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Americanized (Gwar)

I'm Americanized
Nine tons of crack a day
I'm Americanized
It's up my butt, the USA
I'm Americanized
All you people will worship us
I'm Americanized
You worship me, but still you suck
U.S.A. I'm Americanized
U.S.A. I'm Americanized
I'm Americanized
Death to all who wear paisley
I'm Americanized
Plucking babies' heads like daisies
I'm Americanized
Your world is filled with hate and filth
I'm Americanized
I'll rape your dog with a plow
U.S.A. I'm Americanized
U.S.A. I'm Americanized
Drugs unt guns, drugs and guns
C'mon man, let's go kill someone
Cheap fuckers, sheep fuckers
Cheap fuckers
You're all cheap fuckers
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IRON MAIDEN - For The Greater Good Of God

Are you a man of peace

Or a man of holy war

Too many sides to you

Don't know which anymore

So many full of life

But also filled with pain

Don't know just how many

Will live to breathe again

A life that's made to breath

Destruction or defense

A mind that's vain corruption

Bad or good intent

A wolf in sheep's clothing

Or saintly or sinner

Or some that would believe

A holy war winner

They fire off many shots

And many parting blows

There actions beyond a reasoning

Only god would know

And as he lies in heaven

Or it could be in hell

I feel he's somewhere here

Or looking from below

But I don't know, I don't know

Please tell me now what life is

Please tell me now what love is

Well tell me now what war is

Again tell me what life is

More pain and misery in the history of mankind

Sometime it seems more like

The blind leading the blind

It brings upon us more famine, death and war

You know religion has a lot to answer for

And as they search to find the bodies in the sand

They find its ashes that are

Scattered across the land

And as the spirits seem to whistle on the wind

A shot is fired somewhere another war begins

And all because of it you'd think

That we would learn

But still the body count the city fires burn

Somewhere theres someone dying

In a foreign land

Meanwhile the world is crying stupidity of man

Tell me why, tell me why

Please tell me now what life is [2x]

Please tell me now what love is

Well tell me now what ware is

Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of god [8x]

Please tell me now what life is [2x]

Please tell me now what love is

Well tell me now what war is

Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of god [8x]

He gave his life for us he fell upon the cross

To die for all of those who never mourn him

It wasn't meant for us to feel the pain again

Tell me why, tell me why

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דרור יקרא

דרור יקרא

לבן עם-בת

וינצורכם כמו בבת

נעים שמכם ולא יושבת

שבו ונוחו ביום שבת

דרוש נוי ואולמי

ואות ישע עשה עמי

נטע שורק בתוך כרמי

שעה שוועת בני עמי

דרוך פורה בתוך בצרה

וגם בבל אשר גברה

נתוץ צרי באף ועברה

שמע קולי ביום אקרא

אלה-ים תן במדבר הר

הדס שיטה ברוש תדהר

ולמזהיר ולנזהר

שלומים תן

כמי נהר

הדוך קמי אל קנא

במוג לבב ובמגנה

ונרחיב פה ונמלאנה

לשוננו לך רינה

דעה חכמה לנפשך

והיא כתר לראשך

נצור מצות קדושך

שמור שבת קדשך


Deror ikra

Deror ikra

la ben im baat

veinzorchem ke-mo bavat

Naim shimchem velo yushbat

Shvu venuhu be-yom Shabbat

drosh navi ve-ulami

veot yesha aase imi

Neta sorek betoch karmi

Shee shavat-at benei ami

Deroh pura betoch Bazra

Ve-gam Bavel asher gavra

netoz zarai be-af ve-evra

Shma koli beyom ekra

Elo-im ten be-midbar har

hadas shita be-rosh tidhar

Ve-la-mazhir ve-la-nizhar

Shalomim ten

ke-mei nahar

Hadoh kamai El Kana

Be-mog levav u-ve-mgina

Ve-narchiv pe u-nemalena

Leshonenu lecha rina

Dae hohma le-nafsheha

ve-hi keter lerosheha

Nezor mizvat kedosheha

Shemor Shabbat kodsheha


Провозгласит свободу

Провозгласит Он свободу

Сыну и дочери

И будет беречь их как зеницу ока

И вовек пребудет их доброе имя

Остановитесь же и отдохните в день Субботний

Вспомни о моем Храме и дворце

И знак спасения пошли мне!

