Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 (popravljeno) Meoni dobil prvo afriško etapo! Rally je končno na domačih tleh -- prvo afriško hitrostno preizkušnjo, 75km peščeni odsek med borovci, na etapi med Tangierjem in Er Rachidio je dobil Meoni na litrskem twinu (KTM n°3), ki je v cilj pripeljal 43 sekund pred Alfiejem Coxom, "sovoznikom" iz teama Gauloises International. Lanskoletni zmagovalec Richard Sainct je padel v prvih petih kilometrih specialke in rahlo poškodoval sebe in malo bolj motor, predvsem pa izgubil kar nekaj dragocenega časa in pristal na 30. mestu. Dosedaj vodeči, Fretigne na 2WD Yamahi, je s slabimi desetimi minutami zaostanka za Meonijem na 39. mestu. Vodstvo v skupnem je prevzel španec Pujol, ki je danes z minuto in 13 sekundami zaostanka v cilj pripeljal tretji, v skupnem pa je 14 sekund pred Meonijem. Miran je v skupni razvrstitvi trenutno na 24. mestu, 18 sekund za Fretignejem, slabo minuto in pol za lanskim zmagovalcem Sainctom ter 7 minut 15 sekund za trenutno vodečim Pujolom. Etapa je bila hitra in dokaj zahtevna, ravno pravšnja za prvi dotik Afrike, preden se začnejo "resne" stvari... Rezultati današnje - četrte - etape (TANGIER - ER RACHIDIA)* 1 003 MEONI KTM 41' 53" 00' 00" 2 010 COX KTM 42' 36" 00' 43" 3 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 43' 06" 01' 13" 4 072 CALDECOTT KTM 43' 20" 01' 27" 5 183 VINTERS KTM 43' 36" 01' 43" 6 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 43' 45" 01' 52" 7 005 DE AZEVEDO KTM 44' 08" 02' 15" 8 009 BRUCY KTM 44' 10" 02' 17" 9 011 COMA KTM 44' 11" 02' 18" 10 016 ROESELER KTM 44' 28" 02' 35" .. 12 002 DESPRES KTM 44' 30" 02' 37" 13 006 LUNDMARK KTM 44' 32" 02' 39" .. 16 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 44' 51" 02' 58" .. 19 030 STANOVNIK KTM 46' 26" 04' 33" 20 045 GRAZIANI KTM 46' 30" 04' 37" .. 30 001 SAINCT KTM 48' 44" 06' 51" .. 39 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 51' 26" 09' 33" Rezultati skupno po četrti etapi* 1 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 1h 13' 29" 00' 00" 2 003 MEONI KTM 1h 13' 43" 00' 14" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 1h 13' 46" 00' 17" 4 010 COX KTM 1h 14' 01" 00' 32" 5 011 COMA KTM 1h 15' 14" 01' 45" 6 183 VINTERS KTM 1h 15' 35" 02' 06" 7 007 SALA KTM 1h 15' 38" 02' 09" 8 009 BRUCY KTM 1h 16' 04" 02' 35" 9 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 1h 16' 13" 02' 44" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 1h 16' 46" 03' 17" ... 23 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 1h 20' 26" 06' 57" 24 030 STANOVNIK KTM 1h 20' 44" 07' 15" Med avtomobilisti je bil posebej lep dan za Vatanena, ki je danes privozil svojo 50. etapno zmago na Dakarju, Peterhansel (danes drugi) pa ostaja prvi v skupni razvrstitvi po štirih etapah. Krajnc/Prislan sta pristala na 108. mestu, skupno sta trenutno na 94., na pa pravijo, da sta očitno imela težave (velik zaostanek), a podatkov o tem še ni. Rezultati četrte etape med avtomobili: 1 205 VATANEN / REPO NISSAN 40' 40" 00' 00" 2 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 40' 50" 00' 10" 3 206 BIASION / SIVIERO MITSUBISHI 41' 13" 00' 33" 4 202 MC RAE / THORNER NISSAN 41' 21" 00' 41" 5 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 41' 29" 00' 49" 6 208 DE VILLIERS / JORDAAN NISSAN 41' 52" 01' 12" 7 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 41' 56" 01' 16" 8 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 42' 17" 01' 37" 9 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 42' 35" 01' 55" 10 209 SERVIA / BORSOTTO SCHLES-FORD 42' 46" 02' 06" ... 