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BMW R 1200 GS LC 2013 dalje

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Ob 12. 4. 2017 ob 18:55, Quest pravi:

Upam, da mi neha bobnet okrog piskra.

MRA X-creen sport. Touring je prevelika za oem šipo.


Kje si kupil? cena? Ali je potrebno vizir vrtati pri montazi? Tudi jaz imam isto visino kot ti in piš vetra...

Ob 13. 4. 2017 ob 7:37, kasti pravi:

Predelal....  :smoke:




Ali bi se komu to naredil, sedaj ko si zverziran?

pred 7 minutami, beker11 pravi:

Kje si kupil? cena? Ali je potrebno vizir vrtati pri montazi? Tudi jaz imam isto visino kot ti in piš vetra...

Ne vrtaš nič. Sport Ima klampe samo priviješ 4x imbus, da stisne. Touring spoiler pa ne.Jih je potrebno dodatno kupit. Če kupiš touring spoiler imam klampe viška-prodam po nabavni ceni. Je pa touring dost širši.

pred 10 urami, beker11 pravi:

Ali bi se komu to naredil, sedaj ko si zverziran?

Lahko. :alko:


Koliko okvirno se giblje cena za drugi servis na 10 000 km oz. eno leto? Olje, oljni filter, tudi zavorna tekočina?


pred eno uro, HyperJack pravi:

Koliko okvirno se giblje cena za drugi servis na 10 000 km oz. eno leto? Olje, oljni filter, tudi zavorna tekočina?


Ob enih sem naročen in ti lahko kasneje sporočim..v Črni gori,so mi rekli,da okrog 230€

Če je bil prvi servis na 1000km,bi naj bil drugi na 11.000km,tako pravijo Črnogorci in Selmar v Celju,v MB pa na 10.000:hmm::whistle:imam jih 10.600 in bom videl...

pred 2 urami, Dr.SPEED pravi:

Ob enih sem naročen in ti lahko kasneje sporočim..v Črni gori,so mi rekli,da okrog 230€

Če je bil prvi servis na 1000km,bi naj bil drugi na 11.000km,tako pravijo Črnogorci in Selmar v Celju,v MB pa na 10.000:hmm::whistle:imam jih 10.600 in bom videl...

Imaš prav...11.000 km, jaz jih imam slabih 7 kkm, me je eno letni rok prej ujel :D


Zmeraj delam na 11, 21, 31, 41, nikoli na okrogle. Tudi v servisni knjižici vpišejo kdaj moram priti in je vedno 1000 čez. Servisiram v Cosmosu.

Glede teh povišanih čipc in nastavkov. Marsikomu so se zaradi njih polomili nosilčki. Vibracije se povečajo, nosilci pa niso narejeni za to.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)




Popravljeno . Popravil Dr.SPEED
pred 2 urami, motolover pravi:

Zmeraj delam na 11, 21, 31, 41, nikoli na okrogle. Tudi v servisni knjižici vpišejo kdaj moram priti in je vedno 1000 čez. Servisiram v Cosmosu.

Glede teh povišanih čipc in nastavkov. Marsikomu so se zaradi njih polomili nosilčki. Vibracije se povečajo, nosilci pa niso narejeni za to.

Adventure ima vecjo šipo, nosilce iste.. moralo bi drzati

41 minutes ago, beker11 said:

Adventure ima vecjo šipo, nosilce iste.. moralo bi drzati

Morali bi, pa ne... Osebno poznam dva, ki se jima je zaradi zamenjave polomilo. Seveda je pomembno tudi koliko km narediš in po kakšnih cestah. 7K na sezono po lepem asfaltu najbrž res ni problem. 


2 hours ago, Dr.SPEED said:




Samo pri motornem olju bi lahko privarčeval 44€. Samo povem..

pred 3 urami, Dr.SPEED pravi:




Potem takem zavornega olja ni bilo treba menjat?

pred eno uro, HyperJack pravi:

Potem takem zavornega olja ni bilo treba menjat?

načeloma na 2 leti oziroma, ko postane temno. Določene stvari je možno v dogovoru s serviserjem, ne pa po knjigici.

