BC Objavljeno December 27, 2005 Avtor Objavljeno December 27, 2005 More than a feeling ( Boston ) I looked out this morning and the Sun was gone Turned on some music to start my day I lost myself in a familiar song I closed my eyes and I slipped away It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling) When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling) I begin dreaming (more than a feeling) 'till I see Marianne walk away I see my Marianne walkin' away So many people have come and gone Their faces fade as the years go by Yet I still recall as I wander on As clear as the Sun in the summer sky It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling) When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling) I begin dreaming (more than a feeling) 'till I see Marianne walk away I see my Marianne walkin' away When I'm tired and thinking cold I hide in my music, forget the day And dream of a girl I used to know I closed my eyes and she slipped away She slipped away It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling) When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling) I begin dreaming (more than a feeling) 'till I see Marianne walk away
krava Objavljeno December 27, 2005 Objavljeno December 27, 2005 @Magnifico @Kdo je čefur? Jest sem Čefur Ti si Čefur on je Čefur mi smo Čefur vsi smo Čefur Čefurji raus Čefur, Čefur, kdo je Čefur lej ga Čefur, t'm je Čefur Čefur, Čefur, kdo je Čefur ej, kva me boli kurac, jest sem Čefur. :OK:
Kruse Objavljeno December 28, 2005 Objavljeno December 28, 2005 Siddharta - Ring Če bi imel ves dnar in doma zlato, se bojim da bi naenkrat vse izginilo, še nedolžen smeh spremenim v jok, in na Zemlji priredim velik vihar tegob. Če bi bil vladar in imel to moč nenamerno bi ugasnil dan naredu noč, se le meni zdi, da mi te stvari, sledijo kot vohun ki me ne izpusti. A ne vidiš da samo, a ne vidiš da samo... Dajem ti strup v čaj, zdaj vem kaj je razlog da te ni nazaj, nimam izgovorov, jest sam ne bi rt na koncu sam ustou. Če bi imela dnar in vse zlato, ti bi znala narediti iz tega pravljico, in nedolžen jok spremeniš v smeh, in na Zemlji prirediš vsem nepozaben ples. Če si ti vladar, bi imela moč, vsi ljudje bi se zabavali vsako noč, a le meni to ni nikoli šlo, moja ladjaa še na suhem potonila bo. A ne vidiš da samo, a ne vidiš da samo... Dajem ti strup v čaj, zdaj vem kaj je razlog da te ni nazaj, nimam izgovorov, jest sam ne bi rt na koncu sam ustou. :devil: Siddharta - Napoj A si opazil ta čas kako nam beži ko nad ure naglas jezimo se vsi se tega zavedam pa le nemo gledam Steklene oči, nemirno telo a nobeden ne skrbi, da bolje bi bilo zdaj je to naš moment ko zamrzne problem Delajmo se kot da noben nč ne ve Le namen biti vrag naj bo danes nas znak naj vedo kdo je to ko se dvigal bo prah In na stran bomo dali vse kar nas teži če nas rabi kdo žal nej mal potrpi saj tako ne gre več sami seb smo odveč Kaj nam bo koledar se nam ne mudi in pozabi na denar le glava boli zdaj je to naš moment ko zamrzne problem Delajmo se kot da nben nč ne ve Le namen biti vrag naj bo danes nš znak naj vedo kdo je to ko se dvigal bo prah Ni potrebno biti lep ne do vratu zapet vse kar rabiš je divje veselje in ples Tu noben ne grozi (miruje naboj) Vseeno nam je kaj sledi (pustimo za pol) Imamo vse kar potrebno je, zato bo divje, divje Le namen biti vrag naj bo danes nš znak naj vedo kdo je to ko se dvigal bo prah
Kruse Objavljeno December 29, 2005 Objavljeno December 29, 2005 Siddharta - Ciklon orka Ko ne dohajam vsega tega hitenja okoli nas, se le sprašujem kam to vodi kje je past, ko le dojamem da se vse bolj potimo za isti kos, nadomestila pa za to nikdar ne bo, ko me zavaja vsakodnevna izdaja, na vrhu vsa poštenost kar zbledi, kaj naj naredim, in ko ne dohajam več vse te galame, in pritiska vsega name, se na sredini najde mesto le zame. Na sredini se vesolje odpre, na sredini lahko delam vse, ne obremenjuje me kaj imam, in kaj poznam, okoli sebe naj naj naj.. najdem in spoznam vse kar rabim tam. se ne nadejam da me ta pot ponese do čudeža, a morda od tod se