108 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 1h 07' 37" 26' 57" Skupna razvrstitev po četrti etapi med avtomobilisti: 1 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 1h 12' 20" 00' 00" 2 206 BIASION / SIVIERO MITSUBISHI 1h 13' 27" 01' 07" 3 205 VATANEN / REPO NISSAN 1h 13' 48" 01' 28" 4 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 1h 13' 48" 01' 28" 5 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 1h 13' 57" 01' 37" 6 202 MC RAE / THORNER NISSAN 1h 14' 15" 01' 55" 7 209 SERVIA / BORSOTTO SCHLES-FORD 1h 14' 21" 02' 01" 8 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 1h 14' 39" 02' 19" 9 208 DE VILLIERS / JORDAAN NISSAN 1h 15' 30" 03' 10" 10 200 SCHLESSER / LURQUIN SCHLES-FORD 1h 15' 33" 03' 13" ... 94 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 1h 50' 49" 38' 29" Jutri je na vrsti težka in raznolika etapa od Er Rachidie do Ouarzazata, ki v skupno dolžino meri 575 km, prvič pa bodo udeleženci rallyja okusili sipine! Hitrostna preizkušnja bo dolga 337km, in kot pravi Alfie Cox, je "počitnic konec!" Najprej bo udeležence pričakala suha in kamnita pokrajina, nato wadiji in kanjoni, kilometrske peščene poti, nato pa maroška puščava, Erg Chebbib. Popravljeno Januar 4, 2004. Popravil Noise Data
Zulf Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Se bo yamaha kmal postaula na mesto kamor sodi :grrr
BRANE Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 yamaha je bila nekoč nepremagljiva... upam da bo spet..
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Fabrizio Meoni (o zmagi na četrti etapi) My goal wasn't to win. It's important to win specials in the other half of the rally, not now. This special was just a preparation and it was important not to make mistakes. Now's not the moment to think about the overall. Alfie Cox (drugouvrščeni) The special was great... The worse part was the two long liaison sections. Just a joke. Riding started today… the holiday's are over! Isidre Esteve Pujol (o svojem prvem mestu v skupni razvrstitvi po četrti etapi) It's the first time in seven Dakar rallies that I lead the overall. I had already won specials but this is even better." Richard Sainct (o svoji nesreči) I still don't understand how it happened. I was riding at 100km/h on a flat road and fell 5kms after the start. It's not too bad. I'm OK (stitches on the arm) but I broke the clutch handle. That's why I took it easily after that... Luckily it didn't happen on a 400km long special because I could have lost a lot of time. Ari Vatanen (o svoji 50. zmagi na Dakarju) Stats are not the most important thing in life. But I have the ambition of going up to 100. Seriously, it was very fast and we had to take advantage of that. I won't attack every day but tomorrow after 5kms I might change my mind.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Ste videli carja Stanovnika na Eurosportu... :notworthy: :yea2: Drugače pa je Sainct res grdo padel, še dobro da mu bodo mehaniki potšimali motocikel, problem pa zna biti zaradi roke... :ph34r:
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 No,no...Miran se je ogrel zdej pa zares... :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Glede Yamahce...res škoda ker pri Yamahi niso pomislil na kakšnih 200+ kubikov več...potem pa tud na teh dolgih etapah nebi blo za skrbet B) Drugač pa na teh dolgih etapah res mislim da Yamaha nebo posegla po višjih rezultatih...tko kt dons! .) Pustimo se presenetit! ;) P.S.: Noise Data...smem prašat ali pridejo kakšne slike za ozadje računalnika z letošnjega Dakara :? ...mogoče Miran v akciji :naughty: :yea2:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 KTM PRESS RELEASE Kaj pravijo današnji zmagovalci in poraženci, Despress naj bi bil vseeno na prvem mestu v skupni razvrstitvi zaradi napake časomerilcev, ter "upor" tovarniških KTM voznikov oz. neupoštevanje novih pravil Dakarja <<--- zelo zanimivo branje, A MUST TO READ!!! Dakar 2004: 4th stage Tanger – Er Rachidia 04.01.2004 A scratched number one and arguments about a new Dakar regulation The first stage in Africa exposed all of what a Dakar is made off: great victories, small surprises and hurtful crashes. He was barely touching African ground and Richard Sainct was already flung into the sand. “6 km after the start I crashed to the ground on the slippy surface. It was my mistake. I underestimated the composition of the ground.” Sainct came in 29th and was about 7 minutes behind the leader. The exhaust and the side covers were especially damaged on his KTM 660 Rally. Tonight Mauro Sant, the mechanic, will take the bike apart to make sure nothing further was damaged. Furthermore, his number 1 sticker was scratched, hopefully only on the outside. At the moment Richard is doing comparatively well. His left arm hurts and the doctor had to stitch the wound on his forearm. Further, did the Dakar winner ask for medicine to smooth his stomach ache. Sainct met his team mate Jean Brucy at the doctor’s tent. He too crashed shortly after the start. “I rode right behind Fabrizio and wanted to stay close to him. I thought I could fly across three successive little peaks all at once. I did not make it.” The first doctor’s diagnosis states that Jean Brucy might have bruised his hip. He was subscribed some pain relievers. About the race: Fabrizio Meoni showed that the rally has finally started for him. The Italian needed all his experience and the power of this KTM 950 Rally for the track. He won 43 seconds ahead of Alfie Cox who arrived in 2nd place. Meoni made sure everyone knew: He would have a say in the fight for the Dakar victory. However, he seemed relaxed at the finish. “Actually, I can’t really tell you why I have won today. The first part of the stage was fast and slippery and the second part was rather technical. After all it was not that hard and pretty short. I guess the others made more mistakes than I did.” Isidre Esteve fought himself on a 3rd place today. At first it seemed he had claimed the top position in the overall standings. That is what the official Dakar pages tell after all. Only hours later did the officials comment that accidentally one minute was added to Cyril Despres’ time. If we counted right the 29-year-old Frenchman would now be leading the overall standings, ahead of Isidre Esteve and Fabrizio Meoni. We hope to give you the precise facts on that by tomorrow. Isidre Esteve, father to be, walked around the bivouac with a smile on his lips: “It went pretty well today. I’m excited about the race. Most of all I’ll be trying to avoid any mistakes. I want a place on the podium in