vapotek Objavljeno November 29, 2006 Objavljeno November 29, 2006 Zabranjeno pušenje - Dan republike Danas je Dan Republike I stari je popio malo Na televiziji Lepa Brena I stari se sjeća ratnih vremena Da bi danas bilo bolje Oni su poturali svoja pleća Gazili hladne rijeke Jeli koru s drveća Žao mu je što neki misle Da je život negdje drugdje I ne sanja se više stari san Čekaju pasoš da odu van Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike I stara kaže Dragane šuti Skrati jezik mogu te čuti Dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je Dan Republike I stari se sjeća ratnih dana Žao mu je što se ni klinci Više ne igraju partizana Danas svako zna Da je glava samo jedna Danas svako zna Pred kim pasti na koljena Danas je Dan Republike i stari kaže Otvorite prozore, pijan je i čini mu se Da logorske vatre u daljini gore Logorske vatre, u daljini gore Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike I stara kaže Jesi l' normalan Dragane Zatvaraj prozore, ne radi grijanje Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike I stara kaže Dragane šuti Skrati jezik, mogu te čuti Dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike Danas je dan, Dan Republike
gebre Objavljeno December 1, 2006 Objavljeno December 1, 2006 Manowar - Sons Of Odin (oh) Here to the blaze I wander Through this black night I pounder The edge of our mighty swords Did clash Fallen by our axes Helmets smash Glory and fame Blood is our name Souls full of thunder Hearts of steel Killers of men Of warriors friend Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers To the end One day too I may fall I will enter Odin's Hall I will die sword in hand My name and my deeds will Scorch the land Glory and fame Blood is our name Soul full of thunder Hearts of steel Killers of men Of warriors friend Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers Sons of the gods today we shall die Open Valhalla's door Let the battle begin with swords in the wind Hail Gods of War [solo] Sons of Odin we for By the hammer of Thor Ride down from the sky Another is born Another shall fall This day bent will die (oh) Glory and fame (oh) Blood is our name (oh) Souls full of thunder (oh) Hearts of steel (oh) Killers of men (oh) Of warriors friend (oh) Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers (oh) Sons of the gods today we shall die (oh) Open Valhalla's door (oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind (oh) Hail Gods of War (oh) Sons of the gods today we shall die (oh) Open Valhalla's door (oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind (oh) Hail Gods of War (oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind (oh) Hail (oh) Gods (oh) of War!!! [Onward into the heart of battle Fought the sons of Odin Outnumbered many times Still - they fought on Blood poured forth from their wounds Deep into the earth Vultures waited for the broken shells That once were bodies Thus Odin alone would choose the day They would enter Valhalla And in their hour of need He sent forth onto them The Berserker Rage Now gods embed They grows up from the ground Screaming like wild animals Such is the gift of absolute power No blade or weapon would hurt them They killed them and horses alike And all who stood before them died that day Hail Gods Of War]
BC Objavljeno December 3, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno December 3, 2006 Spit ( Sepultura )Hate them, hate themLive your farseSame thing, same wayYour karma will comeAsk me no questionsI tell no liesAsk me againI spit in your eyesLive your lifeLeave me aloneLive your lifeLeave me aloneFace me, face meFeel the cutOpen soreAlways bleedingLive your lifeLeave me aloneLive your lifeLeave me aloneSpitSpitSpitSpit
