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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23. 10. 2010 v vseh kategorijah

  1. dozzi

    Ustavite Pahorja!

    Sem volil Janšo, da vrže dol Drnovška, pa je bilo še slabše. Sem volil Pahorja, da vrže dol Janšo, pa mu je uspelo dotolči še Janšo. In koga naj sedaj volim? Pahorju dam edino zaslugo - ob njem sem dokončno spoznal, da me ne bodo več vlekli za nos, ne črni, ne rdeči. Včasih sem volil za nekoga, da bi vrgel dol vladujočo stranko. Sedaj, ob spoznanju, da so vsi iste barve, se je še ta argument zgubil. Kar je najbolj zaskrbljujoče pri politikih in njihovih volivcih, pa se mi zdi to, da se je zgodila kriza vrednot. Praktično se ne loči več med tem kaj je prav in kaj ne. Vsi se sklicujejo le še na črko zakona. Naj bo še tako ostundo, izprijeno in nemoralno neko ravnanje, vse dokler bo legalno, bo vse v najlepšem redu. Povejte mi, kam gre ta politika, če se našemu predsedniku vlade ne zdi moralno sporno, da njegova svetovalka dobi 350.000€ kredita po 1.6% obrestni meri. Ali pa da ti hišo obnavlja podjetje z deležem v državni lasti. Ali pa da ne veš na čigavi jahti se sončiš. Ali da ti partner Pahorjeve assitentke v času njegovega mandata poveča premoženje iz 80.000€ na 2.000.000€, posluje pa le z javnimi naročili. On bi raje počakal na mnenje Kosove komisije. Če bi bilo to negativno za Pahorja, bi pa počakal na mnenje sodišča, saj v naši državi velja domneva, da je vsak nedolžen, dokler mu ne dokažejo krivde. In ko bi sodišče izreklo oprostilno sodbo, ker ravnanje ni v nasprotju z zakonom, ki so ga sami napisali in sprejeli, bi ponosno razlagal, kako ji je zaupal že od prvega dne. Kar je najhujše, pa je to, da to ni zgodba o Pahorju. To je zgodba o vseh naših politkih. Važno, da se krade legalno press Za ostale tatove hrenovk v Mercatorju, bomo pa zapore zgradili. Ker to so tisti pravi zločinci, ki ogrožajo javno varnost. Še posebno če so v velikem številu.
    9 točk
  2. ELO

    Ustavite Pahorja!

    premier borut, sram me je... sram, da sem želel janšev neuspeh in vaš uspeh na zadnjih parlamentarnih volitvah. zdaj sem dokončno ugotovil; nesposobni in neprimerni ste! nesposobni voditi državo, nesposobni priznati napake in nesposobni počistiti v svojih krogih. motiti se je človeško, še bolj človeško za svoje zmote obtoževati druge, prepričevati davkoplačevalsko ljudstvo, da se z njihovim denarjem ne igrate kot svinja z mehom pa, glede na zadnja dejanja, prav nesramno in neprimerno... zadnja zadeva z gospo dimic kaže na to, da imate skorajda celotno prebivalstvo slovenije za maloumno! tole metanje peska v oči, intervju gospe dimic in vaše zagovarjanje njenih dejanj je nedopustno. če premier v takih očitanih kršitvah in sumov korupcije osebne svetovalke ne ukrepa vsaj z začasnim suspenzom smo slabši od banana republike. še za bananin olupek nismo. res me je sram! le do kdaj bo narod apatično spremljal tovrstno obnašanje vodstva "države"? aja, borut, naj tole pisanje končam z nečim pozitivnim, da ne boste rekli, da sem omejen negativec. lepi ste, borut, lepi. kar sijete! red bull, kremice in praški, kljub temu, da so nekateri prepovedani, vam dajo krila!!! pa srečno!!!
    5 točk
  3. ales46


    11.10.2010 Aleš GIBIČAR 1.58.9 1. mesto na dirki Kawasaki ZX10R 2005
    4 točk
  4. Whiskey

    Vtisi iz dnevnih voženj 2010

    Učeri skok na Nanos in makadamsko prečenje do Podkraja, Kalce in nazaj domov. Skupaj 170 km. Bilo pa je takole: Proti Gorici in Alpam TV oddajnik v ozadju pobeljeni Snežnik Kamniške Alpe, v dolini meglena ljubljanska kotlina Učka Proti našemu morju. Desno Gradež in v ozadju Benetke Na koncu makadama sem se pripeljal v Podkraj Jesenska pobarvanka
    4 točk
  5. Bremzer

    Ogrevane rokavice, ročke?

