Skoči na vsebino

Priporočene objave

..ročica za naslon motocikla...

to je skor boljš kot

..ročke za noge..
:grim :grim :grim

Novi zvočniki :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK:


da je zdaj ura štiri in grem iz službe :yea1: :yea1:


Sodelavec nabavil ganc novo TeDeeMo. :OK:

Crno. B)

Stevilo parkiranih motorjev (in seveda crnih tudi) pred naso firmo se je povecalo za 100% :kva2:

WOOHOO!!!!!! :)


...mene tud poštar, ko mi je prinesel brezplačen bon za savno Fanči v Ljubljani....

:D grem kar dons popoldne mal švicat... :whistle:

A kar sama :?


Konec :010


Ja! Pa Hune preklete si pozabu! Vsi so pederi. Še v Sloveniji so vsi pederi, razen nas Štajercev seveda :grim !

:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol:

(pa še res je :P )

Objavljeno (popravljeno)
pa še res je :P

:nono: color=#FF0000]NI RES[/color...Sam primorci niso geji :devil: :devil: :devil:

Popravljeno . Popravil fiftyč

A kar sama :?

...itak da sama... , če bi mela koga bi lahko drugje švicala... :blush:


dopust :010


Delovni dopust :grim


...itak da sama... , če bi mela koga bi lahko drugje švicala... :blush:

Bi ti priporočal, da raje izbereš to opcijo :devil: :OK:


gremo po rolerje :)

Fila B)


:) Danasnjih sto km :OK: pa da sem tko zgodej vstal :kva2:


en delovni vikend v maju prestavljen in odprta opcija za..................... no pa ne bom prehitro rekel ampak mislim da bom lahko šel!!!! :OK: :grim


ena je spala na klopci v parku :lol1:


pravkar prišel s fure :yea1:




I Struck Oil!!!


No ja....Gold mine...


De Loterie Romande

Rue Marterey 13

1002 Lausanne


Reference Number: LR/19-CH/4310

Batch: LR/05/0018

Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual

final draws of the DE LOTERIE ROMANDE Program. De Loterie

Romande draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 25,000,000

e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an

advanced automated random computer ballot search from the internet

as part of our international program which we conduct every year.

No tickets were sold.

After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to

serial number 25-6565 drew the lucky numbers 6-13-18-24-33-39

which consequently emerged you as one of first fifty (50) lucky

winners in this category.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of

€1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file

LR/19-CH/4310. This is from a total cash prize of €50,000,000

(Fifty Million) Euro shared amongst the first fifty (50) lucky

winners in this category.

This year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for De Loterie

Romande. The estimated €50 million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest

in Europe history. The biggest was the €363 million jackpot that

went to two winners in a Febuary 2000 drawing of The Big Game

Mega Millions' predecessor.

Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover


Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that

you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been

processed and your money remitted to you as this is part of our

security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking

advantage of this program by the general public.

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European

booklet representative office in London. In view of this, your

€1,000,000.00 (One Million Euro) would be released to you by our

affiliate bank in Europe.

Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the

release of your funds to you as soon as you make contact with him.

To begin your claim please contact your claims agent:

Mr.Derek Frank Kidd

Foreign Services Manager,

Information and Payment Bureau.

London Representative Office.

Phone: +44-703-190-9501

Fax: +44-870-478-4369


Your claims agent will assist you in the processing and remittance of

your prize funds into your designated bank account.

Note that all prize funds must be claimed not later than One month.

After this date all funds will be returned to the

LOTTERY TREASURY as unclaimed.

In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please

endeavor to quote your Reference (LR/19-CH/4310) and Batch

numbers (LR/05/0018) in every correspondence with your agent.

Furthermore, should there be any change in your address, do

inform your claims agent as soon as possible.

Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and

thanks for being part of our program.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs.Léna S.Mohonly.

Promotions Manager

De Loterie Romande.

Hehe.... itaq.... sej ne more bit drugac, k sm rojen pod srecno zvezdo :smoke:

Pa se Solaris masino sem cisto razkantal. Ja, kdor zna, zna :devil:


da se počasi bliža vikend

in konec farbanja

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Pravkar prišel s predavanja, ki sem ga mel - pazi to! - za cca 15 Fink, starih okoli 20 let :kva2: :kva2: :yea2: :yea2: :grim :grim B)

en delovni vikend v maju prestavljen in odprta opcija za..................... no pa ne bom prehitro rekel ampak mislim da bom lahko šel!!!! :OK: :grim

To je ono? :hmm: :)

Popravljeno . Popravil pirrulz

Pravkar prišel s predavanja, ki sem ga mel - pazi to! - za cca 15 Fink, starih okoli 20 let :kva2: :kva2: :yea2: :yea2: :grim :grim B)

hvala prijatelj, jaz pa ravno ne vem kaj bi počel pa še kandidatov ali kandidatk za pivo mi manjka :angry:

To je ono? :hmm: :)

ono? fura za srem je, saj veš - hrana in pivo in to kar sva rekla :grim


Včerajšnje popoldne - večer :kva2:

Fajn je blo videt po dolgem času spet znane obraze in nekaj spit :OK:


Ma.. .."#%/$%)/&=(/?(U"&%!#$&51264... ravno nasprotno... :angry:


Jutranja kavica v prijetni :wub: družbi



:OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK: :OK:

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