Skoči na vsebino

pesmi, besedila


Priporočene objave


Po našom starom žutom solidelu pričaju idu istum smjeru svi govore,

da si ledena, a kad te vide ti si uvjek sama,

nečeš mi da pričas s nama, baš si sladka i vrlo dosadna..

I neznam ko je lud, da se na tebe pali kad ti nešto u glavi fali..

Ne zanosim se jako često i dobro znam gde mi je mjesto,

a mjesto je moje kraj tebe,

a ja sam opet lud pa se na tebe palim,

jer samo ja ti u glavi falim..


Obučiču se bjelo čisto bjelo romih no ustela,

tvoje crne oči,oči crne gledače me vrelo,

ubrače dve ruže, majske ruže,

kad ti kosu zlate,

pozvaču svirače, da nas nočas krosnat vrate..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra čes sa usana ti mojih biti..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra češ sa usana ti mojih biti..

Po našom starom žutom solidelu pričaju idu istum smjeru svi govore,

da si ledena, a kad te vide ti si uvjek sama,

nečeš mi da pričaš s nama, baš si sladka i vrlo dosadna..

I neznam ko je lud, da se na tebe pali kad ti nešto u glavi fali..


Obučiču se bjelo čisto bjelo romih no ustela,

tvoje crne oči,oči crne gledače me vrelo,

ubrače dve ruže, majske ruže,

kad ti kosu zlate,

pozvaču svirače, da nas nočas krosnat vrate..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra čes sa usana ti mojih biti..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra češ sa usana ti mojih biti..

A ja sam opet lud pa se na tebe palim,

jer samo ja ti u glavi falim..


Obučiču se bjelo čisto bjelo romih no ustela,

tvoje crne oči,oči crne gledače me vrelo,

ubrače dve ruže, majske ruže,

kad ti kosu zlate,

pozvaču svirače, da nas nočas krosnat vrate..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra čes sa usana ti mojih biti..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra češ sa usana ti mojih biti..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra čes sa usana ti mojih biti..

Mi ledena mi dosadna, ti nečeš biti,

do jutra češ sa usana ti mojih biti..

Popravljeno . Popravil metuljcica46
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Phantom of the Opera


In sleep he sang to me

In dreams he came

That voice which calls to me and speaks my name

And do I dream again for now I find

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside my mind


Sing once again with me

Our strange duet

My power over you grows stronger yet

And though you turn from me to glance behind

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside your mind


Those who have seen your face

Draw back in fear

I am the mask you wear


It's me they hear...


Your/My spirit and my/your voice in one combined

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside my/your mind


He�s there, the phantom of the opera!


He�s there, the phantom of the opera


Sing, my Angel of Music

Sing, my Angel

Sing for me

Sing, my Angel!

Sing for me!

I have brought you

to the seat of sweet music's throne

to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music


You have come here,

for one purpose, and one alone

Since the moment I first heard you sing,

I have needed you with me,

to serve me, to sing,

for my music...

my music...

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Kelly Family - Mama

Why did you have do die

When I was only at the age of 5

So suddenly you've gone

And I was left with answers hard to find

Now I think of you 'cause I'm in hunger for your warmth

That no one can replace

And I know that where I go

You're always by my side

I just want to let you know

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry for you

Your spirit never dies

And all your words I treasure in my heart

You left me with a smile

But my cheeks aren't always dry for tears

Now I think...

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry

Mama oh I miss you sometimes

Mama can you hear me when I cry for you...

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NIET - Lep dan Za Smrt

Sonce je sijalo

in sirene so tulile.

Nebo je bilo modro,

skoraj brez oblačka.

Pod svetlorumenim soncem

sva tekla po cesti,

ko naju je objel prvi blisk,

sva padla.

Pa tako lep dan je bil,

preveč lep za smrt.

Ležala sva v krvi,

sredi rdečega zraka in ognja.

Ležala pod soncem,

razžarjenim, rdečim, neresničnim

Sredi obzorja,

zavitega v dim.

Sredi prvega dneva

vojne, vojne.

