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Papa Roach - Last Resource

Cut my life into pieces

This is my last resort


No breathing

Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding

This is my last resort

Cut my life into pieces

I’ve reached my last resort


No breathing

Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding

Do you even care if I die bleeding

Would it be wrong

Would it be right

If I took my life tonight

Chances are that I might

Mutilation outta sight

And I’m contemplating suicide

Cuz I’m losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine

Losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine

I never realized I was spread too thin

Till it was too late

And I was empty within


Feeding on chaos

And living in sin

Downward spiral where do I begin

It all started when I lost my mother

No love for myself

And no love for another

Searching to find a love up on a higher level

Finding nothing but questions and devils

Cuz I’m losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me in fine

Losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine

Nothing’s alright

Nothing is fine

I’m running and I’m crying

I’m crying

I’m crying

I’m crying

I’m crying

I can’t go on living this way

Cut my life into pieces

This is my last resort


No breathing

Don’t give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding

Would it be wrong

Would it be right

If I took my life tonight

Chances are that I might

Mutilation outta sight

And I’m contemplating suicide

Cuz I’m losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine

Losing my sight

Losing my mind

Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine

Nothing’s alright

Nothing is fine

I’m running and I’m crying

I can’t go on living this way

Can’t go on

Living this way

Nothing’s alright

:kva2: :kva2: :kva2:

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Bob Dylan:

Most of the time

I'm clear focused all around,

Most of the time

I can keep both feet on the ground,

I can follow the path, I can read the signs,

Stay right with it when the road unwinds,

I can handle whatever I stumble upon.

I don't even notice she's gone,

Most of the time.

Most of the time

It's well understood,

Most of the time

I wouldn't change it if I could,

I can't make it all match up, I can hold my own,

I can deal with the situation right down to the bone,

I can survive, I can endure

And I don't even think about her

Most of the time.

Most of the time

My head is on straight,

Most of the time

I'm strong enough not to hate.

I don't build up illusion 'til it makes me sick,

I ain't afraid of confusion no matter how thick.

I can smile in the face of mankind.

Don't even remember what her lips felt like on mine

Most of the time.

Most of the time

She ain't even in my mind,

I wouldn't know her if I saw her,

She's that far behind.

Most of the time

I can't even be sure

If she was ever with me

Or if I was with her.

Most of the time

I'm halfway content,

Most of the time

I know exactly where it went,

I don't cheat on myself, I don't run and hide,

Hide from the feelings that are buried inside.

I don't compromised and I don't pretend,

I don't even care if I ever see her again

Most of the time.


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Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

Is there anyone home?

Come on, now.

I hear you’re feeling down.

Well I can ease your pain,

Get you on your feet again.


I need some information first.

Just the basic facts:

Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain, you are receding.

A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves.

Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re sayin’.

When I was a child I had a fever.

My hands felt just like two balloons.

Now I got that feeling once again.

I can’t explain, you would not understand.

This is not how I am.

I have become comfortably numb.


Just a little pinprick. [ping]

There’ll be no more --aaaaaahhhhh!

But you may feel a little sick.

Can you stand up?

I do believe it’s working. good.

That’ll keep you going for the show.

Come on it’s time to go.

There is no pain, you are receding.

A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves.

Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re sayin’.

When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,

Out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look but it was gone.

I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone.

I have become comfortably numb.


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Wasting love ( Iron maiden )

Maybe one day I'll be an honest man

Up till now I'm doing the best I can

Long roads, long days, of sunrise, to sunset

Sunrise to sunset

Dream on brothers, while you can

Dream on sister, I hope you find the one

All of our lives, covered up quickly

By the tides of time

Spend your days full of emptiness

Spend your years full of loneliness

Wasting love, in a desperate caress

Rolling shadows of nights

Dream on brothers, while you can

Dream on sisters, I hope you find the one

All of our lives, covered up quickly

By the tides of time

Sands are flowing and the lines

Are in your hand

In your eyes I see the hunger, and the

Desperate cry that tears the night

Spend your days full of emptiness

Spend your years full of loneliness

Wasting love, in a desperate caress

Rolling shadows of nights

Spend your days full of emptiness

Spend your years full of loneliness

Wasting love, in a desperate caress

Rolling shadows of nights

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Purgatory ( Iron maiden )

