simonsi Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 9, 2004 BTW, opazil sem tudi, da ima še kar ta EXUP ventil. A bi se dalo komu kaj več napisat, ali pa kak link, bolj tehničen. Vem, da je za povečanje navora v nizkih obratih, kaj več pa ne. Lepa hvala.
Boječka Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 @Motor za 3mio pa gumijaste bremz lajtnge :nono: A sklopka je hidravlična, right?BTW, opazil sem tudi, da ima še kar ta EXUP ventil. @A bi se dalo komu kaj več napisat, ali pa kak link, bolj tehničen. Vem, da je za povečanje navora v nizkih obratih, kaj več pa ne. Lepa hvala. Kupiš lahko Dučeta za 5mil., pa boš mel pletene cevi pa 140KM, ali pa na R1 dokupiš te cevi za 100eur :hmm: :devil: Kar se pa EXUP-a tiče, sploh ne veš kaj to je, pa bi ti nekaj kritiziral :BUA: !!
simonsi Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Dobro vem, kaj je EXUP ventil, rad bi samo kake podrobnejše informacije. Čisto tako, mimogrede.
Petzl Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Avtor Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 mene tut zanima ta EXUP ventil, a to je na airboxu al v auspuhu?
TinaRR Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 mene tut zanima ta EXUP ventil, a to je na airboxu al v auspuhu? Ta exup ventil je v avspuhu.....
SiR Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 10, 2004 mene tut zanima ta EXUP ventil, a to je na airboxu al v auspuhu? vtipkaj, tam pa išči pojem "EXUP valve" ... ali pa idi na in vtipkaj "What is the EXUP valve?" pa potem malo preberi, kaj ti napiše ...
Dave Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 aaaaaa a se jim je cist zmesal :BUA: :angry: :angry: :angry: Honda CBR1000RR bo nekje med 3.000.000 in 3.100.000 Cena Yamahe je v tem pogledu povsem konkurencna.
TNT Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Honda CBR1000RR bo nekje med 3.000.000 in 3.100.000 Cena Yamahe je v tem pogledu povsem konkurencna. Honda CBR 1000RR je 2.889.000 SIT. Poglej si cenik!
INSTRUCTOR Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 11, 2004 Cena za YZF-R1 2004: 12.303 € = 2.909.659,00 SIT
Dave Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Honda CBR 1000RR je 2.889.000 SIT. Poglej si cenik! Skesano priznam, da nisem gledal cenika, mi je pa ceno povedal prodajalec pri asu lani sredi septembra... Ok, kul, ceneje kot so mislili.
Unknown Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 12, 2004 Pa kaj je zdej s to yamaho?? :? kdaj misljo zdej ta cenik ze objavt, naj bi ga ze... 1.1.2004.... :doze:
Noise Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Pa kaj je zdej s to yamaho?? :? kdaj misljo zdej ta cenik ze objavt, naj bi ga ze... 1.1.2004.... :doze: Cenika še niso poslali, naj bi bil zdaj-zdaj...
BINCA Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 13, 2004 Vsi prodajalci smo že prejeli cenik 2004 B)
flero Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 (popravljeno) Matr BINCA, dej ga pol nalimej!!!!! Je mogoče skrivnost, al kva?! :? Popravljeno Januar 14, 2004. Popravil flero
SiR Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 14, 2004 Matr BINCA, dej ga pol nalimej!!!!! Je mogoče skrivnost, al kva?! :? za nekatere stvari morajo poskrbeti uradni zastopniki blagovne znamke oziroma uvozniki... v tem primeru je to Delta Team. binca ti bo pa tud z veseljem povedal, če ga boš vprašal .. .
Noise Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 15, 2004 Matr BINCA, dej ga pol nalimej!!!!! Je mogoče skrivnost, al kva?! :? Očitno je res skrivnost, glede na to, da cenika nočejo in nočejo poslati za javno objavo na Ko ga bodo poslali, ga bomo objavili, in ... kot pravi SymRu, za nekatere stvari morajo poskrbeti uvozniki in NE prodajalci.