Dakar. This is my goal. I do think I’ll have a good chance for that. The extremely long stages are still to come. I really like those, they are made for me.” With the arrival in Africa a new A.S.O. regulation comes into force. It includes that the top three drivers can choose their starting place the next day. The officials hope for more excitement do to tactical games. Who is best at navigating? Who likes to have his track set and passes rather late? Who likes to ride in the tailgate of a competitor to keep his lead? Not everyone agrees to this regulation. The KTM team-riders agreed to not to follow the regulation at all. Hans Trunkenpolz, technical manager at KTM: “We have got many extremely great riders in our teams and don’t think it is fair that the ones in 4th and 5th place cannot choose their starting position and in the end even have to set the track for the others.” The team managers had the riders decide if they wanted to follow the regulation or not – in secret. Fabrizio Meoni: “We all agreed that we did not want to go according to this regulation. We, the team-riders, will start in the same order that we have reached the finish line.” Tomorrow morning the drivers leave the bivouac on the plateau at the edge of the Wadi Ziz. Only 182 kilometers of the 575 kilometers long stage from Er Rachidia to Quarzazate are taken into account. The route has many quick turns and it leads at times across sandy at other times across rock invested ground. Finally it reaches the Erg Chebbib that is difficult to cross.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 4, 2004 Glede Yamahce...res škoda ker pri Yamahi niso pomislil na kakšnih 200+ kubikov več...potem pa tud na teh dolgih etapah nebi blo za skrbet B) Hja, samo potem to za sabo potegne tudi dodatno težo, ta pa seveda potrebo po še boljšem vzmetenju,... začaran krog... KTM je le tisti proizvajalec, ki dejansko živi za Dakar... Škoda, da se je pred tremi leti BMW uradno umaknil iz tekmovanja - ne le zato, ker bi bilo morda kaj konkurence, ampak tudi zato, ker bi serijski motocikli (F-GS in R-GS) definitivno bili boljši oz. bi se dalo tudi kakšnega pravega off roaderja od bavarcev kupiti... Noise Data...smem prašat ali pridejo kakšne slike za ozadje računalnika z letošnjega Dakara :? ...mogoče Miran v akciji :naughty: :yea2: Bomo kej zrihtali, no probs...
marem Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 ...KTM je le tisti proizvajalec, ki dejansko živi za Dakar... Škoda, da se je pred tremi leti BMW uradno umaknil iz tekmovanja - ne le zato, ker bi bilo morda kaj konkurence, ampak tudi zato, ker bi serijski motocikli (F-GS in R-GS) definitivno bili boljši oz. bi se dalo tudi kakšnega pravega off roaderja od bavarcev kupiti... Res je škoda, KTM tu (Dakar) tako dominira, da je kar žalostno,....dirki bi se moral nujno pridružiti vsaj 1 velik proizvajalec......morda yamaha dela na tem :hmm:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Na drugi kontrolni točki je bil Meoni dve sekundi pred Coxom... --- CP2 3 MEONI 7:30:00 8:53:20 1:23:20 10 COX 7:32:00 8:57:58 1:25:58 19 ESTEVE PUJOL 7:34:00 8:57:22 1:23:22 72 CALDECOTT 7:36:00 9:01:54 1:25:54 183 VINTERS 7:38:00 9:09:44 1:31:44 2 DESPRES 7:49:00 9:12:59 1:23:59 30 STANOVNIK 7:52:30 9:25:53 1:33:23 4 ROMA 7:54:30 9:20:55 1:26:25 1 SAINCT 7:58:00 9:24:17 1:26:17 Mapa današnje etape spodaj...
