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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30. 06. 2015 v vseh kategorijah

  1. Keiko

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Ducati klubski izlet na Lago di Como - 1. dan (25. 6. ) Zbor je bil v četrtek zjutraj na bencinski v Ljubljani. Družba kot vedno vrhunska - bili sva samo dve punci in dvanajst fantov (če sem jih prav preštela ). Po kafetku, nakupu in lepljenju vinjet smo po AC šibali do Jesenic, čez Korensko sedlo v Avstrijo – čez Hermagor – mimo Weisensee - čez Sillian in čez mejo v Italijo – v Dobbiacu na jug in potem mimo jezera Misurina - lepo kot vedno … Tam smo si vzeli čas za kosilo s čudovitim razgledom - tik ob jezeru. Potem pa okrepčani nadaljevali do Cortine d'Ampezzo in naprej do … Od tam pa na desno čez Passo Valparola … v Corvari še tankat in na pijačo … Že kmalu so nas pregnali mestni redarji ker smo delali gužvo pri lokalu Od tam smo šli do hotela odložit kufre … Potem pa še na en kratek večerni krog do Passo Pordoi … Od tam pa nazaj do hotela na večerjo … Prvi dan je bil super lep in končno sem spet dočakala Dolomite - prva letošnja fura v tisti konec
    22 točk
  2. Keiko

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Ducati klubski izlet na Lago di Como - 2. dan (26. 6. ) Naslednji dan po zajtrku smo štartali čez Passo Gardena - kot vedno je blo spet polno motivov za lepe fotke … Nato smo šibali naprej čez Canazei in Bolzano – nekje na poti (Appiano) iz Bolzana na jugozahod … (smo stali ob robu ceste, ob nekem uvozu, pa so nas spet spodili – nas je blo preveč in smo delali gužvo ) Od tam naprej, kjer smo na cesti naleteli na celo zbirko očal – so nekomu očitno letela ven iz kakšne torbe … Malo vozakanja čez mesteca in že kmalu je sledila uživancija po noro dobri ovinkasti cesti do - Passo della Mendola … Gor pavza in malo čvekanja (ker že dolgo nismo ), kafetki in druga osvežitev, potem pa spet na pot do še enega prelaza - na poti do tja … in na vrhu ... Gor smo spili še eno kafe, malo poslikali in potem nadaljevali čez Sondrio v Lecco, kjer je bil naš cilj za tisti dan. Tam smo se stacionirali v lušnem hotelu ob obali jezera Como. Pogled iz sobe je bil naravnost vrhunski … Motorji so bli parkirani lepo v senčki … Taki so razgledi s hotelske plaže (človek bi se hitro privadil ), sploh je cela okolica hotela čudovita in zelo zelena. Za hotelom je cesta in strma skalna stena, pred hotelom jezero Como – božanski razgledi na vse strani … Ko smo se razpakirali in osvežili je bil na vrsti piknik in žur do jutranjih ur … Kadar je lušno in je ta prava družba na kupu itak vedno (pre)hitro mine …
    20 točk
  3. sayo

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Danes na iziru Kolpe HR
    20 točk
  4. Danilo D

