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Apollo 440 - Pain in any language

I’m gonna love you – till you love me then no more

You’re gonna need me – like I need you right now

I’m gonna screw you – for all you’re worth and no more

You’re gonna need me – it’s the same in any language

The pain in any language is the same in any language

I’m gonna love you – till you love me then no more

You’re gonna need me – like I need you right now

You’re gonna need me – it’s the same in any language

The pain in any language is the same in any language

I’m gonna love you – till you love me then no more

It’s the same in any language

The pain in any language

Same in any language

I’m gonna love you – till you love me then no more

Look, you’re gonna need me

They won’t love you, like I love you

They won’t love you, like I do

They won’t love you, like I love you

They won’t love you, like I do


Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast

Gjennom tidelose morkne drommer

I fuktig hostvind ober landstrakte vidder

Mot Sorias fjellheim

Kommer jeg, en fandens ridder

Glatt er runen på det hoye fjell

Gnidd vekk av regn og vind

Dragende kraft av ondskap lurer

Her ved trollheims muldne grind

Fortumlet av dette morke byggverk

Med rovet gull fra lyets pakt

Brukt som spott til å senke

Deres murer

Vi grunder over dette riket

Så vakkert fylt med tidelos skumring

Som en stjerne I tomsindighetens juv

Det bringer frem en nattlig mimring

Over tanker fra en vissen tid

Drott til himmels er det reist

Av tidens endelose svarte minner

Stormblåst ut av det sorte indre

Har bergflint rullet fra mo til kneist

Undring og angst samler seg I natten

I morket som ruver om spiret

For ingen dag kan veien hit

Intet lys kan luske frem

Der sorg har beseiret alle gleder

Og bygd et land på menneskets jord

Fylt med isklad prakt og heder




Kaj je prevara?

Ali od tega umreš?

Kaj je prevara?

Je to tisto,

ko se v ječo zapreš?

Je to tisto,

ko se veseliš in nasmihaš,

se sklanjaš in glihaš,

ponoči pa hlipaš in usihaš

in kričiš in blazniš,

ker z vsako nočjo

bolj in bolj

in bolj krvaviš?

Dokler končno ne omagaš.

Ko ves zabuhel,

hrom in osupel

bolščiš v ogledalo

in se sprašuješ,

kje je bodalo.

Tisto bodalo,

s katerim si nekoč

zabodel v svoje srce,

tako silovito, precizno, globoko,

da je krvavelo

vse do tega

poslednjega dne.

Ko zreš v ogledalo

in zaman iščeš bodalo,

da bi ga izdrl.

A zdaj je prepozno,

zdaj si umrl.

Iztok Vrhovec - Prevare


Andrej Šifrer

Šum na srcu

Žetev zgodnjega časa,

bogatega klasa,

zatrobila je svoj odhod.

Ko redko gozdna vila

me je poljubila,

odpeljala pod nebesni svod.

Od takrat oktober

ni bil ne slab in ne dober,

le v večnost zapisan čas.

Ko smo iskali plodove

za pozne rodove,

nihče ni vedel za nas.

Rad bi jokal s teboj kot klovn,

rad bi pel ti kot Jackson Browne.

Ko tajil jim bom in lagal,

šum na srcu me bo izdal.

A vsi naj izvedo,

kako sva srkala nebo.

V podobah rajskega greha,

v tvojih gubah od smeha,

bil sem reven, bil sem bogat,

ko skoz' bedresa v nebesa

tvoj'ga svet'ga telesa

v večerih sem hodil spat.

Duša se izkrca,

papirnata srca

mi padejo v objem.

Pohota švedskih stranišč,

lepota poznih plesišč,

večnost zdaj lahko odprem.

Rad bi jokal s teboj kot klovn,

rad bi pel ti kot Jackson Browne.

Ko tajil jim bom in lagal,

šum na srcu me bo izdal.

A vsi naj izvedo,

kako sva srkala nebo.

Do takrat oktober

ni bil ne slab in ne dober,

le v večnost zapisan čas.

In London ni bil

ne meglen in ne siv.

Na vsa usta se je iskril.

Rad bi jokal s teboj kot klovn,

rad bi pel ti kot Jackson Browne.

Ko tajil jim bom in lagal,

šum na srcu me bo izdal.

