RHonda Objavljeno September 19, 2005 Objavljeno September 19, 2005 @ Jure007, za Lorisa sm mislil tale :OK: znakec sam sm se zmotil. Je namreč moj najljubši dirkač.
Stric Burek Objavljeno September 19, 2005 Objavljeno September 19, 2005 A ima kdo posnetek cele tekme? Link?!?
viggen Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Objavljeno September 20, 2005 DUCATI na stopnickah - ko sem si pgledal posnetek, sem mel solze v očeh! Od veselja namreč! :devil: :OK: Me prav zanima, po kolikih letih je evropski proizvajalec zopet stal na stopničkah, seveda v kraljevem razredu...... :hmm: LP
Gionni Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Me prav zanima, po kolikih letih je evropski proizvajalec zopet stal na stopničkah, seveda v kraljevem razredu...... :hmm: ← Leta 2003 (15. junija) v Kataloniji (Barcelona) je Capirossi dosegel prvo zmago z Ducatijem .)
viggen Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Hvala Gionni! :blush: Vshičenost in čustva so mi zabrisala razum! :doze:
DESMOSEIDICI Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Objavljeno September 20, 2005 Shane Byrne bo vozu v Sepangu pa Dohi namest Troya pri Camel Hondi Bo zanimivo tole,me zanima kok je fant zmozn ker ma potencjal
Furioso Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 @SymRu ...in za ostale... Citirano iz: Pravilnik 1.25 Interruption of a race 1.25.1 If the Race Director decides to interrupt a race, then red flags will be displayed at the finish line and at all marshals' posts and he will switch on the red lights around the circuit. Riders must immediately slow down and return to the pit lane. The results will be the results taken at the last point where the leader and all other riders on the same lap as the leader had completed a full lap without the red flag being displayed calculated as in the principle set out in the following example: Example of a race consisting of 30 laps: If a Red Flag is shown when the leader is on his 10th lap after completing his 9th lap and all other riders have not completed the 9th lap, then the race result will be 8 laps completed, and the second part will consist of 22 laps. If a Red Flag is shown when the leader and all other riders on the same lap as the leader are on the 10th lap after completing the 9th lap, the race result will be 9 laps completed and the second part will consist of 21 laps. Exception: if the race is interrupted after the chequered flag, the following procedure will apply: 1) For all the riders to whom the chequered flag was shown before the interruption, a partial classification will be established at the end of the last lap of the race. 2) For all the riders to whom the chequered flag was not shown before the interruption, a partial classification will be established at the end of the penultimate lap of the race. 3) The complete classification will be established by combining both partial classifications as per the lap/time procedure. 1.25.2 If the results calculated show that less than three laps have been completed by the leader of the race and by all other riders on the same lap as the leader, then the race will be null and void and a completely new race will be run. If it is found impossible to re-start the race, then it will be declared cancelled and the race will not count for the Championship. 1.25.3 If three laps or more have been completed by the leader of the race and all other riders on the same lap as the leader, but less than two-thirds of the original race distance, rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps, then the race will be restarted according to Art. 1.26. If it is found impossible to restart the race, then the results will count and half points will be awarded in the Championship. 1.25.4 If the results calculated show that two-thirds of the original race distance rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps have been completed by the leader of the race and by all other riders on the same lap as the leader, then for the 125cc and 250cc classes the race will be deemed to have been completed and full Championship points will be awarded. For the Motogp class, the race will be restarted for a minimum of 5 laps according to Art. 1.26. If it is found impossible to restart the race, then the results will count and full Championship points will be awarded. 1.26 Re-Starting a race that has been interrupted 1.26.1 If a race has to be re-started, then it will be done as quickly as possible, consistent with track conditions allowing. As soon as the riders have returned to the pits the Clerk of the Course will announce a time for the new start procedure to begin which, conditions permitting, should not be later than 10 minutes after the initial display of the red flag. 1.26.2 The results of the first race must be available to teams before the second part of a race can be started. 1.26.3 The start procedure will be identical to a normal start with sighting lap(s), warm-up lap (two warm-up laps for the Motogp class), etc. 1.26.4 Conditions for the re-started race will be as follows: i) In the case of situation described in 1.25.2 (less than 3 laps completed) above: a. All riders may re-start. b. Motorcycles may be repaired or changed. Refuelling is permitted. c. - For 125 and 250cc, the number of laps will be two-thirds of the original race distance rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps. - For Motogp, the number of laps will be the same as the original race distance. d. The grid positions will be as for the original race. ii) In the case of situation described in 1.25.3 (3 laps or more and less than two-thirds completed) and 1.25.4 (two-thirds completed for Motogp only) above: a. Only riders who are classified as finishers in the first race may re-start. b. Motorcycles may be repaired or changed. Refuelling is permitted. c. - For 125 and 250cc, the number of laps of the second race will be the number of laps required to complete twothirds of the original race distance rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps with a minimum of 5 laps. - For Motogp, the number of laps of the second race will be the number of laps required to complete the original race distance with a minimum of 5 laps. d. The grid position will be based on the finishing order of the first race. e. The final race classification will be established according to the position and the consolidated number of laps of each rider at the time he crossed the finish line at the end of the last part of the race. Provisions of Art. 1.23.4 will apply.