Посади побег в моем винограднике

Склонись к молитве группы моей

Раздави как виноградину город Бацру

И победителя-Вавилон

Разбей врагов моих в негодовании и гневе!

Услышь голос мой когда я призываю Тебя

Творец дай расцвести кипарисам на пустынных горах акациям и явору

Тем кто призывает других и строго соблюдает Субботу сам даруй благоденствие как полноводную реку!

Раздави вставших против меня Творец-Ревнитель

Они устрашатся

И тогда мы откроем уста

И язык наш воспоет Тебе песнь

Прими Божественное наставление всей душой

И она будет короной тебе

Соблюдай заповедь Освящающего тебя

Храни Субботу дарующую святость тебе


Я не понимаю русский язык


Wakarimasu ka?

Freedom shall He proclaim

Freedom shall He proclaim

For man and woman

And protect you like the pupil of the eye

Pleasant will be your reputation never to cease

Rest and be content on the Shabbat day

Seek my Temple and my Hall

And show me a sign of salvation

Plant a branch within my vineyard

Turn to the outcry of my people!

Tread the press in Bozra

And also Bablyon which overpowered

Smash my foes with wrathful anger

Hear my voice on the day I call

O God let bloom on the desert-like mountain

Myrtle, acacia, cypress and box tree

To the exhorters and to the scrupulous

give peace

as flowing as a rivers waters

Crush my foes O jealous God

With melting heart and grief

May we open our mouth and fill it

Our tongue sings Your joyful song

Let your soul know Torah

Then it will be a crown on your head

Observe the precepts of your Holy One

Observe your holy Shabbat

As, soo desu ka!

Hai, wakarimasu!


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  • 2 tedne pozneje...

...Za Mojo Najlepšo Zvezdico

Every day I wake up

I hope I'm dreamin

I can't believe this shit

Can't believe you aint here

Sometimes it's just hard for me to wake up

It's hard to just keep goin

It's like I feel empty inside without you bein here

I would do anything to bring you back...

Life ain't always what it seem to be

Words can't express what you mean to me

Even though you're gone, we still a team

Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream

In the future, can't wait to see

If you open up the gates for me

Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend

Try to black it out, but it plays again

When it's real, feelings hard to conceal

Can't imagine all the pain I feel

Give anything to hear half your breath

I know you still living your life, after death...

Till the day we meet again

In my heart is where I'll keep you friend

Memories give me the strength I need

Strength I need to believe

My thoughts big I just can't define

Wish I could turn back the hands of time

Thinkin of the day, when you went away

What a life to take, what a bond to break





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Tu me ests dando mala vida

Yo pronto me voy a escapar

Gitana ma por lo menos date cuenta

Gitana ma por favor tu no me dejas ni respirar

Tu me ests dando mala vida

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Dime tu porque te trato yo tan bien

Cuando tu me hablas como a un cabrn

Gitana ma mi corazon est sufriendo

Gitana ma por favor sufriendo malnutricin

Me ests dando m'ests dando mala vida

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Dime tu porque te trato yo tan bien

Cuando tu me hablas como a un cabrn

Me ests dando m'ests dando Ch

mi corazn


Tu me ests dando mala vida

Yo pronto me voy a escapar

Gitana ma por lo menos date cuenta

Gitana ma por favor tu no me dejas ni respirar

Tu m'ests dando m'ests dando mala vida

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn

Cada da se la traga mi corazn


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Gypsy Kings - Baila me

Cuando ski maria dolores

Cuando ski quei mal d'amore

Cuando ski quei mal a su vera

Cuando ski me va al dottore

Baila baila baila baila

Baila baila baila me

Este rumba a ta gitana

Que yo siempre cantare

Pero yo siempre cantare

Pero yo siempre cantare

Este rumba a ta gitana

Que yo siempre cantare

Cuando ski maria dolores

Cuando ski quei mal d'amore

Cuando ski quei mal a su vera

Cuando ski me va al dottore

continued below...

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Nightwish-beauty & the beast

Sung, male:

Remember the first dance we shared?

Recall the night you melted my ugliness away?