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen

Fantasies lived times before

I split my brain, melt through the floor

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why

My body tries to leave my soul

Or is it me, I just don't know

Memories rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast

Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led

Oh another time, another place

Oh another smile on another face

When you see me floating up beside you

You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen

Fantasies lived times before

I split my brain, melt through the floor

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why

My body tries to leave my soul

Or is it me, I just don't know

Memories rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast

Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led

Oh another time, another place

Oh another smile on another face

When you see me walking up beside you

You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

Please take me away, take me away, so far away

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Childhood's end ( Iron maiden )

I'd sail across the ocean

I'd walk a hundred miles

If I could make it to the end

Oh just to see a smile

You see it in their faces

The sadness in their tears

The desperation and the anger

Madness and the fear

No hope, no life, just pain and fear

No food, no love, just greed is here

Starvation and the hunger

The suffering and the pain

The agonies of all-out war

When will it come again

The struggle for the power

A tyrant tries again

Just what the hell is going on

When will it ever end

No hope, no life, just pain and fear

No food, no love, just greed is here

You see the full moon float

You watch the red sun rise

We take these things for granted

But somewhere someone's dying

Contaminated waters

Pollution and decay

Just waiting for disease to strike

Oh will we learn someday

No hope, no life, just pain and fear

No food, no love, no seed

Childhood's end

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evo dve moji

AZRA Kao ti i ja


dijete u noci

kao ti i ja

stranac u prolazu

kao ti i ja

cvijece na granici

tone u san

zena u krevetu

kao ti i ja

dodir usana

oznojena tijela

daleko od ljubavi

kao ti i ja

jutro na obali

kao ti i ja

napusteni brodovi

plivaju lijeno

rastocene olupine

kao ti i ja

AZRA Hladan kao led


krenuo sam u vienu

da pronadjem sebi djevu

nisam znao sto da radim

isao sam tamo prvi put

hladan kao led

ubilo me beznadje

austrija zemlja teska

za hodace sivih cesta

klasni mir i takve trice

ustajala zabokrecina

hladan kao led

ubilo me beznadje

stara viena dobro ime ima

lijepo ime koje znaju svi

al' djevojke na ulicama nicemu ne vrijede

i kriplovi su cesti i svakodnevna stvar

rekoh spasi boze oesterreich

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All across the continents

Everywhere a soul is sent

A new mix of the races is takln

It’s what hitler didn’ t like

And it makes a pretty sight

Just look at what you see on your mtv

Out on the edges they’ re mixin’ the colors

Some they don’ t like it but me I don’ t mind

In every city they’ re mixing the colors

Different shades for the whole countryside

If you leave the hate alone tonight

Music’s gonna get you home tonight

If you leave the hate alone tonight

Music’s gonna get you home tonight

Mixin’, they ’re mixin’

On the edges of the line

There’s a different kind of kind

No one seems to claim for

The race war games

’cause you don t have to choose sides

It just crucifies your mind

There’s a hundred million ways

To live your life for yourself

Out on the edges they re mixin’ the colors

Some they don ’t like it but me I don’ t mind

In every city they ’re mixin’ the colors

Different shades for the whole countryside

I like the kids with the ways of their own

If you leave the hate alone tonight

Music’s gonna get you home tonight

If you leave the hate alone tonight

Music’s gonna get you home tonight

Mixin’ the colors

Now a language that sounds new

Comes a-driftin’ next to you

And the music that you hear ls changin’ too

Cuz they ’re mixin’ the colors

Baby the colors

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NIET - Bil Je Maj

Vse cvetelo je,

vse živelo je.

Bil je maj,

maj moje smrti.

Kot iz temnih sanj

vidim tisti dan,

ko zvedel sem,

kaj nosim v sebi.

Strah me je.

Nočem umreti sam.

Pomagaj mi.

Gledam ti v oči,

sonce v njih žari.

Naj ti povem,

da smrt je med nama.

