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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24. 08. 2013 v vseh kategorijah

  1. Damy

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2013

    Včeri popoldne se mi je vozilo, pokličem Mausa in je bil prec za akcijo. Dobila sva se v Mostah in šibnila na prvo na Zbilje: Na hitro je preveril kako je kaj z mojimi gumami ^_^ Privoščila sva si sadno kupo in palačinke z ananasom, njami :lol: In spoznala novega pernatega prijatelja Zame se je nato večer končal na urgenci... Moj crash pad pa v golfu. Ampak, že naslednji dan je bilo potrebno iti preverit na OMW Postojno, kako je kaj z motorjem... O:-) In da bo bolj sigurno še na Črni Kal k Vikiju Zbrana družba Seveda je tej proceduri sledil še obvezen pofočk na ridah, kjer so pa tablete proti bolečinam popuščale in sem se spravila domov po hitrem postopku (zato ni foto dokaza). Zbrani družbi v Svetilniku včeraj se res najlepše zahvaljujem za pomoč pri nesreči. Da ste poskrbeli za moj motor in bili meni v moralno podporo ^_^ . Zakon ste
    7 točk
  2. Keiko

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2013

    Hvala za info! ............................ Danes zjutraj skočila do Rumenega (tako da je bil danes dvojni fočk ) po nove copatke za Kwakija in ta mali servis, potem pa na obalo. Uf kaj je blo fino z novimi gumami Prva kava v dobri družbi z razgledom na morje ... Kosilo in druga kava v dobri družbi z razgledom na drugi del morja ... Čez Črni Kal nazaj (dvojni počk ) domov.
    4 točk

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    Še par slik pripopam Motokros Ajdovščina Bosanski offroad tereni In postanek na poti proti prelepi planini Šator Zdej pa neham kandidirat in grem dol spakirat,ker NI3OUSU ne morem konkurirat.. :) LP
    4 točk
  4. sayo

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2013

    Namenjen sem bil na kačje ride pa je moped kar sam zavil na bolj zanimivo destinacijo pod Krvavec
    4 točk
  5. HyperJack

    Zakaj ne bi imeli Kawasaki motocikla?

    sej se vid, da nisi bil šlo vseeno prepočas
    3 točk
  6. maus

    Zakaj ne bi imeli Kawasaki motocikla?

    full fajn .. avto vreden 150.000 € (komaj) premaga motor vreden 15.000 € :krneki:
    3 točk
  7. Snečer

    Zakaj ne bi imeli Kawasaki motocikla?

    Vprašanje kolko je bmwja not v tisti kareti po moje je mel not kakšen japonski tuning kit.
    3 točk
  8. DAMI34

    Kačje Ride III

    Ha, sm slišu eno dobro včeraj na ridah. Gre pa tkole: Kaj počne KRUCIMUCI na ridah? .....preganja plastičarje
    3 točk
  9. Tehnično gledano slaba slika ker je slikano s starim telefonom ampak meni je neizmerno všeč. Moj sin prvič na minimoto z sestro kot sopotnico
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  10. Ni3ous

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    Tale je še zadnja iz naše lanske Tunizijske avanture, ravno tako nekje med Ksar Ghilan-om in Tembain-om.
    3 točk
  11. logarr

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    Jst sm s savo naredu 6500km pa ji manka še slab milimeter do indikatorja, ker je blo skor jurja kilometrov narejenih po avtocesti je obraba temu primerna in dost večja po sredini. Smo pussiji in jo bolj po sredini nucamo, za ta dnar pa nimaš kej razmišlat. Aja, na zalivkah drsijo, tudi na zebrah in ostalih talnih označbah, prav tako hladne. Če pa voziš z občutkom in ne "full throttle" je dost boljše.
    2 točk
  12. Borutt

