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Scorpions - You And I

i lose control becAuse of you bAbe

i lose control when you look At me like this

there's something in your eyes thAt is sAyin' tonight

i'm not A child Anymore, life hAs opened the door

to A new exciting life

i lose control when i'm close to you bAbe

i lose control don't look At me like this

there's something in your eyes, is this love At first sight

like A flower thAt grows, life just wAnts you to know

All the secrets of life

it's All written down in your lifelines

it's written down inside your heArt

you And i just hAve A dream

to find our love A plAce

where we cAn hide AwAy

you And i were just mAde

to love eAch other now

forever And A dAy

i lose control becAuse of you bAbe

i lose control when you look At me like this

there's something in your eyes thAt is sAyin' tonight

i'm so curious for more just like never before

in my innocent life

it's All written down in your lifelines

it's written down inside your heArt

you And i just hAve A dreAm

to find our love A plAce

where we cAn hide AwAy

you And i were just mAde

to love eAch other now

forever And A dAy

I don't know ( The blues brothers ) B)

Sick and tired by the way you do
Good time papa gonna poison you
Sprinkle goofer dust all around your bed
Wake up one of these days, find your own self dead
She said you shouldn't say that
I said what did I say to make you mad this time baby
She said umm...
I don't know
My oh my oh my
She said I dont know but my baby's holding down

The woman I love she got devil in her jaw
Clothes she's wearing made out of the best of cloth
She can take 'em and wash 'em, put 'em upside a wall
She can throw 'em out a window, pick 'em up a little before the fall
Sometimes I think you got your habits on
She said you shouldn't say that
I said well what did I say to piss you off this time baby
She said umm...
I don't know, my oh my oh my, I don't know
But my baby's holding down

My momma told me, my momma sat down and cried
She said you're too young a man to have as many women you got
I looked at my mother dear, didn't even crack a smile
Said if women kill me I don't mind dying
The woman I love, I want to wait for last
The woman I love, I have all class
Thought I warned you baby, a long time ago
Better watch your step or I'm gonna have to let you go
She said you shouldn't say that

I said baby
You know when you bend over I see every bit of christmas
And when you bend back I'm looking right into the new year
She said honey, honey you know I gave up cigarettes for my new year's resolution
But I didnt give up smoking
I said woman, woman you gonna walk a mile for a camel
Or are you going to make like Mr. Chesterfield and satisfy
She said, she said that all depends on what your packing
Regular or king size
Then she pulled out my Jim Beam, and to her surprise
It was every bit as hard as my Canadian club
I said, I said what now you got to say baby
She said umm...

I don't know
My oh my oh my
I don't know
But my babys holding down



Prvi put vidjeno, u vasem su gradu

pakleni vozaci celicnih zivaca

Pripremite karte, zauzmite mjesta

Tu na galeriji plavog zida smrtị

Ovo je vrijeme paklenih vozaca

Ovo je vrijeme paklenih vozaca

Dva brata rodjena na zidu smrti

da ne vjerujes rodjenim ocima

kuda oni jure, dal? ih slava vuce

ili mozda novac titula nekạ

Ovo je vrijeme paklenih vozaca

Ovo je vrijeme paklenih vozacạ



So, so you think you can tell

Heaven from Hell,

Blue skys from pain

Can you tell a green field

From a cold steel rail?

A smile from a veil?

Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade

Your heros for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees?

Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?

And did you exchange

A walk on part in the war

For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here

We're just two lost souls

Swimming in a fish bowl,

Year after year,

Running over the same old ground

What have we found?

The same old fears

Wish you were here


Iron Horse/Born To Lose

He rides a road, that don't have no end,

An open highway, without any bends,

Tramp and his stallion, alone in a dream,

Proud in his colours, as the chromium gleams,

On Iron Horse he flies, on Iron Horse he gladly dies,

Iron Horse his wife, Iron Horse his life

He lives his life, he's living it fast,

Don't try to hide, when the dice have been cast,

He rides a whirlwind, that cuts to the bone,

Loaded forever, and righteously stoned,

On Iron Horse he flies, on Iron Horse he gladly dies,

Iron Horse his wife, Iron Horse his life

Yeah, slide it to me!