    Pravilno montirano bi bilo takole: iz akumulartorja + kleme potegneš preko varovalke (20A) na reley št.30 iz Št.87 vzameš + tok za stikalo gretja ročk,na rele št85 daš maso kot tudi maso za gretje ročk(ni nujno, da vlečeš kable) lahko daš pač na maso kjerkoli tako do releya kot tudi od gretja ročk,priklopiš še na Št.86 krmiljenje releja z kontaktom (tok št 15) in tako bo reley vklopil tok za gretje ročk šele ko boš dal kontakt in izklopil takoj ko boš kontakt odvzel neglede na položaj stikala za gretje ročk.Relej mora biti vmes sicer pri direktnem priklopu na akumulator + ti lahko izprazni akumulator v primeru, da pozabiš izklopit na stikalu.Če pa vzameš tok za gretje ročk direktno iz ključavnice (to je tok št 15) pa zna biti ključavnica(izhod 15) preobremenjen saj skozi ključavnico tok(15) gre veliko porabnikov kot npr:vžigalna tuljava,benzinska črpalka, vse luči(park,kratka-dolga)štop luči,žmigavci,razna krmiljenja releji,računalnik-i,ABS,GPS,prisilni ventilator itd.
    3 točk
  6. Mohorko

    Motosvet sekcija Maribor

    Hmmmm. če bi delal v Vegradu, bi lahko bil v Murglah fajn zaslužo in bi lahko mel sobote fraj ! Sicer pa, tak se ti zgodi, če firmo prodaš za en ojro ... he he ... in potem te mora pa Semolič branit ! Al pa nimaš vinjete in ne upaš z nami, da se nebi na Ptuju zgubil ... ? Mater sn žleht, saj vem.
    3 točk
  7. Ervin93

    koliko kilometrov smo prevozili v letu 2010

    23600km povečal se najbrž nebo več ker gre po vsej verjetnosti jutri motor en štuk pod zemljo na zimovanje
    2 točk
  8. BigDze

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    Yamaha TDM 850 Letnik 2001 Kovček, ogrevane ročke, nalepka
    2 točk
  9. Bremzer


    Absolutno mora kupit vodno hlajen in 4-taktni saj dvotaktnim bo počasi odzvonilo (je že) !!!! Če napišem,da imam doma dva bo zvenelo kot hvala pa NI.Drugega sem kupil zato ker je bil prvi(ženin) tako ZELO uporaben in to je HONDA Zoomer 50 ccm 4-taktni z elektronskim vbrizgom,vodno hlajen,kat. lamda sonda,prisilno hlajenje,4-ventilska tehnika,dinamo starter,itd.itd.Motor bi res vsakomur priporočil in je SIGURNO eden najbolj trpežnih skuterjev ni pa poceni saj stane ca 2K € + polini 300€ potem gre 75 Km/h na enemu(mojemu) imam Polini set na drugemu(ženinemu) pa sem SAMO prednjo šajbo podrejal za ca 2 mm, da gre bolj skupaj in zdaj gre ca 55 Km/h.Cel okvir je narejen iz aluminija samo nosilec sedeža je iz cevastega železa! Res motorček je 1 A ni hriba da me nebi zvlekel, pa tudi nisem med najlažjimi 95 + kg. Če pride kdaj v Nm lahko se oglasi pri meni mu ga bom dal za probat sicer pa sem oba kupil v Domžalah industrijska cona Trzin Honda servis!
    2 točk
  10. tant70

    Kaj pa glasba ?

    ej brembo! res maš dober okus:notworthy: .james je car
    2 točk
  11. tant70

    Kaj pa glasba ?

    ja res! in to velik tega ! še dones jih dam gor
    2 točk
  12. special749

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    Yamaha wr250x '08 predelave: mini zmigavci, leovince izpuh, nalepke na feltnah.
    2 točk
  13. Port Folio

    MotoGP 2010

    Mene samo zanima prva reakcija Rossija, ko bo stopil iz Ducat-ia. Kakšen komentar bo? Se spomnete prvega komentarja Niki Hayden-a: "What ever they are paying Stoner to ride this thing, it isn't enough"... :evilgrin:
    2 točk
  14. Dr_Jakob

    Kako sem izbral pr(a)vi motor??????