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Pa še nekaj na hitro o 5 dnevnem potepanju .... uraden štart je bil v sredo ob 10:00 iz OMV pumpe Obrežje, prevozili pa smo kar nekaj držav bivše juge , Hrvaško, Bosno, Kosovo, Srbijo, Črno Goro in Albanijo. Bili pa smo družba 4 korenjakov, treh krščanov in enega šoštanjčana . Sam sem prevozil 2.516km ostali pač nekaj manj, glede na to da sem imel do zbornega mesta že 100km . Drugače pa se vrnil poln vtisov, takšnih in drugačnih, seveda v največji meri samih dobrih, manj dobri so bili le tsiti, zaradi slabih cest, predvsem v črni gori in albaniji, kjer je poznajo prometnih znakov, z katerimi bi s eopozarjalo na luknje v cesti .... jih je preveč, ena tik ob drugi, ali pa izrezi asflata ipd. .... ima pa svoj čar živina na in ob cesti, od konjev, koz, ovc do krav. Sploh mi je ostala v spominu albanska ac, strma, ovinkasta, skor bi reku da serpentinasta, ludje ob cesti, tudi živali, prideš na mejo z črno goro, se živina prosto sprehaja po cesti na meji, cesta itak vsa posrana od živali . Drugače pa nekako nismo imeli nekega posebno zastavljenega cilja, pač smo se bolj po vremenu ozirali, tako da smo imeli 4 dni lepega vremena, zadnji dan pa je bil malo deževen. Štart je bil v bajini Bašti, od kjer sma štartala samo dva, eden je že dan prej ostal ob skadru, eden pa ni štartal iz bajine bašte. Tako sva zadnji dan štartala dva, eden izmed je potem že dokaj kmalu po štartu odpovedal, ker pač ni imel deževnih oblačil. Sam sem to imel, zato sem se vozil tudi v dežju, čeprav hvala bogu nekega naliva ni bilo. Že pred Brčkim je ponehalo, pred ac pa je bila cesta zgolj še samo mastna, potem pa naprej skoz do doma lepa in suha. To je to na kratko, pa še nekaj fotk
    17 točk
  5. SLVR

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Še par mojih vtisov, slikali smo bolj malo, smo raje pasli oči! Tule je pa ovekovečen trenutek, ko sem kar 3x točno vedel pokazat na zemljevidu kje smo: prvič, zadnjič in nikoli več! Krucefix je dobil novo dimenzijo! Tule pa še par tihožitij z izvira Cetine, globine kar 105+ metrov, kjer je življenje pustil tudi en izmed naših jamarjev/potapljačev.
    14 točk
  6. Tedybear

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Za 4 dni v Pirovac, da so bili slapovi Krke na dosegu. Ob najemu apartmaja spoznam, da so ključi od stranskih kovčkov ostali ali v Senju, ali na klopci v Karlobagu, ali pa nekje na Jadranki. Rezervni pa tokrat doma na varnem. S pomočjo spretnega rokodelca iz sosednjega apartmaja, sva kovčke le odprla in to brez škode. Od sedaj naprej. znam odpreti svoje, in tudi vaše Rešitev je bila v nakupu poceni klešč in vezic. Za NP Krka ni priporočljivo, da si ga ogleduješ v moto opremi. 2 km hoje je le preveč. Omaric za začasno deponiranje opreme pa seveda ni. Nekaj slik....
    13 točk
  7. prcko

    Moto GP 2015

    Besede direktorja dirke : A group of journalists spoke to Race Director Mike Webb after the race, and this is what he told us. "It obviously needed review, so as soon as we saw it, and because it’s the last lap we can then pay our attention to it. So lots of video reviews, lots of discussion. I have to say the end result, race incident, was clear cut. It wasn’t we're not sure or whatever. It was clear cut. The basis of that was that during the entire last chicane maneuver Valentino was always in front. We have a really good helicopter shot that he's always in front and is therefore entitled to his line. He was entering the turn and doing a normal line as if he was going to go through the turn. Marc made a pass on the inside, which he's entitled to do. It's the last lap of a GP, have a pass. During the pass he first of all critically never got in front of Valentino. The helicopter showed us very clear, Valentino’s always in front. Marc did make contact with Valentino." Was it Márquez hitting Rossi, or Rossi hitting Márquez? "Very clearly Marc made contact with Valentino. The helicopter shot shows us who’s in front. The frontal shot which was not the live shot, but another shot from front on, shows the gap between the riders and which trajectory they’re coming on. Valentino’s on pretty much the classic line. Marc’s doing a pass up the inside as you would, and arrives and contacts Valentino. Valentino at that point decides he has to stand up. He said, I’m on the limit. He’s going as fast as he can into the turn, gets contact from the inside, has no option but to stand up. So he goes across the gravel. Marc also leaves the track, goes across the artificial grass. So from the rules point of view both riders left the track. They entered the turn and through the turn and exited the turn in the same relative positions, as in first and second. At no point did they change positions. So from that point of view no advantage was taken. Clearly because Valentino cut a lot more of the corner there was a time advantage taken but in this instance it’s immaterial. We’re not waiting for the next lap to see who’s got an advantage. It was the person in front stayed in front. The person in second stayed second. They both left the track and they both regained the track. End of story. The critical point is that I believe both riders entered the turn intending to make the turn. No one was intending to cross the gravel. No one was intending to knock the other rider off. But what happened was contact and then a rider left the track, both riders left the track. So in the end pretty simple. Racing incident, no advantage was taken." vir: motomatters
    8 točk
  8. Dr.SPEED