Ko tajil jim bom in lagal,

šum na srcu me bo izdal.


Omar - vse kar imam

In kaj naj zdaj pišem vam v spomin

Besede že slišane, zbogom, ne njim

Ne vem več, kaj rad bi, ko dan me zbudi

Želim si le stran od tod

In kaj naj vzamem kaj pustim?

Preveč je spominov, preveč bolečin

Ko senca prekrila bo svetlo nebo

Naj spomni te to le name...

In upam na vse drugače

Si mislim, se le zdi

Na dlani je vse, kar imam in je pot, ki pozna

kraj brez kaplje dežja

Nočem več praznih besed, rabim iskre v očeh

tvoj pogled je izpet

Visoko zdaj nosim svoj poraz

V skalo na gori si rišem srce

In upam da kamen prenese vse

če spomniš kdaj se name

In upam na vse drugače

Si mislim, se le zdi...

Na dlani je vse, kar imam in je pot, ki pozna

kraj brez kaplje dežja

Nočem več praznih besed, rabim iskre v očeh

tvoj pogled je izpet...


Zaboravljas Zeljko Joksimovic

Nocas bez glasa, ti na mojim vratima,

Na licu ti kisa, znam da lije satima,

I neka lije, bar suze krije,

Jer nebih hteo takvu da te zateknem,

I trazim reci, bar to nek spreci,

Da mi tisina vrati dane protekle.

Mirise ti kosa, jos taj miris osecam,

Ne, nemozes uci, ja ne zivim vise sam,

Dal on te voli, znaj jos me boli,

Poslednji zagrljaj kada si otisla.

Zaboravljas sta smo jedno davno rekli,

Kad ostavljas, ostavljas sve sto smo stekli,

Sacuvaj bar onaj ponos u tvom glasu,

Koju sam voleo.

Zaboravljas u sta sam te nekad kleo,

Kad ostavljas, ostavljaj za zivot ceo,

Sacuvaj bar onaj ponos u tvom glasu,

Koji sam voleo...


Bon Jovi - Bed of roses

Sitting here wasted and wounded

At this old piano

Trying hard to capture

The moment this morning I don't know

'Cause a bottle of vodka

Is still lodged in my head

And some blonde gave me nightmares

I think that she's still in my bed

As I dream about movies

They won't make of me when I'm dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and

French kiss the morning

While some marching band keeps

Its own beat in my head

While we're talking

About all of the things that I long to believe

About love and the truth and

What you mean to me

And the truth is baby you're all that I need

I want to lay you down in a bed of roses

For tonite I sleep on a bed of nails

I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is

And lay you down on a bed of roses

Well I'm so far away

That each step that I take is on my way home

A king's ransom in dimes I'd given each night

Just to see through this payphone

Still I run out of time

Or it's hard to get through

Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you

I'll just close my eyes and whisper,

Baby blind love is true

I want to lay you down in a bed of roses

For tonite I sleep on a bed of nails

I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is

And lay you down on a bed of roses

The hotel bar hangover whiskey's gone dry

The barkeeper's wig's crooked

And she's giving me the eye

I might have said yeah

But I laughed so hard I think I died

Now as you close your eyes

Know I'll be thinking about you

While my mistress she calls me

To stand in her spotlight again

Tonite I won't be alone

But you know that don't

Mean I'm not lonely I've got nothing to prove

For it's you that I'd die to defend

I want to lay you down in a bed of roses

For tonite I sleep on a bed of nails

I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is

And lay you down on a bed of roses


"Do What You Want" BadReligion

Hey do what you want, but don't do it around me.

Idleness and dissipation breed apathy.

I sit on my ass all goddamn day,

A misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to

Say what you must, do all you can,

Break all the fucking rules and

Go to Hell with Superman and

Die like a champion, yeah hey!

Hey I don't know if the billions will survive,

But I'll believe in God when 1 and 1 are 5.

My moniker is man and I'm rotten to the core.

I'll tear down the building just to pass through the door.

So do what you must, do all you can,

Break all the fucking rules and

Go to Hell with Superman and

Die like a champion, yeah hey!