    Ker me je kolega iz tujine prosil, da mu pomagam pri ogledu motorja, sem si vzel cas in spisal tole check listo . Miiiicken sem jo tudi prekopiral, priznam . Sej vem, sej vem, sem najboljsi in oh in sploh. Evo, tukaj je pa si jo lahko malo pogledate, skopirate, oznacite itd. Na zalost je ura pozna, jst pa len, tako da je ne mislim se prevajat. Ce pa ima kdo kaksno posebno zeljo, pa kar veselo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Checking a used motorcycle before actually buying it. First of all: Take your time. I never ever hurry when looking at a bike. It's half the fun, also. You can really get to know a bike, even when you’re just looking to buy. Maybe this information will help your friends in the future. Feel the bike, get friendly with the owner,… and try not to show you don’t know what you’re doing J . So that also means you don’t carry this list with you. It also means you try to prepare for the entire deal. Try reading some tests of the bike, try gathering some information of the seller/owner of the bike. Is he a well known biker? Is there an internet forum, dedicated to the bike? Ask around about the bike. Is it known to be an okay ride? Of course, everybody roots for the bike they own, so try to find an objective opinion. So, you will be needing at least a helmet, tiny flashlight (try not to be too obvious, so a small light will do), tissues, workshop gloves (or maybe surgical latex gloves so you look more serious and you don’t stain yourself). Try wearing stuff that you can lay on the floor in or bring a floor mat. I always try to come by bike in full equipment, makes me a bit more serious buyer and also I can see how my equipment fits with the bike I’m about to buy. A notepad and a pencil is also a good idea, too, because you know, smart people write things down. I try to separate the check-up in 4 stages. * Visually assess the bike, * Check the bike over, * Ride the bike. I CAN’T POINT ENOUGH STRESS ON THIS. NEVER EVER EVER EVER BUY A BIKE YOU HAVEN’T RIDDEN. THE ONLY POSSIBLE EXCUSE IS THAT SOMEONE YOU TRUST HAS RIDDEN IT FOR YOU. AND EVEN THAT IS … LET’S SAY, UNCOMMON. * Check the bike again, and the most important one that goes without saying, but it must be said: TALKING to the owner/seller Try writing some facts down, your memory isn’t so good that you can remember every single detail. First of all: BE NICE! Get to know him. Gain his trust. If he's a biking enthusiast, he'll be wanting a nice owner for his old bike. He also might share some information with you, that he might not otherwise. Does he have all of the documents? Are they all there? Ask to see the owner's manual (if the owner doesn't have the manual, maintenance may not have been done when it should have been). Find out if owner(s) has done self-maintenance. If so, does current owner have a torque wrench? Over-torqued fasteners and stripped threads are no fun. Did he use original parts or aftermarket parts? Why? Are they just cheaper or actually better? Did he spend time writing a log of the bike? If he did, ask him for a copy. The log (if exists) is usually a lot more reliable than the service book of the bike. And this also shows the owner being meticulous. If the bike has any aftermarket equipment, does the owner have the homologation for it? Does he still have the original parts? Does the bike have an aftermarket exhaust? With homologation? And dB killers? Find out his riding habits. If the bike is used only for a short commute on a regular basis, it may not get warmed up enough to evaporate moisture in the engine and exhaust system and rust and lubrication contaminants will result. If the rider spends a lot of time in hot stop-and-go traffic, the engine may frequently be subject to excessively high temperatures. Ask the owner of his previous rides. Did he go to many strange places? Was he ever in places that has poor gasoline? Did he ride a lot with a pillion? (passenger) Pillion rides tend to wear the bearings, chain and the engine a bit more, but that also means that he rode in a nice way. Did he ride in all weather? Again, the bearings and the chain suffer more in the wet, let alone salt from the roads. Did he lubricate the chain frequently enough? 