    Maribor - Rusija, Mongolija

    Ena iz mongolije...ostalo na se bolj potrudo in kako v prihonjih dneh prilimo
    7 točk
  9. Nearrain

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Ni se dolg upiral... Ni se dolg upiral...
    6 točk
  10. Danilo D

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    na Jezerskem se zgleda nekaj dela :grim
    6 točk
  11. Nearrain

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Napad na Romunijo se je izjalovil zaradi strasnih vremenskih neprilika u Karpatima in namesto tega smo se raje prikljucili gurmanski Srbski turneji. Med degustiranjem zdravih mesnin in mocnih alkoholnih supstanc se je medtem pod gumami odsvaljkalo slabih 1900 kilometrckov. Srbija je pokazala takoj po prehodu meje sve svoje cari u wet ediciji . . . ...tako i onako . . . ...po kratkem kulturno zgodovinskem vlozku . . . sledil dolg gurmanski predah . . . btw: poudarek je bil predvsem na ZDRAVI prehrani !!! . . . ne pa ribe in kalamari neki . . .ono nece ni vuk da jede ...ker je bratstvo i jedinstvo se vedno zivo smo prinesli nove lopatice za HE Đerdap . . . jedan i dva...da se razume... ...dok je bila HE Đerdap u remontu napunio se dobro i Mali Kazan... ...i zbog toga otvorilo se nebo . . . . .vise puta . . ...tako da je i Romunski kameni Štrumf dosao da pogleda sta se desava... ...zakamuflirana lokacija gde se jos uvek moze da nabavi crveni Malboro u mekom pakovanju . . . ...mnogo je vazna ta lokacija tako, da je moraju cuvat Transformerji licno ... . . . nasli i cuveno mesto gdje Dunav ljubi nebo . . . ...i na kraju . . . kasika Vegete i malo secera za dijabeticare . . .
    6 točk
  12. Kmet2

    Ali si bil ti?

    ja ja te poznam,sramežljiv kot jaz :-D
    5 točk
  13. pik1

    Ali si bil ti?

    ... al pa vsaj na čelu napisan s flomastrom ... :)
    5 točk
  14. Joker

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Tale, ki sem ga jaz srečal, ni nič lajal. Je izgleda ležal že malo dlje...
    5 točk
  15. SLVR

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Mislim, da je bil pasme Dirkalni Jazbečar! Revež se je z laježem v polnem galopu zelo pogumno zakadil v motor, ampak je 1m pred motorjem fasal kontra ofenzivo z odprtim izpuhom na 2 cilindra ... Revež se je skotalil čez nos v preval in hitro odšibal nazaj pod cesto od koder je prišel, verjetno gazdarici pod kiklo. Tako se ne odganja samo živali, tudi turiste, ki zasanjano stopicajo po cesti, križiščih, ipd, brez da bi spremljali promet okoli sebe. Preverjeno deluje! :evilgrin:
    5 točk
  16. skalaprava

    Najave + Dogovori dnevnih voženj (ali večdnevnih)

    Pripravi se, da boš čakal pred semaforjem. Če je gužva bi znal stati tudi 15 minut. Midva sva bila nazadnje tam v sredo 24.06. in je bila čakalna doba cca.10 min. Vstopnina z amotor je 10€. Pa upam, da nimaš vrtiglavice....takole izgleda namreč 200m navpično dol iz vrha jeza :grim Želim ti lep izlet
    5 točk
  17. maus