kekec III Objavljeno December 3, 2006 Objavljeno December 3, 2006 Leila Sur un champ, une trace de vent Et la douleur me poursuit comme une ombre Soupire tu de mon absence quelque part ? Où es-tu cachée loin de moi ? Mets du romarin derrière tes oreilles Et une fleur d'une vieille fontaine Leïla, pourrais-tu en aimer un autre ? Colombe, ma colombe Apporte lui des larmes, plutôt qu'une chanson Si ils demandent ta main demain Je sais que je ne serais pas là Les peines sont vite oubliées Mais seul l'amour ne le sera jamais Peux-tu en aimer un autre ? Colombe, ma colombe Apporte lui des larmes, plutôt qu'une chanson Je quitte, comme un coupable D'avoir aimé, qui je n'avais pas le droit Colombe, ma colombe Apporte lui des larmes, plutôt qu'une chanson Je quitte, comme un coupable D'avoir aimé, qui je n'avais pas le droit De t'avoir aimé Leïla
BC Objavljeno December 4, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno December 4, 2006 Octavo dia ( Shakira )el octavo dia dios despues de tanto trabajarpara liberar tensiones luego ya de revisardijo todo está muy bien es hora de descansary se fue a dar un paseo por el espacio sideralquien se iba a imaginar que el mismo dios al regresariba a encontrarlo todo en un desorden infernaly que se iba a convertir en un desempleado masde la tasa que anualmente esta creciendo sin parardesde ese entonces hay quienes lo han vistosolo en las calles transitaranda esperando paciente por alguiencon quien al menos tranquilopueda conversarmientras tanto este mundo gira y girasin poderlo detenery aqui abajo unos cuantos nos manejancomo fichas de ajedrezno soy la clase de idiotaque se deja convencerpero digo la verdady hasta un ciego lo puede versi a falta de ocupaciono de excesiva soledaddios no resistiera masy se marchara a otro lugarseria nuestra perdicionno habria otro remedio masque adorar a Michael Jacksona Bill Clinton o a Tarzanes mas difícil ser rey sin coronaque una persona más normalpobre de Dios que no sale en revistasque no es modelo ni artista o de familia realmientras tanto este mundo gira y girasin poderlo detenery aqui abajo unos cuantos nos manejancomo fichas de ajedrezno soy la clase de idiotaque se deja convencerpero digo la verdady hasta un ciego lo puede ver
kekec III Objavljeno December 4, 2006 Objavljeno December 4, 2006 Ja te volim najviše na svijetu, I neću zaboravit' te dok sam živ. Ako pogriješiš, nešto ružno napraviš, Stat' ću pred Boga, i reći - ja sam kriv. Prođe godina otkad si otišla, Nema ko da se smije mojim glupim šalama. I kad te spominju, ko da ranjavaju. Negdje duboko u meni ratnici marširaju. I hoće da te spase, i hoće da te vrate, Da te vrate u moj svijet. Al' ne bih zaplako, i ne bih pokleko, I ne bi mi suza niz obraze, pa nek svi odlaze. Al' ne bih zaplako, i ne bih pokleko, I ne bi mi suza niz obraze, pa nek svi odlaze. Daleko... Ja te volim najviše na svijetu, I neću zaboravit' te dok sam živ. I kad te spominju, ko da ranjavaju. Negdje duboko u meni ratnici marširaju. I hoće da te spase, i hoće da te vrate, Da te vrate u moj svijet. Al' ne bih zaplako, i ne bih pokleko, I ne bi mi suza niz obraze, pa nek svi odlaze. Al' ne bih zaplako, i ne bih pokleko, I ne bi mi suza niz obraze, pa nek svi odlaze.
BC Objavljeno December 5, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno December 5, 2006 Depresija ( Niet )Zapit in objokanV kotu ležimSam z mislimiSam sred ljudiZapit in objokanV kotu ležimSam z mislimiSam sred ljudiDepresijaDepresija v očehDepresija me spremljaDepresijaDepresijaDepresijaDepresijaDepresija v očehDepresija na obrazuDepresijaDepresijaDepresija me spremlja
kekec III Objavljeno December 5, 2006 Objavljeno December 5, 2006 KAO DOMINE Zbog nje su me zvali papak, ja to nisam znao. I dan-danas sve pamtim, to mi je Bog dao. Lijepo lice, seljančice, na koljena me baci, Pa sad hodam, k'o bez glave, to su loši znaci. Ne pijem, al' se često pijan probudim, Hladnu sobu mjesto nje, zagrlim. Kao domine, srušile se godine, Polako jedna za drugom, otkad nisam s njom. Kao domine, crne su nam sudbine, Nije meni zbog mene, al' nek' je dobro, Nek' je dobro samo njoj. Da je bio dan, svi bi redom vidjeli, Te smo noći sakriveni, skupa plakali. Otišla je, ali nije iz srca nikada. Ja još uvijek zatreperim kad neko pokuca...