500kms or less in bad weather. Is he a member of a motor club? MK, MC? Did he go to many motorcycle gatherings? Did he do any burnouts? Burnouts can be spotted by pieces of burned rubber on the inner side of the rear fender or under the seat places like exhaust pipes etc. Did he flame the exhaust? He will probably not admit it, but a lot of people do that. Check the pipes and exhaust collector for bluish-purple discoloring of the area. That points to over-revving the engine, or maybe racetrack use. Ask if he was ever on a racetrack. Try to avoid bikes that were on the track, ‘cause usually people force their bikes to the limits on track. Not necessary, though. Some people just go to the track to get to know the bike a bit more and improve their riding style. Has he been on a safe riding course? That means that he’s probably a neat and safe rider. Make sure there is a reputable dealer in your area. The best way to do this is to ask the owner. Ask if there is any specialist that he goes to when it comes to service. Can you service your bike there, too? Could you get a good deal on the service costs? Better that other places? What’s the mileage he has been making? Is it the same as you found out online? Not the brochure, but from other owners. How long did the last set of tires last him? Is that normal? What is needed to be done in the near future, as his recommendations? Why? Write down frame and engine numbers. They should agree. Check with local Police Department to make sure bike isn't stolen. You may be able to check maintenance records with original dealer. Visually assess the bike Walk around the bike slowly, get into the feeling of the bike’s “vibes” and what you like or dislike about it. Ask yourself if you really like the bike. You will probably be stuck with it for quite some time. There are a lot of articles you can find about suitability of a certain bike, but when you fall in love with the bike, everything goes away. Try to be calm and check the bike like you’re supposed to. Is the bike clean? Too clean, maybe? Is the bike polished to perfection? A very neat owner or is he trying to hide anything? My personal tip would be, to try and surprise the seller. Don’t let him polish the bike. If the bike is just a bit dirty (not too much, though), you can see some leaks or damage, you wouldn’t see on a totally clean and polished bike. Check for immediately noticeable damage. If any exist, try to define how bad it is, check for additional damage, ask how it happened etc. Is the owner willing to fix it before you buy it? How costly would the fixing of the problem be? Write it down, maybe it will be an easy fix and a great price buster. CHECK FOR ANY LEAKS ANYWHERE ON THE BIKE! Forks, brakes, race bearing, petrol tank, all of the hoses, oil tank, oil seal, rear shocks, everything. Take your time, it could save you a lot of trouble later on. Check for tire wear and the state of the tires. ARE THEY A MATCHING PAIR?! Are the tires used from one edge to the other? Was the owner a maniac? Are here parallel lines on the rear tire? They point to burnouts. Are they nicely round or are they squared off? What’s the range they will last still? Lights: do they work? Instruments: do they work? Ask about frequent service. It should be done at 10.000kms. Where was the service done? Check the seat hardness, the state it’s in, scratches? Does the bike have a toolkit and a first aid kit? Is the tool kit all there? Check if the bike has a center stand. Check the bike over. Don’t hurry. Take your time. Here is the part, that you will find if anything is wrong with the bike. Don’t be afraid to get on your knees or even lying under the bike. It makes you look like you know what you’re doing and you can actually see some stuff under the bike, that you normally wouldn’t. People usually don’t think that anybody would lie down to check, so they don’t also. If the seller claims the bike has never been down, check the lower engine parts, brake and clutch lever ends, handgrips, foot pegs, exhaust pipes, and case guards for telltale abrasions. Make sure the handlebars are aligned exactly perpendicular to the bike longitudinal axis. Look for missing hardware, e.g., nuts, bolts, brackets, cotter pins. Check for any scratches or discoloring and/or fluid seepage on the front forks. The upper tubes should be pristine. If the front forks are USD (upside down), the same thing applies to lower tubes. Block up the engine so the front wheel is off of the ground and check for play in the front forks (grab them and try to move them front to back or side to side. There shouldn't be any play if the steering head bearings are any good. Rotate the forks and check for smooth movement, if you feel bumps or catching, the steering head bearing races may be worn or notched. Be sure the front tire rotates smoothly, doesn't squeak, and is not bent. Check chain play and adequacy of lubrication of the chain. Look for sprocket wear (clean off a few teeth and check quality of metal finish and symmetry of features). Check for chain wear. And the chain tension. Check the brakes for sponginess & loose feel. If the bike is more than five years old, the original hoses may be due for replacement. Look for brake fluid leaks at cylinders, calipers, and hose connections. Check fiber pad thickness. Operate brake levers and hold them operated for a while to check for weakening of resistance to the applied pressure. Check the clutch and brake levers for smooth