Ne, nimam te moči,

da ti povedal bi.

Bog vzemi me,

a usmili se nje.

Strah me je.

Nočem umreti sam.

Pomagaj mi.

Zbogom vsi,

Zbogom tudi ti.

Svet je lep.

Tišina vabi me,

tema kliče me.

Mrtva noč,

krut je tvoj glas.

O saj smrti ni,

le nove so poti.

Kot metulj

razprl bom krila.

Poletel v nebo,

odšel bom za lučjo,

še poljub

poslal ti bom z vetrom.

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The Cure - Lovesong

Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel

Like I am home again whenever I’m alone with

You you make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel

Like I am young again whenever I’m alone with

You you make me feel like I am fun again

However far away I will always love you however

Long I stay I will always love you whatever

Words I say I will always love you I will always

Love you

Whenever I’m alone with you you make me feel

Like I am free again whenever I’m alone with

You you make me feel like I am clean again

However far away I will always love you however

Long I stay I will always love you whatever

Words I say I will always love you I will always

Love you

Evo, to je to. <_<


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Mloda küra se odloči,

f friško gnezdo doj se poči:

"Zaj sen že zadosti zrela,

ka bi kakšno jajco mela."

Eno vüro tak čepi

no pomalen doj tišči,

s škrampli prsa si potpira

pa na rit se koncentrira...

Drügo vüro tak čepi,

švic po perji se cedi,

krč lovi jo tijan f klün -

ali jajce neče vün...

Tretjo vüro tak čepi,

fse se v glovi ji vrti,

püto ma že čist pri riti -

ali jajce neče priti...

Te pa naednuk zropoče

pa zleti iz riti vroče,

kviški skoči bogi vrag:

"Mon ga! Mon ga! Kokodak!"

"Jajce! Jajce! Bog libleni!"

Celi kürjak zaj je jeni,

kokodaka s kota f kot,

ka priküri kcoj kokot.

Doj do gnezda stopi strogo

no pošlatne notri z nogo:

"Ka se, baba, sigdar dereš,

dere v gnezdo se posereš?"

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Flash of the blade (Iron maiden)

As a young boy chasing dragons

With your wooden sword so mighty

You're St. George or you're David and you always

Killed the beast

Times change very quickly

And you had to grow up early

A house in smoking ruins and the bodies

At your feet

You'll die as you lived

In the flash of a blade

In a corner forgotten by no-one

You lived for the touch

For the feel of the steel

One man, and his honour

The smell of resined leather

The steely iron mask

As you cut and thrust and parried at the

Fencing master's call

He taught you all he ever knew

To fear no mortal man

And now you'll wreak your vengeance in the

Screams of evil men

You'll die as you lived

In the flash of a blade

In a corner forgotten by no-one

You lived for the touch

For the feel of the steel

One man, and his honour

You'll die as you lived

In the flash of a blade

In a corner forgotten by no-one

You lived for the touch

For the feel of the steel

One man, and his honour

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The duellists (Iron Maiden)

He threw down the glove you made the mistake

Of picking it up now you're gone

The choosing of guns or fighting with swords

The choice of weapons is done

He'll tear you apart as soon as you start

You know you don't have a chance

OH...OH...fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

Fight for the pleasure

OH...OH...fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

Fight for your life

Ready to start the duel begins

The best man wins in the end

A lunge and a feint, a parry too late

A cut to the chest and you're down

Seeing the stain then feeling the pain

Feeling the sweat on your brow

OH...OH...fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

Fight for the pleasure

OH...OH...fight for the honour

Fight for the splendour

Fight for your life

The fighting resumes, a silence looms the

Swordsmen move 'gainst each other

A cut and a thrust, a parry, a blow

a stab to the heart and you're down

The angel of death hears your last breath

Meanwhile the reaper looks on

OH...OH...fought for the honour

Fought for the splendour

Fought for the pleasure

OH...OH...fought for the honour

Fought for the splendour

Fought to the death

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Aces high (Iron Maiden)