trco Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 a jest čudn vidm al je miranov cajt res tolk dobr :topic:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 a jest čudn vidm al je miranov cajt res tolk dobr :topic: Drugače je med avtomobilisti Vatanen na 58. kilometru imel hude težave (razbil prednje kolo), ki mu bodo gotovo pobrale ogromno dragocenega časa... Miran je bil odličen, Esteve Pujol pa je bil danes najhitrejši! Prvi štirje so peljali res vrhunsko -- si predstavlja kdo, kaj pomeni na 300+km etapi peljati v času znotraj ene minute??? :yea2: Trenutni rezultati @ 13:22 (se lahko še kaj spremeni, penali, kdo pride vmes itd..) 1 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 3h 44' 27" 00' 00" 2 004 ROMA KTM 3h 44' 43" zaostanek 00' 16" 3 003 MEONI KTM 3h 44' 49" zaostanek 00' 22" 4 002 DESPRES KTM 3h 45' 09" zaostanek 00' 42" 5 072 CALDECOTT KTM 3h 48' 14" zaostanek 03' 47" 6 010 COX KTM 3h 48' 53" zaostanek 04' 26" 7 007 SALA KTM 3h 49' 01" zaostanek 04' 34" 8 001 SAINCT KTM 3h 49' 41" zaostanek 05' 14" 9 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 3h 50' 05" zaostanek 05' 38" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 3h 52' 21" zaostanek 07' 54" 11 009 BRUCY KTM 3h 54' 54" zaostanek 10' 27" 12 006 LUNDMARK KTM 3h 55' 52" zaostanek 11' 25" 13 005 DE AZEVEDO KTM 3h 56' 10" zaostanek 11' 43" 14 011 COMA KTM 3h 56' 51" zaostanek 12' 24" 15 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 4h 01' 24" zaostanek 16' 57" ... 18 030 STANOVNIK KTM 4h 09' 28" zaostanek 25' 01" Skupni trenutni rezultati @ 13:22 (se lahko še kaj spremeni, penali, kdo pride vmes itd..) 1 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 4h 57' 56" 00' 00" 2 003 MEONI KTM 4h 58' 32" zaostanek 00' 36" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 4h 58' 55" zaostanek 00' 59" 4 004 ROMA KTM 5h 02' 15" zaostanek 04' 19" 5 010 COX KTM 5h 02' 54" zaostanek 04' 58" 6 007 SALA KTM 5h 04' 39" zaostanek 06' 43" 7 072 CALDECOTT KTM 5h 05' 38" zaostanek 07' 42" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 5h 06' 18" zaostanek 08' 22" 9 001 SAINCT KTM 5h 08' 52" zaostanek 10' 56" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 5h 09' 07" zaostanek 11' 11" ... 16 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 5h 21' 50" zaostanek 23' 54" ... 19 030 STANOVNIK KTM 5h 30' 12" zaostanek 32' 16"
-pero- Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 ...učer sm gledu reportažo na eurosportu :OK: ....komi čakam da pridejo v tavelk peskovnik .)
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 (popravljeno) Hja, samo potem to za sabo potegne tudi dodatno težo, ta pa seveda potrebo po še boljšem vzmetenju,... začaran krog... KTM je le tisti proizvajalec, ki dejansko živi za Dakar... Škoda, da se je pred tremi leti BMW uradno umaknil iz tekmovanja - ne le zato, ker bi bilo morda kaj konkurence, ampak tudi zato, ker bi serijski motocikli (F-GS in R-GS) definitivno bili boljši oz. bi se dalo tudi kakšnega pravega off roaderja od bavarcev kupiti... ... Ja to je seveda logično samo vseeno mislim da bi se dalo Yamahin motor bolš pripravt na Dakar! .) A so v kakšnem skritem arhivu kakšni podatki o zmagovalcih in kako je bil uvrščen Miran na zadnjih 9ih Dakarih???Lahko kdo prosim to natipka tlele čeprov beseda teče o Dakaru 2004...samo za primerjavo tistim ki Dakara prejšna leta nismo spremljali pa se nam tud sanja ne kakšne rezultate je Miran dosegal v prejšnih letih!?! ;) Popravljeno Januar 5, 2004. Popravil <=YaMaHa=>