operation and proper adjustment. Ask owner if brake cylinder kits have ever been replaced. Some manufacturers like Yamaha recommend installation of new cup seals every two years. Find out if brake fluid has ever been replaced. It should be replaced at least every two years. Check for smooth finish of brake discs. Are they thick enough? Are they straight? If you see them bent with just your eyes, run away. Find out if fork oil has every been replaced. Pull spark plugs and check for consistency of appearance, dryness, light gray appearance. Make sure spark plugs have never been cross-threaded (look for heli-coil inserts in cylinder head.) Look at the oil. If it's dirty, you will need an oil change or just forget the bike. There are too many good ones for sale that have had regular oil changes and routine maintenance. Check the battery box (i.e., the metal platform on which the battery sits) and terminals for corrosion. Check the screws that secure light lenses (turn, tail) for corrosion. You can usually see this as darkened area in the plastic around the screws. On bikes with alloy rims and engine parts, look for stains in the metal. If these were caused by exposure to cleaning chemicals like alkaline cleansers, you may not be able to get the stains out. RIDE THE BIKE Some people don’t let you ride the bike. BULL SHIT! You never ever buy a bike you’ve never ridden before. Persuade him. If he won’t let you, JUST GO AWAY. He might change his mind and call you back. If he doesn’t, his loss. BUT! !! Don’t damage the bike, when you test ride it! There can be massive complications if that shit happens. But if you accidentally do crash the bike, BUY IT. It’s the only decent thing to do. You probably only dropped it, right? Some broken plastics and scratches that YOU DID, can be fixed in no time and for a low amount of money. It happens. So, let’s go on with the riding part of the bike test. Don’t just jump on it and GOOO! No, that’s a bad idea. Again, take your time and do it right. You might learn some things. Make sure you fit on the bike and that the bike fits the riding you plan to do. Make sure you are strong enough to stand it back up if it falls over. He he, don't actually drop the bike to find out. Try to imagine, right? Make sure you can push it a few blocks in case you have to do this on the road. Make sure you can sit on it and lift it from the stand. If it has a center stand, try putting the bike on the stand, to see if you're strong enough. If you have problems with that, ask the owner, if he has any special tricks. We all do. Make sure you get to see the bike started cold (so you can verify that it WILL start cold.) After it has warmed up, kill the engine and crank it several times with the kill switch on to see if the battery can handle the repeat loads. Does the exhaust smoke too much? Black, white, blue? Not good. Check with the owner, why. If he says that's normal, he is a big fat liar! Listen to the warmed-up engine for excessive tappet noise, clutch noise (for Ducati motorbikes dry clutch MUST make a racket), or transmission noise. Make sure the bike will idle at the RPM specified for idle, around 1000RPM. If the bike has multiple exhaust pipes, check that the pressure pulses emitted from each pipe are similar and regular by holding your palms a few inches from the opening to feel the pulses. Does the exhaust smell okay? It doesn't smell of burnt oil? Get off the bike and check around the bike for any major leaks. Turn your attention to the engine oil leaks. Are there any? Make sure the lights, horns, gauges, etc. all work. Check for proper voltage regulator operation by watching headlight brightness while you rev the engine. Make sure the bike doesn't pop out of gear under heavy loading in all the gears (especially second gear). Ride the bike very slowly and do a few tight turns. Look for wobbling in the front end. Check cornering stability at low and high speeds. Try the brakes. Do they stop okay? Do they lock-up at any point? Do they vibrate, when you brake vigorously? Does the ABS step in at once? Does it even have an ABS? he he Get off the bike and CHECK THE BIKE AGAIN At this point you should check the bike practically the same way you’re supposed to check it at first, but only a bit faster and a bit less meticulous. Turn your attention to all of the hoses, brakes, possible leaks and so on. That’s it. Buy the owner a drink, comment about the bike, try to reason about the price and that’s about it. Oh, don’t forget a very important thing: BRING THE MONEY FOR THE RESERVATION WITH YOU!! ABOUT 10% OF THE BIKES’S PRICE!! Don’t be a fool. If the bike is solid, if you’re about to buy it, reserve it!! I’ve had many friends moaning about the great bikes that had slipped from their fingers, for not putting the money on the sunlight at once. By Jakob
    2 točk
  15. dukemb