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    mene so pa kumarke vsega pupikale še dobr, da me niso napićle na njihove rilce in odnesle :krneki: diuja žvau je diuja žvau, ne mi zdj o velikosti
    5 točk
  18. builder

    Iskanje motorja - kaj, kako, za koliko

    jst mam motor za vozit, ne za rint in po tleh metat in pol dvigovat, eni komplicirate u tri PM
    5 točk
  19. pajkica

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    kva bi rad na moji cesti :jezen
    5 točk
  20. otko


    Ker sem imal ta vikend čas, sem se kar tako v petek dopoldne odločil za vikend turo v Dolomite. V živo jih v življenju še nisem videl, zato se mi je to zdela nekako logična destinacija. Na hitro sem spakiral, Suzuki pa itak ne rabi nobenih priprav, no razen bencina mogoče par deci olja med potjo Štartal sem po kosilu, in zvečer prišel do Nove Gorice, kjer sem prespal. Naslednji dan pa naprej proti Cortini in čez par prelazov do Bolzana, nato pa po avtocesti mimo Insbrucka do Salzburga, kjer sem prespal. Naslednji dan pa domov. In to je to, nekih daljših izletov letos več ne načrtujem, mogoče par dnevnih voženj po Sloveniji...Sicer pa prijetna tura, niti ne preveč naporna, ponavadi me celodnevna vožnja utruja zaradi drže...ampak je bilo za zdržat Tudi z vremenom sem imel kar srečo, sicer je kmalu po tem, ko sem zavil na avtocesto začelo deževati, ampak sem lahko kmalu zavil na neko počivališče in si nadel dežno obleko. Problem so bili edino škornji, ampak to sem rešil tako, da sem prodajalko prosil za 2 vreči za smeti v katere sem "obul" škornje. Te moje rešitve so se poslužili tudi nekateri ostali, ki jih je dež prignal pod streho. No glavno, ostal sem suh od glave do pet Slikal nisem ravno veliko, preprosto zato, ker se mi ni dalo vseskozi ustavljati
    5 točk
  21. ne se najbolje počutim sam s sabo :-P
    4 točk
  22. hajoktejn

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    lagr kardana je že mau švoh, semering se bo glihkar uscau, pa getribe se bojo sesule v kratkem. pel na servis čimprej
    4 točk
  23. DAMI34

    Ali si bil ti?

    itak ti nč ne pomaga, če si MARSOUC
    4 točk
  24. Zivnorc

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    ...v takem primeru je fajn, da imaaš kako klobaso v žepu... ...v tem primeru bi bilo pa bolje, da imaš obute soperge..... Igor pa na pol spuščene hlače....
    4 točk
  25. DAMI34

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Kaj to, mene in Igorjakr je pobesneli bik v Razdrtem lovil
    4 točk
  26. Zivnorc

    Ali si bil ti?

    ...viš, Karmen.... Kmet je naredil pri meni točno tako, kot bi naredila ti.... je prepoznal.. in se mi je predstavil. ... zdej mu je pa žal.... ... stalno me mora prosit, da kam grem... če pa kam grem z njim, mi mora pa plačevat za jest... za pit... pa prenašat moje nebuloze... itd....
    3 točk
  27. Zivnorc

    Najave + Dogovori dnevnih voženj (ali večdnevnih)

    ..najavljam dnevno osvajalno vožnjo pik-1. ..tko da so vaše ženske doma varne... ker se bo pik do vašega doma itak nekje vmes zgubu...
    3 točk
  28. kardan ti je poču
    3 točk
  29. builder

    Ali si bil ti?

    jst sm tih, zadržan in nekomnikativen, bi rabil pomoč ženske osebe, da bi mi pomagala to spremenit
    3 točk
  30. HyperJack

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Dokaz, da z Bemflarji ni dobro češenj zobat :grrr
    3 točk
  31. lej dve možnosti, al nasvalkaš gumo in zvečer babo, al pa maš gladko gumo in zvečer svalkaš sam....js osebno raj uničujem gumo
    3 točk
  32. . ... dons grem osvajat ... ...a gre še kdo ??? :)
    3 točk
  33. DAMI34

    Ali si bil ti?

    pradlagam, da nosimo identifikacijske tablice: npr: jaz sm DAMI al pa jaz sam KONJUJEDAN
    3 točk
  34. Zivnorc

    Ali si bil ti?