One day one day, they'll go for the sun,

Together they'll slide, on the eternal run,

Wasted forever, on speed bikes and booze,

Yeah tramp and the brothers, all born to lose,

On Iron Horse he flies, on Iron Horse he gladly dies,

Iron Horse his wife, Iron Horse his life

Where did you sleep? ( Texas )

You pushed away your rocking chair
Your seven years of living
Choose to think it over, you could try
You held beauty on your knee
You felt you were so giving
You made one feel special, then goodbye

Now tell me where did you go
A long way from me
Was it someone I know
Search your soul
A long way from me
'Cos I need to know, how far you'd go
Where did you sleep
Tell me who's gonna show

It's so in you're nature
To keep your face well hidden
Make a fox feel proud, you're so sly
Cannot play this game
My heart's tired, are we sinking
You made me once feel special, say goodbye

Now tell me where did you go
A long way from me
Was it someone I know
Search your soul
A long way from me
'Cos I need to know, how far you'd go
Where did you sleep
Tell me who's gonna show

So push away you're rocking chair
That seven years of giving
No time to think it over, so don't try

Now tell me where did you go
A long way from me
Was it someone I know
Search your soul
A long way from me
'Cos I need to know, how far you'd go
Where did you sleep
Tell me who's gonna show

Now tell me where did you go
A long way from me
Was it someone I know
Search your soul
A long way from me
'Cos I need to know, how far you'd go
Where did you sleep
Tell me who's gonna show

Where did you sleep last night
Where did you sleep last night


Hladno pivo - Sarma

Od sve mi hrane najdraža sarma

Sva ostala klopa joj nije do boka,

Miješano meso smota se lijepo

U listove zelja, da vidiš veselja.

Sarma je prava poslije par dana,

Kad ugledaš krutu mast na vrhu.

Curi niz bradu juhica fina,

Odbaciš pribor, ždereš ko svinja.

Po cijeli dan žena me grdi,

Da samo jedem, spavam i prdim.

Za one stvari tako joj drage,

Ja više nemam volje ni snage.

Meni se, iskreno, više neda

Znojiti na njoj dok ona drijema

I baš me briga što kuja melje,

Čim ona ode ja vadim zelje.

Sarma, nešto kao

Sarma, jelo pravo

Po cijeli dan žena me grdi,

Da samo jedem, spavam i prdim.

Za one stvari tako joj drage,

Ja više nemam volje ni snage.

Meni se, iskreno, više neda

Znojiti na njoj dok ona drijema

I baš me briga što kuja melje,

Čim ona ode ja vadim zelje.

Sarma, nešto kao

Sarma, jelo pravo

U zoni sumraka sarme nema....


vapotek - Oda sosedi

soseda me je zapustila

ker grdo mi je storila

zdaj leži dol na vrtu

z luknjo v hrbtu

soseda me je zapustila....

  • 4 tedne pozneje...
Objavljeno :worship:

Sarah Brightman - Memory

Midnight, Not a sound from the pavement

Has the moon lost her memory?

She is smiling alone

In the lamplight

The withered leaves collect at my feet

And the wind begins to moan

Memory, All alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember

The time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory live again

Every street lamp

Seems to beat

A fatalistic warning

Someone mutters

And a street lamp gutters

And soon it will be morning

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life

And I mustn't give in

When the dawn comes

Tonight will be a memory too

And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days

The stale cold smell of morning

The street lamp dies

Another night is over

Another day is dawning

Touch me, It's so easy to leave me

All alone with my memory

Of my days in the sun

If you touch me

You'll understand what happiness is

Look a new day has begun...



ti pa kar z oblaki pejt naprej,

dober se drž, da ne padeš, glej, glej.

Če pa oblak se stopi in dol zgrmiš,


Tako nekako po spominu poje Janez.




Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

Komm' aus Ägypten, das liegt direkt am Nil

Zuerst lag ich in einem Ei

Dann schni-schna-schnappte ich mich frei


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

Hab' scharfe Zähne und davon ganz schön viel

Schnapp' mir, was ich schnappen kann

Ja ich schnapp' zu, weil ich das so gut kann


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

Ich schnappe gern, das ist mein Lieblingsspiel

Ich schleich' mich an die Mama ran

Und zeig' ihr, wie ich schnappen kann


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

Und vom Schnappen, da krieg ich nicht zu viel

Ich beiß den Papi kurz ins Bein

Und dann dann, dann schlaf' ich einfach ein


Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp




Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp




Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp



Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Frank Sinatra - Strangers in the night

Strangers in the night exchanging glances
Wondring in the night
What were the chances wed be sharing love
Before the night was through.

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my heart,
Told me I must have you.

Strangers in the night, two lonely people
We were strangers in the night
Up to the moment
When we said our first hello.
Little did we know
Love was just a glance away,
A warm embracing dance away and -

Ever since that night weve been together.
Lovers at first sight, in love forever.
It turned out so right,
For strangers in the night.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Karma- anakonda

Crna zena zmijskog tijela

crne oci, koza bijela

zavela te, zlato moje

otrovala srce tvoje

Crna zena crne duse

zbog nje nam se snovi ruse

sve sto nekad vrijedilo je

nestalo je, propalo je


Ona je kao anakonda

sto spava ti na ramenu

i kad ti kazem volim te

kao da kazem kamenu

Ona je kao anakonda

sto lezi ti u narucju

i koga sada mrzim ja

da li tebe ili nju

Crna zena kao tama

srusila je sve pred nama

nase snove, nase nade

sve nam ona sada krade

Popravljeno . Popravil minca

i don't no what to do, but the monkeys were true - cartoon network :lol1:


Zablujena generacija- Pobegli vlak :worship:

Proti soncu, skozi mrak, divjam kot pobegli vlak

Ni je moči ki me ustavi in me na kolena spravi

Jaz sem tempirana bomba, jaz sem pobegli vlak

Zapravljaš dneve z mano punca, meni ni več pomoči

Sploh nimam več nadzora, stvari bežijo iz rok

A to je tisto stanje, kjer začutim največjo moč

In že hitim ...

Proti soncu, skozi mrak, divjam kot pobegli vlak

Ni je moči ki me ustavi in me na kolena spravi

Proti soncu, skozi mrak, divjam kot pobegli vlak

Nimam miru in ne obstanka, meni vedno nekej manjka

Pravijo naj se umirim, zakaj vedno stran bežim

Jaz hočem le malo akcije, prave satisfakcije

Ker jaz sem tempirana bomba, jaz sem ponoreli vlak

In to je tisto stanje, kjer začutim največjo moč

In že hitim ...

Proti soncu, skozi mrak, divjam kot pobegli vlak

Ni je moči ki me ustavi in me na kolena spravi

Proti soncu, skozi mrak, divjam kot pobegli vlak

Nimam miru in ne obstanka, meni vedno nekej manjka

:yea2: :yea2: :yea2:


Slavica Cukteras


Ruke su ti uporne, glava ti je pijana

a ja ne znam ni koji je dan ni godina

uvece me ostavis, ujutru mi dolazis

vise ne znam kad lazes ni sta je istina

Na jedno oko kao kisa places

drugim okom meni smejes se

zdravu lecis, bolesnu me trujes

ma, pusti me, pusti me


Mrgude, kad ti ljubav zafali, a ti naruci je

pa kad mene ne bude preporuci me

reci da sam trpela od svih najbolje

da na meni lecis komplekse

Kad ti ljubav zafali, a ti naruci je

pa kad mene ne bude preporuci me

reci da sam umela od svih najbolje

i na drugoj leci komplekse

Reci su ti pogane, dusa ti je prljava

a ja ne znam ni koji je dan ni godina

bolje je da nisi tu, ociju mi ociju

vise ne znam kad lazes ni sta je istina

Na jedno oko kao kisa places

drugim okom meni smejes se

zdravu lecis, bolesnu me trujes

ma, pusti me, pusti me


Pusti me

Mrgude, kad ti ljubav zafali, a ti naruci je

pa kad mene ne bude preporuci me

reci da sam umela od svih najbolje

i na drugoj leci komplekse



Slavica Cukteras

Zvaces je mojim imenom

Cujem, imas novu ljubav

zove se kao ja

sudbinu njenu sam dozivela

neka te ime njeno

na mene podseca

nek ti bude ista kao ja


Hteo to ne hteo

zvaces je mojim imenom

i dok je milujes

u tebi zivim skriveno

Uzalud je da ne mislis na mene

uzalud jer tecem ti kroz vene

uzalud je sad ljubis mesto mene

uzalud jer tecem ti kroz vene

Cujem, imas novu ljubav

voli te kao ja

sudbinu njenu sam dozivela

neka te ljubav njena

na mene podseca

neka proba da je kao ja





Pantera - Good friends and a bottle of pills

I fucked your girlfriend last night.

While you snored and drooled, I fucked your love.

She called me Daddy and I called her baby when I smacked her ass.

I called her sugar when I ate her alive till daylight.

And I slept with her all over me, from forehead to ribcage I dripped her ass.

Sometimes I thought you might be spying, living out some

brash fantasy, but no. You were knocked out.

But we were all knocked out you know. In a way.

I serve too many masters.

We didn't know you'd break the bottle that the magic

came in to use those jagged shards to slit our wrists and neck.

And you'd do it too, you're that kind of dude.

But you wouldn't know what you were doing because I didn't.

Your girlfriend could have been a burn victim, an amputee, a dead body.

But god damn I wanted to fuck.

I'm losing what's left of my fucking mind,

I serve too many fucking masters.


Rambo Amadeus - Mala, jebo te ja lično i personalno

Požuri jebem ti mater

čekam te več pola sata,

kad na prozor bogami

ne izadješ ti,

nego tvoja debela baba

sa puškom u ruci,

osmjehom na usnama

i papilotnama u kosi

i kaze Rambo pizda ti materina

ti čes da mi guziš moju...

A ja kažem:

gospodjo pa ja sam samo Balkan boj

gospodjo pa ja sam samo htio

da vam nategnem ćerku,

gospodjo pa to nije ništa strašno

pa jebu se i konji i zmije

i životinje i pitoni

i biljke se razmnožavaju

preko polenovog praha

iii jebi ga...

Ja sam Balkan boj

i ti si Balkan boj

ja sam Balkan boj.....

Hope for the best (expect the worst) - Mel Brooks

Hope for the best, expect the worst
Some drink champagne, some die of thirst
No way of knowing which way it's going
Hope for the best, expect the worst

Hope for the best, expect the worst
The world's a stage, we're unrehearsed
Some reach the top, friend, while others flop, friend
Hope for the best, expect the worst

I knew a man who saved a fortune that was splendid
Then he died the day he planned to go and spend it
Shouting, Live while you're alive
No one will survive
Life is sorrow, here today and gone tomorrow
Live while you're alive
No one will survive
There's no guarantee

Hope for the best, expect the worst
You could be Tolstoy, or Fanny Hurst
So take your chances, there are no answers
Hope for the best, expect the worst

I knew a man who saved a fortune that was splendid
Then he died the day he planned to go and spend it
Shouting, Live while you're alive
No one will survive
Life is funny, drink your wine and spend your money
Live while you're alive
No one will survive
There's no guarantee

Hope for the best, expect the worst
The rich are blessed, the poor are cursed
That is a fact, friend. The deck is stacked, friend
Hope for the best, expect the worst

Even with a good beginning
It's not certain that you're winning
Even with the best of chances
Fate can kick you in the pantses

Look out for the
Watch out for the

Bring back the bomb - Gwar

Hiroshima, a shadow burned in time
Nagasaki, naked baby melts alive
Burnt flesh and rubble from sea to dead shore
Such a hideous theatre of war
But that was the end - Why
There are so many more that must die
Is that not part of the plan
I must use the nukes
I can't kill you all with my hands