    Iskanje motorja - kaj, kako, za koliko

    Vidim, da nekateri ne najdejo motorja za A2 kategorijo. Verjetno so ti motorji premalo močni in nič postavljaški ter s tem nezanimivi za razkazovanje svojega bogastva med nogami. Z leti se tudi miselnost spremeni (pri nekaterih nikoli) in začne voznik ceniti tudi kaj drugega kot konje. Tukaj je še lahkotnost, vodljivost, udobnost, racionalnost, ... Sploh pa nekateri ne vedo, da se tehnike vožnje ne uči na ultra močnem motorju, ampak na shiranem kljusetu. Šele pri pomanjkanju moči začne voznik s pomočjo pravilne tehnike boljše in hitreje voziti. Tukaj je mišljena varnost in ne divjanje ali dirkanje v cestnem prometu. Če ima nekdo močan motor, potem mu ni treba znati voziti in zvoziti ovinke, ker z močjo motorja vse izgubljeno nadoknadi na ravnini. Pa je v takem primeru tehnika najmanjši problem, ker se bo tak "dirkač" prej ko slej zložil zaradi pobesnelih konjev. Mogoče bodo ljubitelji konjev ugotovili, da vozilo premika navor in ne konji. Navor je sunek v hrbet in pospešek.
    2 točk
  13. Noiser69

    KTM Supermoto 660 SMC, 625 SM itd.

    Pridno treniramo
    2 točk
  14. Borutt

    Iskanje motorja - kaj, kako, za koliko

    Mogoče je pa ta "oslarija" izumljena zaradi prepotentnih mladičev s 1000 kubiki in celim hlevom belih vrancev, kateri polnijo črno kroniko. Veliko lažje je nekoga pravilno naučiti vožnje s primernim vozilom, kar tudi so mašine do 35 KW, kot pa z neko nervozno športivo. Še vedno opažam, da je mladost norost in, da nekatere simptomi nikoli ne zapustijo. Cesta ni in nikoli ne bo dirkališče. Pravilno je, da se pridobiva A kategorijo postopoma. Le tako lahko nekdo kolikor toliko varno krmari sebi primerno vozilo po cesti. Se pa strinjam, da je postopek pridobitve A kategorije nekoliko skregan s pametjo, tako izvedbeno kot finančno.
    2 točk
  15. igorkr

    Zakaj ne bi imeli Kawasaki motocikla?

    Klinca vas vse gleda, pa ste me odvrnili od nakupa kawasakija Na zdej, pole pa ni drugega kot prešaltat na GS-a
    2 točk
  16. DAMI34

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2013

    Vidim da je Kmet zaključil popotovanje po.....pssssssssst.. zato je verjetno potrebno dodati nekaj koristnih nasvetov: 1. tale enačba vam je najbrž znana, zatole vsem opozorilo: kmet+garmin=makedam 2. ravno tako lastnikom KTM predlagam, da kufer za orodje, izkoristijo raje za obleke, ker KTM servis je na vsaki pumpi v Srbiji 3. predlagam, da si za potep po Srbiji za moped omislite kak lik, ki spomija na stare čase "bratstva i jedinstva" 4. to je to na kratko, pa paste se Milicije
    2 točk

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2013

    Zadnji posti bi bili sistemsko urejeni in bi se komot odprla tema: motoriranje v tretjem življenskem obdobju! No, da nadaljujemo z temo .... spomnil sem se, da sem nekje pri kraju Paluzza, srečal zanimiv trajk z kamp prikolico. Še dobro, da sem imel GoPro vklopljeno, ker drugače bi zamudil zanimivo kompozicijo. Rekel sem si, da vam moram to pokazat, zato spodaj "printscreen" med videom.
    2 točk
  18. madrider

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    2 točk
  19. corser

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    Moja prva moto avantura. Leto 1998, Vespa PX 200e, en kup prtljage, punca, jaz in za šest tednov v GRČIJO! Nobenih GPS, GSM, Google Earth, BMW GS über alles itd... Prevoženih 3600km, spanje na plažah, pod oljkami... Tako nepozabno, da sva se naslednje leto odpeljala do Maroka (a ne z Vespo). Najboljše počitnice ever! Fotka je iz Krete (počivanje ob cesti, z grozdjem iz vinograda zadaj). Ko obnovim Vespo grem še enkrat. Ok, z drugo punco in manj prtljage. Mogoče bodo pa spet Drahme ^_^ Fotka je narejena z enim trotelziher, poceni Canonon na film in skenirana- zato pač take kvalitete.
    2 točk
  20. hajoktejn

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    K bom zrastu ga bom tud jst pulu
    2 točk
  21. ludiluka