    Pozdravljena Karmen. Sem Norc.... Živnorc. Osvajat te pa ne smem.... vsaj javno ne...
    3 točk
  35. ftp

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    ...smo pa zato Albance takole pregnali.. DSCN1864.MOV
    3 točk
  36. Kmet2

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Poznam me je šarplaninc lovu po obali jezera v Bosni,ovce so ga pa debel gledale,noben mu nč hotu:-D
    3 točk
  37. Kmet2

    Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2015

    Dok ni krava se ne sekiraj:-D
    3 točk
  38. RobiRoberto

    Moje izkušnje - Arhiv

    Danes je torek, katerega sem imel rezerviranega za vožnjo z MV v Bovec in obisk nekoga, vendar bo to zaradi mojega bližnjega srečanja s polhom preloženo za nedoločen čas, ker se bojim kakšnih zame neugodnih stranskih učinkov cepiva proti steklini. Trenutno imam občutek, da se mi v glavi "malo vrti", papir z obrazloženimi možnimi posledicami cepljenja proti steklini pa sem včeraj pozabil v "previjalnici" idrijskega ZD ... Od stanovalcev zgornjega nadstropja sem izvedel, da je "ta zgornja ta mlada" v nedeljo dopoldne srečala polha na stopnišču in celo sobotno noč sta jih z njenim fantom poslušala, ko so se sprehajali po strehi ...
    3 točk
  39. hajoktejn

    Komunikacijski sistemi za čelade, Intercom...

    A tole uporablja kdo? A kej šumi nad 150?
    3 točk
  40. Kmet2

    Iskanje motorja - kaj, kako, za koliko

    Moja žena zmore,če pa ne ga pa na tla spusti in mene okrega kaj sem ji takšen velikmotor kupil hahaha
    3 točk
  41. ludiluka

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    jah lej če maš joške maš tud ugodnosti
    3 točk
  42. rajder

    Galerija motociklov forumašev

    Takole sem se pa jaz poigral. Honda CB 750-F 1982.
    3 točk
  43. Dr.SPEED

    Maribor - Rusija, Mongolija

    Lep pozdrav iz Magadana. Zaenkrat vse kolko tolko po načrtih-vse pač nemore štimat,posebaj če si sam. BAM imam v načrtu,ko se vračam nazaj domov,bones prevozo,z poletno pa ni bilo sreče-bolj so problem še vedno previsoke reke in preveč medvedov-polovico sem prevozo dalje pa ni šlo-domačini odsvetovali-brez puške nikamor pravijo,pa sem raje odnehal.Dnevno poslušam zgodbe o medvedih....preveč me je strah,voziš počasi,reko prečkaš kar se da hitro,stem pa tvegaš motor in vse ostalo.Je eden junak iz Rusije malo pretirava in mu je motor odneslo,sedaj pa stoji na eni pumpi in čaka pomoč-meni ni do tega. Sedaj malo počitka,potem do Tynde-menjam gume in kaj bo pač potrebno in hop na BAM... Čaooo
    3 točk
  44. solorider

    Ali si bil ti?

    jaz priznam, da sem fuka potreben!
    2 točk
  45. Nearrain

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    Medtem, ko ste v parih urah 7x na novo odkrili toplo vodo in se naucili internet na pamet sem mojim gumam razkazal 280 kilometrov. PS: pravijo, da so lih prov napumpane in da naj se ribaund gladko jebe. S fedrom se pa zaenkrat se razumejo.
    2 točk
  46. pik1

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    .. ja, gume so res cela znanost .... :)
    2 točk
  47. pik1

    Ali si bil ti?