  • Všeč mi je 2
pred 13 urami, DAMI34 pravi:

načeloma na 2 leti oziroma, ko postane temno. Določene stvari je možno v dogovoru s serviserjem, ne pa po knjigici.

To mi je jasno, vendar v knjižici piše nekoliko drugače. Pa tudi pri mojih 7 kkm je tekočina še kot nova, zato se mi zdi totalna traparija menjava vsaj do drugega leta.


Na dve leti tudi če se "nič" ne voziš. Če pa delaš 50Kkm na leto potem pa najmanj vsako leto.


Baje, da ABS sistem na propelerjih kar fajn zdela olje v enem letu. Ko kaj crkne, pa so popravila relativno draga in je menjava pač najbolj ziher preventiva. Moram enkrat za hec pogledat, kako ta hudič sploh dela pri bavarcih.


Zakaj glih na bavarcih,saj je isti abees kot na japoncih.


V knjižici piše prvič po enem letu, potem vsaki dve leti.

Meni so zamenjali pri 20.000km sprednje, pri 30.000 zadnje.


37 minutes ago, luxsa said:

Zakaj glih na bavarcih,saj je isti abees kot na japoncih.

Se bom pozanimal, pa tule napišem...  tazadnja generacija sistema baje, da ni problematična, tak da verjamem, da je na dve leti OK.

Objavljeno (popravljeno)

Problematični "so bili" sistemi s servoojačevalniki. Imel R1150GS letnik 2003 zaviraš z enim prstom učinek pa kot, da primeš z vsemi prsti. Vendar zavore delujejo normalno tudi brez kontakta (preizkusil na tehničnem pregledu na valjih) le potem je potrebno nekaj več stiska na zavorni ročici in pedalu.

Se pa kot vsaka stvar tudi to lahko pokvari in na motorju vrednem par K€, je kar zalogaj menjava ojačevalnika, ki nikakor ni poceni.

"navadni" ABS modeli brez servoojačevalnika tega problema večinoma nimajo.

"The History of BMW Motorcycle ABS
Looking back at a Pioneering Achievement.  Motorcycle experts certainly waxed lyrical back then in spring 1988, expressing their admiration for a “revolution in technology” and “the most significant progress ever made in the area of active safety”. 

This was when BMW became the first motorcycle manufacturer in the world to introduce an electronic/hydraulic anti-lock brake system (ABS) in the BMW K100 motorcycle.  Originally weighing in at 24.5 lbs. (11.1 kg), BMW Motorrad’s revolutionary ABS was a great success from the start, with some 70 per cent of all purchasers ordering their K100 with ABS as early as in 1989. 

And by the end of 1995, approximately 60,000 BMW motorcycles had been delivered to customers with the first generation of ABS technology.  In its configuration and system structure, this motorcycle ABS was quite different from the systems used in the automobile: Anti-lock brakes in the automobile incorporated hydraulic valves with cycle management serving to modulate brake pressure – a principle inevitably subject to a certain degree of unwanted feedback. 

At the time, therefore, using the valve systems available back then, the pressure pulses generated during application of the brakes with ABS were clearly noticeable on the brake lever.  This kind of feedback – or backlash, as one might also say – was regarded as unacceptable on the motorcycle, especially considering the wish to introduce the new technology on a broad scale. 

Indeed, movements of the brake pedal and unusual noises during application of the brakes with ABS had initially irritated customers right from the start when ABS technology was introduced for the first time in the passenger car. 

Precisely this is why BMW Motorrad, cooperating at the time with FAG Kugelfischer, developed a plunger system operating without the slightest feedback or backlash.  In this case a plunger masterminds the volume of brake fluid and, accordingly, the pressure acting on the brake whenever ABS is active. 

The brake lever (that is the hand brake or foot brake lever) is hydraulically separated in the ABS mode by a mechanical ball valve thus avoiding any kind of pressure pulse the rider might feel on the lever.  Positive response from customers confirmed from the start that this was the appropriate technical solution. 

The next generation of ABS brake technology, BMW Motorrad ABS II, entered the market relatively soon in 1993.  This was at the same time as the first model in BMW Motorrad’s brand-new generation of four-valve Boxers, the R1100RS. 