Furioso Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 A ima kdo posnetek cele tekme? Link?!? ← link -> poišči kaseto št. 12, sezona 2005; vstavi v VCR; pritisni "Play" <- end link .)
TSC-LABA Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 link -> poišči kaseto št. 12, sezona 2005; vstavi v VCR; pritisni "Play" <- end link .) ← Imamo posnetek zadnjega MotoGP. Lahko se dobi na DVDju. Strošek je DVD + poštnina, če želi kdo. lp
Stric Burek Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Mislu sm posnetek iz neta, torej mel sem eno dirko v bolj slabi kvaliteti->čez 1/4 ekrana ampak je luštno pogledat, dolga pa je bla okrog 300MB .)
misty Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 z rahlo zamudo pogledal dirko (kot ponavadi) čestitke capirossiju za zmago :OK: prehitevanje za njegovo vodstvo je bilo :OK: :OK: lepo je našel svojih 10 cm :P placa Rossiju se je pa vidlo da mu je blo mal bed zarad te napake (bil pri melandriju takoj ko je videl da je ta še zmer na tleh, če bi sete al pa max ležala bi šel lepo proti motorčku po moje; in pa njegov kisel izraz v boksih tud dost pove - zaradi izgubljenih točk se IMHO ni sekiral). Pač nesreča pri dirkanju (ne vem zakaj je honda protestirala?). Spet? hja, sej če bi Lorisu duče zaplesal pri prehitevanju maxa bi isto oba odletela. Pač. Je blo pa zanimivo gledat Maxovo mirno hondo in zraven pobesnelega Lorisovega ducatija :OK: res je bil njegov dan
Gionni Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Mislu sm posnetek iz neta, torej mel sem eno dirko v bolj slabi kvaliteti->čez 1/4 ekrana ampak je luštno pogledat, dolga pa je bla okrog 300MB .) ← To ste pa novinci, ko ne spremljate teme od samega začetka :grrr Po vsaki dirki vedno ista pesem :wacko: K L I K ! :yea1:
Stric Burek Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 u brutality! Hvala, teme ne spremljam redno
pogi Objavljeno September 21, 2005 Objavljeno September 21, 2005 (popravljeno) omg :eek: :eek: (klikni za povečavo slike) Popravljeno September 21, 2005. Popravil pogi
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 HUDO :kva2: Upam da sta tekmovalca OK O:-)
kycysymet Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 (popravljeno) v nedeljo dirka v Sepangu B) ← ŽUR ZA 46. :yea1: Popravljeno September 22, 2005. Popravil kycysymet
Mopedist Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 HUDO :kva2: Upam da sta tekmovalca OK O:-) ← Mislim da sta oba srečno preživela brez poškodb. Boga Honda od Luthi-ja.
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 v nedeljo dirka v Sepangu B) ← :yea1: :yea1: :yea1: Zmaga rossija afkors :OK: Mislim da sta oba srečno preživela brez poškodb. Boga Honda od Luthi-ja. ← Jp...honda ga je kr konkretno nastradala :grrr
pogi Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Jp...honda ga je kr konkretno nastradala :grrr ← provzaprov je bila Gadeova aprilia razbita do neprepoznavnosti - tisti ki je po zraku letel je bil Sergio Gadea ki pa ni utrpel nikakršnih poškodb :D :blush:
VrUUUUUmmmm Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Če še kdo ni videl dirke v Motegiju: http://s54.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3VKNWVV...903PD5OXB207Q7U Zadeva je dolga dobrih 700M, link bo deloval slab teden. Komentar v italijanščini.
<=YaMaHa=> Objavljeno September 22, 2005 Objavljeno September 22, 2005 provzaprov je bila Gadeova aprilia razbita do neprepoznavnosti - tisti ki je po zraku letel je bil Sergio Gadea ki pa ni utrpel nikakršnih poškodb :D :blush: ← aja tist NLP je bla aprilija...no oba motorja sta ga kr konkretno nastradala sam ta k je po zraku letu je pa do konca zbit :slap:
kycysymet Objavljeno September 24, 2005 Objavljeno September 24, 2005 DUCATI CAPIREX POLE POSITION!!! :kva2: :OK:
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