Skoči na vsebino

Priporočene objave


Tone Pavček: Pesem o zvezdah

Vsak človek je sam zase svet,

čuden, svetal in lep

kot zvezda na nebu...

Vsak tiho zori,

počasi in z leti,

a kamor že greš, vse poti

je treba na novo začeti.

Tako živimo ljudje.

Vsak zase krmari k pogrebu.

Svetloba samo

nas druži kot zvezde na nebu.

A včasih so daleč poti,

da roka v roko ne seže,

a včasih preblizu so si,

da z nohti lahko

srce kdo doseže...

Od tega menda

človek umre,

od tega z neba

se zvezda ospe.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Tina Turner - Easy As Life

[From Aida]

This is the moment when the Gods expect me

To beg for help but I won't even try

I want nothing in the world but myself to protect me

But I won't lie down, roll over and die

All I have to do is to forget how much I love him

All I have to do is put my longing to one side

Tell myself that love's an ever-changing situation

Passion would have cooled and all the magic would have died

It's easy, it's easy...

Until I think about him as he was when I last saw him

And how he would have been were I to be with him today

Tender in his manner and my self-consolation

All I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away

All I have to do is to pretend I never knew him

On those very rare occasions when he steals into my heart

Better to have lost him when the ties were barely binding

Better the contempt of the familiar cannot start

It's easy, it's easy...

Until I think about him as he was when I last touched him

And how he would have been were I to be with him today

Those very rare occasions don't let up, they keep on coming

All I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away

And then I see the faces of a worn defeated people

A father and a nation who won't let a coward run

Is this how the Gods reward the faithful through the ages

Forcing us to prove that all the hardest things we've done

And though I'll think about him until the earth draws in around me

And though I choose to leave him for another kind of love

This is no denial, no betrayal, but redemption

Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above's easy as life...


Popravljeno . Popravil gorskaroza
:kva1: :whistle:

BTW - v oči... :cry:

Da ne bo kake pomote... ;)




Naucila si zivit, tico lijepa

od svakoga ne primit ruku pomirenja

i pocinjes razumit' prvi puta

da jedno smo na vani a drugo smo iznutra

Hodaj, nebo strpljive voli

hodaj, mozda se ipak sve u dobro pretvori

Jer tko ce to izvagat svaki puta

koje rici vratit', a koje ces progucat

I straj te izgovorit nakon svega

da godinama zivis s nekim

koga ne znas

Zasto nosis oblak iza lipog lica

viruj, bit ce sve u redu, i za svako slovo

ti ne trazi krivca u sebi il' u meni

u svemu jer slomit' ce nas to...


Leona Lewis: Bleeding Love

closed off from love i didn't need the pain

once or twice was enough

and it was all in vain

time starts to pass before you know it your frozen

but something happened for the very first time with you

my heart melted to the ground, found something true

and everyones looking round thinking i'm going crazy

but i dont care what they say, i'm in love with you,

they tried to pull me away,

but they dont know the truth,

my hearts crippled by the vein that i keep on closing

you cut me up and i keep bleeding love...

trying hard not to hear but they talk so loud

they pissing sounds fill my ears try to fill me with doubt

let them know that the goal is to keep me from falling

nothings greater than the rest that comes with your embrace

in this world alone the loneliness i see your face

your everywhere around me, everyone thinks i'm going crazy

but i dont care what they say im in love with you

they tried to pull me away

but they dont know the truth

my hearts crippled by the vein that i keep on closing

you cut me up and i keep keep bleeding love...

and its draining out of me

they find it hard to believe

i'll be wearing these scars for everyone to see...