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Peta etapa ER RACHIDIA > OUARZAZATE Liaison 56 km Special 337 km Liaison 182 km Total 575 km 1 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 3h 44' 27" 00' 00" 2 004 ROMA KTM 3h 44' 43" 00' 16" 3 003 MEONI KTM 3h 44' 49" 00' 22" 4 002 DESPRES KTM 3h 45' 09" 00' 42" 5 072 CALDECOTT KTM 3h 48' 14" 03' 47" 6 010 COX KTM 3h 48' 53" 04' 26" 7 007 SALA KTM 3h 49' 01" 04' 34" 8 001 SAINCT KTM 3h 49' 41" 05' 14" 9 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 3h 50' 05" 05' 38" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 3h 52' 21" 07' 54" 11 009 BRUCY KTM 3h 54' 54" 10' 27" 12 006 LUNDMARK KTM 3h 55' 52" 11' 25" 13 005 DE AZEVEDO KTM 3h 56' 10" 11' 43" 14 011 COMA KTM 3h 56' 51" 12' 24" 15 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 4h 01' 24" 16' 57" 16 025 HARDEN KTM 4h 02' 04" 17' 37" 17 023 CZACHOR KTM 4h 05' 41" 21' 14" 18 045 GRAZIANI KTM 4h 05' 45" 21' 18" 19 030 STANOVNIK KTM 4h 09' 28" 25' 01" Skupno po peti etapi 1 019 ESTEVE PUJOL KTM 4h 57' 56" 00' 00" 2 003 MEONI KTM 4h 58' 32" 00' 36" 3 002 DESPRES KTM 4h 58' 55" 00' 59" 4 004 ROMA KTM 5h 02' 15" 04' 19" 5 010 COX KTM 5h 02' 54" 04' 58" 6 007 SALA KTM 5h 04' 39" 06' 43" 7 072 CALDECOTT KTM 5h 05' 38" 07' 42" 8 008 DE GAVARDO KTM 5h 06' 18" 08' 22" 9 001 SAINCT KTM 5h 08' 52" 10' 56" 10 015 ULLEVALSETER KTM 5h 09' 07" 11' 11" 11 009 BRUCY KTM 5h 10' 58" 13' 02" 12 011 COMA KTM 5h 12' 05" 14' 09" 13 006 LUNDMARK KTM 5h 13' 36" 15' 40" 14 005 DE AZEVEDO KTM 5h 14' 42" 16' 46" 15 025 HARDEN KTM 5h 21' 48" 23' 52" 16 012 FRETIGNE YAMAHA 5h 21' 50" 23' 54" 17 045 GRAZIANI KTM 5h 24' 27" 26' 31" 18 023 CZACHOR KTM 5h 24' 49" 26' 53" 19 021 PELLICER ALFER 5h 30' 00" 32' 04" 20 030 STANOVNIK KTM 5h 30' 12" 32' 16" Bravo Miran :OK: Drugače pa je bil med avtomobilisti prvi Peterhansel, Vatanen je kljub težavam s prednjim kolesom v cilj pripeljal kot dvajseti, a se je že odpovedal zmagi na letošnjem Dakarju, saj ima več kot pol ure zaostanka za Peterhanslom, kar je zaostanek, ki ga je skoraj nemogoče nadoknaditi. Krajnc/Prislan v tem trenutku še nista pripeljala niti na tretjo kontrolno točko, kar pomeni hude težave zanju in vprašljivo nadaljevanje rallyja! A bodimo optimistični, štart jutrišnje etape je okrog sedmih zjutraj in do takrat imata še 10 ur... Vendar je noč v puščavi bolje prespati kot pa voziti... <_< Peta etapa 1 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 3h 14' 11" 00' 00" 2 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 3h 18' 46" 04' 35" 3 208 DE VILLIERS / JORDAAN NISSAN 3h 27' 06" 12' 55" 4 207 ALPHAND / MAGNE BMW 3h 27' 49" 13' 38" 5 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 3h 28' 16" 14' 05" 20 205 VATANEN / REPO NISSAN 3h 53' 25" 39' 14" Skupno po peti etapi 1 203 PETERHANSEL / COTTRET MITSUBISHI 4h 26' 31" 00' 00" 2 201 MASUOKA / PICARD MITSUBISHI 4h 32' 43" 06' 12" 3 212 DE MEVIUS / GUEHENNEC BMW 4h 42' 04" 15' 33" Stage 6 - 6 January 2004 - OUARZAZATE > TAN-TAN Liaison 176 km Special 351 km Liaison 276 km Total 803 km Sicer jutri čaka tekmovalce nova preizkušnja, ki bo zahtevala dober motocikel in odličnega voznika. Tempo bo sprva hiter, a ga bo potrebno upočasniti, saj postane pista hitro izredni kamnita in polna neoznačenih pasti! Potrebno bo peljati hitro in hkrati izredno previdno!