    Stavka !

    Ja in? Po tvoje je potem podjetnik ukradel državi. Po moje pa sem obržal nekaj kar je mojega in težko prisluženega in nisem pripravljen delit z državo in nikoli ne bom.
    2 točk
  16. rumenicestak

    Vtisi iz dnevnih voženj 2010

    Ja, prav pester dan se je naredil danes Po službi veselo pridem domov in vonj v zraku je prav simpatično dišal po snegu. S pogledom obšinem jablano, katera je bila še polna jabolk. Pomislim, res diši po snegu in čas bi bil da jo oberem. Stopim v akcijo in jablana je bila hitro obrana, pomedem še listje okoli hiše in iz minute v minuto je bilo bolj vroče Kaj hitro zaključim z delom in iz boxov potegnem rumenkota, skočim še v kombinizon in veselo šibnem proti Idriji Z užitkom in previdno požiram ovine in naenkrat je bila tukaj Idrija, kjer srečam Omego in Dinamika Rečemo par besed in šibnem še proti Postojni. Uf, tukaj se je začel pester del dneva, med Idrijo in Jeličnim vrhom so nasproti vozeči avtomobilisti na mojih desnih ovinkih krepko sekali ovinke. Nekako se prebijem skozi ta plehovje, nakar med Jeličnim vrhom in Godovičem na mojem levem ovinku pripelje bel golf 1/3 po mojem pasu (mal ga je ven neslo) Zaradi pomanjkanja prostora mu z ramo odbijem zunanje levo ogledalo (zvok in občutek, kot da bi podiral količke na smušarskem slalomu) pogledam v svoje ogledalo in vidim da tipson veselo nadaljuje z istim tempom naprej Pogledam še v ogledalo če je z mojo ramo in kombinizonom vizualno vse v redu in hitra ocena je bila da se ne obračam in pustim tipa naj gre veselo svojo pot, jaz pa svojo Peljem naprej in med Hotedršico in Kalcami dohitim rdečo kijo, v njej vesel ata z ultramaratonsko hitrostjo veselo seka ovinke za cel pas, čist nehote padem mimo njega kar po svojem pasu :grim. Pot nadaljujem proti Postojni, kjer se ustavim na Omv in natankam tarmenga, šibnem nazaj proti kačjim ridam, kjer se ustavim. Snamem čelado, vržem rokavice na tank, ko zmoti tišino zamolklo tokanje ihtavega šestvalnika. Pograbim fotoaparat da bi ga kliknu, vendar naenkrat zamolklo tokanje prekine oster pok, nastopi spet tišina Bovli movli, nekaj ni v redu, šibnem peške po bližnici in vidm ovinek nižje novejšiga bmflna, ki se v kontra smeri iz katere je prihajal vleče in za sabo cedi olju podobno tekočino, s katero je zalival cesto do šole v Planini :xx:. Sedem na motor in šibnem za njim, z nogo med vožnjo probam podrsat po sledi izpuščene tekočine in res je bilo zelo spolsko. Dohitim modela, ki se je že parkiral v kot šole, od tam sva poklicala cestno službo, jaz pa sem odšel še mal na sonček, se gret na klopce No, pol je pa uletu še cuzuki, ki je tudi že napisu svoje utise Skratka, pestro popoldne polno neljubih situacij ki so se srečno končale, upam da za vse Hehe, noja pozabil sem še oment povoženo veliko poleno, obilni kupi gnoja ki so padali iz prikolice traktorja brez luči, ...... Še ena moja dnevna fotka
    2 točk
  17. Zoki461

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    Aprilia RSV 1000R FACTORY 16000 prevoženih kilometrov Oprema FACTORY: - Ohlins vilice, zadnji amortizer in stabilizator krmila - Brembo zavore in pumpe - pletene zavorne cevi - veliko karbona - OZ Racing lahka platišča P.S.: NAPRODAJ - Ugodno! Link:
    2 točk
  18. Bremzer

    Akumulator, akumulatorji

    Na vseh akumulatorjih piše datum proizvodnje samo potrebno je za vsak tip akumulatotorja znat dešifrirat oznako,ki je ponavadi v obliki: črk, številk,lahko pa je tudi kombinacija obeh !Npr;na Vesninem akumulatorju prvi dve številki pomenita teden proizvodnje ostali dve pa letnico.Nisem pa siguren lahko so zdaj kaj spremenili to najbolje vedo serviserji akumulatorjev,ki zastopajo dotično znamko!
    1 točka
  19. suzuki

    Novi Marof 2010

    Hola mojster, mal več kot 4 nas bo :naughty:
    1 točka
  20. Marvin2

    Motosvet sekcija Maribor

    Fajn je blo, samo moramo totim pivovarničarjem razložiti, da hočemo krače na kosti!
    1 točka
  21. tomash

    Ogrevane rokavice, ročke?