Ghost_R1 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Sploh ni važno koliko bo stala!!! Če hočeš nekaj met, moraš nekaj dat!!!!! :D O:-)
Unknown Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 a kdo mogoce ve kdaj pridejo v Slovenijo, oz. kdaj se zacne prodaja?
SiR Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 a kdo mogoce ve kdaj pridejo v Slovenijo, oz. kdaj se zacne prodaja? jih že prodajajo ...
Unknown Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 moja je tud ze narocena kar neki casa :P ubistvu me samo zanima kdaj jo bo mogoce dobit
Noise Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 20, 2004 moja je tud ze narocena kar neki casa :P ubistvu me samo zanima kdaj jo bo mogoce dobit Se mi zdi da je to vprašanje za Delta Team... sporoči ko kaj zveš :ph34r:
Unknown Objavljeno Januar 21, 2004 Objavljeno Januar 21, 2004 jest mam narocenga pri habat moto center. Ko sem se oktobra pogovarjal z njimi so mi rekl da verjetn februarja, da zna se pa zgoditi da celo ze konec januarja. Sem pac mislil da ma kdo mogoce tocn podatek. Ma sej poznej bols je, da lohk se mal prisparam do takrat :D
flero Objavljeno Februar 10, 2004 Objavljeno Februar 10, 2004 Evo test R1 by pizzopeki. :P (prevod prek net-a) Yamaha R1 m.y. 2004 - the wild animal is outside!!! The Australian circuit of Eastern Creek has been the theatre of the presentation to the international press of the new most waited for R1. Here the impressions of guide after an entire day of test in track. We come down in track with the new Yamaha wild animal on the circuit of Eastern Creek in Australia. There is a beautifulst day, a perfect climate and the motion is all in row ready to get loose itself. The equipment of pneumati us for first part of new tests previews the Michelin Pilot Power, assigns you to a mixed use road-track. In the afternoon change of "shoes" with the more sportswomen Pilot Race. Some turn of track in order to understand the tracing and to scaldare rubbers well and we begin to "give to us within". Regarding the old version the motor goes made to turn medium to 2.000 turns in more to parity than conditions. I 172 CV declare to you seem are to us all but the character of the distribution is changed completely. Hour to the low regimes is a po' "empty", is necessary to exceed the threshold of the 6,000 turns in order to make to trigger it. It seems nearly that the character of the 600 has been traslato on 1000. In part logical consequence of the new plan is one, than with a motor still more superpicture (is increased the bore and has been reduced the race) rewards more the absolute performances that the "back" of the motor. That it does not lack brace, the range of I use is always wide, but is perceived that this R1 new gives the best of himself between the cordoli. Little "animal" from mountain road, insomma, and more wild animal from circuit. This our judgment finds confirmation also in the various behavior of the ciclistica. The ease of handling of the previous version was better to the low speeds, but the R1 new is however faster in the changes of direction. Version 2004 rewards moreover the precision of the trajectories, the stability, the emergency that instills the front chassis. Using an ancient adage of the field journalism we could say that hour is felt? "the hinge between the hands". We are "officially" enters to you in was of the motion from race with plate and fanali. The new Yamaha R1 has 172 CV and hung 172 kg (given declares to you). A relationship 1:1 weight-power. A CV of every power for kg pushing! A value that quite improves to the high speeds, when it catches up i 180 CV for via of the airbox in pressure. And we are speaking about one motion produced in great series, with catalyst and accredited euro2! This the business card of the new Yamaha R1 that on the market and in circuit (in samples Superbike, Superstock and Endurance to you) will have to look at it with equally very equipped Kawasaki ZX-10 R, Honda CBR1000RR and Suzuki GSX-R 1000. That fight! The distribution is a lot regular, cleaned up, the progression with which takes turns is entusiasmante but without unexpected peaks or "holes" of risen. This translate in one perfect management of the power. Thanks also to a fantastic motricità the gas also in curve distance is dosed millimetricamente and the precise perception of the adhesion limit is had always. It is arrived "to play" with gustosissime derapate of power, perfectly gestibili to pact, obviously, not to exaggerate. Summary We point out that we have found a sure understeering during the turns with rubbers "race" but that is due, beyond naturally to the greater one grip of rubbers