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 ...učer sm gledu reportažo na eurosportu :OK: ....komi čakam da pridejo v tavelk peskovnik .) Še dve uri pa bo report!!!
marem Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Tudi sam sem gledal reportažo, sicer bi si želel več a tudi s ponujenim sem zadovoljen. Zanima me sledeče: kako je med avtomobilisti, med prvim in drugim že tako velika razlika cca 6 min če se ne motim, medtem ko so motoristi veliko bližje cca 40 sec. Mi kdo ve povedati kako je s tem?
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Res je škoda, KTM tu (Dakar) tako dominira, da je kar žalostno,....dirki bi se moral nujno pridružiti vsaj 1 velik proizvajalec......morda ....... dela na tem :hmm: Zdej bo makaronar(ITA) naredu MOTOR za Dakar :OK: H U S Q V A R N O :OK: ....pol bo poiskal tovarniškega voznika :notworthy: :notworthy: (STANOVNIK Miran) :notworthy: :notworthy: ...pol bodo pa vsi hajderji :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Tudi sam sem gledal reportažo, sicer bi si želel več a tudi s ponujenim sem zadovoljen. Zanima me sledeče: kako je med avtomobilisti, med prvim in drugim že tako velika razlika cca 6 min če se ne motim, medtem ko so motoristi veliko bližje cca 40 sec. Mi kdo ve povedati kako je s tem? Tako noro dobri vozniki so in enaki motocikli... Mislim, da se skoraj ne da doseči boljših rezultatov... prvih deset je res carjev...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Zdej bo makaronar(ITA) naredu MOTOR za Dakar :OK: H U S Q V A R N O :OK: ....pol bo poiskal tovarniškega voznika :notworthy: :notworthy: (STANOVNIK Miran) :notworthy: :notworthy: ...pol bodo pa vsi hajderji :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: Se spomniš kaj se je zgodilo z Miranovo zadnjo Huso?
Lunč Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Se spomniš kaj se je zgodilo z Miranovo zadnjo Huso? O:-) BURN BEYBI BURN O:-) O:-) :topic: :hmm: Ni bla sicer tazadnja...k zdej ma 450-tko,res pa je s tazadnjo k ja DAKAR vozu :topic:
enduraš Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 yamaha - dakar pojdite in si oglejte čudo tehnike.... zadeva je bolj mal podobna wr450...sam rit je njena :naughty:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Enduraš, o Yamahi W-TRAC govorimo tukaj ...
Noise Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 5, 2004 Končno, Krajnc/Prislan sta prišla v cilj kot sto-peta, s petimi urami in 25 minutami zaostanka... 105 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 8h 44' 16" 5h 25' 30" V skupni razvrstitvi sta tako na stotretjem mestu... 103 297 KRAJNC / PRISLAN MERCEDES 10h 35' 05" 6h 03' 34" Spodaj je še uradni press release ESTEVE AND PETER COMFORT POSITIONS For the first long stage of the Telefonica Dakar 2004, the two leaders of the overall standings in the bike and car race comforted their leaderships. Isidre Esteve Pujol claimed the special to add a few seconds to his thin lead. Stephane Peterhansel did even better on his Mitsubishi, flying to success and leaving his main rival Masuoka close to 5 minutes adrift… before suffering gear box worries in the final liaison. In the trucks Vladimir Tchaguine also impressed with special victory that gives him top spot overall. "Today was a special for children !" The words are from mister Fabrizio Meoni himself. The 187 bikers on this 26th Dakar rally might not all share the Italian's point of view after today's 338km special between Er Rachidia and Ouarzazate. The fastest child of the bunch was Isidre Esteve Pujol (KTM n°19). The Spaniard added a special success to the overall leadership he had conquered a day before. "It's a real satisfaction for me because this year people trust me a lot more. It gives me confidence for the rally". In a time of 3h44min27, Esteve beat compatriot and team mate Joan Roma (KTM n°4) by only 16sec while Meoni finished third at 22sec. "The Spaniards are on their training ground here. If I can keep this