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Forum vsevedni, ali se nam obetajo kakšni mlajši bratje in sestrice sedanjih konzol Playstation 2, XBox, itd.. :?


PS3 ?!


"študija" ...

zaenkrat microsoft dela na X-box2, ki še ne bo hitro nared. .. .PS2 pa prodajajo z dodatno premo še za leto 2004... mogoče bo drugo leto nova na trgu ...

ne msejo prehitr šopat, ker se jim lahko trg sesuje ...

  • 1 mesec pozneje...

Sony PlayStation 3, beta verzija :lol1:








Obeta se tudi novi n-gage. Baje bo predstavljen že aprila.

  • 1 mesec pozneje...

še nekaj študij:




nobena od teh ni resnična ,vse so samo "dizajnerske študije"


se nam pa obeta huda zverinca (po rugi strani pa... na miljavžnt straneh sem opazil miljavžnt ugibanj, kakšna zverina se bo rodila japoncem)

Sony Playstation3 News

Playstation 3 supported by Foxconn

According to the Taiwan Economic News on 6 July 2002, the Taiwanese electronics giant Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd. (FoxConn) is aiming at joint development with Sony for the Playstation 3 console. Foxconn president Terry Guo announced that Foxconn, which is the largest privately held company in Taiwan for its turnover, has formed a Research & Development team for PlayStation 3 with Sony. [Taipei, July 6 2002]

PS3 console to be released in 2005

Japanese media reported on May 6th that the PS3 console is in development. The goal is to make new processor technology, called "grid" about 200x faster than current console technology. This is almost achieving their original goal of making the PS3 1000(!) times faster than the PS2. This goal was publically set by Mr Okamoto, the Senior VP and Chief Technical Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment, at the 2002 Game Developers Conference in San Jose, California.

The Cell - Power for Playstation 3 and ...more!

The heart of the Playstation3 will be a new chip (or rather chip set) developed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM. The companies will collectively invest more than $400 million in the next five years to design a "supercomputer-on-a-chip" for the PS3. The name for this technology is "grid" (formerly called "cell") and appears to be targeted squarely at the possibilities of parallel and distributed computing over the internet. Grid computing is a variation of distributed computing, and presumably involves networked game machines sharing software, processing power and data. Okamoto also said that networking applications including downloadable software would be integral to Sony's Playstation3 console. A recent report (May 5 2002) from the Japanese News Agency Kyodo said that the Playstation 3 would work over superfast fiber optics connections and would be Sony's first console to run games without a digital video disc. Sony also is considering offering the new chip to other companies for use in televisions and electronics equipment, Kyodo said.

Excerpt from an IBM press release:

Code-named "Cell," the new microchips will employ the world's most advanced research technologies and chip-making techniques, including copper wires, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) transistors and low-K dielectric insulation, with features smaller than 0.10 microns -- 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. The result will be consumer devices that are more powerful than IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer, operate at low power and access the broadband Internet at ultra high speeds. Cell will be designed to deliver "teraflops" of processing power.

Present memory not fast enough for Playstation3

Kenshi Manabe, senior vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Semiconductor division, said the Playstation3 will need memory with incredibly high speed and tens-of-gigahertz bandwidth. "I'm not sure that even what we have seen for DDR-II on the present (industry) memory roadmaps will be high enough performance for us."

"It's graphics, Jim... but not as we know it"

Richard Doherty, an analyst for Envisioneering, Seaford, N.Y., said that PS3 will not have a graphics engine as we know it. Instead, the Cell's architecture is likely to replace the traditional game console graphics processor model on which the Xbox and Gamecube are based, that use NVidia and ATI GPUs, respectively. The Playstation 3, as well as other applications that will use the Cell, will take advantage of the CPU's "self healing" capability. "Self-healing computers will be programmed not to go down," Doherty said. "Bus and processor areas are automatically corrected using a new meshed era redundancy technology." The Cell's compression engine, for example, will use a multi-processor engine to reconstruct missing pixels or other missing features due to glitches in a streaming PS3 game or video.

Sony's vision: PS3 as the all-encompassing home system?

If Sony's aspirations succeed, then the Playstation 3 will not be a pure video game console, but rather measure the amount of milk left in the fridge, record TV programs to hard-disk, automatically download new software, perform Tera-flop operations and a variety of other things. In short, if one can automate, computerize, network or electrify a process, then the PS3 should be able to take on the task.

"Playstation 3 Diet", anyone?

Today, a system like this sounds futuristic. A super-console, replacing TV, computer, game console and complete home electronics system in one wont be cheap. Rumors are making rounds that the PS3 will be sold in two versions, one that is the do-all Playstation 3 version with all the bells and whistles (perhaps including laying golden eggs as well?) and one that is, yikes(!), just a pure video game console.

Either way, the Playstation3 is still long away, and it may well be possible that the "super-do-it-all" version is eventually marketed under a different name. May we suggest Superstation? Or... Homestation? Here at, while not technophobic or fearing the future, we would feel more comfortable with a PS3 that does only one thing, but very well... to provide us with great video game experiences.

©2002, The Playstation Reporter



pa ne pozabi na Microsoftov X-box 2. Ki bo tudi huda mrcina.

  • 3 tedne pozneje...
Objavljeno (popravljeno)

kaj pa tisti, ki vzgajajo igr'ce.. a so igre izdelane za vse platforme (oz. obe konzoli) ali pa imamo tudi firme, ki izdelujejo napr. samo za PS2 (ali pa jim konkurenca to ne dovoljuje)? Potemtakem je verjetno vseeno, kaj imaš priklopljeno na TV :?

in kaj hudiča je E3?

