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Yamaha YZF R1

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ja dokler je garancija je najbolje da nič ne butaš :D ker si lahko v PIIIIIIP ;)

In kake veze ima poliester z garancijo??

In kake veze ima poliester z garancijo??

ne vem :unsure:

...evo moje....

maš prav, spredaj je mat siva, na boku je pa nekaj lakirane.....

Hector, kako se ta matirana zadeva obnese pri čiščenju?

Hector, kako se ta matirana zadeva obnese pri čiščenju?

....brez problema, enako kot lakiran del.....



V kratkem nameravam kupiti R1 letnik 2004 in me zanima če je zelo velika razlika (in če je, kje) od modela 2007?


2007 ima 6 batne čeljusti spredaj pa 10mm manjše diske, malo daljšo medosno razdaljo, antihop sklopko, gas na čip (YCCT), variabilne sesalne cevi (YCCI), pa verjetno bi se še kaj našlo...

  • 3 tedne pozneje...

En zapis, ki kroži po netu o tanovih R1 ...

On Monday the 15th of June I bought a NEW 2009 Yamaha R1. On Saturday the 20th, I sold it to a used bike dealer.

All documented proof can be read on the R1 forum. They are not believing it over there. They cannot believe someone bought the bike and sold it 5 days later because they didn’t like it. Well, that’s what happened. I knew there was a problem when I rode it off the dealers lot. NO POWER below 8000 RPM’s. I later that day learned that the default map position of STD was not the most intense. That was A mode. Put the bike in A mode, some better. One day later on Tuesday I bought Genuine Yamaha Racing Technology cans. Bike ran much better with the cans and A mode. Then I rode my ZX-10 & wondered what is wrong with the R1. The R1 as it turns out in the US is limited below 8000 RPMs by the Fly By Wire throttle. It does not use seconday flies, but uses the fly by wire throttle instead. Up to 6000 RPMs, you only get 60% throttle, even if you have the twistgrip 100% open. From 6000-8000 you get 80% throttle. From 8000-12000 you get 100% throttle. From 12000-redline at 13,750 you get 81.5% throttle. So as you can see, the R1 only gives you 100% throttle from 8000-12000 RPM’s and explains why it is dead below 8000. If your out on the freeway doing say 85 MPH in 6th gear, an indicated 6000 RPM’s and you go to pass a tractor trailer you better shift down 2 gears as there is no roll on power in 6th. If you open the throttle in

6th gear, the bike starts to “judder” real bad and slowly accelerate. Completely unacceptable. There is no power below 8000. If you compare it to a ZX10, the ZX10 stomps its ass anywhere in the power band. Even full throttle power above 8000 is not that impressive. Starting out in 1st gear requires a lot of throttle and clutch slipping or it “judders” so bad it will shake your fillings out. The water temperature skyrockets so fast that 1 cycle of a traffic light has it puking coolant out the over flow. The front brakes are marginal at best. Sounds good though. I took a real beating on the R1 forum for getting rid of it after only 5 days and 400 miles, but it is a over hyped, over weight, under-powered POS. The front end is twice as wide as a 08 ZX10 with these HUGE pieces of plastic covering the ram air ducts. Kawi really got it right going thru the frame. Even Ben Spies has said NUMEROUS times his success this years has been due to the R1 Chassis and NOT the motor. Bike handles great for the huge weight it carries. Rear shock is nice. The STD and B map modes are worthless. People are funny in that they relate Kawasaki’s lack on ANY SUCCESS on the world wide racing scene as meaning Kawasaki street bikes must suck. Huge mistake on their part. R1 does NOT compare to 08 ZX10 for a street bike. I took a loss and sold the POS. Before anyone makes the mistake of calling BS on my post, I got pics of it all and proof of it all. Cross Plane crank, at least for a street bike is all HYPE!


Pomojem je režev dobil en petkov motor, po možnosti kalifornijski stokrat zablokiran model. Pa zgleda ga je že od novega tišal, ker je imel komaj 400 milj pri prodaji.

Kakorkoli, tole jaz jemljem z rezervo.

Kakorkoli, tole jaz jemljem z rezervo.

Sploh,ker so si bili popolnoma vsi testni vozniki enotni,da je ninja ful zaspana na nizkih obratih.Najbolj od vseh 1000ccm

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

Zanimam se za nakup te R1ke, pa me zanima če kdo pozna tega lastnika in če je z motorjem slučajno kaj narobe, glede na to da je za 1000€ ceneje od konkurence.

Še link: http://www.avto_net/_MOTO/ad.asp?ID=2944416

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

Ali ima kdo oziroma pozna koga, ki bi imel za prodat origninalna ''pokrova'' na auspuhih za letnik 04-06 ???




  • 2 tedne pozneje...


V kratkem nameravam kupiti motor.

Pa nekako kolebam med Hondo 09 in pa R1 09?

Zanima me kako se obnese "tanova" 1-ka, tisti ki jo imate?

Ali je res zadeva huda, tko ke jo tržijo, al ni to to?

lp ;)


A kdo ve, kje dobit DB killerje oz dušilce za tele zadnje lonce?



Fajn bi blo, da poveš za katere izpuhe gre :)

Verjetno so Akrapoviči a ne? Potemtakem pri Akrapoviču, oziroma pri tistih, ki tržijo njihove rore.

Lahko daš pa tut kakšnemu mojstru narest..


Akrapoviči so ja (sem mislil še eno sliko od strani prilimat pa jo zgleda nisem :rolleyes: ), karbon titan poševno "odrezani" :)

Sem poslal mail akrapoviču, da vidimo kakšna je kaj cena, če niso postrani pogledi sosedov cenejši :lol:


2010 R1ka, pomoje barve za ameriški trg, bi še kakšna drugačna znala bit v EU :)





hR1-ovka je pac hrenovka...

Ali obstaja tudi naked varjanta modela 009 kot je bil pris starejsih?


Zanima me če kdo pozna tole r1 jo grem danes gledat je pa iz mengša.

sam za ifno sem šel gledat...motor na dirkališču, gume so fuč:)bil nalteh ene parkrat :whistle:



Yamaha R1 za dirt track :naughty:


Vidim,da so ti zadnje čase vedno bolj všeč yamahe :naughty:

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