vidi najlepši del neba, in kje so meja za katerimi več ne uživaš sanj, verjamem da jih ni ustvariš te si sam, in ko seštejejo se zlobne ideje, ostane vedno isti rezultat, ta vodi v prepad, in ko na samem zamižim in ujamem, svoje misli ko dojamem, da na sredini pravo mesto je zame. Na sredini se vesolje odpre, na sredini lahko delam vse, ne obremenjuje me kaj imam, in kaj poznam, okoli sebe naj naj naj.. najdem in spoznam vse kar rabim tam. Ko ne obstajajo zmage porazi in en sam cilj ko ne obstaja več tisti moment ko ne veš kaj bi, ko se zavedamo da vse kar sveti se ni zlato, le na ta način nam mnogo lažje bo, na sredini sijaj na sredini je moč (me ne zanima več drugod), na sredini sijaj na sredini je moč (le tu gre mimo vsaka pot), na sredini sijaj na sredini je moč, na sredini sijaj na sredini je moč... In jaz rabim to, in jaz rabim to. Na sredini se vesolje odpre, na sredini lahko delam vse, ne obremenjuje me kaj imam, in kaj poznam, okoli sebe naj naj naj.. najdem in spoznam vse kar rabim tam.
Kruse Objavljeno December 29, 2005 Objavljeno December 29, 2005 Siddharta - Kloner Do nadaljnjega, ne bomo rabili sebe razumet, enostaven svet, lepote vsega tega mormo met, neverjeten duh, golota je vse okoli nas, nismo mi od muh, vzamemo vse kar gre v slast. Zdaj igrajo mi, in to francosko za romantiko, nimamo skrbi, oblaki so poskriti za goro, kaj nam bo problem, saj med in mleko streže se vsem, in zato refren, le ponazarja filinge v meni. Na ta lep dan, v meni erekcija se ti ne zdi, da ne more biti lepše? Na ta lep dan, v meni erekcija se ti ne zdi, da ne more biti lepše? Naj bo noč naj bo dan, noben ni nikoli utrujen, ni velikih bogov, le mi imamo šov, mi ne vidimo dilem za vekomaj ostale so drugje, in če kdo bi rad da se ima bolje, samo besede prave so dovolj. Na ta lep dan, v meni erekcija, se ti ne zdi, da ne more biti lepše? Na ta lep dan, v meni erekcija, se ti ne zdi, da ne more biti lepše? Mir v nas vso paniko sezuje, slaba vest pozabljena, vse poti premagane za nami, vse poti do konca, mir v nas vso paniko sezuje, slaba vest pozabljena, vse poti premagane za nami, vse poti do konca, do konca. Na ta lep dan, v meni erekcija, se ti ne zdi, da ne more biti lepše?
Kruse Objavljeno December 30, 2005 Objavljeno December 30, 2005 Dejmo se mal Siddharte: T.H.O.R. To je ta kraj brez porazov, tu ni več praznih obljub, ni obnemelih izrazov, sledi obdobje miru. Ne bomo pili le vode, ne jedli same soli, izbrisane vse tegobe, samo veselje zori. Za nas, Skrbi, Dovolj, Krvi, Predan, Ponos, Zavest, V nas Kdor gleda.. Kdor gleda nas iz pekla, naj vidi kdo je del neba, nikdar nas več ne boli, doma na zemlji čudežni. Ne krademo več bogatim, sami postajamo to, nobenih bojev predati, ne bo potrebno jih ne bo. Prenehala je morija, izginilo je to zlo, začela se je idila, začelo se je lepo. Kdor gleda nas iz pekla, naj vidi kdo je del neba, nikdar nas več ne boli, doma na zemlji čudežni. Za nas, Skrbi, Dovolj, Krvi, Predan, Ponos, Zavest, V nas Za nas, Skrbi, Dovolj, Krvi, Predan, Ponos, Zavest, V nas Kdor gleda nas iz pekla, naj vidi kdo je del neba, nikdar nas več ne boli, doma na zemlji čudežni. Siddharta - Et Tu Neprijetna je oddaljenost od tu, do zaupanja v te ljudi, za katere tudi ubijal bi (ubijal bi), dokler jim sovražnik ne zaspi. Vse kar smo imeli je izginilo in ti, nož v hrbet zdaj nam bi zasadil, krivo vero si nekje pobral (si nekje pobral), in vse nas izdal. Zdaj od mene kradeš denar za te živali, na obrazu tvojem vrag ki bi mi, spustil metek med oči, za ime heroja, to ime ki ni vredno nikjer. In to grize me naprej, v zmago zrem a ti ob men, a naslednji dan, vse je to zaman, ko boli o tebi ni, niti sledu. Vsaka moja žalost tebi da sijaj v meni smeh a ti oči rosiš naskrivaj vse prekleto bi na mene zlil bi na mene zlil ponos svoj krepil. Brez olike si obsojen na obup, v moje žile se zažreš kakor strup, naše sanje bi prodal, za ime heroja, to ime ki ni vredno nikjer. In to grize me naprej, v zmago zrem a ti ob men, a na koncu. Vsaka moja žalost tebi da sijaj, v meni smeh a ti oči rosiš zakaj, vse prekleto bi