rhythm in Morocco, I'll be very happy". The best of the French contingent was Cyril Despres (KTM n°2) in 4th at 42sec while Australian Andy Caldecott (KTM n°72) carried on impressing with a good 5th spot on the day at 3min47 but admits : "I got lost and probably lost around 3 or 4 minutes. But I was hoping to finish in the good positions. I'm not really used to these specials compared to the other guys". After crashing yesterday, Richard Sainct (KTM n°1) conceded another 5min14 on the day. The three time rally winner remains confident however. "I knew this morning that I would start the special despite my fall but I didn't know how I would feel. Finally, when the muscle has warmed up, it's OK. In my mind, I'm in the same rhythm as the others". His main rival Meoni still considers him as a danger. "I wouldn't be too concerned by the overall. It isn't too much of a problem at this stage of the race".In the overall Esteve Pujol adds an extra 22sec to his lead and is now 36sec ahead of Meoni with Despres, third at 59sec. In the car race, Stephane Peterhansel (Mitsubishi n°203) marked the spirits by clocking the best time of the day. And what a time it was… leaving Masuoka (Mitsubishi n°201) at 4min55 on the finish line. And it all happened was between CP2 (km 129) and CP3 (in 229) where the Frenchman gained 3.5sec per kilometre on his Japanese colleague (5min44 in only 100kms). A first knock-out ! "It was a stage that we know well. I was driving at a consistent rhythm because it was important not to have punctures. I didn't think the gaps would be so big". The day however didn't finish as well as it started : "We had a problem with the gearbox at 80kms of the bivouac. Andrea Mayer pushed us with her car. I hope it's the first and last time." A possible 30min penalty could be given to the Frenchman for illegal towing. Behind the two EVO2 vehicles, it was race between … the others. And among them, Giniel De Villiers (Nissan n°208) was the fastest at a mere 12min55 of the leading man. "There was so much dust ! We even had to stop because we couldn't see anything. I can't believe how fast Peter went. He must have known the area !!!". Just behind the South African was Luc Alphand (BMW n°208) at 13min38 with his team mate Gregoire De Mevius (n°212) at 14min05. Colin McRae (Nissan n°202) finished 6th while his partner Ari Vatanen (N°205) quickly forgot about his 50th win the day before (and the fax sent by French president Chirac) when he had to stop to repair tyres and cope with an inflation problem. At the end of the day, the Finn lost over 39min on Peter. In the overall the 6 time rally winner on a bike can now count on a 6min12 lead on Masuoka and 15min33 on De Mevius. The truck race looked a lot like the one on four wheels as Vladimir Tchaguine (Kamaz n°414) left his closest opponent Gerard De Rooy (DAF n°417) at 4min23 on the special and Andre De Azevedo (Tatra n°412) at 13min01. By doing so the Russian three time rally winner captures the overall lead with a 2min46 advantage on De Rooy Junior.
Noise Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 6, 2004 Stage 6 - 6 January 2004 - OUARZAZATE > TAN-TAN Liaison 176 km Special 351 km Liaison 276 km Total 803 km Once more Morocco holds its promises. This stage between Ouarzazate and Tan Tan is a perfect example of it. It will be altogether fast, bumpy, rocky and will be a real technical challenge for the vehicules. To the point where pilots will have to take it easy and slow down to avoid too much damage on jumps. It’ll be a stage for extremely precise and careful competitors before finally getting to Tan Tan in the middle of nowhere. Very few travellers go there because Tan Tan is lost in the middle of a huge desert of rocks and stones, just by the Atlantic ocean. This meeting between sea and desert gives the impression of being at the end of the World. Out of time, between past and present !
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