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Formula 1 2008


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Menim, pa upam, da se motim, da bo Hamiltona letos težko premagati. :unsure:

Mclaren bo letos imel Lojzeta kot očitnega dirkača števila 1, saj si izgube še enega naslova zaradi konkurece znotraj moštva ne bodo dovolili. Ferrari si je že na prvi dirki privoščil blamažo in bodo morali že od prve dirke sezone loviti zaostanek za Mclarnom. :trance_33_sleep:

Popravljeno . Popravil jetman
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Vremenska napoved je tud zanimiva , od četrtka do ponedeljka nevihte :naughty:

Uf, to bi blo pa fajn prav med dirko, bo spet kak Vetel vozu v vodstvu. :worship:

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Menim, pa upam, da se motim, da bo Hamiltona letos težko premagati. :unsure:

bojim se da bo res tako..

Uf, to bi blo pa fajn prav med dirko, bo spet kak Vetel vozu v vodstvu. :worship:

yap, Vetel pa kr velik obeta :) tudi Kubica zna bit visok.

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ma ni za verjet.

Raikkonen got closest despite retiring from the session around the 45-minute mark, his F2008 apparently the victim of a pit-lane telemetry mix up that saw it run short of fuel.

tud bencina nima kdo nalit, al kaj? Očitno se Todtov in Brawnov neda kar zamenat....

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Za soboto je napovedana 90% možnost dežja :naughty:

Na prvem prostem treningu:

1. Massa,

2. Kimi,

3. Heiki,

4. Rosberg,

5. Lojze


Popravljeno . Popravil jetman
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Drugi prosti trening:

1. Lojze

2. Massa

3. Kimi

4. Button

5. Vettel


ferrari je vozil čase za dirko konstantno sekundo hitreje od vseh :worship:

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Massa bo začev s precej lažjim tankom sej je 0,5 sekunde pred kimijem , drugač je pa tud toyota kr visok.

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Massa bo začev s precej lažjim tankom sej je 0,5 sekunde pred kimijem , drugač je pa tud toyota kr visok.

Truli se je kr boril ja. Upam da fuzbaler na štartu nebo zbil Kimija ;) a je kdo opazil, da je v Q2 Kimi svoj čas postavil na trših gumah? Heiki je cele treninge zgledal suvereno, ampak vprašanje zakaj je Lewis "šele" četrti. de ni poln kot tanker? zanimivo bo, upam de bo dirka pestra tud brez dežja.

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Bravo naši :OK:

Rosberg je pa nepričakovano nizgo na gridu, a ne :hmm: V bistvu je sam pred tem svaril, da moštvo ne sme postati preveč optimistično, saj imajo še vedno velik zaostanek za top moštvama.

Popravljeno . Popravil jetman
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sam je pa massa precej v prednosti pred kimijem tko da po mojem massa mora bit dost lažji :)

massa? misleš kimi je težji :hmm:

Popravljeno . Popravil alezzi
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Lewis Hamilton summoned by stewards

Last Updated: 10:09am GMT 22/03/2008

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Lewis Hamilton's fourth place on the grid could be in jeopardy ahead of tomorrow's Malaysian Grand Prix, after the Englishman was summoned to meet race stewards following an incident at the end of today's final qualifying session.

<LI>Blog: BBC have bought the best story in sport Hamilton was among a group of drivers who slowed after crossing the finishing line, but they did so shortly before Nick Heidfeld (BMW) and Fernando Alonso (Renault) embarked upon their final, high-speed qualifying runs.

mclaren.jpgPending: Lewis Hamilton must wait to see if he starts in fourthThere is a suggestion that both might have been impeded.

Hamilton and team-mate Heikki Kovalainen, provisionally third on the grid, were subsequently asked to discuss the incident with officials.

Drivers who impede rivals during qualifying are usually docked five grid positions.

McLaren F1 CEO Martin Whitmarsh said: "The situation arose because of today's weather. Usually, all cars attempt their final qualifying laps in sequence and there's little risk of blocking.

advertisement<script language=javascript src="/core/NetGravity/mpu.js"> <script language=JavaScript src=""> &ltscript language="JavaScript1.1" SRC=";abr=!ie;sz=300x250;click=;ord=beiNarc,bdRjyrublIyxw?">"Today, the threat of rain persuaded most drivers to go out a little bit early, just in case. That resulted in a couple of cars being out of phase.

"We warned our drivers about the situation over the radio, but there was clearly significant congestion at one part of the circuit, with six cars trying to get into one corner, and both our drivers have been called to see the officials."

Earlier, Hamilton admitted that his car hadn't been as much to his liking as it was during Friday afternoon's free practice, when he set fastest time.

"It was tough finding a gap in the traffic" he said. "My car just didn't seem to have enough grip.

"I didn't do a perfect job and need to analyse the data to see where I can pick up time tomorrow."

Hamilton in Kovalainen sta poklicana na zaslišanje.

grozi jima nazadovanje za 5 mest.

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Lewis Hamilton summoned by stewards

Last Updated: 10:09am GMT 22/03/2008

form.gifHave your say comments.gifRead comments

Lewis Hamilton's fourth place on the grid could be in jeopardy ahead of tomorrow's Malaysian Grand Prix, after the Englishman was summoned to meet race stewards following an incident at the end of today's final qualifying session.

<LI>Blog: BBC have bought the best story in sport Hamilton was among a group of drivers who slowed after crossing the finishing line, but they did so shortly before Nick Heidfeld (BMW) and Fernando Alonso (Renault) embarked upon their final, high-speed qualifying runs.

mclaren.jpgPending: Lewis Hamilton must wait to see if he starts in fourthThere is a suggestion that both might have been impeded.

Hamilton and team-mate Heikki Kovalainen, provisionally third on the grid, were subsequently asked to discuss the incident with officials.

Drivers who impede rivals during qualifying are usually docked five grid positions.

McLaren F1 CEO Martin Whitmarsh said: "The situation arose because of today's weather. Usually, all cars attempt their final qualifying laps in sequence and there's little risk of blocking.

advertisement&lt;script language=javascript src="/core/NetGravity/mpu.js"> &lt;script language=JavaScript src=""> &ltscript language="JavaScript1.1" SRC=";abr=!ie;sz=300x250;click=;ord=beiNarc,bdRjyrublIyxw?">"Today, the threat of rain persuaded most drivers to go out a little bit early, just in case. That resulted in a couple of cars being out of phase.

"We warned our drivers about the situation over the radio, but there was clearly significant congestion at one part of the circuit, with six cars trying to get into one corner, and both our drivers have been called to see the officials."

Earlier, Hamilton admitted that his car hadn't been as much to his liking as it was during Friday afternoon's free practice, when he set fastest time.

"It was tough finding a gap in the traffic" he said. "My car just didn't seem to have enough grip.

"I didn't do a perfect job and need to analyse the data to see where I can pick up time tomorrow."

Hamilton in Kovalainen sta poklicana na zaslišanje.

grozi jima nazadovanje za 5 mest.

edino pravilno kaj pa drekata :angry:

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Uradno: Fia je potrdila

+5 mest za Kovalainena in Hamiltona

Lahko bi rekli, da gre v tem primeru za pričakovano kazen, kajti oba srebrna voznika sta očitno ovirala Heidfelda na njegovem hitrem krogu

Besedilo: Bojan Vrbnjak

Več v nadaljevanju...

toooooooooooooo mi delaj :evilgrin:

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