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    vohunska fotka pr živnorcu :grim
    2 točk
  22. Nekje na slovenski obali
    2 točk
  23. Ni3ous

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    Prve dve slike so nastale lansko leto v Tuniziji, posneto nekje globoko v puščavi med Ksar Ghilan-om in Tembain-om. Tri dni matranja brez znakov civilizacije, brez telefonskega signala in odrezani od sveta. Naslednjič ne grem brez satelitskega telefona. Drugi dve pa v okolici Douza. Če glasujete zame, obljubim, da se potrudim in napišem kvaliteten ride report, da boste imeli tudi forumaši nekaj od tega! Lp
    2 točk
  24. BC

    Great sex positions

    After a while, even the best relationships can do with a bit of spicing up. Couples can get complacent, and a vigourous nightly ritual can become a lazy once a month activity. But it's never too late to inject some fun and excitement into your love life. If you're looking for some exciting, athletic, kinky and perverted sex positions, let us be your guide. The Karma Sutra is thousands of years old, and quite frankly, a bit old fashioned in these modern times. We've updated that old sex positions manual with some new ones that will make your sex life tuly orgasmic. These great sex positions will make your love life stronger (and potentially put out your lower back, so please make sure you're paid up on your health insurance before you try them). Ken and Barbie style - Neither partner is allowed to bend at the elbows or knees. Doggie style - The man attempts to do the impossible. Froggie style - Male and female partners in large spa. Male attempts to fertilise female using only the water as a transmission medium. For couples who don’t like each other much any more. Fish style - same as Froggie style, but neither partner may use their arms or legs. Mummy and Daddy Love Each Other Very Much, And Hug Each Other in A Special Way style - The only position in this list you won’t be embarrassed to tell the kids about when they're five. Style style - Sex with a Vogue Living editor. Crouch position - Each partner crouches down on the ground, then simultaneously leaps up, and attempts to couple whilst in mid-air. Couch position - Same as the crouch position, but starting at opposite ends of the living room couch. Ouch position - Usual outcome of the crouch position. Lazy Susan style - Susan goes to sleep. Russian style - Partners queue for hours for enough vodka to make each other look attractive. Nostrodamus sex - Any encounter that comes as a complete surprise. Osama Bin Laden’s positio - If you know this position, please contact the FBI for your $25 million reward. Bank style - Screw the customers. Missionary position - Each partner kneels and prays. Stealth style - Hide in a box, sneak around a corner, just as long as she doesn't see you coming. Matrix Style - The partners put on sunglasses, and dress in black. They then fly around the room and run on walls in slow motion. Marathon Style - A 3 day event featuring such events as the 23-Second-Dash, the 'Backseat-of-the-car' Relay and the Condom Toss Under the Bed Style - Just as fun as on top of the bed! "Lets Get it On" Style - One partner continously sings "Lets Get It On" by Marvin Gaye Praying Mantis Style - When you're done somebody gets eaten... Lazy Susan Style (Advanced) - Intercourse while spinning at high speed Carnival Style - You must be this tall to ride. Yoda Style - The mind trick must you use, if nookie you want Ninja Style - I go in, I go out, you never know I was there. Alaskan Style - Actually not a lot of style here, just lots of guys with blue ballz Discovery Channel Style - Do it with the Croc Hunter filming you R-Rated Movie on Free-To-Air Television Style - The woman feigns excitement, the man is unable to display an erection- a few seconds later, it's over and everyone starts thinking about products. Microsoft Style - Orgasm causes fatal exception resulting in blue screen of death. John Ashcroft Style - Involves reading other people's mail until climax. Sloth Style - Foreplay is done over a period of weeks while hanging from a tree. QWERTY Style - Sexual intercourt atop a keyboard. Experience the rush of orgasm while flooding your favorite chat room. Predator Style - Dress in warpaint and hide in the bushes before your partnet gets home from work. Then as they walk by, jump out screaming and have at it! Snob Style - At the height of passion, start name dropping. Bullshit artist sex - Look I've liked you for a while now and I'm so happy to be lying here with you but I would love to get your phone number so I can call you and we can go out sometime. Canadian style - Find a place with snow, (or go into a walk in freezer in a pinch), boink till you have frostbite, run inside and sizzle up some Canadian