drugi del rallyja bo mešanica zelo dolgih in kratkih etap, a kot vztrajnostna dirka brez pomoči mehanikov v velikih ekipah. Zato se bodo morali tekmovalci zanesti na svoje znanje in sposobnosti, če bodo hoteli nadaljevati dirko po črni Afriki, kjer bo odločilno vlogo odigrala navigacija. Dan počitka bo v glavnem mestu Burkine Faso, v Bobu Diulasu, a ne tradicionalno po polovici rallyja ampak šele po 12 dneh, kar pomeni šele po dveh tretjinah etap. Iz savane bo karavana v zaključnem delu krenila nazaj proti Mavretaniji na rob Sahare, iz glavnega mesta Nouakchott, pa naravnost do Dakarja v Senegalu. Pomembni datumi Administrativni in tehnični pregledi v Grande Halle d`Auvergne: 29., 30. in 31. december 2003 Štart in prolog: Auvergne, ponedeljek 1. januar 2004 Dan počitka: Bobo Diulaso (Burkina Faso), ponedeljek 12. januar 2004 Cilj: Dakar, nedelja 18. januar 2004 Dakar 2004 na kratko 17 etap: - Evropa: 3 etape - Maroko: 4 etape - Mavretanija: 6 etap - Mali: 2 etapi - Burkina Faso: 1 etapa - Senegal: 1 etapa Skupna dolžina: 11.052 km 5.628 km hitrostnih preizkušenj 5.424 km transferja Afrika: - 9.307 km, od tega 5.389 km hitrostnih preizkušenj - 8.798 km vzporednih poti za asistenčna vozila - ena skupna etapa, brez možnosti uporabe vzporedne poti - dve maratonski etapi: Atar - Tidjikja in Ayoun El Atrous - Tidjikja - dve etapi brez satelitske navigacije: Nema - Mopti in Nouakchott - Dakar - najdaljša etapa: Tan Tan - Atar (1.055 km) - najkrajša etapa: Dakar - Dakar (113 km) - najdaljša hitrostna preizkušnja: Tidjikja - Nema (736 km) - najkrajša hitrostna preizkušnja: Dakar - Dakar (30 km) Vir: novica (in povečave fotk)
Noise Objavljeno December 28, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 28, 2003 Dva dni pred začetkom tehničnih pregledov se spomnimo še na lanske winnerje: Avtomobili 1. Hiroshi Masuoka (JPN), Andreas Schulz (GER), Mitsubishi 2. Jean-Pierre Fontenay (FRA), Gilles Picard (FRA), Mitsubishi at 1h52’12’’ 3. Stéphane Peterhansel (FRA), Jean-Paul Cottret (FRA), Mitsubishi at 2h16’28’’ Motocikli 1. Richard Sainct (FRA), KTM 2. Cyril Després (FRA), KTM at 7’18’’ 3. Fabrizio Meoni (ITA), KTM at 37’30’’ Tovornjaki 1. Vladimir Tchaguine (RUS), Semion Yakoubov (RUS) & Serguei Savostine, Kamaz 2. André De Azevedo (ITA), Tomas Tomecek (CZE) & Jaromir Martinec, Tatra at 1h02’01’’ 3. Firdaus Kabirov (RUS), Aydar Belyaev (RUS) & Ilguirar Mardeen, Kamaz at 1h25’04’’
Noise Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 30, 2003 With three days to go before the prologue in Clermont-Ferrand and the real start of the 2004 Telefonica Dakar rally, the first competitors have started massing on the parking lot of the Grande Halle d'Auvergne for the official technical and administrative scrutineering. Yet for some, the rally comes to an end without even having started. France's Michel Point had indeed planned to become the first blind co-pilot to compete on a Dakar. Unfortunately, the French motorsport federation (FFSA) decided not to give Point the precious licence that allows competitors to start the rally. The project, that sounded unreal had however convinced the organisers, especially race director Patrick Zaniroli. "We've been working with him on a computer program for a long time. It allows him to have all the information from the road book in the same way as any other co-pilot but in Braille language. The project is technically feasable." The FFSA, only authority allowed to give licences to official Dakar competitors decided that for security measures, it wasn't safe to let the Frenchman start. Just a few days before the first few kilometres of the 26th edition, Michel Point has decided to swap places with the co-pilot of his "A perte de vue" assistance vehicule. Meanwhile, the other competitors had to go through a slight change in the usual Dakar schedule, with the first administrative scrutineering taking place on monday, three days before the prologue, allowing the upcoming technical inspections to go through in a smoother way. Under a 100 riders, drivers and co-pilots patiently went through all the different desks with passports, vehicule insurances, official FFSA licences and even the boat ticket to go from Algeciras to Tanger in Morocco. Vir:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Objavljeno December 30, 2003 A smem samo prašat če bo prenos ali pa kakšni posnetki Dakarja 2004 po kakšni od naših televizij ali samo po kakšnem Evrosportu??? :?