with stirs soft, to the calibration standard of the suspensions, studied for less performanti rubbers. The phenomenon is dismissable opportunely taking part on the regulations of staple and monoshock-absorber. The guide position is various regarding before. The reasons are several. In the first place there is a redesigned motor, with the inclination of the cylinders that passes from 30 to 40 degrees in order to load the front chassis mainly. But not only. Hour the chassis is a double advanced beam, not more perimetrale, the beams that is pass over the head and not more to side. That has increased the rigidity torsionale and lateral, it has allowed to shrink all how much is "under the dressed one" and to adopt a triangolation handle-bar-saddleback-footrests that, if on one side it is remained invariata like distances in millimeters, have been but ruotata to behind in order raising the semihandle-bars. That means more control and a potentially more natural guide. Why "potentially"? Because there is much space in saddleback, perhaps end too much for pilots of not advanced height to 175 cm that, in the violent accelerations, do not find "the comfort" of the lumbar support of fine saddleback. The consequence is that it is stretched to grab hold of to the semihandle-bars in order to contrast the acceleration and in curvoni to "open gas" the of risente nature of the guide. Altogether there is however great equilibrium. Motor and chassis marry to the perfection and the dynamic behavior door very soon to forget themselves about the remarkable power in order to concentrate itself on just the limit, being tried to go more and more strongly. To this they contribute effective suspensions indeed, with flowing staple and monoshock-absorber much and the just cedevolezza in first part of excursion, than hand is transformed then in greater support by hand that they are compressed. A behavior that is particularly made to appreciate to Eastern Creek where in some points the asphalt mantle is waved, to the limits of the unconnected one. We notice then that also the transfers of cargo are contained and they do not generate order lacks of balance. The brakes are much powerful. Not particularly aggressive in the first participation and gradually with more mordant to increasing of the pressure on the lever. The power for detached from GP insomma is and however the modulabilità does not lack. The aerodynamic protection leaves instead wishing. In circuit in order "not to fly via" it must hide well behind the cupolino, what that succeeds thanks well in the socket on the tank where the helmet finds natural support. After many turns in track we have made some test particular in order to try to natch some other secret of the R1 new. They had as an example explained us during the presentation that the system of injection electronic to double butterfly has been modified just in order to confer to the distribution that feeling of perfect dosage of the power. Summary While the previous system was planned in order to reply the behavior of a battery of carburetors with valve to depression, the new system previews a mapping for the opening of the second battery of butterflies that is based on the principle of the interpolation, for giving to the greater possible continuity to the brace distribution and power. The redesign of the system also has had the not secondary aim to shrink all the entirety in order to enter without interferences in the new one tightened chassis. In the use in track the benefits are very perceptible and also in the normal use, that we have tried to simulate in circuit going for some kilometer "to spasso", it is perceived, it remains but a minimum of effect open-you close when it manages the open gas to the border between regimen of minimum and butterflies. But we are indeed speaking about "hair in the egg". After an entire day in track we have favorably noticed as we were not destroyed for the hard work. Not tired the R1 new, is very gestibile and ago to feel true pilots, thanks to the entusiasmanti ciclistiche dowries, of power and lengthens. For how much it regards has been wonderful to see to us, before the detached one to the end of the rectilinear one, the 276 km/h it indicates to you in fifth march, in order then to dive itself in the curvone on the left from quarter very beyond 200 km/h, piegatissimi and in progressive acceleration until the detached one of the tornantino on the left. Roba from creeps that on the R1 succeeds without large pate to me of mind, to pact not to try to feel Valentino Red. Sure, its is a Yamaha also, but M1 is called. :devil:
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