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preživel vikend na Češkem.. :drunk:

Važič. <_<

Moj nasmeh :) .) Štrudl. :OK: Ne jaz spekla. :D :whistle: (ne bom povedala, noooooo :whistle: ...)

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Sendvič s pešenim pršutom in salamo + tabasco. Zaenkrat še na mizi. Ampak ne za dolgo. :grrr :devil:

do you feel lucky, punk??? a? A? DO YOU?!?!!? :evilgrin:

Gone. :OK: Pa še upiral se ni preveč. Amater. B)

Ampak si pa bil odličen. Slava ti.

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From Nelson Makenze

Abidjan cote d'lviore

My Dearest One,

Permit me to inform you my heart desire for a business relationship with you. I got your contact when I was searching for a foreign partner here in Abidjan republic of Cote

D'Ivoire on my search for honest and reliable person. I prayed over it and decided to confide in you because your integrity and educational background. I am Mr Nelson Makenze 20 years old , the only son of late Dr and mrs.Douglas Makenze. My father was a very wealthy Gold/Diamond dealer in Freetown, the economic capital of Sierra Leone. My father was poisoned to death by his close business associates on one of their outings on a business

trip. My mother died in motor accident when I was years 9 old and since then my father took me so special.

Before the death of my father last year on August 19th 2004, in a private hospital in Freetown, he secretly called me by his bed side and told me of a deposit of 9,000,000,00

united state dollars (NINE MILLION DOLLARS) he concealed in a metallic box and deposited with a security company in Spain, not deposited as money but as a family valuables on

the 2nd of JANUARY 2003;that he used my name been the son as the next of kin when he deposited the money.

He warned me that because of envy that he was poisoned by his close associates. He advised me to seek for an honest foreigner in a country of my choice those associates will not hurt me as they have succeeded in poisoning has been difficult to know who is an honest person to assist me in this transaction , and for me to continue silent over looking for assistance while the DUMORAGE is increasing, i decided to make a try from you,

I arrived here (ABIDJAN) in a nearby country on the 1st of December 2005 since my uncle wants to kill me because of this certificate of deposits as he have suceeded in collecting all my father's property left with this money; They continuously mal-treated me, and have made life very unbearable for me. The wife serve me a delicious poisoned rice meal last week, but for the Devine mercy of God her daughter secretly whispered to me not to eat the meal; i wasted the meal to the bin only to find ten dead rat on the bin the following morning that made me to run away immediately from Sierra Leone?

And i don't want to stay long here since i know nobody or much money to pay for hotel bill.

Dear, I honourably seek your assistance in the following ways:

1.) To stand as my late father's foreign partner since my late father deposited it to be cleared by his foreign partner and no name was mentioned.

2.)To provide an account where we can transfer this money.

3) To help me arrange for better establishment.

4)To help me come over to your country to further my education. Please my intention is not to disturb your Peace,but because l am sincerely in need, And desperately need a solution before my life is wasted because there is war in this country. Among all, the most important thing is for you to be aiding me as parent who will directing all my affair es and doings

in your country.

Lastly ,you will promise me that you will not betray or deny me if this my money gets into your hands , bank and country I am ready to offer you 10% of the total money for your help. But if may be you are not in better position to help. Please let me know. So that I can look for another helper. I am with the certificate of deposit which i will to you upon demand.

Looking forward to your kind reply soonest and may God

bless you.

Best Regards

Nelson Makenze


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končno sonce :P to je pa edino, ostalo kar se dogaja sicer ni za v vomitorijum ampak za ravno skakat po luftu od veselja pa tudi ne. <_<

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preživel vikend na Češkem.. :drunk:

Kje so slike Zetorjew ??????? :hmm:

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Japonc Katushika je že pred 200 leti narisal nekaj, kar spominja na sodobne manga/hentai/anime ...

Shunga - sex s hobotnico ...



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Japonc Katushika je že pred 200 leti narisal nekaj, kar spominja na sodobne manga/hentai/anime ...

Shunga - sex s hobotnico ...



Zgleda kot moja prfoksa za matematiko na srednji šoli. (desno bitje, da ne bo pomote)

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Ogromno... naštejem samo najboljše:

1. en MSN čet, po katerem sem se smejal še cel dan

2. zabavna telovadba

3. bel kruh, tatarski biftek z maslom in rezinico ementaler sira povrhu

:D :D :D

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3. bel kruh, tatarski biftek z maslom in rezinico ementaler sira povrhu

Smejim se s tabo, stari. Malo fauš, ampak se vseeno smejim. :grim

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bil od 8.00 na službenem "miklavžovem zajtrku" lokalne radio-cajtng postaje. biftek, pršut, mali šnicli, peciva, aperitivčki in šampanjec. je pasalo ampak grem malo spat domov, sem zmatran, preveč za tako zgodno uro. :grim :blush:

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Delite na drugih straneh

Se pozna, da so prazniki na vidiku....

Šel kupovat šrojfe za oklepe, 1kom stane cca.1900, na koncu sem dobil 3kom, za 2 jurja.... :OK: :kva2:

A povem kje??? :lol:

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Delite na drugih straneh

Se pozna, da so prazniki na vidiku....

Šel kupovat šrojfe za oklepe, 1kom stane cca.1900, na koncu sem dobil 3kom, za 2 jurja.... :OK: :kva2:

A povem kje??? :lol:

a s šrojfi za oklepe ti misliš šraufe za frklajdungo? :hmm:

Drugač pa po celodnevnih sestankih tridvaenaspizdim :OK: (sicer je eden od teh sestankov - najdaljši - bil z devetimi babami za prosto delovno mesto :grim :whistle: ).

aja pa da ne pozabim. Danes se uničuje sarma! :yea2:

Popravljeno . Popravil pirrulz
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