Noise Objavljeno December 30, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 30, 2003 A smem samo prašat če bo prenos ali pa kakšni posnetki Dakarja 2004 po kakšni od naših televizij ali samo po kakšnem Evrosportu??? :? Mora da se šališ :D (če kaj bo, bo kakšno javljanje Davida Stropnika na 24ur ali morda celo v športno sceno, drugače pa seveda ne...),, in bodo glavni viri informacij :)
Noise Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 31, 2003 KTM PRESS RELEASE, 30.12.2003 Dakar 2004: 26th Dakar–KTM goes round again It starts again. The legendary Dakar rally is about to begin. The toughest test for the bikes and their riders. 26th rally Dakar – KTM goes round again It starts again. The legendary Dakar rally is about to begin. The toughest test for the bikes and their riders. In its 26th edition the rally returns to its classical route: taking off in the middle of France at Clermont-Ferrand and finishing at the Lac Rose in Dakar. The route covers 11,052 kilometers and is therefore the second longest Dakar of all times. KTM has worked hard during the last few months. The bikes are in top condition and after all these „small“ rallys, the final tests in Tunesia and the uncountable hours of fitness practise the riders would finally like to hear the starting signal to „their“ Dakar. The following text tells you about the KTM participants. In the international Gauloises KTM team start Fabrizio Meoni and Giovanni Sala (both Italians) and the South African Alfie Cox. The French Gauloises KTM team includes Cyril Despres, cross-country-rallies Champion 2003, Jean Brucy and the former Dakar Champion Richard Sainct. In the Repsol KTM team start the Spaniards Nani Roma, Isidre Esteve and Marc Coma. For the first time there will be an American Red Bull KTM USA team including Paul Krause, Larry Roeseler and Scott Harden. Only Fabrizio Meoni and Paul Krause will start on a KTM 950 Rally while the rest ride on a KTM 660 Rally. There will be additional suspension among the teams. For the first time in a Dakar rally teams will fight for the championship as well. One team consists of three to five riders; only the results of the top three riders are counted. From a KTM’s point of view the ranking of single riders is already an extremely exciting matter. There are certainly several favourites: Is Cyril Despres after his second place in 2003 ready for the victory? It would certainly be the most precious gift for his 30th birthday on January 24th. What about Meoni? Will he, hopefully avoiding any injuries, reach for the victory? Or what about Nani Roma? Will he reach Dakar and can he leave the others behind in doing so? Richard Sainct has won the Dakar three times already. Will he lie in wait behind the others only to rocket forward in the end? Or will Alfie Cox fulfill his dream, for which he works, practises and lives? Or can the surprise winner be found among the US Americans? Only Paul Krause has experienced a Dakar race before. But Scot Harden claims Krause has sand in his venes. Where he comes from Larry Roeseler is said to be Mr. Desert. He says about himself that he is fighting for a place on the podium. However the Americans have their minds set to win the team rankings. For that purpose they have practised in the South Californian deserts for the previous 8 months. Tomorrow all riders and teams have to pass through scrutineering. The prolouge on January 1st will take place within the Grande Halle d’Auvergne in the Central French massif. The European stages lead along Nearbonne and Castellon towards Algeciras in the south of Spain. For drivers and fans these stages are meant to get in the right mood for the rest of the race. The real Dakar starts in Africa on January 3rd. From then on the route crosses into the vast expanses of the Sahara desert. On its classical route it will pass along some heavily symbolic places of the Dakar: the Roche Percée, a giant rock with the „hole“, the legendary elephant rocks and the Enji-Pass. As always, the drivers will hardly stand a chance to enjoy the beauties along the way. They will have to master the challenges the desert presents them. The one who will master those best will stand up top on the podium at Lac Rose on January 18th. Furthermore, every single one of the 563 participants on motorcycles, in cars and trucks can call himself a winner when he or she reaches Dakar. Just a few statistical facts about the 26th Telefónica Dakar: The 17 stages with their 5628 kilometers of specials cross through 7 countries: France, Spain, Marocco, Mauretania, Mali, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The longest stage from Tan-Tan to Atar is 1055 kilometers and the shortest stage at the Lac Rose in Dakar is 113 kilometers. Every day we will inform you live from the race. Stay tuned for more information!