There goes the siren that warns of the air raid

Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak

Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne

Got to get up for the coming attack

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines

Remove all the wheelblocks theres no time to waste

Gathering speed as we head down the runway

Gotta get airborne before it's too late

Running, scrambling, flying

Rolling, turning, diving, going in again

Running, scrambling, flying

Rolling, turning, diving

Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die

Won't you run, live to fly, fly to live, aces high

Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers

Let off a sharp burst and then turn away

Roll over, spin round to come in behind them

Move to their blindsides and firing again

Bandits at 8 o'clock move in behind us

Ten ME-109's out of the sun

Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them

Heading straight for them I press down my guns

Rolling, turning, diving

Rolling, turning, diving, going in again

Rolling, turning, diving

Rolling, turning, diving

Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die

Won't you run, live to fly, fly to live, aces high

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It´s a beautiful day

The sun is shining

I feel good

And no-one´s gonna stop me now, oh yeah

It´s a beautiful day

I feel good, I feel right

And no-one, no-one´s gonna stop me now, mama

Sometimes I feel so sad, so sad, so bad

But no-one´s gonna stop me now, no-one

It´s hopeless - so hopeless to even try


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oo) What you want

(oo) Baby, I got

(oo) What you need

(oo) Do you know I got it?

(oo) All I'm askin'

(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)

Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home

(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone

Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo)

All I'm askin' (oo)

Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)

Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)

Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money

And all I'm askin' in return, honey

Is to give me my profits

When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)

Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)

When you get home (just a little bit)

Yeah (just a little bit)

Ooo, your kisses (oo)

Sweeter than honey (oo)

And guess what? (oo)

So is my money (oo)

All I want you to do (oo) for me

Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)

Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)

Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)

When you get home, now (just a little bit)


Find out what it means to me


Take care, TCB

Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it to me)

A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it to me)

Whoa, babe (just a little bit)

A little respect (just a little bit)

I get tired (just a little bit)

Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)

You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)

And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)

(re, re, re, re) 'spect

When you come home (re, re, re ,re)

Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)

And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)

I got to have (just a little bit)

A little respect (just a little bit)

:010 :010 :010

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Kuža Pazi

Kuža Pazi z repkom miga,

vstane, leže, tačko da.

Hišo čuva, jezno laja,

če nikogar ni doma.

(po spominu zapisal Altermann)  :P

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Kuža Pazi

Kuža Pazi z repkom miga,

vstane, leže, tačko da.

Hišo čuva, jezno laja,

če nikogar ni doma.

(po spominu zapisal Altermann)  :P

Ko pa Jurček cicibanček,

truden se odpravi spat.

Kuža Pazi k vratom leže,

da ne vzame Jurčka tat.

tko, da bo cela in ne sam pol :)

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Billy Idol

"Rebel Yell"

Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door

Last night a little angel Came pumpin cross my floor

She said "Come on baby I got a licence for love

And if it expires pray help from above"

In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"

In the midniight hour babe- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell- "more, more, more"

More, more, more.

She don't like slavery, she won't sit and beg

But when I'm tired and lonely she sees me to bed

What set you free and brought you to be me babe

What set you free I need you hear by me


In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"

In the midniight hour babe- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell- "more, more, more"

He lives in his own heaven

Collects it to go from the seven eleven

Well he's out all night to collect a fare

Just so long, just so long it don't mess up his hair.

I walked the ward with you, babe

A thousand miles with you

I dried your tears of pain, babe

A million times for you

I'd sell my soul for you babe

For money to burn with you

I'd give you all, and have none, babe

Just, just, justa, justa to have you here by me


In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"

In the midniight hour babe- "more, more, more"

With a rebel yell she cried "more, more, more"

More, more, more.

Oh yeah little baby

she want more

More, more, more, more, more.

Oh yeah little baby

she want more

More, more, more, more.

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The Spellchecker Song

I have a spelling checker.

It came with my PC.

It plane lee marks four my revue

Miss steaks aye can knot see.

Eye ran this poem threw it.

Your sure real glad two no.

Its very polished in its weigh,

My checker tolled me sew.

A checker is a blessing.

It freeze yew lodes of thyme.

It helps me right awl stiles two reed,

And aides me when aye rime.