Pa tako lep dan je bil,

preveč lep za smrt.

Tvoj strah in zadnji dih,

drgetanje in jok.

Bliža se smrt,

smrt in ne ljubezen.

Tvoje oči s pogledom tja,

kjer je nekoč sijalo sonce,

so bile mrtve.

Pa tako lep dan je bil,

preveč lep za smrt.

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En glaž vina mi dej, prej ku voct z njega rata

dej no malčk se nasmej kelnarca muoja zlata

ancuj sem ledih nu frej,

jaz spet ustu sem sam kadar štorja konča se

ni ljepu sej priznam

ma treba je miselt nase, in jaz kar tku se ne dam

Ma huodi huodi, si že najdeš kej bolšga

svjet se nebo podrov od tebe in če ni

hujšga ni nobeden še umrov

ma huodi huodi an boh stoj ti obstrani

preveč rad sem te imel, da bi ti reku

ostani, ma da bi vsaj jokat znal

Mrak se nardu je že ncoj so zvjezde res krasne

muoj ti buh ma jih je an če kera

ugasne kuos neba z njo umre

an numalčk manj luči je ostalo za tabo

ma ncoj pije se mi, ncoj vina bi rabu,

da bi mi svjetla v temi

ma huodi, huodi si že najdeš kej bolšga

svjet se nebo podrov

od tebe in če ni hujšga ni nobeden še umrov

ma huodi, huodi an boh stoj ti obstrani preveč

rad sem te imel, da bi ti reku ostani

ma da bi vsaj jokat znal

preveč rad sem te imel, da bi ti reku ostani

ma da bi vsaj jokat znal

lalalalala, lalalalala,

preveč rad sem te imel, da bi ti reku ostani

ma da bi vsaj jokat znal,...

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Fire Water Burn

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,

Burn motherfucker burn.

Hello my name is Jimmy Pop and I'm a dumb white guy,

I'm not old or new but middle school fifth grade like junior high,

I don't know mofo if y'all peeps be buggin' give props to my ho cause she all fly,

But I can take the heat cause I'm the other white meat known as 'Kid Funky Fried',

Yeah I'm hung like planet Pluto hard to see with the naked eye,

But if I crashed into Uranus I would stick it where the sun don't shine,

Cause I'm kind of like Han Solo always stroking my own wookie,

I'm the root of all that's evil yeah but you can call me cookie,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,

Burn motherfucker burn.

Yo yo this hard-core ghetto gangster image takes a lot of practice,

I'm not black like Barry White no I am white like Frank Black is,

So if man is five and the devil is six than that must make me seven,

This honkey's gone to heaven,

But if I go to hell then I hope I burn well,

I'll spend my days with J.F.K., Marvin Gaye, Martha Raye, and Lawrence Welk,

And Kurt Cobain, Kojak, Mark Twain and Jimi Hendrix's poltergeist,

And Webster yeah Emmanuel Lewis cause he's the anti-christ,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,

Burn motherfucker burn.


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Sidharta :) všeč

Jaz ne morem vec v temi živet,

jaz bi hodil na soncu,

jaz bi hotu tebe met.

Zdaj ne rabm vec ostalih stvari,

sam še svoje sanje

in cloveka kt si ti.

Mislim, da sem videl

že ogromno lepih slik,

a podvomu sem vase,

nehal trest mi je kosti.

Zdaj pocivam na otoku

in si zidam gradove,

v njih sreco lovim.


Ker ne verjamem u telo, rad bi te vidu u srce.

Jaz ne verjamem u telo, rad bi te vidu u srce.

K da bi vidu svojo dramo vnaprej

iz nje sem risu žalost

in dodaju svoj nasmeh.

Vsako dušo, k me gleda v oci,

sem povabu zraven,

naj še ona to dožvi.

Preden svoj obraz v solze potopim

zlate solze srece

preden od dobrga znorim.

Rad bi vidu, da še ti greš z nami

skupaj bomo videl

kva pomen adrenalin.