bacon during the afterglow..... Batman Style - Dress up in costume with mask, activate utility belt full of useful "gadgets", hang by your feet from roof. Guaranteed to get a rush of blood to the head. (sidekick optional) Cowboy style - Once you've engaged in intercourse tell her that her sister is a better bonk than her and see if you can hang on for eight seconds! Ultra Light - Put wings on your lawnmower. Chase each other on the runway and attempt airborne intimacy. Decathlon style - any ten of the above in any order you choose DJ Style - For those not into S&M but R&B. You feel the drumming of music, see lights flashing before your eyes, your body covered in sweat, and you're thirsty but a bottle of water is $10!!! Contraception? The rhythm method of course! Warning - you could slip your disc doing this one. Snail Mail Style - Like cyber-sex and phone-sex, but through the postal service. Takes a little longer, and both partners seem to lose interest after a while. Plumber position - you stay in all day and still no one comes. Going solo postition - Attempting to mate while drinking lemonade Mullet style - After a hard day of diesel engine repair, it's nice to come home to a little business in front, and party in the back. Necrophiliac postion - climb on and get get off all while the partner is asleep. Jedi Knight Style - Put on a glow in the dark condom. Breathe very heavily and insist your partner joins the dark side. If partner refuses then the lightsaber fight starts. Saloon Style - Liquor up the front, poker round the back. Hoochie Style - You recognize this style when it's like trying to throw a hotdog down a hallway. Magician Style - Propose this to a girl (or guy) and when she asks "How is that?", you say "we have sex and then you disappear." Kylie style - should be so lucky Ozzy Osbourne Style - Start off 'Flying High Again' with a little 'Sweet Leaf'. Get out your 'Iron Man', unless you have a 'Mr. Tinkertrain', then you better say 'Goodbye To Romance' But if your mate has 'Desire' give it a 'Shot In The Dark', just make sure you don't take the 'Road To Nowhere' unless you're a bum pirate or trying not to make any 'Crazy Babies'. Just remember while you shag like a couple of 'War Pigs' that you give fair warning by yelling 'Mama, I'm Coming Home'! Quantum position - One of you hides in a box with Schrodingers cat, the other decides how you're having sex before opening the box to prove it. Microsoft Windows 98 style - Everyone gets screwed. It is reported to log file 000alep9721#.txt Prime Minister Howard style - you don't know how, but people are getting screwed...your minister for defence has all the details. Doggy style - where the girl rolls over and the guy begs. Nike style - Just do it Microsoft style - Do the same position everyweek but insist to your partner that its new and improved. Hillbilly style - sorta like doggie style just have your clothes hanging off your knees and leave your boots on. Dolphin style - You're goin doggy style. You skillfully pretend you slip and then try the rear entry. She turns her head with a frightened look saying uh uh.. uh uh Big Mac - put a quarter pounder between her buns. Diet style - Looks the same, smells the same, but just somehow aint the same. Frigid Style - You lay there he lays there and nothing happens. Job interview style - you lie, cheat and pretend to be someone else to get in. Alien abduction style - Wait til they are asleep...then swoop and probe Construction style - Take what's old and redo it to perfection. Math Class - Subtract the clothes, Add a bed, Divide the legs, and Multiply. Drunken sailor style - Morale goes up, skill goes down Godfather Style - Wearing concrete slippers and with a horse's head in the bed. And you don't mess with the family. The 96 - You sit back to back and fart on each other's heads Contortionism style - Doing it anyway possible in a 2'x 2'x 3' box. The Rodeo Position - You mount your girl from behind as you would a horse, reach around and grab her breasts, then whisper in her ear "Hey, these feel just like your sisters!!" Then you see if you can stay on for 15 seconds wihtout getting thrown off!! Maths (Advanced) - To teach a girl maths subtract her clothes, divide her legs and square root her. Gatorade Style - Where your have to ask the question, "Is it in you?" Cliff position - Gently push partner to edge of cliff while doing it, she will DEFINITLY push back. Jiff style - choosy moms choose Jiff. Self-actualization style - Scream your own name when you come. Hamster Style - Wrap her up in sellotape first. Ethiopian Style - You can be sure she'll swallow! Porno style - Do it in front of a camera. Porno style (advanced) - Do it in front of a camera without her knowing. Then tell her. Count how many teeth you lose in the