    To je iskan odgovor. Hvala lepa.
    1 točka
  22. skuterist

    Dnevne "maksi" fure

    Saj ne vem če lahko to sedaj tule pišem "Utekalna" vožnja uspela, padlo cca 500km. Pot je vodila iz CE do KP (@maxiscooter dal za , koliko me bo to na Štajerskem "stalo" še ne vem :grrr ), od tam naprej Umag (pavza), nato pa nazaj preko Buzeta do CE. Na obali sonce prijetno greje, moto sezona se tam še zdaleč ni končala .
    1 točka
  23. condor


    prvič na panonii 16.10.2010 2:18.887 spredaj d209gp, zadaj gp racer M
    1 točka
  24. pajkica

    Lahko noč + dobro jutro (6. del)

    dobro jutro, pa ne ga srat preveč, k polna luna
    1 točka
  25. Bremzer


    Celoletna PLAVA velja do 31.01.011 Tako so meni razložili na Petrolu,ko sem jo kupil !
    1 točka
  26. salko

    VELIKI brat 2010

    Hahaha, s satelitsko anteno jo nebi .... katera pošast od babe :surrender::wacko::blink:
    1 točka
  27. pajkica

    Motosvet sekcija Gorenjska

    ja upat ni greh a ne sam kaj ko upanje ostaja ... krof pa tud že čaka zakufebomdalasamasebbonajboljziher
    1 točka
  28. moto rider

    Ergonomija na motorju

    Najbolj važen je, da nisi okrog obrnjen... :yes:
    1 točka
  29. MiNa

    Kako in s čim "okoli sveta"

    Copy - paste osemstotke le "Auspuh" ma na napačni stran kot angleški avti volan .
    1 točka
  30. ImenitnaPriložnost

    Stavka !

    Nimam komentarja, predvidevam pa, da so cigani delali hantle.
    1 točka
  31. dukemb

    Stavka !

    Zaradi km sigurno nismo v takšni poziciji kot smo. Znašli pa so nekateri, kateri so si nabrali več iz državnih blagajn ali pa kakšnih drugih virov, vsekakor pa ne iz svojih.
    1 točka
  32. Jure

    Verige, prenosi in spreji za verige

    Kar se tiče prisotnosti stranke, je čisto odvisno za kakšen tip človeka gre.. Jaz sem tudi že kar ene par ljudem popravljal, oziroma servisiral motorje, tudi takim, ki jih nisem poznal in so me našli preko kakšnih znancev, foruma, itd.. Mene osebno nikoli ni motilo, če je želela oseba bit zraven medtem ko sem delal servis, oziroma karkoli že, dokler je držala neko distanco. To pomeni, da ti ni pod nogami, da se niti obrnit ne moreš v delavnici in da te ne dekoncentrira, ko počneš kaj delikatnega. Kdor ni sposoben tega sprejet, oziroma misli, da sam ve več, ni nobene potrebe, da je prišel k meni in mu vljudno povem, da me lahko pustim, da naredim kar imam za naredit, oziroma naj odpelje motor in naredi sam. Jaz osebno sicer nimam navade gledat pod prste, kadar zase peljem kakšno stvar k drugemu majstru. Probam pa izbrat majstra na podlagi priporočil, oziroma dobrega mnenja in ne grem kar k prvemu, ker na žalost je kar nekaj šalabajzerjev v vsaki panogi.. Sprobal žal tudi na lastni koži in sem zato sedaj bolj previden.
    1 točka
  33. dukemb

    Stavka !

    In zakaj tega podjetniki nebi delali? A bi morali še več plačevat v državno blagajno. A veš koliko mora podjetnik plačati državi če si hoče iz lastnega podjetja dvignit lastni denar? Ti bi verjetno brezkompromisno plačal. Znajti se je treba.
    1 točka
  34. Tedybear


    Zjutraj stlačil psičko v prtljažnik, mal hrane in tekočine in vzpon na Vrtaško planino. Spet dan, ki ga nikakor ne bi hotel preživet v službi.... Mal utrinkov...
    1 točka
  35. mamkabozja

    Ergonomija na motorju

    Poizkusi z drugim brskalnikom npr. Firefox! Je brezplačen in ti bo bolj všeč kot Explorer.
    1 točka
  36. Bremzer


    Jaz bom zbral ČRNO (dimljeno) k je bolj ciganske ops romske barve !
    1 točka
  37. motofrik

    VELIKI brat 2010

    Kako ste smešni... Pa to je ja vse zrežirano, no. Od dogajanja notri, do samih komentatorjev. Če so tipa vsi skritizirali..kaj je tu čudnega? Večina gledalcev je bila mnenja, da gre ven, -da ne spada noter. Ja, dajmo gledalcem občutek, da tudi komentatorji ne mislijo nič drugače, kot oni. Če bi šla npr. Pia ven, bi jo pa Likovčka popljuvala do amena. No, saj jo je v prvi oddaji -ji je pač fouš, da je mlada in moškim poželjiva. Naj gre stara v penzijo in lupi krompir. Godnič je pač Godnič -res sem bil tudi sam malo presenečen nad njegovim izbruhom pri Kosmaču. Ampak, saj sem napisal zakaj je bilo tako. In verjamite, da bo vedno tako, da bodo popljuvali tistega, ki gre ven. Saj morajo, a ne..?
    1 točka
  38. Furioso

    Slikovna dežela!