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Wish You Were Here - Mark Wills

They kissed goodbye at the terminal gate

She said, "You're gonna be late if you don't go"

He held her tight, said, "I'll be alright

I'll call you tonight to let you know"

He bought a postcard, on the front it just said Heaven

With a picture of the ocean and the beach

And the simple words he wrote her

Said he loved her and they told her

How he'd hold her if his arms would reach

Wish you were here, wish you could see this place

Wish you were near, I wish I could touch your face

The weather's nice, it's paradise

It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know

They say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

She got a call that night but it wasn't from him

It didn't sink in right away, ma'am the plane went down

Our crews have searched the ground

No survivors found she heard him say

But somehow she got a postcard in the mail

That just said Heaven with a picture of the ocean and the beach

And the simple words he wrote her

Said he loves and they told her

How he'd hold her if his arms would reach

Wish you were here, wish you could see this place

Wish you were near, I wish I could touch your face

The weather's nice, it's paradise

It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know

They say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

The weather's nice, in paradise

It's summertime all year and all the folks we know

They say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

Wish you were here


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Eric Clapton - Wonderful tonight

Its late in the evening

Shes wondering what clothes to wear

She puts on her make up

And brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me

Do I look alright

And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

We go a party

And everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady

Thats walking around with me

And then she asks me

Do you feel alright

And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful

Because I see the love light in your eyes

And the wonder of it all

Is that you just dont realize

How much I love you

Its time to go home now

And Ive got an aching head

So I give her the car keys

She helps me to bed

And then I tell her

As I turn out the light

I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight

Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight

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Parni Valjak - Sve još miriše na nju

Ne pitaj me nocas nista pusti me da sutim

Ja nocas trebam mir

Stare rane opet peku moje bitke dalje teku, duso

Ti nemas nista s tim

Sa tvojeg izvora moja se dusa napila

Zedna tvojih godina

I sada mamurna pita gdje je utjehaSve Jos Mirise Na Nju

Aus dem Album: nicht angegeben [Album hinzufügen]

Ne pitaj me nocas nista pusti me da sutim

Ja nocas trebam mir

Stare rane opet peku moje bitke dalje teku, duso

Ti nemas nista s tim

Sa tvojeg izvora moja se dusa napila

Zedna tvojih godina

I sada mamurna pita gdje je utjeha

Gdje je mladost nestala

Idu dani ja ih pratim, ponekad do tebe svratim

Duso trazim zaborav

Molim sate da se vrate tragovima njenim hodam

Tiho kao da je tu

Sve jos mirise na nju, i dan, i jutro sto ce doci

Nakon ove noci, noci bez sna

I dvjesto godina da ih brojim u samoci

Otkako je otisla.

U mojim venama jos je njenog otrova

Jos je doza prejaka

A tebe ljubim, da ne poludim

Da zaboravim

Sve jos mirise na nju...

Sa tvojeg izvora...

U mojim venama...

Gdje je mladost nestala

Idu dani ja ih pratim, ponekad do tebe svratim

Duso trazim zaborav

Molim sate da se vrate tragovima njenim hodam

Tiho kao da je tu

Sve jos mirise na nju, i dan, i jutro sto ce doci

Nakon ove noci, noci bez sna

I dvjesto godina da ih brojim u samoci

Otkako je otisla.

U mojim venama jos je njenog otrova

Jos je doza prejaka

A tebe ljubim, da ne poludim

Da zaboravim

Sve jos mirise na nju...

Sa tvojeg izvora...

U mojim venama...

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Jole - Otvori mi draga :whistle:

Ajoj, ajoj, ko će sad pred oči njoj

Ajoj, ajoj, ko da stao sat je moj

Ajoj, ajoj, ko da nisam cjeli svoj

Ajoj, ajoj, moja kuća krivi broj

Otvori mi draga, nemoj vikat na mene

O ne ne ne ne - ne vikat na mene

Otvori mi, znam da nisi oka sklopila

A nisam ni ja, a nisam ni ja

Otvori mi draga, evo ljulja mi se sve

O ne ne ne ne - ne, ljulja mi se sve

Otvori mi, evo mene živ sam ti i zdrav

Ja i ptica - orkestar

Ajoj, ajoj, ko će sad pred oči njoj

Ajoj, ajoj, moja kuća krivi broj

Otvori mi draga, nemoj vikat na mene

O ne ne ne ne - ne vikat na mene

Otvori mi, znam da nisi oka sklopila

A nisam ni ja, a nisam ni ja

Otvori mi draga, evo ljulja mi se sve

O ne ne ne ne - ne, ljulja mi se sve

Otvori mi, evo mene živ sam ti i zdrav

Ja i ptica - orkestar

Otvori mi draga, nemoj vikat na mene

O ne ne ne ne - ne vikat na mene

Otvori mi, evo mene živ sam ti i zdrav

Ja i ptica - orkestar

Ajoj ajoj, ajoj ajoj, ajoj ajoj

Ko će sad pred oči njoj

Otvori mi draga, nemoj vikat na mene

O ne ne ne ne - ne vikat na mene

Otvori mi, znam da nisi oka sklopila

A nisam ni ja, a nisam ni ja

Otvori mi draga, evo ljulja mi se sve

O ne ne ne ne - ne, ljulja mi se sve

Otvori mi, evo mene živ sam ti i zdrav

Ja i ptica - orkestar

Ja i ptica - orkestar...

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Predlog Nove himne RS:

Plače dol, cene gor,

pa bo leto naokol.

Janša kufre bo pobral,

in vesel odpeketal.

Je dokazal svoj razvoj,

za Slovence zdaj bo joj.

Tud Bajuk jo bo odkuril,

je rezerve vse pokuril.

Nam ostane stok in jok,

lačnih naših le otrok.

Pa svoboda, lačna beda,

kaj nam tega blo je treba???

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Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

(J.C. Fogerty)

Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know

It's been coming for some time

When it's over so they say

It'll rain on a sunny day

I know

Shining down like water

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

Coming down on a sunny day

Yesterday and days before

Sun is cold and rain is hard

I know

It's been that way for all my time

Till forever on it goes

Through the circle fast and slow

I know

And it can't stop I wonder

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know

Have you ever seen the rain?

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Kelly Clarkson - Don't Waste Your Time

It's over, it's over, it's over:

It seems you can't hear me

When I open my mouth you never listen

You say stay, but what does that mean

Do you think I honestly want to be reminded forever

Don't waste your time trying to fix

What I want to erase

What I need to forget

Don't waste your time on me my friend

Friend, what does that even mean

I don't want your hand

You'll only pull me down

So save your breath

Don't waste your song

On me, on me

Don't waste your time

It's not easy not answering

Every time I want to talk to you

But I can't

If you only knew the hell I put myself through

Replaying memories in my head of you and I

Every night

Don't waste your time trying to fix

What I want to erase

What I need to forget

Don't waste your time on me my friend

Friend, what does that even mean

I don't want your hand

You'll only pull me down

So save your breath

Don't waste your song

On me, on me

Don't waste your time

You're callin'

You're talkin'

You're tryin'

Tryin' to get in

But it's over, it's over, it's over


Don't waste your time trying to fix it

So save your breath, don't waste your song

On me, on me

Don't waste your time

You held me

You felt me

You left me

But it's over, it's over, it's over

You touched me

You had me

But it's over, it's over, it's over my friend

Don't waste my time...

Popravljeno . Popravil gorskaroza
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Marc Cohn - True companion :wub:

Baby I've been searching like everybody else

Can't say nothing different about myself

Sometimes I'm an angel

And sometimes I'm cruel

And when it comes to love

I'm just another fool

Yes, I'll climb a mountain

I'm gonna swim the sea

There ain't no act of God girl

Could keep you safe from me

My arms are reaching out

Out across this canyon

I'm asking you to be my true companion

True companion

True companion

So don't you dare and try to walk away

I've got my heart set on our wedding day

I've got this vision of a girl in white

Made my decision that it's you allright

And when I take your hand

I'll watch my heart set sail

I'll take my trembling fingers

And I'll lift up your veil

Then I'll take you home

And with wild abandon

Make love to you just like a true companion

You are my true companion

I got a true companion

True companion

When the years have done irreparable harm

I can see us walking slowly arm in arm

Just like the couple on the corner do

'Cause girl I will always be in love with you

And when I look in your eyes

I'll still see that spark

Until the shadows fall

Until the room grows dark

Then when I leave this Earth

I'll be with the angels standin'

I'll be out there waiting for my true companion

Just for my true companion

True companion

True companion

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Maroon 5 - "Won't Go Home Without You"

I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen

She left before I had the chance to say


The words that would mend the things that were broken

But now it's far too late, she's gone away

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?

Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

The taste of your breath, I'll never get over

The noises that you made kept me awake


The weight of things that remained unspoken

Built up so much it crushed us everyday

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?

Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

Of all the things I felt but never really shown

Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go

I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

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Hey there Delilah

What's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away

But girl, tonight you look so pretty

Yes you do

Times Square can't shine as bright as you

I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah

Don't you worry about the distance

I'm right there if you get lonely

Give this song another listen

Close your eyes

Listen to my voice, it's my disguise

I'm by your side

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

What you do to me

Hey there Delilah

I know times are getting hard

But just believe me, girl

Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar

We'll have it good

We'll have the life we knew we would

My word is good

Hey there Delilah

I've got so much left to say

If every simple song I wrote to you

Would take your breath away

I'd write it all

Even more in love with me you'd fall

We'd have it all

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far

But they've got planes and trains and cars

I'd walk to you if I had no other way

Our friends would all make fun of us

and we'll just laugh along because we know

That none of them have felt this way

Delilah I can promise you

That by the time we get through

The world will never ever be the same

And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah

You be good and don't you miss me

Two more years and you'll be done with school

And I'll be making history like I do

You'll know it's all because of you

We can do whatever we want to

Hey there Delilah here's to you

This one's for you

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

Oh it's what you do to me

What you do to me.

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Giuliano - Jugo (zakaj ni smajlija, ko si žile reže?) :?

Jugo če kažu

oni što vide

da ponovo kreče

na put za nigdje.

Jugo se sprema

valovi dižu

pogledi njeni

me više ne stižu.

Dalekim sad, plovim morem

zaboravljam, nase zore

ostaje mi, samo more

i vjetar što tuće u lice i dušu.

Galebovi, u daljini

more i ja, u blizini

prilazi mi, ja mu pričam

o ljubavi jednoj što bila je davno.

Okreče Jugo

more več vrije

Bog je uz mene

strah me nije.

Samo što dalje

druga obala zove

mislim na sutra

ostavljam snove.

Dalekim sad, plovim morem

zaboravljam, nase zore

ostaje mi, samo more

i vjetar što tuće u lice i dušu.

Galebovi, u daljini

more i ja, u blizini

prilazi mi, ja mu pričam

o ljubavi jednoj što bila je davno.

Rakovi, školjke i morske alge

i mnogo mnogo kamenog cveča

na grobu mome umesto sveča

svetleče ribe, držače stražu

more zna svu moju bol

Dalekim sad, plovim morem

zaboravljam, nase zore

ostaje mi, samo more

i vjetar što tuće u lice i dušu.

Galebovi, u daljini

more i ja, u blizini

prilazi mi, ja mu pričam

o ljubavi jednoj što bila je davno.

Popravljeno . Popravil vapotek
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O Vrba! srečna, draga vas domača,

kjer hiša mojega stoji očeta;

de b' uka žeja me iz tvojga svéta

speljala ne bila, goljfiva kača!

Ne vedel bi, kako se v strup prebrača

vse, kar srce si sladkega obeta;

mi ne bila bi vera v sebe vzeta,

ne bil viharjov nótranjih b' igrača!

Zvestó srce in delavno ročico

za doto, ki je nima miljonarka,

bi bil dobil z izvoljeno devico;

mi mirno plavala bi moja barka,

pred ognjam dom, pred točo mi pšenico

bi bližnji sosed vároval - svet' Marka.

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Hladno jutro, vse še mirno spi,

le jaz ubijam se s preteklostjo noči.