process. Sporty Sex - The female partner attempts to make love to the male partner while he is watching his favourite sport. Need imaginative girlfriend. Flexibility a plus. Lifestyle Programe Style - Do it yourself. Pringles style - Once you pop, you can't stop. Hallway Sex - As you pass each other down the hallway, you face each other and say "get fucked". Pool Style - Take your stick and push the balls around untill you get something in the hole. Scream style - The guy puts on a scary mask and cape and stabs her from behind. Golfer style - You could go par with 18 holes if you carefully choose your club Vancouver Canucks Style - Just like the hockey team, you always try to "come from behind" Blonde Style - Have your girlfriend say "like" "like" "like" the whole time. Prince Charles style - You screw your wife, and then immediately phone the other woman Chicken style - Peck round till you find a big cock. Drummer position - Whack it hard with your big stick Waitress style - Get hit on by 25 guys a night, and go home with the guy that doesn't. Kama Sutra Style - Have sex while reading a book . . . about having sex (possibly while reading a book). Door Knob style - Everyone gets a turn. Bouncer/doorman style - Ask your partner for ID. If they don't have any, they ain't comin' in! Cantonese Style - Can't support any weight on your knees. Politician Style - Similar to Job Interview Style in that you lie and cheat to get in but, by the time you've finished everyone's been screwed. 68 style - Some one is missing. The 6.9 - A great position screwed up by a period. Village town bicycle style - Everyone gets a ride. Cup of Sugar position - Standing up back to back. Then invite next door neighbours in. Guitarist Style - Play a riff with your girl until she gets of your blistering 'solo' and leaves. President Bush Style - Join up with Dick, get elected then screw everyone. Casino Style - Liquor up front, poker in the rear Osama style - Root with no bush. 99 Style - Take aging secret agent from behind. Missionary Position (Advanced) - You stay at home and he buggers off to Africa Orange Genital Style - Sit at home alone on the couch with a Playboy, a Swimsuit Video, and a big bag of "Cheesy-puffs". Super Couple - Have the man siting on the ground and the woman ties a bungee on her hands and jumps down from a high platform on the man. Quite sensational. Beware of female's targeting system!!! Don't wake dad style - Screw your girlfriend while trying not to wake her dad who's boozed out on the couch beside you. Titanic Style - Sink in to your boyfriend's crotch Military Style - The woman extends her rear end and bends forward. The man enters jumps inside a cannon and launches towards the woman. Extremely exciting! Something Seedy - Do what the greenies have always dreamed of. Gorskys Style - Neither couple can stop laughing throughout the proceedings although no one is really sure why. Camping style - Come on her legs and let the flies do the rest. Dog In A Bathtub - Mount partner from behind similar to doggy, then insert testicles as well. It's just about as easy as trying to get a dog in a bathtub. Pearl Harbour Style - he lays down on Sunday morning and she sneaks up and blows the hell out of him. Crouching Tiger Style - She gets on all fours, starts growling and he feeds her the meat. Butterface Style - You've just been to the pub, you picked up a girl, you start banging her, then you start to sober-up and you think shes allright, but her face... (Usually involves the search for a paper bag.) Make Believe style - You lie in bed at night imagining the things you never did with your ex, and then proceed to tell people you did them. Dungeons & Dragons Style - Roll d20. Subtract your 'To Hit Armour Class 0'. Multiply by d6 for insertion ratio. Cross-reference your Constitution score and Dexterity with your Tumbling Skill. If the score is higher than 20, you had sex. Chemical Engineer style - Do it in packed beds Maths Style - Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and multiply. Spaghetti style - Have your partner eat your meatballs Twin Towers - Lean your partner on a wall while hittin' her until both of ya'll fall (requires strong legs). S.A.S. Style - In and out in three minutes without her knowing The Tea-cup - Get a cup of tea, and drink it whilst it is placed on your partner's forehead whilst going at it. Very difficult to do if she is moaning about. So better not make it too hot! Married in the hall sex - Every once in a while, meet each other in the hall and say "F@%ck you." Hacker style - Use the back door Elvis style - Don't drip on my blue suede shoes Bad Golfer style - Give your balls a good whack, spend 5 minutes rummaging in the bush, and then make three unsuccessful attempts at the hole. Stop and Go style - This is where you stop by your man's house and you just go at it on your way to work. Iraqi Prisoners - Especially for the bondage enthusiast. Don't think I need to explain it really. English breakfast style - Get her to eat your sausage then enter her cottage and play some cricket. Blind Man Style - Use your cane and eventually you'll get in. John Kerry style - Do it in flip-flops Pinocchio style - Get a female to sit on a man's face while he tells lies Broken Guitar style - Remove g-string. Religious - Put your face in the place and say grace. 