I`m riding free on a horse of steel

fire s burning on my wheel

I`m riding throu the bridge of freedom

I can feel the loosing of all my wisdom

Gasoline is in my veins-feeling insane

Devil`s crawling in my head-eternal mad

Angels falling from the sky-My spirit will never die

Speed, fire, rage and death-my life will not end

Eaghles flying in the sky

Showing me the road to die

Soon as all eagles fly away

I`ll drive into my grave

Gasoline is in my veins-feeling insane

Devil`s crawling in my head-eternal mad

Angels falling from the sky-My spirit will never die

Speed, fire, rage and death-my life will not end.

:evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Vlado Georgiev - Mi nismo mi

Kako da ti kazem, kako to

od ljubavi je malo ostalo

govori ti srce, cutim ja

mi nismo mi, ti nisi ta

Znam da ima puno razloga

da ne budemo skupa ti i ja

i suvise nas toga razdvaja

mi nismo mi, i samo to je istina

Jer ja ne mogu da zivim u lazi

ako to mozes ti samo mi kazi

da mi nismo mi i da to nije to

ti imas vremena a ja ga ne bih trosio...

Popravljeno . Popravil gorskaroza

Jole - Jedna mala plava

Jedna mala plava na ramenu mi spava

Na ramenu mi spava jedna mala plava

Zelena je trava srca nam probudila

Jedna mala plava cjelu noć me ljubila

Cjelu noć me ljubila, pa se je umorila

Cjelu noć me ljubila, pa je jadna zaspala

Jedna mala plava na ramenu mi spava

Na ramenu mi spava jedna mala plava

Jedna mala plava na ramenu mi spava

Na ramenu mi spava jedna, jedna, jedna mala plava

Jedna mala plava na ramenu mi spava

Na ramenu mi spava jedna mala plava

Jedna mala plava na ramenu mi spava

Na ramenu mi spava jedna, jedna, jedna mala plava

Na ramenu mi spava

Sakrio se mjesec iza crnog oblaka

Sakrio se mjesec, pa se nije stidjela

Cijelu noć me ljubila, pa se je umorila

Cijelu noć me ljubila, pa je jadna zaspala


kaj vse se najde v moji audio ropotarnici :)

November Rain

When I look into your eyes

I can see a love restrained

But darlin' when I hold you

Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever

And we both know hearts can change

And it's hard to hold a candle

In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time

Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go

An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today

Walking away

If we could take the time

to lay it on the line

I could rest my head

Just knowin' that you were mine

All mine

So if you want to love me

then darlin' don't refrain

Or I'll just end up walkin'

In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own

Do you need some time...all alone

Everybody needs some time...

on their own

Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart

When even friends seem out to harm you

But if you could heal a broken heart

Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time... on my own

Sometimes I need some time... all alone

Everybody needs some time... on their own

Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside

And shadows still remain

I know that you can love me

When there's no one left to blame

So never mind the darkness

We still can find a way

'Cause nothin' lasts forever

Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody

Don't ya think that you need someone

Everybody needs somebody

You're not the only one

You're not the only one

http://' target="_blank">


"Supersonic" Bad Religion

Well am I making haste or could it be haste is making me

What's time but a thing to kill or keep or buy or lose or live in

I gotta go faster

Keep up the pace

Just to stay in the human race

I could go supersonic

the problem's chronic

Tell me does life exist beyond it

When I need to sate

I just accelerate

Into oblivion

Into oblivi yah yah yah yah yah yah yan

Now here I go again

everything is alien

How does it feel to be outstripped by the pace of cultural change

My deeds are senseless

and rendered meaningless

When measured in that vein

I could go supersonic

the problem's chronic

Tell me does life exist beyond it

When I need to sate

I just accelerate into oblivion

Into oblivion

I won't lie

it's exciting

When I try

to decide things

I just want to live



I'm in misery

I could I go supersonic

the problem's chronic

Tell me does life exist beyond it

When I need to sate

I just accelerate into oblivion

Into oblivi yah yah yah yah yah yah yan


LEONARD COHEN "In My Secret Life"

I saw you this morning.

You were moving so fast.

Can’t seem to loosen my grip

On the past.

And I miss you so much.

There’s no one in sight.

And we’re still making love

In My Secret Life.

I smile when I’m angry.

I cheat and I lie.

I do what I have to do

To get by.

But I know what is wrong,

And I know what is right.

And I’d die for the truth

In My Secret Life.