    ... ja kaj no, kaj no .... ... itak nč ne vem za kaj se gre .... :)
    2 točk
  48. DAMI34

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    as tut ti potem prebral tale članek? The Race Track Tyre Wear Guide Common wear types and their causes In this guide I have gone over some of the different types of tyre wear that you can expect to find ontrack day tyres around the circuit paddock. My intention here is to help you learn more about bike tyre wear so you are better equipped to deal with a nasty tear if/when it rears its ugly head. However, like most tyre based guides, the nature of the subject is quite complete, so it’s not as easy as saying this causes that, or that causes this (especially when talking about suspension adjustment) so please take this as being a somewhat simplified guide to motorcycle tyre wear, not the definitive resource. I’ll leave that to Mr Dave Moss. So let’s get on to the first type of tear. Cold Tear Cause – Cold tear is caused by the tyre being overinflated. When the tyre is overinflated the contact patch on the ground is too small so it cannot generate heat that is widespread enough to bring the carcass of the tyre up to operating temperature. Instead what happens is the surface of the tyre super heats very quickly while the carcass stays below operating temperature, so the surface of the tyre is ripped straight off. Symptoms – The tears are in fact quite deep into the carcass and are somewhat fingernail shaped. If you can get a fingernail under them and almost peel a sizable chunk of the rubber back off the surface of the tyre then this is a sure fire sign of cold tear. Hot Tear Cause – Hot tear is caused by the tyre being underinflated. An underinflated tyre causes the contact patch to be too large on the ground which in turn means the tyre overheats. When the whole of a tyre over heats, the surface gets hot and is melted off very quickly and is pitched away due to the centrifugal force created when the tyre spins. At first glance it’s quite similar to cold tear but because the whole tyre is overheating instead of just the surface, the rubber comes off with less effort as opposed to being ripped off a cold carcass like you see with cold tear, this then means hot tearing isn’t as deep. Symptoms – As said above, it doesn’t take as much for the surface rubber to come off of an underinflated tyre because the whole tyre is overheating, so the tears on a tyre experiencing hot tear are fairly shallow and more spread out and you shouldn’t be able to get a fingernail deep under them like you can with a cold tear. Also you will notice when looking at the tyre that the tears come down and into the centre of the tyre in an arc shape because of the centrifugal force of the tyre. Suspension Related Tyre Wear When we start talking about suspension and how incorrect settings can affect tyre wear, it’s difficult to explain what symptoms mean what because not every form of wear is unique to one particular component of the suspension. However, below I have outlined some points that should help you better determine if your tyre problems could possibly be suspension related. If your rear suspension settings (rebound, compression, sag or spring rate) are incorrectly set to the point where they are then asking the tyre to act as a part of the suspension, you are immediately going to see some unusual wear or tearing because the tyre simply wasn’t designed to be used in that way. To the untrained eye, tyre wear brought on from incorrect suspension settings could quite easily be palmed off as a pressure related problem (hot or cold tear), but there are some differences and some questions you can ask yourself to get you started on the right path to fixing it. Do you know you have the right spring? – If your spring is either too hard or too soft for your weight, the carcass of the tyre will be put under a lot of strain because it’s being asked to act as a significant part of the suspension what with the spring not doing its job properly. This means the tyre ends up quickly shredding itself to pieces with incorrect loads. Is the affected area uniform in width? – Have a look at the thickness of the tear. If you notice that the width of the tear is not uniform and changes considerably as you follow it around the tyre, then this is a good indicator that something is wrong with the suspension, usually rebound being out of adjustment. The picture to right demonstrates this. Does the tear go all the way around? – If it does, that may be poor tyre pressure or geometry. However if it doesn’t and you follow the tear around the tyre and notice that it is not a continuous tear i.e. there is an affected area, then there’s a sizable area where it’s clean, then there’s some more damage, then it goes clean again, this is another indication that a suspension setting is out, most probably rebound or compression, or even a combination of them both. Are the edges of the tread raised? – If you have a raised area on either the leading or back edge of the tread, this is a strong sign that rebound damping on the forks or shock is set either too fast or too slow. Usually if it’s on the leading edge rebound is too slow, and if it’s on the back edge it’s too fast. By answering the above questions, you should be able to