77 style - Same as 69 only you get (8) ate more. Flag Style - For those chicks that have a nasty face and hot body, you just need a Canadian flag thrown over her face, and then you screw her for the country. 88 stlye - Two fat people doing it - just. Rodeo style - Man mounts woman then whispers in her ear that it was better with her sister. man tries to stay on for 8 secs SWAT Style - 30 seconds from bang to bullets. $100 style - See how fast your lover blows this. Fort Knox style - He tells her her dress makes her look fat and then tries to get laid. Rodeo Sex - Grab your wife's nipples from behind and tell her "This is how me and my girlfriend did it last night." Try to hold on for 8 seconds Rubber necker style - You simply stare your partner, and she/he stares at you as you walk by slowly and speed up after you looked Karate Kid style - Whack on, whack off TERMINATOR STYLE - You've been sent back from the future to empregnate a female species.the partner then crawls under the bed with you following, when you partner gets out the other side she then kicks the bed legs until the bed falls on your head Philadelphia Sports Teams Style - Just like you always do, you blow it when you're close to scoring, and let me down in the end! New-typer style - Search and peck 6 to the 9th power - Only for the selfish. Army Men Style - He throws his hands in the air to surrender, while she blows him away. Electrician style - Lie about the size of the job. Standing there - The two of you just stand there. Anywhere. Nothing else to it. International style - With Russian hands and Roman fingers. Michael Jackson style - Just lay there and let the kids play Maths class style - He opens up the brackets then uses his ruler Saddam Hussein style - He's got a weapon of mass destruction, but she can't find it. Star Wars - The Empire Strikes From The Back Pope style - Pretend your from Poland and that you have a lot of sausage. Dodgeball style - Throw the balls till you get a hit The Tool Box - Convince her to rummage around until she finds a measurable tool of immeasurable pleasure. (Everyone loves a good riddle, after all.) John Howard style - No matter how bad it was for them, DON'T SAY SORRY! Kit kat style - Give someone the finger! Bagpiper style - Do it with Amazing Grace Unbelievable style - Just close your eyes a dream about it. Air Force style - Man lies on his back outdoors, clearly marked, woman then skydives onto him. Requires good aim. Social Gamer style - You make sure everyone gets the joystick State trooper style - Faster than a speeding ticket Wizarding Style - Stick the "wand" into the "cauldron," and "stir it all around." The Angry Pirate. - A girl gives a guy head, and he ejacultates in her eye. Kick her in the shins and she jumps up and down on one leg and says "Arrrrrrrrrrrr!" Superman position - Get your partner to dress up as Superman, then later make a crack about him being faster then a speeding bullet. The Big Brother Position - You do it in a crappy old shed that's been covered with red curtains and fluffy lace pillows on a matress with no covers or quilt and about 20 cameras filming you. Kangaroo style - Hop around in her pouch until she comes down under Impossible Style - On a motorbike, up a tree, in a boat. Boot Camp Style - Make em do fifty while cleaning your weapon Snow sex - You dont know how many inches you're gonna get, or how long it will last! Pregnant Wife Style - Have sex in any position you want and let her complain about everything you do. UT2004-CTF Style - Just before climax pull out and shout "DENIED!!!!" at your partner. Gamer Style - The man tries to play his game while the woman plays with his joystick The Mike Komes - You don't know who he is or why you woke up next to him. The Ring style- watch a movie with wife, while doing her, and tell her it'll last seven days (the sex of course) Loner Style - Generally the partner is inflatable, or automated. George W Bush style - Invade your partner after accusing them of having weapons of mass destruction. Cheese it Style - (using) cheese it condoms. Get your own box!!! Stranger Style - Sit on your hand until it's numb and have fun. catholic style - Behind closed doors, behind the alter boy.
    1 točka
  25. krucymucy