na mene zlil in žal, vse prekleto bi na mene zlil in žal, naše sanje in življenje bi prodal. In to grize me naprej, v zmago zrem a ti ob men, a naslednji dan, vse je to zaman, ko boli o tebi ni, niti sledu. :D Siddharta - Venom E Veš srce zagori ko te pogledam, ti me gledaš takrat se zagledava oba, le nocoj ta pomlad je le naju, jaz na trati nabral bom cvetlice zate le. Zdaj ni več nabijanja v prazno, zdaj ni več bedarij, daj nam mir umakni to golazen, škoda vroče krvi, pa da ne bo nehote, užaljen tvoj ponos a zgleda, da je že. Nam je dost tele butaste norije, in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči, in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo, da je za njih ta tvoj navdih. Še tamali so posrali se k vidl so tvoje delo, in debili so zarili svoje glave v zemljo, če bi vedu kdo bi tebi dopovedu da bi rabu skiro, le zakaj k pol pokvar humor, k je k je že tolk bolan da je jasn kdo je nor, jest ti bom naredu stih k bo dobr...k ti. Nam je dost. Nocoj bom vse zate naredu, na tvoj način tole povedu, a vseeno mal nase bom gledal, in pod vokal žage prtegnu. Nocoj bom vse zate naredu, a žal ne gre brez zajebancije, nocoj bom vse zate naredu, a žal ne gre ker tega res mamo dost. Nam je dost tele butaste norije, in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči, in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo, da je za njih ta tvoj navdih. Nam je dost.
Kruse Objavljeno December 30, 2005 Objavljeno December 30, 2005 Aretha Franklin - Respect (oo) Baby, I got (oo) What you need (oo) Do you know I got it? (oo) All I'm askin' (oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit) Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit) mister (just a little bit) I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo) All I'm askin' (oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit) Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit) I'm about to give you all of my money And all I'm askin' in return, honey Is to give me my profits When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a) Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a) When you get home (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit) ------ instrumental break ------ Ooo, your kisses (oo) Sweeter than honey (oo) And guess what? (oo) So is my money (oo) All I want you to do (oo) for me Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re) Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re) Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit) When you get home, now (just a little bit) R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Take care, TCB Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) Whoa, babe (just a little bit) A little respect (just a little bit) I get tired (just a little bit) Keep on tryin' (just a little bit) You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit) And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit) (re, re, re, re) 'spect When you come home (re, re, re ,re) Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit) And find out I'm gone (just a little bit) I got to have (just a little bit) A little respect (just a little bit)
dj_runner Objavljeno Januar 14, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2006 Film - (Hrana za golubove, 1992) - E, moj druže beogradski Lijepe cure beogradske, kako ste se ljubit znale, Još se sjećam kose plave Novosadske moje male. Zbog nje sam se ja vozio kraj Dunava i kraj Save, Sto sam sela zavolio, o kako sam sretan bio. E, moj druže beogradski sve smo srpske pjesme znali, Pjevali smo prije rata: "Zdravo Djevo kraljice Hrvata". E, moj druže beogradski Slavonijom sela gore, E, moj druže beogradski ne može se ni na more. E, moj druže beogradski srest ćemo se pokraj Save, Ti me nećeš prepoznati pa ćeš na me zapucati. Pustit ću ti metak prvi, vi budite uvijek prvi, Drugi ću ti oprostiti, treći će me promašiti. A ja neću nisaniti i Bogu ću se moliti Da te mogu promašiti, ali ću te pogoditi. Ja ću tebe oplakati, oči ću ti zaklopiti. Joj kako sam tužan bio, ja sam druga izgubio.