pirrulz Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Naglfar - A swarm Of Plagues Winds, furious firestorms Come grace this world with war Its punishment bestowed on earth forevermore Deities of disease Bring the infidels to their knees Strike fear into their hearts Indifferent to their pleas Come, legions of ungodly birth Reap all that walks the earth Judgment comes in the form of a thunderous roaring curse Spew forth atrocities Wipe out the human fleas Exterminate and crush all dreams of peace Witness the glorious coming of brimstone and fire Everlasting plagues are now unchained [Chorus] Behold the end of the human era The end of feeble ways embrace the tyrants' warfare A swarm of plagues Hear the hissings coming from the reapers' scythe Reversed are the words of creation Become undone in the cleansing flames Plutonium grace - The end of days Rise up and burn what was once created Turn fertile soil to sand Annihilate - Abort the sacred masterplan Spew forth atrocities Wipe out you human fleas Exterminate! Crush all dreams of peace Witness the glorious coming of brimstone and fire Everlasting plagues are now unchained This marks the end... We are haters of humanity We preach about the end of the world Your empire is falling Let our teachings to be heard [Chorus] Behold the end of the human era The end of feeble ways Embrace the tyrants' warfare A swarm of plagues Hear the hissings coming from the reapers' scythe Reversed are the words of creation Become undone in the cleansing flames Plutonium grace - The end of days
First Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Laura Pausini - Strani Amore Mi dispiace devo andare via Ma sapevo che era una bugia Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui Che promette e poi non cambia mai Strani amori mettono nei guai Ma, in realtŕ, siamo noi E lo aspetti ad un telefono Litigando che sai libero Un gomitolo nell’angolo Lě da solo, dentro un brivido Ma perché lui non c’č E sono strani amori che Fanno crescere e sorridere Fra le lacrime Quante pagine lě da scrivere Sogni e lividi da dividere Sono amori che spesso a questa etŕ Si confondono dentro a quest’anima Che si interroga senza decidere Se č un amore che va per noi E quante notte perse a piangere Rileggendo quelle lettere Che non riesci piů a buttare via Dal labirinto della nostalgia Grandi amori che finiscono Ma perché restano nel cuore Strani amori che vanno e vengono Nei pensieri che lě nascondono Storie vere che ci appartengono Ma si lasciano come noi Strani amori fragili Prigionieri, liberi Strani amori mettono nei guai Ma, in realtŕ, siamo noi Strani amori fragili Prigionieri, liberi Strani amori che non sanno vivere E si perdono dentro noi Mi dispiace devo andare via Questa volta l’ho promesso a me Perché ho voglia di un amore vero Senza te
AREA Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Lonely the path you have chosen A restless road, no turning back One day you will find your light again Don't you know Don't let go the chance Follow your heart Let your love lead through the darkness Back to a place you once knew I believe I believe I believe in you Follow your dreams Be yourself an angel of kindness There's nothing that you cannot do I believe I believe I believe in you Tous sais tu t'en iras tous sais Que vous ??? à l'univère Ou suis ta quête Sans regarder derrière N'attends pas Que le jour se lève Suis ton étoile Va jusqu'où ton rêve t'emporte Un jour tu le toucheras Si tu crois Si tu crois Si tu crois en toi Suis ta lumière N'étint pas la flamme que tu portes Au fond de toi souviens toi Que je crois Que je crois Que je crois en toi Someday I'll find you Someday you'll find me too And when I hold you close I know that it's true Follow your heart Let your love lead through the darkness Back to a place you once knew I believe I believe I believe in you Follow your dreams Be yourself an angel of kindness There's nothing that you cannot do I believe I believe I believe in you
AREA Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Objavljeno December 6, 2006 All around me are familiar faces, Worn out places, Worn out faces, Bright and early for the daily races, Going nowhere, Going nowhere, Their tears are filling up their glasses, No expression, No expression, Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow, No tomorrow, No tomorrow, And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, When people run in circles, It's a very very, Mad world, Mad world, Children waiting for the day they feel good, Happy birthday, Happy birthday, And I feel the way that every child should, Sit and listen, Sit and listen, Went to school and I was very nervous, No one knew me, No one knew me, Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson, Look right through me, Look right through me, And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had, I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, When people run in circles, It's a very very, Mad world, Mad world, Enlarging your world, Mad world... :worship:
snoopy Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Objavljeno December 6, 2006 KUD IDIJOTI: PISMA O RIBARU MARINU, MARI I MORU Plovi, plovi moj mornaru, duboko je more Plovi, plovi, ribu lovi, al' se meni vrati Jer ne spavam kad te nema, sinjim morem plovis Plovis, dugo plovis, nikad nista ne ulovis. Moj Marine, moj Marine Duso i srce moje Moj Marine, moj Marine Duso i srce moje. Plovin, plovin moja Mare, duboko je more Plovin, plovin, ribu lovin, tebi cu se vratit Tukle su me bure Mare, tukli me murjaci Nikad ne znan da li cu ti ostat ziv na barci. O Mare, moja Mare Duso i srce moje O Mare, moja Mare Duso i srce moje.