determine whether or not you have a suspension related issue. Geometry Tears Not enough weight on the front Cause – This type of motorcycle tyre wear is not quite as common as things like hot or cold tear as it comes from an incorrect geometry set up which usually affects the front tyre. What you see in the picture is a result of there not being enough weight on the tyre so it cannot get to operating temperature. This means it cannot get proper grip or traction and as a result the front tyre pushes and drags across the ground when the rider gets on the throttle, rather than rolling over it as it should. The surface is then super heated and subsequently torn up. Symptoms – With not enough weight on the front, what you’ll see is a much smaller band of tearing that looks very similar to hot tear on a rear tyre, only the band will be about 5-10mm thick, usually about half way between the centre of the tyre and the edge. Also, it will typically be uniform all the way around the tyre. Too much weight on the front Cause – As the above heading would suggest, the other type of geometry tear is too much weight on the front. What happens in this instance is that when you start to turn the bike into a corner, because of the excessive weight on the front it will actually plough across the ground (rather than rolling), and it’s only when you have finished turning the bike and you get back on the gas that you take the weight away from the front end and the tyre is relieved. As well as having too much weight on the front, this type of tear can often be caused by the front end being too soft in conjunction with too much weight. Symptoms – With a geometry tear where there’s too much weight on the front it will be the edge third of the tyre that is showing signs of incorrect wear, so the affected area is quite large. If your tyre is showing bad wear patterns on the edge third, where the start of the wear pattern (the bit closest to the middle of the tyre) follows the circumference of the tyre uniformly, you can be pretty sure you’re suffering from geometry tear and have too much weight on the front. Tyre Discolouration – Blue Tyres You often see the question come up ‘why are my tyres blue’ or ‘what’s this blue stuff on my tyres’ with people suggesting that when you see it the tyres are done. This isn’t completely true. What makes it blue? – Motorcycle tyres actually contain oils that keep the tyre soft and the blue/green tint you can see on your tyres is just the oils coming to the surface. Why are they on the surface? – After the tyres have been used to the point where they gain significant heat, when they cool down again (this is one heat cycle) the oils in the tyre will often come to the surface. When you go back out and ride the bike these surface oils are scrubbed off and it’s only when you come back in and let the tyres cool down again that you’ll see more oils coming to the surface. Each time you take a tyre through a heat cycle you are losing the oils that keep the tyre soft, so the more heat cycles a tyre has been through the less effective the rubber is going to be for you. As a side note, heat cycles will affect track tyres a lot worse than road biased tyres, as road tyres are expected to go through these cycles. What we want to see from our tyres So we know what we don’t want to see in terms of tyre wear, but what DO we want to see? Have a look at the picture to the right, this is what you’re looking for. If you have a pattern like the one in the picture which looks like a beach where the tide has gone out, you’ve nailed it. This doesn’t mean to say it will give you optimum performance (racers often sacrifice tyre life for better performance) but it does mean you are highly likely to see great longevity from your tyre with enough grip for any track day rider. Conclusion Motorcycle tyres are very expensive and probably the biggest expense for any track day rider or racer (apart from track time maybe), so making sure we are best equipped to deal with a tyre wear problem if it crops up is extremely important for keeping your tyres, and your wallet in good condition. Taking the above advice into account I would like to think you will now be able to spot some of the clues and tell tale signs that show up when we experience unsavoury tyre wear, and as a result get on top of it as soon as possible before it ruins your tyres. It’s also worth noting however that this is a fairly simplified guide to tyre wear and tearing as there are a multitude of factors that come into play such as pressures, suspension make up, how the rider rides the bike, and even the nature of the track where the problems occur, so all I have intended to do for you here is give you some baseline knowledge so you can head in the right direction to getting your tyre problems fixed. Something I hope I’ve achieved. Other than that, keep one eye on those hoops ladies and gents!
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  49. na kile ga majo v Lidlu ... mogoče tut v Hoferju :krneki:
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  50. DAMI34

    Gume - Pnevmatike splošno, dimenzije, legalnost itd..

    ja, tut men se zdi Milena je vsega kriva, pa Dinko p.s. Sneči, a maš še črto narisano po sredini?
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