BC Objavljeno Januar 18, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 18, 2006 Lumberjack song - Monty Python I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night, I work all day He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day I cut down trees, I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory On Wednesdays I go shopping and have buttered scones for tea He cut down trees, he eat his lunch He go to the lavatory On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day I cut down trees, I skip and jump I like to press wild flowers I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers He puts on women's clothing and hangs around in bars?! He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and he works all day I cut down trees, I wear high heels Suspenders and a bra I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear papa He cuts down trees, he wears high heels?! Suspenders...and a bra?!
Pervy Objavljeno Januar 20, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2006 some good old punk - FEAR!!!!! :OK: Drink Some Beer Yeah, my eyes are red, my dad ain't rich, my mom, well she's a first class bitch, I got a shitty job, I live in fear, just wanna play my guitar and drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, well booze is cool but pot's a crime whos bright idea was that and I just wanna write songs that's weird, snap the bong, drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, come to the Chase Club, to the point now blow me while I roll a joint, front to back, in your ear, you can kiss my ass while I drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer, I just wanna drink some beer! :grim More Beer More beer, more beer All I want is more beer More beer, more beer All I want is more beer, more beer When I get home from work and I'm dyin' of thirst All I want is more beer I run into the kitchen and I tear off my shirt All I want is more beer Open up a six pack I'll be downin' it first All I want is more beer I can open up and finish faster than you All I want is more beer Gonna kill a case or maybe two All I want is more beer If there was no more beer then what would we do All I want is more beer More beer More beer, more beer All I want is more beer More beer, more beer All I want is more beer, more beer All I want is more beer All I want is more beer All I want is more beer All I want is more beer All I want is more beer All I want is more beer And when I wake up in the morning My mouth's all parched and dry, parched and dry And I crawl to the refrigerator And I peek inside And I feel like somebody drove nails Into my head and eyes And I'm hoping and I'm praying I hope there's one more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer More beer, more beer :beer1: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stari dobri bandi še vejo kaj je muzika :devil:
pirrulz Objavljeno Januar 20, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2006 (popravljeno) some good old punk - FEAR!!!!! :OK: Velecenjeni kolega, mislim, da je sleherni komentar popolnoma nepotreben. :worship: Pa če smo že pri tej temi : Tankard - Beermuda I'm feeling low, to much frustration I've gotta get away Do not want to stay in this boring place Getting crazier day by day I see in my imagination The place I want to go An island far away, unbeknown to most Where it's warm and the beer streams flow Sandy beaches and a deep blue ocean The water tastes like premium brew Nobody works, it's against the law Gorgeous woman waiting there for you Easy living makes me feel alright This paradise is mine tonight I wanna go to Beermuda No more sober life without fun I wanna move to Beermuda I wanna live in Beermuda Live it up in the tropical sun I wanna go to Beermuda The trees are full of snacks and sixpacks And they don't cost a dime There's just a single rule: No sobriety Nobody thinks about tomorrow The good times never stop Under the summer sky, getting really high We'll go on drinking 'til we drop This is life as it always should be Noone could find a better place Too bad it can't be reality I'm just dreaming, it's a fantasy Easy living makes we feel alright This paradise is mine tonight I see in my imagination The place I want to go An island far away Waking up from my crazy daydream Brew in my hand, hey, where am I? Can it be true that I'm really here On Beermuda with a girl and a beer Easy living makes me feel alright This paradise is mine for life I'm gonna stay in Beermuda No more sober life without fun I gonna live in Beermuda I'm gonna stay in Beermuda Live it up in the tropical sun I gonna live in Beermuda I'm gonna stay in Beermuda No more sober life without fun I'm gonna live in Beermuda :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2: Popravljeno Januar 20, 2006. Popravil pirrulz
Biba Objavljeno Januar 23, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 23, 2006 Stealing My Heart Jagger/Richards (itak) Well luck is expensive and freedom comes cheap When love's on the menu, I don't drink so deep Well I was just out there to have me some fun But it's easier said than done Mmm ... we're standing so far apart We had a string of false starts I can't seem to stop it now It grows and it grows and it grows Stealing my heart, stealing my heart, stealing my heart Yeah My cards are on the table, you can look up my sleeves You say you're honest but love is for thieves Well I was just out there, chaste as a nun But it's easier said than done Yeah, like a shot in the dark You shoot me right out the park I can't seem to stop it It grows and it grows and it grows Stealing my heart, stealing my heart, stealing my heart Yeah Well you've got no money and I've got no charm While you're in a panic, I stay so calm Well I was just out there to have me some fun But it's easier said than done Yes, yeah, I though I was shot open Yeah, you were a walk in the park I though you were dinner, but you were the shark Yeah, stealing, stealing my heart, yeah Stealing, stealing, stealing, stealing my heart Stealing my, stealing my heart Stealing my heart, yeah Come on, come one Stealing my heart ...