The night you left with a kiss so kind

Only a send of beauty left behind

Sung, female:

Ah, dear friend I remember the night

The moon and the dreams we shared

Your trembling paw in my hand

Dreaming of that northern land

Touching me with a kiss of a beast

Sung, male:

I know my dreams are made of you

Of you and only for you

Your ocean pulls me under

Your voice tears me asunder

Love me before the last petal falls

Sung, female:

As a world without a glance

Of the ocean's fair expanse

Such the world would be

If no love did flow in thee

But as my heart is occupied

Your love for me now has to die

Forgive me I need more than you can offer me

Spoken, male:

Didn't you read the tale

Where happily ever after was to kiss a frog?

Don't you know this tale

In which all I ever wanted

I'll never have

For who could ever learn to love a beast?

Sung, female:

However cold the wind and rain

I'll be there to ease your pain

However cruel the mirrors of sin

Remember beauty is found within

Spoken, male:

...Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you...

:yea2: :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:

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How many roads must a man walk down

before you can call him man?

How many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand?

Yes, and how many times must be the cannon balls fly

before theyre forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wing,

the answer is blowing in the wing.

Yes, an haw many years can a montain exist

before it is washed to the sea?

Yes, and how many years can some peoples exist

before theyre allowed to be free?

Yes, and how many times can

a man turn his head

and pretend that he just doesnt see?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in de wing,

the answer is blowing in the wing.

Yes, and how many times must a man look up

before he can see the sky?

Yes, and how many ears must one man have before he can

hear people cry?

Yes, and how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wing, the answer is blowing in the wing.


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Back in Black (1980)

You Shook Me All Night Long

She was a fast machine

She kept her motor clean

She was the best damn woman I had ever seen

She had the sightless eyes

Telling me no lies

Knockin' me out with those American thighs

Taking more than her share

Had me fighting for air

She told me to come but I was already there

'Cause the walls start shaking

The earth was quaking

My mind was aching

And we were making it and you -

Shook me all night long

Working double time

On the seduction line

She was one of a kind, she's just mine all mine

She wanted no applause

Just another course

Made a meal out of me and came back for more

Had to cool me down

To take another round

Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing

'Cause the walls were shaking

The earth was quaking

My mind was aching

And we were making it and you -

Shook me all night long

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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ma kaj ti težiš... nikjer ne piše, da ne smem ,,težit"... :rolleyes:

off topic je tudi brezvezno ponavljanje besedil...

ni - saj lahko ima več ljudi isto naljubše besedilo ;-)

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po mojem bolj meni kljubuje, kot s tabo vleče :rolleyes:

kajne Symči? :blush:

pa še vseeno mislim, da je 25-kratno ponavljanje prav tako :topic: , kot moje ,,teženje"...

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po mojem bolj meni kljubuje, kot s tabo vleče :rolleyes:

kajne Symči? :blush:

pa še vseeno mislim, da je 25-kratno ponavljanje prav tako :topic: , kot moje ,,teženje"...

sej ni važn,tut če ne potegne z mano :nono: zmorem sama komot :grim :grim

in kdo vse je še 23krat ponoviu poleg mene in tebe?

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Mini - Tanja Žagar

Pravijo, da sem predrzna

da si upam, nič ne skrivam

vsi o tem zdaj govorijo

jaz na to se ne oziram.

Čisto nič jaz nisem kriva,

ker pač takšna zdaj je moda

včasih dolga, včasih kratka

važno, da je fantom sladka.

Edino zima mi ne prija,

ker v plašč me spet ovija

komaj čakam prvo cvetje

vem, da bliža se poletje.

Punce mamo rade mini, topless, tange in bikini,

ko nas vroče sonce greje

v ritmu migamo hitreje.

Punce mamo rade mini, topless, tange in bikini

in vsi nas majo radi

še posebej fantje mladi,

in vsi nas majo radi

še posebej fantje mladi.

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  • 3 tedne pozneje...

Visions Of Atlantis = The quest

A misty morning, I'm awake

The storm has settled, past's the rage

The fever of the wind is gone

The (first) beams of sunlight soon will come

I love the flood, I love the tide

The spinning hurricane's alright

No need to mention the sea-lore

I own the wisdom of...

The sea I know, my bride and my disguise

The answer to all my questions

I'm a creature of the sea

Where I find everything I need

Of every star I know the name

The benefits of my bright fame

Whatever I've on mind will come

By day the moon, by nights the sun

As long as I will have a ship

I can and will sail 'cross

The sea I know, my bride and my disguise

The sequel of reality

From the stars above, she has come to sail the world

By her fate enforced to rule

In her veins the blood is of water and of salt

In her eyes the white is clouds

The finest wisdom I received

From deepest pits and my beliefs

In mystic spirit lies my kind

A world beyond control...