Popravljeno . Popravil spilferderber
kaj pa tisti, ki vzgajajo igr'ce.. a so igre izdelane za vse platforme (oz. obe konzoli) ali pa imamo tudi firme, ki izdelujejo napr. samo za PS2 (ali pa jim konkurenca to ne dovoljuje)? Potemtakem je verjetno vseeno, kaj imaš priklopljeno na TV :?

in kaj hudiča je E3?

v igrah je ful dnarja ,zato je zelo pomembno, da so dobre igre sprva na voljo samo za eno platformo, recimo x-box ali ps... gre pač za majhne monopolčke ... je pa dejstvo, da je razvijalcev dobrih iger veliko in je moč (dobre igre) enakomerno razporejena. mogoče je celo malo več dobrih za PS...

E3 je pa sejem računalniških iger in zabave z računalniki ... poteka vsako leto vsaj enkrat v Las Vegasu ... tam se zgodi večina predstavitev novosti itd. Kot INTERMOT za motociklizem :D

  • 3 tedne pozneje...

PC je zakon, je pa hudič, ko so nekatere igre narejene samo za konzole, upam, da bomo kmalu dobili kake emulatorje za PS2 in XBOX! B)

  • 2 mesecev pozneje...

Aug 4, 2004 - PlayStation 3 to Feature Blu-ray Disc Technology

Sony has finally confirmed that they will use Blu-ray Disc technology in their next-generation PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game console. What is more surprising is that they also have plans to equip an upcoming version of their PlayStation 2 (PSX) video game console with a Blu-ray Disc player, so that consumers can enjoy both video games and high-definition movies. Sony hopes that the move will help jump-start the market for the new storage format. The announcement came at a press conference held by the Blu-ray Disc Founders (BDF), who also announced that they are in the process of finalizing the read-only version of the Blu-ray Disc format (BD-ROM) which they expect to be finished by September 30, 2004.


Playstation 3 bo moder 13.08.2004 ob 10:55

Ne po barvi, niti ne bo vseboval napredne umetne inteligence. Govora je kajpa o novemu standardu optičnih diskov, ki naj bi nasledil zdajšnjega, DVD. Format Blu-ray je razvil konzorcij trinajstero tehnološko-vodilnih firm, med kateremi je seveda tudi (predvsem?) Sony. V osnovi se ideja za modrim diskom ne razlikuje kaj dosti od one, ki je v uporabi za DVD, saj je Blu-ray prej nadgradnja slednje kot pa kaj drugega. V optičnih pogonih se bo namesto rdečega laserja z valovno dolžino 650nm, znašel modri curek z občutno manjšo, 405nm. Posledica je možnost gostejšega zapisa podatkov na enako površino in na Blu-ray medij je torej moč spraviti 25gb podatkov, oziroma 50gb, v dual-layer načinu. Gigabajt, dva, gor ali dol. Blu-ray naj bi se uveljavil kot standard za hrambo digitalnih podatkov ter predvajanja in snemanja videa, saj je spričo večje kapacitete idealen medij za prikaz, naprimer, vsebin po strandardu HDTV. Zamenjava za VHS in DVD, torej.

Če se vrnemo k bistvu; Sony je teden dni nazaj prvič uradno potrdil špekulacije, da tretji Playstation z BD-jem (Blu-ray Disk) bo kompatibilen. Prostor torej ne bo več ovira, dasi še ni čisto jasno, ali bodo novi mediji - podobno kot sedanji - "goli", ali odeti v protektivno tuniko (na sliki spodaj). Pravkar sprejeti standard formata BD-ROM govori o "no-cardridge" uporabi, kaj se bo najbolj obneslo pa ve le pižmovka. Upajmo, da se ponovi zgodba DVD-ja, kjer je ravno Sony s Playstationom 2 občutno pomagal pri širitvi tehnologije.



  • 4 tedne pozneje...

A pozna kdo kakšno pametno (beri: ugodno) varianto za nakup in vgradnjo čipa za Sony PS2 (da lahko gledaš tudi kopije DVD in igraš igre, ki os kopije originalov)?



Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Videoigre - umetniško delo. DA ali NE?

zanimiva kolumna...

Popravljeno . Popravil špilferderber

sem prebral :) ...jst sem ZA...torej del umetnosti zagotovo.....

  • 9 mesecev pozneje...

:topic: sejem E3 :topic:


  • 11 mesecev pozneje...
  • 2 tedne pozneje...

..a so bistre glave že slučajno 'skup spacale' kak mod čip oz. kaj podobnega za xbox 360 :hmm: ...namreč za to novodobno konzolo je narejenih par enkratnih špilov, ki pa so svinjsko dragi, tudi do 20k sit :xx:


..a so bistre glave že slučajno 'skup spacale' kak mod čip oz. kaj podobnega za xbox 360 :hmm: ...namreč za to novodobno konzolo je narejenih par enkratnih špilov, ki pa so svinjsko dragi, tudi do 20k sit :xx:

Če imaš notri Samsung pogon, se da poflashat pogon da ti bere tudi "kopije" iger. Zaenkrat pa še ni čipa za xbox 360. Tukaj si lahko prebereš malo več kako deluje ta sistem .

P.S. Lahko da dela tudi na drugih pogonih ;)

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