    Danes se je zgodil čudež. Prišel sem z KTM 1190 Adventure, odšel pa z BMW R1200GS
    1 točka
  26. cikadina

    Iskanje motorja - kaj, kako, za koliko

    fantje star zakon je bil konec koncev za imetnike izpitov A2 še manj ugoden in ne obratno. sedaj imaš lahko za 10kw močnejši motor kot prej. Razmerje med težo in močjo je bilo tudi prej in ni to nobena nova pogruntavščina (konec koncev je specifična moč veliko večji pokazatelj "moči motorja", saj je velika razlika ali 35kw premika 220kg težek motor ali pa 150kg težkega). Nova je zgolj omejitev glede izvorne moči, ki pa če pogledamo je po svoje logična. S tem se avtomatsko izloči "ta hude mašine", ki itak pravilnoma so imele blokado samo na papirju. Tako da jokate in stokate zelo neupravičeno.
    1 točka
  27. DAMI34

    Zakaj ne bi imeli Kawasaki motocikla?

    ojej, ojej.......mwahahahaaaaaa
    1 točka
  28. igorkr

    Motosvet sekcija Z-MEŠANA

    Kmet pazi kej govoriš, ka za Prekmurce smo mi preko murci
    1 točka
  29. Fazer03


    Ali je mogoče možno, da si bil na Penesu v soboto? Okoli poldneva sem opazil LJ tablico na enem bavarcu, ki je bil v družbi dveh avstrijskih motorjev. Zvozili pa smo to v še enkrat daljšem času, kot je bil tvoj. Smo si vzeli bolj na izi in si ogledali še Vipiteno, pa kofetkali na poti v Matrei ob Weisensee-ju, pa punci sta morali prekontrolirat ves OUT LET na Brennerju in tako dalje .... zato smo si za drugič pustili še največji slap na Tirolskem (ki je v bližini Umhauzna), pa Otzijev muzej, pa gorsko cesto dol ledenika Rettenbach nad Soldnom ... ma cel kup stvari je še v tistih koncih ....
    1 točka
  30. Maximus

    Faaker See

    Saj bi človek razumel tvojo ljubezen do slovenske besede, če bi si potem izbral tudi slovenski nadimek (nick). Ampak do sebe nisi tako dosleden, bolj te skrbi za druge....
    1 točka
  31. osa rider

    Koliko kilometrov smo prevozili v letu 2013

    Stari veš da res . . . . . sam po duši še zmer mlad!
    1 točka
  32. krucymucy

    Kačje Ride III

    Fočk Dami34 hvala za
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  33. NoGe

    Aprilia RSV Tuono

    Motor se je samo zvrnil in drsel par metrov po asfaltu. Malo več poškodb kot če bi padel v graži na mestu. Vsega ni mogoče (se ne splača) popravit, kar pa popravim hočem da je brezhibno. Motor si lastim 7. leto in si ga bom še naslednja leta. Do sedaj je bil kot nov in takega tudi hočem!!! Na prodajo niti razmišljam ne. Kakor koli pa gdo bi sploh namotniral poškodovane dele že če popravlja???
    1 točka
  34. krucymucy

    Honda CB 1000 R 2008

    Sej verjetno tudi na CB1 nisi imel nekih pripomb, jst jih imam pa polno.
    1 točka
  35. madrider

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    Albanija trip..
    1 točka
  36. gusar

    Maxi Scooter, neznano a privlačno

    Točno tako!!!
    1 točka
  37. krucymucy

    Ali si bil ti?

    Jst sem tud takoj vedu kdo mi 2 metra zraven šotora nažiga ob pol šestih zjutraj.
    1 točka
  38. zokid

    Maxi Scooter, neznano a privlačno

    jaz kupim motor in avto tisti kateri mi paše na rit in v katerem se dobro počutim, ne pa kaj drugi pravijo! Jaz ti pravim da namesto motorja kupi traktor in se to pomožnosti Zetorja , jaz vedno pravim vsakemu svoje jaz osebno uživam na maxiju in še nevem kako lahko drugi jamrate in pljuvate, je to moje zadnje motorno kolo ki bo pri hiši!
    1 točka
  39. HyperJack