Noise Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 31, 2003 press release, 30 December 2003 - scrutineering day 1 On your marks... For the first real day of technical and administrative scrutineering, the doors of the “Grande Halle d’Auvergne” opened to thousands of fans massed in the main hall to admire the first vehicules of the 2004 Telefonica Dakar rally. In the car category, two of the top five teams, BMW and Volkswagen went through the technical inspections. The hero of the day ? Without doubt Frenchman Luc Alphand in front of his home crowd. In 26 years of existence, rarely a day of scrutineering had attracted as many people. Looking at the thousands that made the short trip from Clermont and the area to the Grande Halle, one can only consider Auvergne as a land of rallyraid fanatics. And the show has only just started. Today, close to 200 vehicules went through technical inspections. Even more vehicules including the Mitsubishi, Nissan teams and the top KTM riders will be present on Tuesday, just a day before the big start of the race with a 1.5km prologue. One that was definitely happy to go through scrutineering had to be Swede Bertil Marcusson (Honda – n°6). His rally started on the 26th of december when he took off from his town Visby on his 450cc Honda for a 2000km ride all the way to Auvergne and his very first Dakar. “I had to take the ferry to go from the island where I live to mainland Sweden, then down Germany and France. The police even stopped me on the way, but the officer was a nice guy, especially when I told him I was going to the Paris-Dakar”. And if Marcusson will be starting his very first rally, it also is thanks to compatriot PG Lundmark (KTM – n°170) who helped him get a rally licence from the Swedish federation. For his 5th Dakar, Lundmark will be ambitiously aiming for a place in the final top three for himself or his Norwegian team mate Pal Anders ullevalseter (KTM – n°15) although he admits that it looks “impossible, especially against the official KTM team riders”. Meanwhile on four wheels, the main attraction came from the presentation of the two big German teams : BMW and Volkswagen for scrutineering. In front of thousands of fans, Luc Alphand (BMW – n°207) admitted that this edition could be his. “The car is now over a year old. We’re more mature and have more experience. This year we’re more than ever in the battle for victory. In my mind, Mitsubishi remains the favourite. They are far more experienced”. On the other hand Jutta Kleinschmidt (Volkswagen – n°204) is not as ambitious as her French colleague. Although being delighted with her new car, she only started testing it a few weeks ago. "The car was ready in november. I therefore only had two weeks to test it in Morocco. It’s very fast but there still are a few things to work on. To be perfectly ready, we would have needed an extra month or two. The goal is to finish in Dakar, we’ll see if we can go for the top 1à or top 5”. Tomorrow all eyes will be on the Japanese cars : Mitsubishi and race favourites Masuoka and Peterhansel and Nissan with newcomer Colin McRae, and all the official KTM boys.
Noise Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Stanovnik press release, 31.12.2003 26. rally Telefonica Dakar --- Clermond – Ferrand Vse nared za jutrišnji štart Točno ob 12.00, se bo na 11.052 kilometrov dolgo pot od Clermond – Ferranda v osrednji Franciji, do Dakarja v Senagalu, pognal prvi motorist, zmagovalec lanskega rallyja Richard Sainct, ki nosi številko ena. Letos bo Miran Stanovnik štartal že devetič (štartna številka 30), svoj »ognjeni krst« pa bosta kot prva Slovenca v dirki med avtomobili doživela še Branko Krajnc in Barbara Prislan (štartna številka 297). Počutje po tehničnem pregledu je pri vseh dobro, vsi slovenci (skupaj z novinarji in spremstvom na dirki jih je na štartu kar deset) so namreč brez težav prestali administrativne kontrolne točke, kot tudi pregled ustreznosti dirkalnega avtomobila in motocikla, kot tudi oba spremljevalna terenska avtomobila. Na štartu se je zbralo rekordno število