No need for reason in my mind

In lasting faith I do define

My world is filled with finest art

That nature made so kindly...

In se za mojo preminulo pajkico....

Visions Of Atlantis - Atlantis, Farewell...

"Not fair, a tale for drowning souls on higher grounds

As even wishes play their game

It's like the joy of lying naked in the sand

And yet no reason to constrain..."

Sleeping as she took herself to the ground

While the questions are waiting in time

Praying for answers and moments that pass

On her shoulders the burden of light

Let her see her final morning

For a while she gets too far

For the lifespan of a teardrop

Will this sunrise take her heart

And a lapse of reason then

For the beauty of the end

"Fare thee well, my sweet Atlantis, for our paths will cross again

This goodbye now will not last and the day of my return

Is so sure as it can be"

And she starts to smile again

Visions Of Atlantis - Silence

All those precious moments, lost in space and time

For the only reason, she is not of my kind

Everything seems so small, when I hold her close

Everything great is mine, even sunrise

Never to let me go, for another

Never to leave me blind

As the day is fading, and I rest beyond the shores

Sick of life, yet living

Brought to sleep by tidal force

Whatever it will take to bring her body close

Whatever it will need, no tomorrow

Anywhere I go, this is not the end

But a world to leave

Live this time again, before the dawn will end your sorrow

And make love again, a dream of love, pretending hope

You could be everything for me, my friend, and then

We will be

Before the sands of time can wipe away your tears, come follow me

Into deeper seas, where light is spent, for your healing

We will be everything and then, my friend, you know the meaning

Love will be

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Adi Smolar

Polde In Poldeta

Je Polde navaden, bolj majhen možak

a toliko večji njegov je curak.

Če vidiš na nudl ga plaži, se ti zdi,

da pravzaprav Polde s curaka visi.

Če vidiš na nudl ga plaži, se ti zdi,

da pravzaprav Polde s curaka visi

Je Poldeta prijazna, okrogla gospa,

kosmata do brade in z breznom brez dna.

Kdor vidi jo nago, prav vsak se zgrozi:

glej fuflo, ki ma noge in modre oči.

Kdor vidi jo nago, prav vsak se zgrozi:

glej fuflo, ki ma noge in modre oči.

Prevzelo Poldeto nekočje gorje,

si brisala z dlačicami je solze.

Kar ugleda junaka, ki hodil je sam.

To bil naš je Polde s curakom na ram.

Kar ugleda junaka, ki hodil je sam.

To bil naš je Polde s curakom na ram.

Potoži se ona, potoži se on.

Sta šla potolažit se k njemu na dom.

Je kmalu povedalo škripanje dil:

za prav vsako metlo najde se štil!


Adi Smolar

Svinja Pijana

Delu sem izpit, padu in se šou napit,

vse gostilne sem obredu, a v eni obsedel.

Ostal sem sam s sabo in z alkoholom v glavi,

ko iz sebe zaslišim glas, ki mi tiho pravi:

Svinja pijana, že spet si nažgan,

tolk si popil, da boš kmau pokozlan,

prasec umazan, že spet si pijan,

se boš spet valu, boš ves osran.

Ležal sem pod mizo, preživljal sem krizo,

hotel sem vstat in it drugam, a sem bil preveč pijan.

V lastnem kozlanju med svinjarijo in čiki

so iz otopelosti zbudili me kriki:

Svinja pijana, že spet si nažgan,

le kolk si spil, da si ves pokozlan,

prasec umazan, že spet si pijan,

glej kje se valaš, saj si ves osran.

Počasi sem vstajal, ves svet se je majal,

prazno zrl sem v ljudi, vsi so dvojčki bili.

Prišel sem domov, kjer me je punca čakala,

ko me je zagledala, je z gnusom dejala:

Svinja pijana, že spet si nažgan,

le kolk si spil, da si ves pokozlan,

prasec umazan, že spet si pijan,

kje si se valu, da si ves osran.

Pospremu sem jo do vrat, a pol sem moru spet kozlat,

v stranišču sem zaspal, se školjke držal.

Me zjutraj je našla gospa gazdarica

in zarjula vame zaripla v lica:

Svinja pijana, ste spet bil nažgan,

le kolk ste spil, da ste ves pokozlan,

prasec umazan, ste spet bil pijan,

s prvim iz hiše, pa čim dalje stran!