    1 točka
  39. riderrgirl

    Kaj pa glasba ?

    1 točka
  40. Grut

    Kaj pa glasba ?

    1 točka
  41. miran10

    MotoGP 2010

    1 točka
  42. suzuki

    Vtisi iz dnevnih voženj 2010

    Hola, danes po zajtrku (ki je trajal od devete do desete ure ) najprej skok v Velenje, po čelado za Me2You, potem pa še na sladoled s KeCom, Lejči, Godyjem in Kamikazico... po lizanju sva odbrzela domov, gledat posnetek avstralskih kvalifikacij, potem pa hitro na Lubico in gasa proti ridam, kjer me je že čakal Tarumen; pred tem me je še opozoril da se je en bimbo z novim BMWjem zaletel v ograjo v ovinku pod parkiriščem in zatem s hladilno tekočino, ki mu je tekla iz prebitega hladilnika, posvinjal polovico ceste, vse do šole v Planini glih ko sva premišljevala kam bi se še dala, je Tarumen dobil klic, da njegov zet potrebuje prevoz iz Idrije in pol ni blo kaj, sva morala v Idrijo, seveda v prav prijetnem LS stilu pri Gabronu sva še polizakla in pojedla sladoled in kremšnito preden je uletel zet, potem pa smo se v troje pognali skozi vse tiste prijetne ovinkce do Kalc na poti domov me je presenetila prometna nesreča v drevoredu tik pred Logatcem, kakor sem lahko videl v mraku sta se grdo oplazila in fajn potolkla dva avta (upam da je nastradala samo pločevina!) no meni se je mudilo domov, saj me je že čakala odlična kočerja posebej moram povedat, da gume še vedno odlično držijo, tudi mraz se je danes držal zlo nazaj, tko da je bla furca zares uživaška - najbrž le zatišje pred jutrišnjim snegom in mrazom pa še ena slikca tihožitja
    1 točka
  43. Tedybear


    Da ne bo tema čisto zamrla. Danes en lep, lep sprehod na Macesnovec, ki sem ga na sliki označil z rdečo puščico. V zgornjem delu poti pot vodi med samimi macesni (zato pa je Macesnovec)...barve pa...moj OLYMPUS jih ne zna "obdelat" tako, kot bi hotel. Razgled na vse strani, ves greben od Kukove Špice do Stenarja, Karavanke od Kepe do....Stola in še naprej....
    1 točka
  44. suzuki

    Novi Marof 2010

    Hola rejser, jst sem vozil 6680 tudi pozno jeseni, npr lani sredi novembra, ko je bilo komaj kaj čez 10 stopinj, pa je bla čist OK; res da nisem šel podirat rekordov, ampak okoli 14, 15 je šla brez kakega pritoževanja
    1 točka
  45. pajkica

    Motosvet sekcija Gorenjska

    ob 16.30 smo v cerkljah... lohka pol v Rondoju sej vseen če mal morko, sej pr men tud bo pa za tvoje nove gume ena ULT čist fajn O:-)
    1 točka
  46. SlashSpeed

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    Moja mala žverca
    1 točka
  47. alkatraz

    Od Jadrana do Pacifika

    Pa še dokaz
    1 točka
  48. Bojanv

    Od Jadrana do Pacifika

    Mmmmmmmmmmm, še pomnite tovariši!!! Na tem delu je meni razpadel motor... Pd Mogoče do Habarovska lp bv
    1 točka
  49. lasagna

    Ustavite Pahorja!

    To je kar razumljivo, saj so ga nekoč tem rečem naklonjene revije etiketirale kot metro ali multi seksualca. Zdaj pa ma.
    1 točka
  50. hilton


    odločitev je padla za motiv realizacija pa v 1 tednu pol počasi pa sledi nadaljevanje v tem smislu
    1 točka
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