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Adi Smolar - Zlo počas :OK:

Punk's Not Dead  O:-) Hehe, dokler ga poslusamo, res ne  :notworthy:

it just stinks like a fuckin' corpse...


Krokus - Playin' The Outlaw :yea2: , bo treba kakšno plato dol potegnit B)


Angra nowa, za popizdit. :yea2: :yea2: :yea2:


Dark Tranquillity nowi! :yea2:


Eldritch ( - en najboljsih power/prog bendov. Fascinanten detajl pa je, da so italijani???


Sicer malo zlajnano,sam sm malo melanholično razpoložen in trenutno poslušam PARNI VALJAK -Bez Struje :huh: ...


Nič več glazbe.......odkar mamo novo resni časi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Koračnice, definitivno. "Mi smo slovenski Železarji,..."


Če kdo rabi - imam 3 identične LPje na zalogi:)


The cream of Clapton :wub:


Soilwork - Figure number five.

Ah geteborg death metal... Yummie.


Vital remains - Dechristianize Nism glih največji fan death metala sam tole pa razturi!!


Trenutno THE JON SPENCER Now I Got Worry-Blues Exploion...

Uglavnem kr neki...


Amon Amarth - the one and only viking metal.


Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind :ph34r:

Amon Amarth - the one and only viking metal.

Sem šel iz firbca dol potegnit diskografijo, super :) .


Danes - ves dan Metropolis. :yea2:

(Hoćko - 18. dec. je mimo :hmm: )


BePop-Božič je :P ...


We're leaving every turn unstoned

And every lesson is unlearned..

With nothing said and nothing done

I know it works on everyone....

Because love cools and friends drift apart

Too old to be shy

But I wonder what to say

- After I said: Hi!

Are we alive here? Are we loosers are we winners

Are we alive here??

Sometimes I doubt, but if we get it all out; it's so clear

But, hey what's on for dinner?

Are we alive here?

Would you please pass the guilt...

Just like a tune on ears of stone

It will be ringing through your bones

It's the push that no one sees..

That gives a mouth of broken teeth, yeah!

Because love cools yeah, and friends drift apart

And the sky's weighed down with clouds of stone, yeah!

And the mirror stares back on a smile of it's own..

Too old to be shy and I wonder what to say - After I said: Hi!

Are we alive here? Are we loosers are we winners

Are we alive here??

Sometimes I'm in doubt, but if we get it all out it's soooo clear

But, hey what's on for dinner?

Are we alive here?

Are we alive or not - do we have nothing in our head but..

I know it's time to go now we've said hello!

Are we alive here? Are we loosers are we winners

Are we alive here??

Sometimes I doubt, but if we get it all out, it's sooo clear

But, hey what's on for dinner?

Are we alive here?

Would you please pass the guilt yeah!

Love cools yeah, and friends drift apart

And the sky's weighed down with clouds of stoooneeeehhhnnn

Are we alive here? Are we alive here?? Are we alive here???

O, fuck, pomešala sem teme..... :wacko:

Brezveze, saj ni prvič :OK:


Grave Digger - Heart of darknes :OK: :yea2:, sledi še Hammerfal - Renegade




Black Sabbath- Paranoid :yea2: :yea2:

v zadnjem tednu največkrat predvajan komad na mojmu radiu :D

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