tekmovalcev! Kar 210 se jih bo pomerilo na motociklih, v avtomobilih bo dirkalo 153 posadk, med tovornjaki pa 65. Skoraj še enkrat tolikšna pa je številka terenskih avtomobilov in tovornjakov, ki služijo kot asistenčna vozila. Tokratni rally naj bi bil po komentarjih favoritov eden težjih v zadnjem desetletju dirke. Poleg zahtevnega terena v Maroku in Mavretaniji, bodo največ težav povzročale velike razdalje med bivaki v Afriki. Svoj sloves bo rally sicer ubranil že jutri, ko bodo tekmovalci po 1,5 kilometra dolgem prologu krenili na 396 kilometrov dolgo etapo do Narbonna na jugu Francije. Ob dejstvu, da so temperature v osrednji franciji okoli ničle (zjutraj je zapadlo nekaj snega), se prav nič dobrega ne piše predvsem motoristom. Na sliki Miran z mehanikom... (in sendvičem :xx: )
Noise Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Avtor Objavljeno December 31, 2003 KTM Press Release -- Dakar 2004: Scrutineering, 31.12.2003 Final spurt through the labyrinth of paper-work Life at the Dakar is like real life: Before the adventure can start lots of paper-work needs to be handled. At the race this procedure is called technical scrutineering. First of all the motorcycles are checked. Is everything according to the manual, are the mirrows at their appropiate places, are the emergency-kits complete and does the GPS work – all of which is throughly checked. Even the drivers need to possess a whole package of paper-work: from the driving license (would you believe that?), the insurance documents, the rally application down to the tickets for the ferry to Africa – everything needs to be ready and at hand. Only after that can the riders and teams fully concentrate on the race. KTM has properly passed the scrutineering with all its paricipants and vehicles. Hans Trunkenpolz, KTM’s technical manager was proud: “Our motorcycles are in top conditions. They are build according to all demands of the rally. We have had no problems at all. Our preparations were perfect.” Trunkenpolz also praised the A.S.O. “This organisation has learnt from their former mistakes. The technical scrutineering was very well prepared. The indoor preparation hall was huge and there was no waiting time for the drivers. Last year we have spent five hours waiting for the technical scrutineering. This year everything was over after two hours.” The last obsticale before the race is overcome. KTM-sports director Kurt Nicoll is looking ahead. “The Dakar rally is for sure the largest off-road event for us. We will try to show a good competition. Either one of the professional drivers could win. Each one was equiped with the same durable equipment from us.” Nicoll thinks even further. “Even our support for the private riders is unmatched. Whoever asks for help will attain our complete assistance. With that even a private drivers could rank among the top. We are the only manufacturer who offers a service like that.” Being so busy, one happy event should not be forgotten: Fabrizio Meoni celebrates his 47th birthday today. Congratulations to you! For the rally company New Years Day starts with the prologue. Take off is at 12 a.m. near Clermont-Ferrand. Two parallel tracks have especially been built for this event. Here the drivers can show off for their fans. Inspite of the drizzeling rain several thousand visitors are expected to watch the start.
Freemanx Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Objavljeno December 31, 2003 Na sliki Miran z mehanikom... (in sendvičem :xx: ) Miran, hehe skoz nekaj je :grim kot včasih.. Ej, vso srečo na Dakarju! Zdaj pa je že čas, da uženeš ostale... Drž' se, pozdrav iz Loga, Miha :OK:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Začeeeloooooo seeee jeeeeeeeee :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 1 etapa... Uvrstitve: 1.Graziani.....KTM 450 EXC :o :o 2.Despres 3.Sainct 4.Esteve Pujol 5.Fretigne...YAMAHA WR 450 2W :o :o :OK: . . . . . . 