Ostal sem brez izpita, brez punce in stanovanja,

spet se grem napit, ker sit sem tega sranja.

Ko pijan bom v gostilni ležal,

se našel bo nekdo, ki bo dejal:

Svinja pijana, že spet si nažgan,

le kolk si spil, da si ves pokozlan,

prasec umazan, že spet si pijan,

glej kje se valaš, saj si ves osran.

:o :angry: :beer1: :wacko: :smoke: :drunk: :SS

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Deathstars - Little Angel

Stand here for me angel, Oh little child so broken and wild

Bear not life on your shoulders, just kiss it one last time

Was the music to loud for you, to raw to be true

Were the abstracts too dark for you, I beg you now to the sky so bright, see all its light - fade

Here I am, was it everything you spoke of

Oh little angel

Yeah! Here I am, was it everything you've dreamt of

Oh little angel

Bow down for me heavenly one, Shed not those tears my little friend

Fear not god anymore, because you find him in my arms

Was the volume to high for you, to tough for the blue

Were desires too dark for you, to good to be true the sky so bright, see all its light - fade

Here I am, was it everything you spoke of

Oh little angel

Yeah! Here I am, was it everything you've dreamt of

Oh little angel

Tell me now how your wings got broken

Tell me now how your spine got whipped by leather

Tell me now how your tounge got split

Tell me all the things you need to drift away

Watch the sky so bright, see all its light

Watch the sky so full of light

For the last time so bright...

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Deathstars - Tongues

No prayers can reach me here

No light can touch

Among reduced Bibles, cigarettes and drugs

I carve your name in my flesh

Listen… Listen…

…then come and take my hand

Tongues, Tongues

Speak the little girls name

Tongues, Tongues

… shame, shame

Innocence will never kiss me again

Never lick my stiched scars

Your lipstick’s between the legs of hell

Mixed with speed and blood

The eggs grow in her open wrists

It has started now…

Her taste is on my lips and tongue

The taste of white medicines

…Listen …Listen …

I’ll come and take your hand!

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Amon Amarth - Victorious March

Ten heavy feet

Walks the bloodsoiled ground

With rhythm these

Five warriors march

No matter how much

The bleeding wounds

From enemy swordcuts

Hurts to the bone

The revenge they sought

Was taken in blood

No mercy was showed

No mercy was showed

They ignore the pain

That hammerlike pounds

From falls off slain

Horses to the ground

No signs of weakness

No signs of weariness

Not even a glimpse

Of remorse in their eyes

They slew men ruthless

Fed the wolves with flesh

And now they leave

This land side by side

Now they're headed home

Five swordsmen who fought repentlessly

Their story will be told

Of five brave men endlessly

All sorrow is left

For the woman to bare

The children cries

They live in fear

No man was spared

No houses or farm remains

No christian woman unraped

Their church consumed by flames

Their steel shines red

With enemy blood

It sings of victory

Granted by the Gods

And as they return

Bleeding but proud

The horizon burns

And the song is ringing loud

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DIDO - Here with me

I didn't hear you leave

I wonder how am I still here

And I don't want to move a thing

It might change my memory

Oh I am what I am

I do what I want

But I can't hide

And I won't go

I won't sleep

I can't breathe

Until you're resting here with me

And I won't leave

I can't hide

I cannot be

Until you're resting here with me

I don't want to call my friends

For they might wake me from this dream

And I can't leave this bed

Risk forgetting all that's been

Oh I am what I am

I do what I want

But I can't hide

And I won't go

I won't sleep

I can't breathe

Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave

I can't hide

I cannot be

Until you're resting here

I won't go

And I won't sleep

And I can't breathe

Until you're resting here with me

And I won't leave

I can't hide

I cannot be

Until you're resting here with me

Oh I am what I am

I do what I want

But I can't hide

And I won't go

I won't sleep

And I can't breathe

Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave

I can't hide

I cannot be

Until you're resting here

And I won't go

And I won't sleep

And I can't breathe

Until you're resting here with me

I won't leave

I can't hide

I cannot be

Until you're resting here with me

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Delite na drugih straneh

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Za objavljanje se morate najprej registrirati

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  • Zadnji brskalci   0 članov

    • Noben registriran uporabnik, si ne ogleduje to stran.
  • Ustvari novo...

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