Hold on, hold on, my brother.

My sister, hold on tight.

I finally got my orders.

I’ll be marching through the morning,

Marching through the night,

Moving cross the borders

Of My Secret Life.

Looked through the paper.

Makes you want to cry.

Nobody cares if the people

Live or die.

And the dealer wants you thinking

That it’s either black or white.

Thank G-d it’s not that simple

In My Secret Life.

I bite my lip.

I buy what I’m told:

From the latest hit,

To the wisdom of old.

But I’m always alone.

And my heart is like ice.

And it’s crowded and cold

In My Secret Life...


Stevie Wonder - I just call to say I love you

No New Year's Day to celebrate

No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away

No first of spring

No song to sing

In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain

No flowers bloom

No wedding Saturday within the month of June

But what it is, is something true

Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high

No warm July

No harvest moon to light one tender August night

No autumn breeze

No falling leaves

Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun

No Halloween

No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring

But what it is, though old so new

To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care, I do

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care, I do

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,

of my heart

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care, I do

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,

baby of my heart


Gibonni feat. Goran Bare & Maja Azucena - Anđeo u tebi

Pod njegove plahte kako si to zalutala?

Neki ljudi ne smiju se sresti...

Ne postoji slamka da bi se za nju držala

Dok mu nosiš nenadane vijesti

Ljudi se kvare, valjda si to naučila

Ni on nije kakav ti se čini...

Potonulu lađu sakrit ćeš ispod jezika

(usidrena tajna u tišini)

Šta on ima sa ditetom u tebi?

Da se stidi? Da ga skriva?

Kad zavolio ga ne bi...

Šta on ima s ditetom u tebi?

Šta ti vridi da ga prizna

Kad zavolio ga ne bi?

U javnom wc-u flomasterom ispisan je zid

To brodolomci šalju poruke u boci

To ne vidi nitko, čita ih samo dragi Bog

Koji može ovo ludilo zakočit...

Toliko ljudi vuku se u kolonama

U svojim urnama na cesti

Ti ne vidiš nikoga na koga bi sad računala

Bar jednog kojeg vridilo bi sresti...

Šta on ima ustvari s anđelom u tebi?

Šta ti vridi da ga prizna kad zavolio ga ne bi?


Alice In Chains - No Excuses

Its alright

There comes a time

Got no patience to search

For peace of mind

Layin low

Want to take it slow

No more hiding or

Disguising truths Ive sold

Everyday its something

Hits me all so cold

Find me sittin by myself

No excuses, then I know

Its okay

Had a bad day

Hands are bruised from

Breaking rocks all day

Drained and blue

I bleed for you

You think its funny, well

Youre drowning in it too

Everyday its something

Hits me all so cold

Find me sittin by myself

No excuses, then I know

Yeah, its fine

Well walk down the line

Leave our rain, a cold

Trade for warm sunshine

You my friend

I will defend

And if we change, well i

Love you anyway

Everyday its something

Hits me all so cold

Find me sittin by myself

No excuses, then I know


Evo komada za vse "zaljubljene" :D

Plavi Orkestar - Fa, fa, fašista

Sječaš li se draga kraljeviča Petra ostavio zemlju na nogama od vjetra.

Tada si ti draga ostavila mene da mi glava trne i srce da mi vene.

Plakala ti majka, plakao ti babo zaveo te draga zlatokosi švabo.

Otišla si njemu ne treba mi druga u vihoru rata ostala mi tuga.

fa, fa, fašista, nemoj biti ti

jerbo ču te ja draga ubiti.

Hitlerovom sinu sada griješ pitu bacila si moju od zumbula kitu.

Postala si dama crnog kupleraja a ja ču da hladim trumanova jaja.

fa, fa, fašista, nemoj biti ti

jerbo ču te ja draga ubiti.

Ako primiš draga

ovo moje pismo

žao mi je mila

voljeli se nismo

pogledaj u nebo

jedna zvijezda pada

to se ljeto sprema

a mene više nema


fa, fa, fašista, nemoj biti ti

jerbo ču te ja draga ubiti.