BC Objavljeno December 6, 2006 Avtor Objavljeno December 6, 2006 All around me are familiar faces, Worn out places, ...;#entry337314 Melanholija ( Niet ) Melanholija obupa Sredi kaosa Iskati izhod In slutiti Da ni rešitve Melanholija obupa Sredi kaosa Iskati izhod In slutiti Da ni rešitve Da ni Da ni Da ni, da ni rešitve Svoboda je sonce Svoboda je Tito Svoboda je vera Svododa je partija Svoboda je vera Svoboda je sonce Svoboda je Tito Svododa je partija
Kruse Objavljeno December 7, 2006 Objavljeno December 7, 2006 Domicelj Tomaž - Brez sonca cvetja ni Kadar prepiraš se, z mamo, ker te ne pusti na ples in z očetom, ko radio ti zapre. In kadar ne puste, s fantom te iti, na pop koncert, pa prepovejo ti, da poslušaš me. Včasih jokaš se, včasih se jeziš, vendar vedno in zato povem ti tole. Brez sonca cvetja ni in roža oveni, brez glasbe prazen je in osamljen svet.
DimmuMaid Objavljeno December 7, 2006 Objavljeno December 7, 2006 Samael - After The Sepulture Nothing ever stops Everything starts again The end and the beginning Are eternal lovers Prisoners of our bodies From the cot to the grave Impotent puppets We aspire to the light The sun will turn in black You will see the dark After the sepulture After the sepulture... Grams of their brother's cries Spirit lastly free oneself Like raise the incense smoke And the funeral orations Here time is unreal Hours and minutes are meaningless Here eternity has a name Remorse and... penitence The sun will turn in black You will see the dark... After the sepulture After the sepulture... Life is just an illusion Going round and round
vapotek Objavljeno December 8, 2006 Objavljeno December 8, 2006 Daj da mi pride - Fredi Naredi da mi pride, majke ti, takrat ko bom želel. Od njene mi miline, v trenutku omedlel. Naredi da mi pride, majke mi, najlepše dekle odpret vrata od njene hiše, da grem se k njej ogret. Ponoči tam na polju, koruzo sem jemal, da jutri ko bo piknik, jo bom na ogenj dal. Za hip v trdni temi nekaj svetlika se, jebemtiš zlata krava in proti meni gre. Potuhnem se in tuhtam so sanje ali ne. Potem začutim jezik, ki mi oblizne zobe. Kot tele v nova vrata sem gledal ji v oči. Prijazno se nasmehe potem spregovori. Veš čarati znam, dve želji ti dam … Naredi da mi pride, majke ti, takrat ko bom želel. Od njene mi miline, v trenutku omedlel. Naredi da mi pride, majke mi, najlepše dekle odpret vrata od njene hiše, da grem se k njej ogret. Potem sem se predramil, pogruntal, da sem zaspal. Ko sem pred kravo se skrival in glavo v zemlji tiščal. Je res bila le krava? Ali le navadna žival? Od trka mi v glavi, le ta refren je ostal. Naredi da mi pride, majke ti, takrat ko bom želel. Od njene mi miline, v trenutku omedlel. Naredi da mi pride, majke mi, najlepše dekle odpret vrata od njene hiše, da grem se k njej ogret.