Broj Jedan Objavljeno Januar 23, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 23, 2006 (popravljeno) Zbogom zapri oči prijatelj moj in sanjaj o soncu sanjaj o luni in zvezdah sanjaj o tem, kar si .. sanjaj, da si iskra zavesti v mrazu vesolja, kratek blisk, ki v siju lastne svetlobe za trenutek vidi vse in takoj pozabi, da je da je videl vse in takoj pozabi sam sebe ys Popravljeno Januar 23, 2006. Popravil Broj Jedan
Furioso Objavljeno Januar 25, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 25, 2006 Fantastische Vier Mfg Ard, Zdf, C&A Brd, Ddr Und Usa Bse, Hiv Und Drk Gbr, Gmbh - Ihr Könnt Mich Mal Thx, Vhs Und Fsk Raf, Lsd Und Fkk Dvu, Akw Und Kkk Rhp, Usw, Lmaa Plz, Ups Und Dpd Bmx, Bpm Und Xtc Emi, Cbs Und Bmg Adac, Dlrg - Ojemine Ekz, Rtl Und Dfb Abs, Tüv Und Bmw Kmh, Ice Und Eschede Pvc, Fckw - Is Nich Ok Hno, Ekg Und Aok Lbs, Wkd Und Ihk Ukw, Ndw Und Hubert K Btm, Bka, Hahaha Ltu, Tnt Und Ira Ntv, Thw Und Dpa H+M, Bsb Und Fdh Sos, 110 - Tatütata Sed, Fdj Und Kdw Faz, Bwl Und Fdp Edv, Ibm Und Www Hsv, Vfb, Oleole Abc, Daf Und Omd Tm3, A+O Und Aeg Tui, Uva Und Uvb Thc In Ocb Is Was Ich Dreh Mfg - Mit Freundlichen Grüßen Die Welt Liegt Uns Zu Füßen, Denn Wir Stehen Drauf Wir Gehen Drauf Für Ein Leben Voller Schall Und Rauch Bevor Wir Fallen, Fallen Wir Lieber Auf
Biba Objavljeno Januar 26, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 26, 2006 Out Of Control Jagrov Miha I was out in the city I was out in the rain I was feeling down hearted I was drinking again I was standing by the bridges Where the dark water flows I was talking to a stranger About times long ago I was young I was foolish I was angry I was vain I was charming I was lucky Tell me how have I changed Now I'm out Oh out of control Now I'm out Oh out of control Oh help me now And the girls in the doorway And the boys in the game And the drunks and the homeless They all know me And the police on the corner Give a nod and a wave As they point me To my final destination I was young I was foolish I was angry I was vain I was charming Feeling lucky Tell me how have I changed Now I'm out Oh out of control Now I'm out Oh out of control Oh help me now In the hotel I'm excited By the smile on her face But I wondered How was time Gonna change her I was young I was foolish I was angry I was vain I was charming I was out there Tell me how have I changed Now I'm out Oh out of control Oh I'm out Oh out of control
BC Objavljeno Januar 27, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 27, 2006 Alexander the Great ( Iron maiden ) My son ask for thyself another kingdom For that which I leave Is too small for thee Near to the east In a part of ancient Greece In an ancient land called Macedonia Was born a son To Philip of Macedon The legend his name was Alexander At the age of nineteen He became the Macedon king And he swore to free all of Asia Minor By the Aegian sea In 334 B.C. He utterly beat the armies of Persia Alexander the Great His name struck fear into hearts of men Alexander the Great Became a legend 'mongst mortal men King Darius the third Defeated fled Persia The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well And he founded the city called Alexandria By the Tigris river He met king Darius again And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela Entering Babylon And Susa treasures he found Took Persepolis the capital of Persia Alexander the Great His name struck fear into hearts of men Alexander the Great Became a god amongst mortal men A Phrygian king had bound a chariot yoke And Alexander cut the 'Gordian knot' And legend said that who untied the knot He would become the master of Asia Helanism he spread far and wide The Macedonian learned mind Their culture was a western way of life He paved the way for Christianity Marching on, marching on The battle weary marching side by side Alexander's army line by line They wouldn't follow him to India Tired of the combat, pain and the glory Alexander the Great His name struck fear into hearts of men Alexander the Great He died of fever in Babylon