    Honda CB 1000 R 2008

    Ne bluzi in ne sanjej, imaš zdej svetovn motor in naj tudi tako ostane! :grim
    1 točka
  40. cb1300


    včer so bli vesoljci na rakitni :-)
    1 točka
  41. zokid

    Maxi Scooter, neznano a privlačno

    likemaxiskutere ne nasedaj takšnim izjavam,predlagam ti da se z nami zapelji in probaj čim več maxijev, mi ti bomo radi odstopili sedež da boš probal katera pozicija in kateri maxi ti najbolj odgovarja, meni osebno tudi boli križ v vw zato ga ne vozim, vsak maxi ima drugačno pozicijo sedenja isto kot cestaki, potovalci, enduro in še kaj, pol pa vidim deda od 190 cm na najmanjsem skuterju in jamra kako je neudoben
    1 točka
  42. Kmet2

    Motosvetova nagradna igra: Fotografija za avanturo

    No sej ni treba tlačit ljudi z raznimi pritiski!!! Objavili ste nagradno igro,zdej pa vsak tretji post,pa dejte se potrudit,pa to ni nič,kot je rekel sayo,zamenjaj naslov in pogoje,lahko sodelujejo samo tisti ki so tako top shit in tako izvirni kot Alla in Cufa,da se mi navadni smrtniki ne mešamo :grrr Ja niso vsi sposobni oz. nimajo ne vem kakšne umetniške žilice,je pa vsak izmed nas motorist,ki bi šel takoj na takšno avanturo in se po svoje potrudi.In če vam to ni všeč,se vseeno lahko malo zadržite z komentarji,na koncu koncev boste itak vi izbiral ožje kandidate za zmago pa takrat komentirajte tiste ki jih boste dali v ožji izbor. P.S. upam da boste vsako fotko ki bo po vaši presoji v ožjem izboru tudi utemeljili,profesionalno kot kritik ,ki deluje v tej sferi!!! Osebno mislim,da z vašimi posti bolj odbijate ljudi kot pa pridobivate,da sodelujejo v namreč meni lepi igri,ki nudi fantastičen odih
    1 točka
  43. gusar

    Maxi Scooter, neznano a privlačno

    Ravno zaradi Kolkov sem moral zapustiti motor in skuter je bila idealna rešitev za mene.Pri sedenju mi ne trpijo kolki še manj pa hrbtenica.Verjemi če imaš kolke fuč tako kot jaz ne boš več mogel zajahati svojo Hondo in prehiteti kavasaki.
    1 točka
  44. skoda

    Motoristični video posnetki
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  45. BC

    Ali si bil ti?

    ali si bil ti tisti čefur na rdečem gold wingu v btcju pri tržnici?
    1 točka
  46. Nata

    Kino - priporočila in debatni krožek :)

    sproščen večer - kokice - možgani na off in komedija: walk hard :OK: - priporočam (edino mogoče se majčken vleče oz. je predolgo - ampak se kompenzira to s smehom ki ga prinese ogled ;) )
    1 točka
  47. BC

    Kawasaki ZRX 1200 + 1100

    čist možno, ampak zato se tudi ni nič odluščilo in kot pravim, to sploh nima veze. jaz dam drek. sicer pa nimam motorja v stilu in tudi podgane mi niso preveč všeč. in seveda ni vseeno, če se disk na pol odlušči, kot tudi ne, če bi se luščil tank, če bi plastike popokale, če bi se sedež raztrgal... seveda. čisto normalno. samo vedu nisem do sedaj. jah težko je to, če nimaš takšnih brihtnih prijateljev, ki bi ti povedal, da zadnje premze ne smeš uporabljat, sploh če ma pobarvan rob...
    1 točka
  48. BC

    Kawasaki ZRX 1200 + 1100

    ker je ugodno, hitro in zgleda odlično?
    1 točka
  49. Nata

    Kawasaki ZRX 1200 + 1100

    @BC saj če boš še naprej tako veselo "šprickal" bo tvoj počasi tudi čisto črn .... je zelene samo majčken tak za vzorec - po domače rečeno :) :whistle:
    1 točka
  50. BC

    Great sex positions

    po mojem dveh ne rabi, ampak za ziher bo pa morala sama povedat... še linux positions in positions women enjoy no pa še en link...
    1 točka
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