This new generation of ABS was hardly more than half the weight at 13.14 lbs. (5.96 kg) of the first generation, and was far more compact in its dimensions.  Reliability was enhanced to an even higher level through the use of electronic systems in modern digital technology. 

The most significant improvement, however, involved the control system, integrated travel measurement determining the appropriate travel of the plunger in the system during the first control cycles and thus providing optimum brake pressure after just a few cycles, with only minimum adjustment being required thereafter (unless the rider encountered a sudden change in frictional coefficient). 

In practice, this meant soft and smooth brake control up to the tires’ maximum level of friction, capitalizing on the motorcycle’s brake power.  As a result of this superior technology, the number of BMW motorcycles equipped with ABS quickly rose to almost 90 per cent in Germany and an impressive 78 per cent on average for all markets. 

And by the year 2000, some 200,000 BMW customers the world over had opted for a motorcycle with ABS.  The third generation of ABS brake technology, BMW Motorrad Integral ABS, was presented at the INTERMOT 2000 Motorcycle Show and entered the market in spring 2001. 

Once again, this was a revolutionary step into the future, with electrical brake power assistance being realized for the first time on a motorcycle.  With operating forces reduced to a minimum, this new technology ensured maximum brake power and performance enabling even the inexperienced rider to shorten stopping distances to a minimum whenever required in an emergency. 

Further special features were the integral brake function connecting the front and rear wheel brake circuits.  The overall configuration of the system with internal pressure sensors being used for the first time allowed load-related, adaptive distribution of brake forces on the two wheels of the motorcycle.  Despite this enhanced range of functions, the system was once again lighter than before, weighing just 9.59 lbs. (4.35 kg), approximately 20 per cent less than ABS II. 

The third generation of ABS brake technology with integral control continued its outstanding story of success in BMW motorcycles: By the year 2005, more than 80 per cent of all BMW motorcycles were fitted with this revolutionary system, some models even exceeding the 90 per cent mark. 

In all, more than 280,000 BMW motorcycles featuring Integral ABS were delivered to customers by the end of 2005, the total number of all BMW motorcycles with ABS delivered to customers even exceeding the figure of 500,000 units by September 2003. 

ABS was also introduced as a standard feature on BMW Motorrad’s entry level F650GS in the year 2000.  This is a BOSCH valve system without an integral function, since compact dimensions, very low weight, and an attractive price are the essential criteria for the lighter motorcycles in this segment. 

An enhanced system based on this technology was introduced in 2006 in the new F800 S/ST midrange models as well as the new R1200S Sports Boxer and weighs just 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg)."


Popravljeno . Popravil MiNa

Lep pozdrav!

Zanima me, če ima kdo od lastnikov GS1200 LC podobno težavo kot moj konjič.

Namreč, v 3. in 4. prestavi med 2.000 in 3.000 vrtljaji je neenakomeren tek motorja, drugje je OK, samo pri teh vrtljajih je tako - približno takšen efekt je kot bi imel elipsaste feltne, frekvenca približno 2x na sekundo...

Na tujih forumih so podobno javljlali lastniki RS-ov - so javljali enako težavo, ki pa se je s kilometrino 5-10.000 km rešila.

Moj ima 12.000 km, letnik 2016, na servisu pravijo da je to normalno. Meni to ni normalno, halo?

Ima še kdo podobno izkušnjo?

Ob 4. 5. 2017 ob 14:00, Dr.SPEED pravi:




V petek servis na mojem R1200GS, 180€, olje oljni filter, tesnilo, in zavorna tekočina spredaj in zadaj + menjava za vse skupaj. 

pred 1 uro, HyperJack pravi:

V petek servis na mojem R1200GS, 180€, olje oljni filter, tesnilo, in zavorna tekočina spredaj in zadaj + menjava za vse skupaj. 

A nisi klobasal par let nazaj da so zlatarji  .........

pred 8 urami, Kmet2 pravi:

A nisi klobasal par let nazaj da so zlatarji  .........

Jaz? Nevem. Morda. Sej nism reku da niso ;)


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