Each frays comes posed up on my screen

Eye trussed too bee a joule.

The checker pours o'er every word

To cheque sum spelling rule.

Bee fore a veiling checkers

Hour spelling mite decline,

And if we're laks oar have a laps,

We wood bee maid too wine.

Butt now bee cause my spelling

Is checked with such grate flare,

There are know faults with in my cite,

Of nun eye am a wear.

Now spelling does not phase me,

It does knot bring a tier.

My pay purrs awl due glad den

With wrapped words fare as hear.

To rite with care is quite a feet

Of witch won should be proud,

And wee mussed dew the best wee can,

Sew flaws are knot aloud.

Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays

Such soft wear four pea seas,

And why eye brake in two averse

Buy righting want too please.

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  • 2 tedne pozneje...
Moj cajt je tuki in zdej bom tih.... v tej temi  :)

Ne bom :grrr

Rammstein - Wilder Wein

Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schloss

Wilder Wein - ich bin bereit

man meldet Ankunft - nur für den König

Gott steh mir bei - und öffne deine Tore

Wilder Wein - und ganz langsam

Wilder Wein - so warm und feucht

Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schoss

Wilder Wein - es steht geschrieben

tief im Wasser - kreuzt man nicht

doch meine Lust - verlacht die Flügel

Wilder Wein - wie eine Taube

Wilder Wein - so nass und heiß

Wilder Wein - vor diesem Dunkel

Wilder Wein - von Licht geheilt

es bleibt verborgen - sonst könnten wir uns wehren

ich warte auf dich - am Ende der Nacht

Wilder Wein - nur eine Traube

Wilder Wein - und bitter wie Schnee

Ich warte auf dich - am Ende der Nacht

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Rammstein - Moskau

Это песня о самом красивом

городе в мире. Москва!

Diese Stadt ist eine Dirne

Hat rote Flecken auf der Stirn

Ihre Zähne sind aus Gold

Sie ist fett und doch so hold

Ihr Mund fällt mir zu Tale

wenn ich sie dafür bezahle

Sie zieht sich aus doch nur für Geld

Die Stadt die mich in Atem hält


Раз, два, три!



Пионеры там идут,

песни Ленину поют.

Sie ist alt und trotzdem schön

Ich kann ihr nicht widerstehen

не могу устоять

Pudert sich die alte Haut

Hat sich die Brüste neu gebaut

построила вновь

Sie macht mich geil ich leide Qualen

Sie tanzt für mich ich muss bezahlen

я должен платить

Sie schläft mit mir doch nur für Geld

Ist doch die schönste Stadt der Welt


Раз, два, три!



Пионеры там идут,

песни Ленину поют.

Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst

(Wenn du deine Augen schließt)

когда ты ночью крепко спишь

Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst

(Wenn du vor mir niederkniest)

когда ты предо мной лежишь

Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst

(Wenn du mich mit dem Mund berührst)

когда со мною говоришь

Ich sehe was, das siehst du nie

Раз, два, три!


Раз, два, три!



Пионеры там идут,

песни Ленину поют.

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Delite na drugih straneh

Rammstein - Keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen

Hab' keine Lust mich anzufassen

Ich hätte Lust zu onanieren

Hab' keine Lust es zu probieren

Ich hätte Lust mich auszuziehen

Hab' keine Lust mich nackt zu sehen

Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren

Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren

Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen

Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust

Nein ich hab keine Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust etwas zu kauen

Denn ich hab' keine Lust es zu verdauen

Hab' keine Lust mich zu wiegen

Hab' keine Lust im Fett zu liegen

Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren

Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren

Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen

Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren

Ich bleibe einfach liegen

Und wieder zähle ich die Fliegen

Lustlos fasse ich mich an

Und merke bald ich bin schon lange kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt . . .

Ich hab' keine Lust


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Delite na drugih straneh

Iron Maiden - Remember Tomorrow

Unchain the colours before my eyes,

Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.

Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,

I shall return from out of fire.

Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,

Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.

Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,

Flickers above us, to light up the sky.

Unchain the colours before my eyes,

Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.

Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,

I shall return from out of fire.

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Delite na drugih straneh

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