23.Stanovnik :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :OK: :OK: TV Eurosport 22:25... :OK: :OK:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Javil se je Bladzo, ki se skupaj z Ano potika okrog štarta Dakarja... Navdušen, sploh, ker jima je Stanovnik, podobno kot nam lani po prvi afriški etapi v Tuniziji, uredil dostop v "zaprti" del kampa in sta si ogledala kako poteka backstage pred štartom :yea2: :yea2: Pravi da sta poslikala :photo: milijon fotk -- :yea1: (komaj čakamo, da jih vidimo tukaj gor :notworthy: ) Največja gneča je bila okrog tovarniških dirkačev in okrog 2WD Yamahe, ki jo povrh vsega vozi še "domačin" - francoz Fretigne... Na štartu je bilo poleg 595 tekmovalcev tudi 35.000 gledalcev!!! Drugače pa je kriza, ker močno sneži in je transfer do Narbonna dolg kar 395km... Bladzo pravi, da so morda spremenili pravila, ker motoristov - tekmovalcev ni bilo videti nikjer na cesti, in so se verjetno naložili na asistenčne tovornjake ali pa znašli kako drugače... No, je pa zato drugih motoristov kar nekaj na cesti. Okrog 100 jih je menda prišlo pogledat štart - s cestaki, endurami, "vsem živim"... Kar nekaj jih je menda bilo udeleženih v nezgod(ic)ah, eden z Ducatijem je odletel iz avtoceste :o
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 1 etapa... Uvrstitve: 1. Graziani.....KTM 450 EXC :o :o 2. Despres 3. Sainct 5. Fretigne...YAMAHA WR 450 2W :o :o :OK: 22. Meoni Fabrizio 23. Stanovnik :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: Zanimivo ja, da se je na vrhu znašel Graziani (s številko 45) pred vsemi tovarniškimi dirkači :) in seveda favoriti... A ni panike, prolog je prolog in današnji časi se v "skupen" čas tako ali tako NE upoštevajo, ampak se upošteva le razvrstitev zaradi določitve razporeda za jutri... Če bo Stanovnik peljal tako kot je danes, relativno glede na Meonija (LC8), se lahko nadejamo več kot odlične razvrstitve. V današnji razvrstitvi je namreč Miran takoj za Meonijem (22. mesto danes)! ;) O:-) :D Še fotka današnjega zmagovalca :photo:
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 (popravljeno) :hmm: :hmm: eurosport ima sicer drugačne rezultate etape :? :? :? :? .....nkerdrgekttlelelelel..... Popravljeno Januar 1, 2004. Popravil Lunč
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 :hmm: :hmm: eurosport ima sicer drugačne rezultate etape :? :? :? :? Saj so pravilni... Takole piše... 1 Matteo GRAZIANI ASS SPORTIVA 00:01:23 2 Cyril DESPRES GAULOISES KTM FRANCE 00:01:31 +00:00:08 3 Richard SAINCT GAULOISES KTM FRANCE 00:01:33 +00:00:10 4 Isidre ESTEVE PUJOL REPSOL KTM 00:01:33 +00:00:10 5 David FRETIGNE YAMAHA MOTOR FRANCE 00:01:33 +00:00:10 6 Giuseppe MACCHION PRORACE 00:01:34 +00:00:11 7 Marc COMA REPSOL KTM 00:01:34 +00:00:11 8 Cyril RAYNAL RSP RACING 00:01:35 +00:00:12 9 Francois FLICK ALLIER DYNAMIQUE 00:01:38 +00:00:15 10 Janis VINTERS RE AUTOKLUBS 5X5 - LATVIA 00:01:38 +00:00:15 11 Jose manuel PELLICER BURN - PROFILTEK 00:01:39 +00:00:16 12 Gilles ALGAY EUROMASTER 00:01:40 +00:00:17 13 Laurent CHARBONNEL CHARBONNEL - MOTOS 00:01:40 +00:00:17 14 Nani (joan) ROMA REPSOL KTM 00:01:41 +00:00:18 15 Jean BRUCY GAULOISES KTM FRANCE 00:01:41 +00:00:18 16 Michael EXTANCE RALLY RAID UK 00:01:41 +00:00:18 17 Dominique BASTOUILH SAGAZ MOTOR 00:01:42 +00:00:19 18 Jacek CZACHOR ORLEN TEAM 00:01:42 +00:00:19 19 Scot HARDEN RED BULL USA KTM 00:01:42 +00:00:19 20 Bertil MARCUSSON RALLY RAID UK 00:01:43 +00:00:20 21 Alfie COX GAULOISES KTM INTERNATIONAL 00:01:43 +00:00:20 22 Fabrizio MEONI GAULOISES KTM INTERNATIONAL 00:01:43 +00:00:20 23 Miran STANOVNIK SLOVENIAN ARMY 00:01:43 +00:00:20 PS: je pa res, da moraš najprej izbrati PRAVO etapo in ne tisto, ki to jo ponudi eurosport :) ... pravi link do rezultatov 1. etape na eurosportu
