ImenitnaPriložnost Objavljeno December 20, 2009 Opozori Objavljeno December 20, 2009 no to pa je neumnost,da se zvesti mož okuži ko skače znotraj zakona..... a na svetu je 50% žensk poročenih ??? (drgač pa ...same so si krive ,kaj jih pa silijo da morajo doma tudi imet spolne odnose.... ) A ne, kolk se je fajn iz tok resnih stvari zajebavat? ... soncy, grepavl, domina in 2 others 2 3
vapotek Objavljeno December 20, 2009 Opozori Objavljeno December 20, 2009 A ne, kolk se je fajn iz tok resnih stvari zajebavat? ... Totalno fajn! Mimogrede, a veš, da je moja najljubša komedija Philadelphia? thumper, rdeci_vragec in anja37 2 1
thumper Objavljeno December 20, 2009 Opozori Objavljeno December 20, 2009 A ne, kolk se je fajn iz tok resnih stvari zajebavat? ... ja niti ne... zdej ke si se ti prklopu je šel ves veselje v maloro... itak pa si ti en fenomen , ki bo od samega zdravja guznil... rdeci_vragec in Greeny 1 1
Greeny Objavljeno December 24, 2009 Opozori Objavljeno December 24, 2009 Dokler ni v naši bližni kdo zbolel je itak ko da ga ni....... Pol pa pride streznitev, če sploh .......
pajkica Objavljeno December 1, 2013 Opozori Objavljeno December 1, 2013 za luknce....danes še posebej
Jetam Objavljeno December 1, 2013 Opozori Objavljeno December 1, 2013 Pa sej še noben ni umru zarad aidsa? Vedno je bla razlog kakšna druga bolezen. Aids ti sam imunski sistem sesuje.... Točno tako! Aids ti samo toliko imunski sistem sesuje, da potem od najmanjšega prehlada umreš!
Kosho Objavljeno April 29, 2014 Opozori Objavljeno April 29, 2014 (popravljeno) Where did HIV come from? Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world. The earliest known case of infection with HIV-1 in a human was detected in a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (How he became infected is not known.) Genetic analysis of this blood sample suggested that HIV-1 may have stemmed from a single virus in the late 1940s or early 1950s. We know that the virus has existed in the United States since at least the mid- to late 1970s. From 1979–1981 rare types of pneumonia, cancer, and other illnesses were being reported by doctors in Los Angeles and New York among a number of male patients who had sex with other men. These were conditions not usually found in people with healthy immune systems. In 1982 public health officials began to use the term "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome," or AIDS, to describe the occurrences of opportunistic infections, Kaposi's sarcoma (a kind of cancer), and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in previously healthy people. Formal tracking (surveillance) of AIDS cases began that year in the United States. In 1983, scientists discovered the virus that causes AIDS. The virus was at first named HTLV-III/LAV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus-type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus) by an international scientific committee. This name was later changed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). For many years scientists theorized as to the origins of HIV and how it appeared in the human population, most believing that HIV originated in other primates. Then in 1999, an international team of researchers reported that they had discovered the origins of HIV-1, the predominant strain of HIV in the developed world. A subspecies of chimpanzees native to west equatorial Africa had been identified as the original source of the virus. The researchers believe that HIV-1 was introduced into the human population when hunters became exposed to infected blood. Popravljeno April 29, 2014. Popravil Kosho
pajkica Objavljeno December 1, 2014 Opozori Objavljeno December 1, 2014 vsaj danes dejte prou ga nataknt ...
nazo13 Objavljeno December 2, 2014 Opozori Objavljeno December 2, 2014 vsaj danes dejte prou ga nataknt ... Zakaj že? Aja, pa raje JO nataknem.
pajkica Objavljeno December 2, 2014 Opozori Objavljeno December 2, 2014 sej mogoče bi pa ONA ga rada prou nataknla.....
nazo13 Objavljeno December 2, 2014 Opozori Objavljeno December 2, 2014 sej mogoče bi pa ONA ga rada prou nataknla..... Maš prav. ONA je rada prav NATAKNJENA. Izkušeni bodo vedeli kaj mislim, copate pa si naj mislijo svoje.
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