Kje sem hodil, kje sem bil,

ne zanima vas ljudje,

to so moje pravljice.

Ko danes zjutraj sem vstal,

verjetno sem nevedno spal.

Globoko v sanjah

vse po njej diši,

rad bi našel sled poti.

Kjer reke stojijo,

gore trdno spijo,

kjer zvezde pijane vedo...

Tam je nekdo, ki vidi njo,

ki dobro ve, da on je jaz,

le drug obraz.

Trenutek je spremenil vse,

zavedam se, da ta obraz

je moj poraz.

Vse bi dal, da nekdaj zvedel bi,

kaj se v mojih mislih zdaj godi.

Sem res tisti, ki zdaj tam me ni,

vse bolj skrivajo se mi poti.

Kjer reke stojijo,

gore trdno spijo,

kjer zvezde pijane vedo...

Tam je nekdo, ki vidi njo,

ki dobro ve, da on je jaz,

le drug obraz......

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22 acaccia avenue

(the continuing saga of charlotte the harlot)


If youre feeling down depressed and lonely

I know a place where we can go

22 acacia avenue meet a lady that I know

So if youre looking for a good time

And youre prepared to pay the price

Fifteen quid is all she asks for

Everybodys got their vice

If youre waiting for a long time for the rest to do their piece

You can tell her that you know me and you might even get it free

So any time youre down the east end dont you hesitate to go

You can take my honest word for it shell teach you more than you can know

Charlotte cant you get out from all this madness

Cant you see it only brings you sadness

When you entertain your men dont know the risk of getting disease

Some day when youre reaching the age of forty

I bet youll regret the days when you were laying

Nobody then will want to know

You wont have any beautiful wares to show any more

22, the avenue thats the place where we all go

You will find its warm inside the red lights burning bright tonight

Charlotte isnt it time you stopped this mad life

Dont you ever think about the bad times

Why do you have to live this way

Do you enjoy your lay or is it the pay

Sometimes when your strolling down the avenue

The way you walk it make men think of having you

When youre walking down the street

Everybody stops and turns to stare at you

Beat her mistreat her do anything that you please

Bite her excite her make her get down on her knees

Abuse her misuse her she can take all that youve got

Caress her molest her she always does what you want

Youre running away dont you know what youre doing

Cant you see itll lead you to ruin

Charlotte youve taken your life and youve thrown it away

You believe that because what youre earning

Your lifes good dont you know that youre hurting

All the people that love you dont cast them aside

All the men that are constantly drooling

Its no life for you stop all that screwing

Youre packing your bags and youre coming with me

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Par mojih pesmi ... neki jih pišem za bend (tiste ki majo ugrizni se zravn napisano) ostale pa za "dušo" bol ko ne ;)


Vpet v verige,

Naprej strmim,

Obdajajo me rešetke,

Prividi strasti.

Pripet ob oknu,

Tukaj sedim,

Čakam na smrt,

Preveč je laži.

Drhteči obrazi,

Otroški nasmeh,

Tesnoba v glavi,

Krut je ta svet.

Stene objemov,

Polne krvi,

Misel, svoboda,

Tega več ni.

Obup, obup, obup, obup…

Tvoja Senca

Misel nate povzroča bolečino,

Ki ji ni videti konca in se veča.

Oči mi prikazujejo tvoje sence,

Ki neprestano kličejo njegovo ime.

Moj pogled se zmeraj ustavi tam,

Kjer solza potone v pozabo.

To je tam, kjer tvoje molčeče ustnice

Vabijo tišino na ples prevare

Luna počasi osvetljuje cesto,

Ki vodi v neskončno apatijo

In v neizmeren raj bolečnine,

Kjer se otroci počasi prebujajo v ta brezčuten svet

Harmonija prepevanja draži oblake,

Ki se skupaj s tabo kopljejo v reki ljubezni

In počasi kakor veterc,

bežijo novim spoznanjem naproti

Ugrizni se - Ni pravice

Pedri pofukani, dajte nam mir

Kradete voljo, hočte prepir

Vlečete nas po tleh, a zaman

Mi smo pametni in gledamo stran!