Karma - Za ona dobra stara vremena

Kako je dobro

Vidjeti te opet

Staviti ruke an tvoja ramena

Kao nekad poljubi me nje?no

Za ona dobra,dobra stara vremena

Kako je dobro

Vidjeti te opet

Staviti ruke an tvoja ramena

Kao nekad poljubi me nje?no

Za ona dobra,dobra,dobra stara vremena

Bilo je osam na trgu cvijeća

Ja sam te čekala na kraju priče

Kada si reko : mi nećemo vi?e

Odmahnuh rukom,ma ?ta me se tiče

A ne bi ni bogu priznala tada

Sve je moje u vodu palo

Sad ti to ka?em,lagati neću

Onoga dana i vrijeme je stalo


Kako je dobro

Vidjeti te opet

Staviti ruke an tvoja ramena

Kao nekad poljubi me nje?no

Za ona dobra,dobra,dobra stara vremena

Stvarno sam htjela

Vidjeti te opet

Sa istim smijehom na usnama tvojim

Pričaj o ki?i,o bilo čemu

Ne pričaj o sebi

Jo? toga se bojim

Nek sam prokleta ako i danas

Postoji način da objasnim sebe

Ne ?elim nikog i sve mi se čini

Da čitav sam ?ivot voljela tebe


Kako je dobro

Vidjeti te opet

Staviti ruke an tvoja ramena

Kao nekad poljubi me nje?no

Za ona dobra,dobra,dobra stara vremena


Zabranjeno pušenje - Dan republike

Danas je Dan Republike

I stari je popio malo

Na televiziji Lepa Brena

I stari se sjeća ratnih vremena

Da bi danas bilo bolje

Oni su poturali svoja pleća

Gazili hladne rijeke

Jeli koru s drveća

Žao mu je što neki misle

Da je život negdje drugdje

I ne sanja se više stari san

Čekaju pasoš da odu van

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

I stara kaže Dragane šuti

Skrati jezik mogu te čuti

Dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je Dan Republike

I stari se sjeća ratnih dana

Žao mu je što se ni klinci

Više ne igraju partizana

Danas svako zna

Da je glava samo jedna

Danas svako zna

Pred kim pasti na koljena

Danas je Dan Republike i stari kaže

Otvorite prozore, pijan je i čini mu se

Da logorske vatre u daljini gore

Logorske vatre, u daljini gore

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

I stara kaže

Jesi l' normalan Dragane

Zatvaraj prozore, ne radi grijanje

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

I stara kaže Dragane šuti

Skrati jezik, mogu te čuti

Dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike

Danas je dan, Dan Republike



You, do you remember me?

Like I remember you?

Do you spend your life

Going back in your mind to that time?

Because I, I walk the streets alone

I hate being on my own

And everyone can see that I really fell

And I'm going through hell

Thinking about you were somebody else

Somebody wants you

Somebody needs you

Somebody dreams about you every single night

Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely

Somebody hopes someday you will see

That Somebody's Me...

How, How could we go wrong

It was so good and now it's gone

And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross

And what we had isn't lost

Cause you're always right here in my thoughts

You'll always be in my life

Even if I'm not in your life

Because you're in my memory

You, will you remember me

And before you set me free

Oh listen please

Somebody wants you

Somebody needs you

Somebody dreams about you every single night

Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely

Somebody hopes someday you will see

That Somebody's Me...


Kdo pa so ti mladi fantje

Kdo pa so ti mladi fantje,

ki korakajo skoz vas?

Kdo pa so ti mladi fantje,

ki jim tak' žari obraz?

To so mladi partizani,

neupogljivega duha,

to so mladi partizani,

borci novega sveta.

Kdo pa so dekleta mlada,

puške imajo na ramah,

kdo pa so dekleta mlada,

ali jih ni prav nič strah?

To so mlade partizanke,

slušale so glas srca,

to so mlade partizanke,

strah pustile so doma.

Kakšna je to mlada vojska,

ki zapela je skoz' vas?

Kakšna je to mlada vojska,

druga vse kot prejšnji čas?

To je prava naša vojska,

to je silna naša moč,

to je vojska partizanska,

jutro znani nam pojoč!


Jacques Prevert: Nežni in nevarni obraz ljubezni

Nežni in nevarni

obraz ljubezi


Jacques Prevert:

Najkrajše pesmi...

Ptica ki prepeva v moji glavi

in ponavlja da te ljubim

in ponavlja da me ljubiš

s svojo lajno me že gnjavi

jutri zjutraj jo zadavim.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Sreča ni v glavi in ne v daljavi,

ne pod palcem skrit zaklad.

Sreča je, ko se delo dobro opravi.

In ko imaš nekoga rad.