Nagaya Objavljeno December 10, 2006 Objavljeno December 10, 2006 Fly me to the moonLet me sing among those stars Let me see what spring is like On jupiter and mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby kiss me Fill my heart with song Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you I could make you care if only youd let me,I could make you care, youd never forget me, I cant resist, Id be a fool to try, I know if once we kissed, I could kiss my heart goodbye. I knew this was love the moment I found you, So I planned my life, its built all around you, Give me this chance, darling if you only would, I could make you care, I know I could. mister frenk sinatra B)
kekec III Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Objavljeno December 11, 2006 ... Plamene zore bude me iz sna Fabrička jutra, dim iz dimnjaka Pesma se ori mladi radnici Čelična jutra hitam k fabrici Drugovi moji hrabri veseli Bicikle voze, ponositi svi Drugovi moji, hrabri, veseli Pobede nove nosit ćemo mi Sunce vec greje, vetar čarlija Jutarnja rosa, zemlja mirisna Sunce već greje, aaaaa Bogata žetva, radujem se ja Visoke peči potpaljujem ja Ruda se topi, nasmejan sam ja Pesma se ori, peva fabrika Pesma se ori, aaaaa ...
kekec III Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Vrača se pomlad Oto Pestner Njena soba majhna, lepa, šopek rož, bela okna so zastrta, dan je noč. Čudovito kakor sanje nje telo, z njenih ustnic pesem pije moj poljub. Dnevi sreče bežne, tihe, kot nasmeh. Svet vsakdanji se potaplja v molk megle. Vedno znova tisoč majhnih nežnosti in poljubi so obljube večnosti. Vrača se pomlad, a življenje ne, in spomini z njo kot jata ptic znova zažive. Vrača se pomlad, a ljubezen ne. V srcu si ves mlad in rad bi osvojil svet. Ista soba, majhna, ozka, a brez rož. Bela okna so odprta na stežaj. Jok otroka, mlada žena, tujec jaz. In od daleč hrup s ceste kot posmeh. Vrača se pomlad...
vapotek Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Plamene zore bude me iz sna.... :OK: ... Uzalud me budiš u pola 6 Nema nigde nikog i nemamo kud Od onoga što vidim mi ponestaje dah Ostaje da ostanemo gde smo sad Čini mi se nešto te oduzima Glasovi mi govore da si to ti Pristajem da pogledam te prvi put Tražim zbirku bobicavih škriljaca Reci mi, kenozoik nije za tebe (4x) Crvene sam povukao granice Oči su se navikle na filmski mrak Pustam sve da stoji još jedan čas Mislio sam da je dobro biti par Čini mi se oduvek sam bio glup Glasovi mi govore eta kanjec Želim da se odužim ko spin dim Vrlo lep je ovaj kraj koncentričan Reci mi, kenozoik nije za tebe (4x) Ti si stvorena za sve te stvari (4x) Uzalud me budiš u pola 6 Nema nigde nikog i nemamo kud Svetosavska blaga ruka kaže put Avgustovsko plavo sunce pubes luks Čini mi se nešto te oduzima Glasovi mi govore da si to ti Ovde je i rano jutro plameno Sva ta govorancija, pa to je to Reci mi, kenozoik nije za tebe (8x) Ti si stvorena za sve te stvari ...
JeRn3j Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Arash tike tike kardi :OK: Bia toh, khodet biah toh Faghadr toh, biah palooye man! Negatoh, sedatoh, labatoh mikham barayeh man! Bia toh (pahlooye man) negatoh (mikham ba man!) Sedatoh (doost daram) (2x) Tike tike kardi, dele manoh, sarbesaram nazar digeh digeh mikhamet! Tike tike bordih dele manoh, dar be darham kardi, toro toro mikhamet! Bia toh, khodet biah toh Faghadr toh, biah palooye man! Negatoh, sedatoh, labatoh mikham barayeh man! Bia toh (pahlooye man,) negatoh, (mikham ba man!) Sedatoh (doost daram) (2x) Tike tike kardi, dele manoh, sarbesaram nazar digeh digeh mikhamet! Tike tike bordih dele manoh, dar be darham kardi, toro toro mikhamet! Tike tike kardi, dele manoh, (oh) sarbesaram nazar digeh digeh mikhamet! Tike tike bordih dele manoh, (oh) dar be darham kardi, toro toro mikhamet! Tike tike kardi, dele manoh, sarbesaram nazar digeh digeh mikhamet! Tike tike bordih dele manoh, dar be darham kardi, toro toro mikhamet! Tike tike kardi, dele manoh... Tike tike bordih dele manoh... :blink:
pirrulz Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Objavljeno December 11, 2006 Motorhead - Orgasmatron I am the one, orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand My image is of agony, my servants rape the land Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore. I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain And still you play the sycophant and revel in you pain And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate I am the politician, and I decide your fate I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown For I am mars, the God of war, and I will cut you down.
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