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Izjave po prologu Richard Sainct (FRA - KTM, 3rd) - 001 There is more to lose than to win on this kind of prologue. It was a nice show without too many risks. Anyhow, I find it nice to leave under the snow and to go towards the sun. Cyril Despres (FRA - KTM, 2nd) - 002 This snow was great. I don’t know how many snowmen were in the crowd, but with the number of fans I really felt like a rock star. If you look at it, if we stopped the Dakar now, I would finish ahead of Sainct. It really is strange to see all this snow and all these people, whereas in a week or two, we’ll be really hot alone in the desert. Fabrizio Meoni (ITA – KTM, 22nd) - 003 “Because of the snow, it was like going very slowly on the bike. I didn’t take any pleasure riding. It was cold, the snow made things too slippery. Alfie Cox (RSA - KTM, 21st) - 010 “When I left home (in South Africa) it was 35C°, so it was tough for me. This weather is not for me, I’m a man for the sun. David Fretigne (FRA – Yamaha, 5th) - 012 “For this first special, with the pressure, the stress, I really enjoyed myself. It reminded me of some enduro races. I lost a bit of time at the beginning because I didn’t want to take too many risks. Miran Stanovnik (SLO - KTM, 23th) - 030 "Vesel sem, da se je končno začelo, čeprav bi bilo prijetneje voziti v nekoliko prijaznejših vremenskih razmerah"
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Kaj se pa dogaja z našo posadko v Mercedezu??? :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 O naši Merđo posadki je Peter Kavčič iz zapisal takole... Avtomobilista Branko Krajnc in Barbara Prislan sta prav tako brez težav opravila s to preizkušnjo, ki jo je obiskalo kar 30.000 navdušenih gledalcev. Prolog sta končala na solidnem 91. mestu. » Nič nisva tvegala, proga je bila klasična, nekaj grbin, skok, luža in veliko blata, med vožnjo sem moral na vsakih nekaj deset metrov brisati vetrobransko steklo, ki se je zaradi temperaturne razlike močno rosilo. Kot zanimivost naj še dodam, da sem danes štartal z dvema desnima čevljema, sicer po nesreči, upam, pa da to pomeni kaj dobrega za nadaljni potek rallyja«, je po koncu prologa povedal Branko Krajnc. WTF??? Štartal z dvema desnima čevljema?? :xx: Da je bil prolog res bel, lepo pokažejo teli fotki, ki jih je posnel Hansy Schekahn iz
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 1, 2004 A tako,tako B) No prejle sem gledu še kako so stvar predstavil na evrosportu in glede na to kar sem prebral na motosvetu pa v časopisih pa gledu na TVju morm rečt da res svaka čast tistmu ki se upa jit dirkat na tak rally :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Vso srečo našim :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:
suzuki Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 Hola! Popoldne me je poklical Bladzo, ki je (in z njim anA) spremljal start v Clermont-Ferrandu in mi povedal tole - upam, da sem si vse pravilno zapisal: - na startu ob 12 uri je bilo -2 stopinji in snežilo - start je prišlo gledat več kot 100 motoristov, med njimi par na CBRi, brez čelad, s kapicami (v snegu!!!) - ušunjala sta se na tehnične preglede avtov, videla da je to ful natančna zadeva, pregled vseh, tudi spremljevalnih vozil, npr Brane je porabil 6 ur za pregled svojega vozila, za vse skupaj pa je trajalo tri dni - tekmovalci imajo nekakšen (radarski?) sistem nadzora GPSov, tako da se vidi če ne vozijo po predpisih, prva kazen je 500 EUR, druga 1000 EUR... - po startu sta se odpeljala za tekmovalci po (zasneženi) AC proti Narbonnu, videla tipa ki se je na snegu razsul z Ducatijem ST4, videla tri telmovalne motorje ki jih je na prikolici vlekel avtobus, kar se načeloma ne sme, ampak so morda dovolili zaradi snežnih razmer - po AC sta nekaj časa vozila za KTMjevim kamionom, nato jima je ušel... - startale tri SLO posadke: Miran, Brane in neki Goričani, ki pa vozijo kot novinarji, ne tekmovalci Upam, da nisem nič narobe razumel oz zamočil, sem še malo utrujen od NL žura pri matu :D ... Oba tudi lepo pozdravljata vse MSjevce.
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 Ravnokar sem gledal na Eurosportu reportažo o dakarju in neki Francoz ima na svoji Yamahi 450 dvokolesni pogon. Če sem prav razumel, ima sprednje kolo hidravlično gnan :wacko: :hmm: :?
Noise Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 2, 2004 neki Francoz ima na svoji Yamahi 450 dvokolesni pogon. Če sem prav razumel, ima sprednje kolo hidravlično gnan :wacko: :hmm: :? Glej tukaj
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