Politik prekleti, boji se zamer,

Brca narod, kurac moli! (2x)

Boli nas kurac za izgovore vaše

Hočemo nazaj kar je blo naše

Svinje jebene, vse ste izdale

Politične sanje nočejo predaje!

Politik prekleti, boji se zamer,

Brca narod, kurac moli! (2x)

Ugrizni se - Pesem 11

Prevarana resničnost v izgubljenih dnevih

Laži polna jutra, ko se sam zbudiš

Krvava preteklost, še slabša prihodnost

Še en razlog več, da lahko umreš

Ko pomisliš na jutri in počasi propadaš

Ko iščeš izhod, a ga ne najdeš

Takrat pomisliš zakaj sploh živiš

Pogledaš v nebo in za vedno zaspiš

Živiš v tegobi

V depresivnih lažeh

Živiš v melanholiji –

Umreti si želiš

Popravljeno . Popravil AbNormaln
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nobody's wife

I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream

for the times that I killed your dreams

for the times that I made your whole world rumble

for the times that I made you cry

for the times that I told you lies

for the times that I watched and let you stumble

It's too bad, but that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife

I'm sorry for the times that I didn't come home

left you lyin' in that bed alone

was flyin' high in the sky when you needed my shoulder

you're like a stone hangin' round my neck, see

cut it loose before it breaks my back, see

I've gotta say what I feel before I grow older

I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways

you know I've tried but I'm still the same

I've got to do it my own way

It's too bad, but hey, that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife

It's too bad, but hey, that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife


it's so hard

I'm just thinkin' about the child in me,

That I sometimes feel inside

And I'm figuring out just what it is

That makes me feel so small

Is it you, that hurts me when I give myself

Every day and every night

Am I too blind to see that it doesn't work out

Did I really ask too much of you baby

Do you mean to tell me that's the way it is

Do you mean to say

It's all so hard, It's so hard

It's all so hard, It's so hard

As I search for an answer, I see the clear blue sky

And I know that you're the one to blame

And I feel so naïve

When you say that our love to you was just a game

I dream, my dream, I'm sane, I'm insane

Oh, please don't, please don't speak to me that way

Do you mean to tell me that's the way it is

Do you mean to say

It's all so hard, It's so hard

It's all so hard, It's so hard

Damned it's so hard, why you're so hard

Why you're so hard, It's tearing me apart

Popravljeno . Popravil Nagaya
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Album: Urban Solitude

Music & lyrics: Anouk Teeuwe / Bart van Veen

Hey Michel how's life are you ok

I wonder if you ever think of me

It's been 9 years since that kiss

I can help but reminisce

Hey Michel do you remember

We walked the street to the beat

Hand in hand you and me

Smiling faces so in love

Hoping that they all could see

That we belonged together you and me against the world

But we found out the hard way cause it wasn't meant to be

Now it's you and her I see

You were my first and worst love

And so it only could go wrong

But ain't that just the way you learn

Hey Michel I just wanted to let you know

That someone else has stolen my heart

And now another girl has caught your eye

That doesn't mean I don't think of you

I am just hoping that she'll treat you right

Do you remember

How we walked the street to the beat

Hand in hand and you and me

Smiling faces so in love

Hoping that they all could see

That we belonged together you and me against the world

But we found out the hard way cause it wasn't meant to be

Now it is you and her I see

It was just a silly dream

Hey Michel do you remember

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Zašto su ti oči umorne i tužne

ne vidin u njima modrog mora sjaj

daj, zaboravi na sve dane ružne

svoju ruku mi daj


Voljela bih noćas dok je mjesec mlad

da jos jednom čujem riječi te, volim te

hoću da te ljubim, da te usrećim

pivat ću ti bit ću samo tvoj gardelin

Kada brodovi prestanu da plove

kad se more smiri, ja ću doći u tvoj san

tad ćes saznati da jos uvik živin

naše ljubavi plam


Pivat ću ti bit ću samo tvoj mali gardelin


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