(Tone Pavček)

Zate, draga deklica ... :worship:

Popravljeno . Popravil Mutika

Oprostite...analgetiki :oops:

Jacques Prevert: Nežni in nevarni obraz ljubezni

Nežni in nevarni

obraz ljubezi

se mi je prikazal nekega večera

po vse predolgem dnevu

mogoče je strelec

lok napel

mogoče je godec

po strunah podrsel

saj več ne vem

saj vem samo

da me je ranil

mogoče s puščico

mogoče s pesmijo

saj vem samo

da me je ranil

me v srce zadel

da za vse čase

je vanj vžgana

pekoča ljubezenska rana.

Sreča ni v glavi in ne v daljavi,

ne pod palcem skrit zaklad.

Sreča je, ko se delo dobro opravi.

In ko imaš nekoga rad.

(Tone Pavček)

Zate, draga deklica ... :worship:

Basho : HAIKU

None is travelling

Here along this way but I,

This autumn evening.

In lepo je imeti sopotnike... :yes:


Jan Plestenjak - Lepa

Indija v zraku

Tople sveče so v mraku

Čutim veter tvoje sape

Boža me po vratu

Noro ko te gledam

Kurba in devica

Včasih si kot laž

Včasih kot resnica

Na postelji je svila

Od užitka se potiva

Daleč spodaj so oblaki

Čutim da letiva

Globoko grem v tebe

Od ognja me zazebe

Malo me je strah

Ker bojim se sebe

Lepa zame ti boš lepa

Ko sveče dogorijo

Zame ti boš lepa

Ko oči zaspijo

Se angeli zbudijo

Indija v zraku

Tople sveče so v mraku

Čutim veter tvoje sape

Boža me po vratu

Rad bi da verjameš

Da bom hranil tvoje sanje

Da bom tvoj vojak

Da bom padel zanje

Bral te bom počasi

Čuval vsako bom besedo

Ni me strah če bom spoznal

Svojo lastno bedo

Bodi zame tu

Bodi zame čista

In ko bova stara

Ti boš zame ista...


Garth Brooks- standing outside the fire

"We call them cool

Those hearts that have no scars to show

The ones that never do let go

And risk it the tables being turned

We call them fools

Who have to dance within the flame

Who chance the sorrow and the shame

That always come with getting burned

We call them strong

Those who can face this world alone

Who seem to get by on their own

Those who will never take the fall

We call them weak

Who are unable to resist

The slightest chance love might exist

And for that forsake it all ..."


Is There Anybody There?


Lyrics:Klaus Meine, Herman Rarebell

Open my mind let me find new vibrations

Tell me the way I must take to reach my destination

And a place where I can stay

Where is the love of my life couldn't find her

Show me the way to come back to myself

'Cause I'm nowhere in the darkness of these days

Is there anybody there who feels that vibration

Who shows me the way to my love

Is there anybody there with that inclination

To bring back to sun to my heart

I find myself in a state of confusion

Life's like a pantomime trick or a laser illusion

Where's a place that I can stay

Save me don't let me get lost in the ocean

I need your help everyday to control my emotions

In the darkness of these days

Is there anybody there who feels that vibration

Who shows me the way to my love

Is there anybody there with that inclination

To bring back the sun to my heart


Placebo - Pure Morning

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend with weed is better,

A friend with breasts and all the rest,

A friend who's dressed in leather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who'll tease is better ,

Our thoughts compressed,

Which makes us blessed,

And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

My Japanese is better,

And when she's pressed she will undress,

And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who bleeds is better,

My friend confessed she passed the test,

And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]

Pure morning, [repeat this three more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who'll tease is better,

Our thoughts compressed,

Which makes us blessed,

And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who bleeds is better,

My friend confessed she passed the test,

And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]

Pure morning,[repeat this three more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

My Japanese is better,

And when she's pressed she will undress,

And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend with weed is better,

A friend with breast and all the rest,

A friend who's dressed in leather


Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Le Petit Prince

Lisica ...

Potem je dodala:

"Pojdi spet k vrtnicam. Zdaj veš, zakaj je tvoja vrtnica edina na svetu. Potem se vrni, da se posloviva, in jaz ti bom podarila skrivnost."

Mali princ je stopil k vrtnicam.