Hydrogen bomb, new signs of doom
Thermo-nuclear, neutron bomb too
You say these devices must never be used
I say you're mistaken, let's get to the fuse

Bring - Bring back the bomb
This is state policy, "by other means"
Your life ends in terror, this is now decreed
This is the twisting of bloody steel beams
The bomb blows air backwards, there's no time to scream
When they tested the A-bomb, they had a real fear
The blast will destroy your sweet atmosphere
But far more important as power increases
Was wasting the planet in well-ordered pieces

Bring - bring back the bomb
Bring - bring, bring, bring back the bomb

Bring back the bomb
It's been far too long
Sumon the brazen war chariot
Bring back the bomb
What makes it so wrong
Release the beast, you can't bury it

Why should the fire be shared with so few
Let bombs explode, 'cause that's what they do
Nuke Mecca, New York, the Vatican too
Give me a bomb, I'll drop it on you
Why stop at only two
You showed the world just what it can do
What a waste not to destroy
Come play at war, man, and bring your best toy

Who gives a fuck about a nuclear war
Let bombs explode, because that's what they're for
Last minute warning, the sirens they sing
Chaos, the reason, death, what we bring
Humans now look to the sky
You worship missiles, yet they know no side
I guess it was all a lie
So grab ass with both hands, it's your turn to die

Die - it's your turn to die
Die - it's your turn to die
Lies - they killed you with lies
Die, human, die

And while we're at it, let's go nuke Tibet
Let's vaporize the oceans with glee
Saving the whales an agenda for some
Nuking them sits well with me
Bring - bring back the bomb
They know not what they do
Bring - bring back the bomb

Bring back the bomb
It's been far too long
Summon the brazen war chariot
Bring back the bomb
What makes it so wrong
Crucify Judas Iscariot

Bring - bring back the bomb
They know not what they do
Bring - bring back the bomb

What makes it so wrong


Kenny Loggins - Highway To The Danger Zone

:D :D :kva2: :kva2: :kva2:

Revvin' up your engine

Listen to her howlin' roar

Metal under tension

Beggin' you to touch and go

Highway to the Danger Zone

Ride into the Danger Zone

Headin' into twilight

Spreadin' out her wings tonight

She got you jumpin' off the track

And shovin' into overdrive

Highway to the Danger Zone

I'll take you

Right into the Danger Zone

You'll never say hello to you

Until you get it on the red line overload

You'll never know what you can do

Until you get it up as high as you can go

Out along the edges

Always where I burn to be

The further on the edge

The hotter the intensity

Highway to the Danger Zone

Gonna take you

Right into the Danger Zone

Highway to the Danger Zone

:kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :kva2: :kva2:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Pantera - I'm broken

I wonder if we'll smile in our coffins while loved ones

Mourn the day, the absence of our faces, living, laughing,

Eyes awake. Is this too much for them to take?

Too young for ones conclusion, the lifestyle won.

Such values you taught your son. Thats how!

Look at me now. I'm broken.

Inherit my life. I'm broken.

One day we all will die, a cliched fact of life. Force fed

To make us heed. Inbred to sponge our bleed. Every

Warning, a leaking rubber, a poison apple for mingled

Blood. Too young for ones delusion the lifestyle cost

Venereal Mother embrace the loss. Thats how!

Look at you now. You're broken

Inherit your life. You're broken.

Thats how!

Look at us now.

I`m Broken

Inherit my life.

I`m Broken

Thats how!

Look at me Now. I`m Broken

Popravljeno . Popravil vapotek

Matko Jelavić - CRNA ŽENO

Za te čuvam

Sunce da te grije,

Za te čuvam mjesec

da ti sja,

i ranjenu dušu

koja se od svih krije

dušu koja

tebi pripada












Za te imam pjesmu

da te budi,

Za te imam noć

i miran san.

I kad bi htjeli

voljet te drugi ljudi,

Nitko neće

Kao što mogu ja.

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