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William Jefferson Clinton


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Sem malo okoli pokukal po forumu in ugotovil, da ma Bush svojo temo.

Ker je Clinton se nima in je sedaj po izhodu njegove knjige in operaciji

zopet aktualen, odpiram to temo za kake zanimive fotke popat, etc.

W. J. Clinton


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Clinton Is 'Recovering'

Former President Clinton is doing fine after undergoing

heart bypass surgery, according to his surgeons at a new

conference held at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia.


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Clinton je adijo in sploh ni več aktualen ! Je svoje že povedal in odšel ! Edino tukaj po forumu še straši z nekimi avatrji ! .) :P

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Clintona za predsednika. :OK:

Hmnja :rolleyes: , ne, ne, on ima druge nacrte.

Bi se pa znalo zgodit, da postane ob pomoci Williama

v primeru kandidature nova predsednica ZDA

Senatorka NY Hillary Rodham Clinton :D

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Clinton je adijo in sploh ni več aktualen ! Je svoje že povedal in odšel ! Edino tukaj po forumu še straši z nekimi avatrji !  .)  :P


Me je kdo klical :yea2: :OK: B)


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:unsure: Heart bypass surgery :(

Zadnje case so to vrstne operacije vse pogostejse :cry:

"Vir": prakticno vse objave na to temo so usmerjene v tak zakljucek.


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Clinton Family Statement

NEW YORK — Former President Clinton, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and

their daughter Chelsea issued the following statement on

the Clinton Foundation Web site:

We feel so blessed and grateful for the thousands of prayers and

messages of good will we have received these past few days.

Your cards, letters, e-mails and calls have moved and encouraged us immensely.

We are also thankful for the excellent care provided by the doctors,

nurses and the staff of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia

University Medical Center. And we are fortunate to have great health

care coverage and continue to hope for the day when every American

will enjoy this basic right.

While bypass surgery certainly isn't something to look forward to,

we are very lucky that the condition was detected in time to have

this procedure before something more serious occurred. It is a reminder

that, while diet and exercise are important, nothing substitutes for

regular checkups and talking to your doctor whenever you have questions

about any serious pains or discomfort you are experiencing. We hope you

will also take time to follow the links on this web site for more

information about heart disease -- what it is, how it is treated, and how to prevent it.

This sure isn't how we planned to spend Labor Day weekend 2004,

but we're doing our best to enjoy it, and hope that you and your

family have a safe and happy weekend. And don't forget to take

some time on Monday to honor America's working men and women,

for whom this holiday was created.

Say a prayer, too, for the people of Florida, who are suffering

through the effects of yet another hurricane, and for the people

of Russia, who have experienced so much tragic loss in recent days.

Reminders of the preciousness of life are all around us, and teach

us to treasure each day and value one another all the more.

Please feel free to keep an eye on this Web site for updates during the week.

God bless you all.


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Me je kdo klical :yea2: :OK: B)

kakšno dodatno opozorilo od trenutno vladajoče garniture, da zvišamo teh 10% ne bi škodlo ! .) :P

Vem za relativno poceni in dokaj debele cigare ! O:-)

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Clinton released from hospital

Friday, September 10, 2004

NEW YORK (AP) -- Former President Bill Clinton

left the hospital and returned home Friday,

four days after undergoing heart bypass surgery,

his office said.


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The 58-year-old former president arrived early Friday evening

at his home in the New York suburb of Chappaqua, according

to his spokesman, Jim Kennedy.

"The President is in good spirits and has taken short walks

in the hospital hallway and in his home today," Kennedy

said in a prepared statement.

Clinton was taken off his respirator and placed in an

intensive care unit on Monday. Wednesday, he was moved

back to his hospital room, where he walked with assistance,

sat in his bed and sat up in his chair.

Clinton had planned to campaign for John Kerry, the Democratic

nominee for president, but the recovery from surgery will for

now take him off the stump -- with just eight weeks left until

the election.

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Doctors performed the four-hour quadruple bypass operation and

found that Clinton's heart disease was extensive, with blockages

in some arteries well over 90 percent.

He went to the hospital late last week after complaining of prolonged

chest pain and shortness of breath, but doctors revealed Monday that

he'd had these symptoms for several months. They said he had blamed

them on lapses in his exercise routine and acid reflux.


Clinton has been inundated with thousands of well-wishes

and flowers, his foundation has said.

In bypass surgery, doctors remove one or more blood vessels from

elsewhere in the body -- in Clinton's case, two arteries from

the chest and a vein from the leg -- and attach them to arteries

serving the heart, detouring around blockages.

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He said "Thank you all, I'm OK, Everything is cool" ;)

"Clinton has been inundated with thousands of well-wishes

and flowers"


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The former US president Bill Clinton is spending his first

full day at home after being released from a New York hospital.

He underwent quadruple by-pass heart surgery five days ago.

ma klinton je jebač.... :naughty:

pa rečte kar čste.... :)


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Mr Clinton, 58, arrived at his home in the New York

suburb of Chappaqua last night.

His spokesman Jim Kennedy said: "The President is in good spirits

and has taken short walks in the hospital hallway and in his home today."

The Democrat was taken off his respirator and placed in an

intensive care unit on Monday. On Wednesday, he was moved

back to his hospital room, where he walked with assistance,

sat in his bed and sat up in his chair.

He had gone to the New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia

last week complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath.

Doctors later revealed he had been suffering the symptoms

for several months.

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Mr Clinton had apparently been blaming the pains on his

lack of exercise and acid reflux.

Surgeons removed two arteries from his chest and a vein from

his leg and attached them to arteries serving his heart.

After the operation doctors said Mr Clinton's heart disease

was extensive, with blockages in some arteries well over 90%.

The Clintons have been inundated with thousands of get

well messages and flowers over the past week.

The Democrat's wife Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and daughter

Chelsea, released a statement saying: "We feel blessed to have such

support, and it will continue to sustain us throughout the months

of recuperation that remain ahead."

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saj ko Clinton, bognedaj, umre, ga lahko Max nadomesti po mojem ...

A ti pa nimaš več teh ambicij?

Se mi zdi, da je bilo enkrat nekaj pisano

o nekih volilnih listkih, na katerih bo le tvoje ime,

če me moj poapneni spomin ne vara.

Ys bi pa res 100%no glasoval zate, če bi ti kandidiral

za predsednika USA.

Torej - se je že začelo - en glas že imaš ...

le pogumno naprej.


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