krava Objavljeno Januar 27, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 27, 2006 hej ho, na deželo zaj gremo... :yea2: :grim
BC Objavljeno Januar 31, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 31, 2006 Pretty face ( Morphine ) Love's strange, bee sting, what a fool I've been. Serpentine, lives unwind, trees sing, flowers cry. A fronter town, carpet brown, picking gold, raining down. This time I do it now but I'll fast forward to a better spot now. I can go back later I remember the place but it's not so easy to erase a pretty face. Erase a pretty face. A pretty face. Hand on mind all this time unraveling this ball of twine. Butterfly back, climb through paths, not too slow, not too fast. Perfect place, pretty face, nice place for a rattlesnake. Perfect place, out of face, a good day to make a mistake. Each time and I do it now - fast forward to a better spot. Go back later I remember the place but it's not so easy to erase a pretty face.
chris Objavljeno Januar 31, 2006 Objavljeno Januar 31, 2006 U2 - NEW YEAR'S DAY All is quiet on New Year's Day A world in white gets underway And I want to be with you Be with you night and day Nothing changes on New Year's Day I will be with you again I will be with you again Under a blood-red sky A crowd has gathered in black and white Arms entwined, the chosen few, The newspapers say, say, say it's true And we can break through, Though torn in two, we can be one I will begin again, I will begin again Oh and maybe the time is right Oh maybe tonight I will be with you again I will be with you again And so we are told this is the golden age And gold is the reason for the wars we wage Though I want to be with you Be with you night and day Nothing changes on New Year's day
Biba Objavljeno Februar 3, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 3, 2006 Brown Sugar (Jagger/Richards) Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields Sold in the market down in New Orleans Scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright Hear him whip the women just around midnight Brown sugar how come you taste so good Brown sugar just like a young girl should- ah hum oh ... Woo! Drums beating, cold English blood runs hot Lady of the house wonderin' where it's gonna stop House boy knows that he's doing alright You shoulda heard him just around midnight Brown sugar how come you taste so good, now? Brown sugar just like a young girl should, now - yeah! Ah, get it on brown sugar, how come you taste so good, babe? Ah, got me feelin' now for brown sugar, just like a black girl should yeah Now I bet your mama was a tent show queen And all here boyfriends were sweet sixteen I'm no schoolboy but I know what I like You shoulda heard me just around midnight Brown sugar how come you taste so good, babe? Ah, brown sugar just like a young girl should, yeah I said yeah, yeah, yeah, woo! How come you ... how come you taste so good? Yeah, yeah, yeah, woo! Just like a ... just like a black girl should Yeah, yeah, yeah, woo!
Pravokotar Objavljeno Februar 3, 2006 Objavljeno Februar 3, 2006 Horst Wessel Kaum einer von uns, der dich gekannt, und doch auch keiner, der dich nicht kennt! Dein Name brennt wie ein Feuer dem Vaterland! Allen, allen bist du verwandt! Keiner, der dich nicht Bruder nennt und sich bekennt zu der Fahne in deiner Hand! Kameraden alle, die braune Schar: Die Fahne pflanzt auf der Türme Knauf! Das Wort macht wahr: Horst Wessel fiel, und Deutschland steht auf!
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