One Thing

Finger Eleven

Restless tonight

Cause I wasted the light

Between both these times

I drew a really thin line

It’s nothing I planned

And not that I can

But you should be mine

Across that line


If I traded it all

If I gave it all away for one thing

Just for one thing

If I sorted it out

If I knew all about this one thing

Wouldn’t that be something

I promise I might

Not walk on by

Maybe next time

But not this time

Even though I know

I don’t want to know

Yeah I guess I know

I just hate how it sounds



Even though I know

I don’t want to know

Yeah I guess I know

I just hate how it sounds


Repeat Chorus Til End


France Prešeren: ZDRAVLJICA

Prijatlji! odrodile

so trte vince nam sladkó,

ki nam oživlja žile,

srcé razjásni in oko,

ki utopi

vse skrbi,

v potrtih prsih up budi!

Komú narpred veselo

zdravljico, bratje! čmo zapét'!

Bog našo nam deželo,

Bog živi ves slovenski svet,

brate vse,

kar nas je

sinóv sloveče matere!

V sovražnike 'z oblakov

rodú naj naš'ga treši gróm;

prost, ko je bil očakov,

naprej naj bo Slovencov dom;

naj zdrobé

njih roké

si spone, ki jih še težé!

Edinost, sreča, sprava

k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo;

otrók, kar ima Slava,

vsi naj si v róke sežejo,

de oblast

in z njo čast,

ko préd, spet naša boste last!

Bog žívi vas Slovenke,

prelepe, žlahtne rožice;

ni take je mladenke,

ko naše je krvi dekle;

naj sinóv

zarod nov

iz vas bo strah sovražnikov!

Mladenči, zdaj se pije

zdravljica vaša, vi naš up;

ljubezni domačije

noben naj vam ne usm&rgrave;ti strup;

ker zdaj vas

kakor nas,

jo večno bránit' kliče čas!

Živé naj vsi naródi,

ki hrepené dočakat' dan,

ko, koder sonce hodi,

prepir iz svéta bo pregnan,

ko rojak

prost bo vsak,

ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak! Nazadnje še, prijatlji,

kozarce zase vzdignimo,

ki smo zato se zbrat'li,

ker dobro v srcu mislimo;

dókaj dni

naj živí

vsak, kar nas dobrih je ljudi!


Allman Brothers



Allman Brothers





Return - take this heart

I look into the mirror and I see my one an' only enemy

And he wont go away

And every time it hurts so bad I wish you were here

To share what we had

The truth is hard what can I say

It's getting harder every living day

Take this heart and heal it make it start make me feel it

Do it now

Take this heart and heal it can't you see how bad I need it

Do it now

To many days on the road I guess I left you waiting cold

Yeah it cuts like a knife

Now I'm the one who bleeds inside and it's all up to you babe

To make up your mind

The truth is hard what can I say

It's getting harder every living day

Take this heart and heal it make it start make me feel it

Do it now

Take this heart and heal it can't you see how bad I need it

Do it now...


ALL OF MY LIFE (Phil Collins)

All of my life, I've been searching

For the words to say how I feel.

I'd spend my time thinking too much

And leave too little to say what I mean

I've tried to understand the best I can

All of my life.

All of my life, I've been saying sorry

For the things I know I should have done

All the things I could have said come back to me

Sometimes I wish that it had just begun

Seems I'm always that little too late

All of my life

Set 'em up, I'll take a drink with you

Pull up a chair, I think I'll stay

Set 'em up, cos I'm going nowhere

There's too much I need to remember, too much I need to say

All of my life, I've been looking

But it's hard to find the way

Reaching past the goal in front of me

While what's important just slips away

It doesn't come back but I'll be looking

All of my life

Set 'em up...

All of my life, there have been regrets

That I didn't do all I could

Making records upstairs, while he watched TV

I didn't spend the time I should

It's a memory I will live with

All of my life



If elephants could fly I'd be a little more optimistic

But I don't see that happening anytime soon

I don't mean to sound so pessimistic

But I don't think that cow really jumped over the moon

When will I wake up?

Why did we break up?

When will we make up?

When money grows on trees

People live in peace

Everyone agrees

When happiness is free

Love can guarantee

You'll come back to me-that's when

I'd love to wake up smiling-full of the joys of spring

And hear on CNN that Elvis lives again

And that John's back with the Beatles and they're going out on tour

I'll be the first in line for tickets-gotta see that show for sure

When will I wake up?

Why did we break up?

When will we make up?


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