"Čisto nič niste podobne moji vrtnici, vé niste še čisto nič," jim je dejal. "Nihče vas še ni udomačil in vé niste nikogar udomačile. Take ste, kot je moja lisica. Bila je samo lisica med tisoč drugimi lisicami. Toda odkar sva se spoprijateljila je ni na svetu take, kot je ona."

In vrtnice so bile v veliki zadregi.

"Lepe ste ampak prazne," je nadaljeval. "Zaradi vas nihče ne bi šel v smrt. Seveda popotnik bi mislil, da ni razlike med vami in mojo vrtnico. Toda imenitnejša je, kot vé vse skupaj, zakaj ona je tista, ki sem jo zalival, ona je tista, ki sem jo pokrival, ona, ki sem jo varoval pred vetrom. Zakaj ona je tista, zaradi katere sem uničil gosenice (razen dveh ali treh, da bi se iz jih razvili metuji). Zato, ker je ona tista, ki sem jo slišal pritoževati se ali se bahati, včasih pa tudi molčati. Dragocena je zato, ker je moja."

In se je vrnil k lisici.

"Zbogom", je dejal...

"Zbogom", je rekla lisica. Čuj mojo skrivnost. Zelo preprosta je :

Kdor hoče videti, mora gledati s srcem. Bistvo je očem nevidno."

"Bistvo je očem nevidno," je ponovil Mali princ, da bi si zapomnil.

"Zaradi časa, ki si ji ga žrtvoval, je tvoja vrtnica tako dragocena."

"Zaradi časa, ki sem ji ga žrtvoval..." je ponovil Mali princ, da bi si zapomnil.

"Ljudje so to resničo pozabili," je rekla lisica. "Toda ti je ne smeš pozabiti. Za vedno si odgovoren za tisto, kar si udomačil. Odgovoren si za svojo vrtnico...!" "Odgovoren si za svojo vrtnico..." je ponovil mali princ, da bi si zapomnil.



Lahko sem srečna, ker poznam nekaj njih, ki znajo gledati s srcem ...!

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Clouseau - Close Encounters

Don't cry now

You know it happens to the best of us

Goodbye now

And don't forget about the rest of us

I'm staying

You never know if they can use me here

I'm praying

I won't be looking when you disappear

And everybody's looking out

For close encounters of another kind

And it won't help me if I shout

But I'm getting pretty close this time

You're on my mind...

Don't worry

I should have told you to beware of me

Don't hurry

Come back to see whatever's left of me

I've cried some

But I suppose I'm getting colder now

You've died some

But even you are getting older now

And everybody's looking out

For close encounters of another kind

And it won't help me if I shout

But I'm getting pretty close this time

You're on my mind, all of the time

Don't cry now... :unsure:

Popravljeno . Popravil gorskaroza

Shania Twain - From this moment

(I do swear that I'll always be there. I'd give anything

and everything and I will always care. Through weakness

and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better, for worse,

I will love you with every beat of my heart.)

From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I'd give my last breath

From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart

Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love

And you're the answer to my prayers from up above

All we need is just the two of us

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment

I will love you as long as I live

From this moment on

Shania Twain - From this moment



Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Dražen Zečić - Pokidat' ću lance sve

Zbog tebe me boli glava

sedam noci vec ne spavam

tuga me je neka spopala

kao zadnji prosjak skitam

i za tebe ljude pitam

k'o da si u zemlju propala

Dok se oci sa snom bore

umirem od ljubomore

al' me nece ruka Bozija

ako neces moja biti

tebe cu zaboraviti

od sutra sam drugi covjek ja

Pokidat' cu lance sve

sto me vezu za tebe

okove sa srca bacit' cu

nisi ni ti jedina

da mi zivot propada

drugu srodnu dusu naci cu

Nisi ni ti jedina

da mi zivot propada

drugu srodnu dusu naci cu

Popravljeno . Popravil ShadoW88

Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don’t let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Remember the good times that we had?

I let them slip away from us when things got bad

How clearly I first saw you smilin’ in the sun

Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don’t let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I’m so tired but I can’t sleep

Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep

It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word

We are screaming inside, but we can’t be heard

But I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don’t let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I’m so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose

Clinging to a past that doesn’t let me choose

Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night

You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

And I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don’t let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories...

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