Skoči na vsebino

Priporočene objave

your true talent is mechanical ability

You're curious about how things work and enjoy tinkering with machines. People like you can be both self-sufficient and a great help to others. You are much better than most people at fixing things — whether it's changing a flat tire or tightening a leaky faucet.

How do we know that's your true talent? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question and rated your skills in 5 areas. You scored highest on mechanical ability.

No matter what kind of career you choose, you'll enjoy it most if it involves working with your hands or seeing the tangible results of your efforts.

:grim :grim pa ja :grim

lepo vreme za moped.gif :)


kje je sonce da grem tja :eek:

kje je sonce da grem tja :eek:

wavey.gif pri nas :)


sej vsak čas bo pa tud pr nas če ne bo prej tema :hmm:


Sonček :D , gremo se furat :yea2:


Narejenih okoli 170 kilometrov :yea1:


popoldan preživet v prijetni družbi :)


Honda CRX 1.6i 16V VTi



spet lepo vreme B)

your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace

You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.

You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.

Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Peace, there is much more to who you are at your core.

:grim :grim


uživanje na dveh kolesih :)


končno končal vse delo, še spakiram doma in kako urco odspim pa SEEEEEEE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA čez dobre 3 tedne :OK: :grim :yea1: :yea2: B)


Kot je že jose napisal

#1 spet lepo vreme

#2 uživanje na dveh kolesih

cel dan nasmejan :D B) :D


benetke.... :OK:


Popoln vikend... :OK:

Popoln vikend...  :OK:

:OK: :worship: :OK:


:D Prelep vikend preživet z mojim :wub: :OK:


U nulo spedenan avto :yea2:


:D ... videti, nekoga, ko se mu uresniči najstniška želja... :yea1: :worship:


kako lepo, ko v ponedeljek ni treba v službo :)

Objavljeno (popravljeno)
kako lepo, ko v ponedeljek ni treba v službo  :)


Kva pa delas pol ze pokonc :hmm:

Popravljeno . Popravil Brihta

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