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Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2016
sulica in 24 drugim reacted to Kmet2 for temi
No danes smo se dobili medgeneracijsko ,Gusar in Frenk67.....pa smo šli ,jaz iz Lj,starčka iz Kranja Kamor gre KTM gre tud BMW ...na smučišču Kranjska Gora ..... Gusar čaka spodaj in odkimava ...off road Jezero Jasna in čudni pogledi turistov .....le zakaj .... Prelaz Vršič .... Do vsake razgledne točke se je bilo potrebno prebijat z ladjo od 400kg .....tukaj sva Gusarja izgubila a nas je čakal pri izviru Soče kjer sva ga pobrala in proti Kekčevi domačiji ...... S Frenkom67 sva sprobala najnovejše modele KTM ..... Kluže... ...in proti Mangartu , kjer je bilo kar nekaj motoristov padalcev po naši strani ..v dolini Belopeška jezera .... in moja dva današnja kompanjona .... ...potegnemo še do Predilskega jezera ,kjer se trudim vse za dobro fotko . Vkopljem se ko z avtobusom in komaj splezam ven ..ampak še naprej iščem potke kot da sem s KTM .....komaj obrnem in se vrnem na cesto .... ...no ko sem splužil celo podvozje sem pa lahko naredil samo fotko iz gostilniškega stola ....nazaj se vračamo en del po isti trasi , potem pa čez Kobarid , Novo Gorico k našemu Damiju 34 na suho sadje .....enkrat bo izstavil račun in takrat bom moral prodat vsaj en motor ...sej jez nisem nč jedu k sem cucka vidu me je vse minil pa to ne moreš vrjet , nč mu ne dajo za jest ........ponesreč mi je kolutek klobase padu dol Itak sem vedno polen nemogočih idej ki so na koncu mogoče ko sem povedal idejo so me vsi sam debel pogledal , Gusar se je takoj odpravil domov , Frenk je nekaj momljal a sem ga pregovoril In tako smo pristali tu že v večernih urah ..... ...no ja , nekaj spretnosti je že potrebno da se privlečeš po vseh teh makedamih in potkah z trajektom ,a gre , sicer ga spodaj pol manjka , ampak vse za dobro fotko ...za dol pa nas presenetijo še konjiči , lep prizor ...evo to je bilo to slabih 450km serpentin,makedama ,potk in nekaj asvalta dobra družbalepo izkoriščen dan ,sam še HyperJacka smo pogrešal ,sam on bi vrejtno sam na asvaltu čakal Domov se privlečem ob 20.30 ...čaka me še domača naloga lp25 točk -
BEST of Jadranska magistrala
Bmflar in 16 drugim reacted to MiNa for temi
17 točk -
17 točk
BEST of Jadranska magistrala
Bmflar in 4 drugim reacted to MiNa for temi
5 točk -
4 točk
Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2016
robot in 3 drugim reacted to sunnygirl for temi
4 točk -
4 točk
Smo se zapeljali tam okoli konec septembra... Madžarska - Romunija - Moldavija - Ukrajina - Slovaška - Madžarska... Povzel bi sledeče: OBUPNE CESTE, prijazni ljudje, nizke cene, poceni bencin, največja vinska klet... Potopis sledi ob priliki... fotoalbum je pa tukaj: FOTOALBUM4 točk
Kje smo se potepali in kaj smo zanimivega videli
MiNa in 3 drugim reacted to M@to for temi
OK, narava, pa tole... ampak, kaj pa ceste? Naslov pove vse4 točk -
Kaj vas je danes spravilo v slabo voljo ?
Bmflar in 3 drugim reacted to maus for temi
mene sta pa vidva, ker unićujeta preglednost tega foruma in nasploh teme krneki4 točk -
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4 točk
Motoristični video posnetki
skategrizzly in 2 drugim reacted to motolover for temi
Za ljubitelje endura3 točk -
3 točk
Migrantsko/teroristična kriza
Frenk 67 in 2 drugim reacted to dr.looney for temi
Se opravicujem, ker ne zmorem sestaviti doktorske dizertacije. Ti bom poskusala odgovoriti po svoji kmecki logiki in se ze vnaprej opravicujem, ce bom uzalila tvoj velecenjeni intelekt. Ker ze toliko javkas zaradi Sudana, ce smo natancni Juzni Sudan ima ogromne kolicine nafte , do katere imajo pravico crpanja predvsem Kitajci. ZDA pa bi se jih rada znebila in zato podpirajo uporniskega voditelja. Tako, da tam ze poteka vojna za nafto. Mediji so vedno v lasti vladajocih zato , da lazje obvladujejo maso ljudi. Ne to ni teorija zarote, ampak dejstvo. Se strinjam, da je izobrazba pomemben faktor , a kaj ti rabi ce je ves izobrazevalni sistem naravnan "ovcjerejsko" . Na koncu dobis izobrazeno "ovco" . Na Balkanu pa lahko samo sanjas o tem , da bo mir. To so stoletja stare razprtije, ki se vedno niso izkorenijene pa ceprav se je menjalo ze kar nekaj generaciji. Evo to je moje "gostilnisko" pametovanje. Aja, religija pa je vsaka slaba in v nobeno koristi vecini prebivalstva.3 točk -
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3 točk
I hate winter!!!
Bmflar in 2 drugim reacted to Frenk 67 for temi
V vsaki slabi stavri je tud kaj dobrega3 točk -
Kaj vas je danes spravilo v slabo voljo ?
Bmflar in 2 drugim reacted to Frenk 67 for temi
ne seri, u nulo sva zadela temo, sej sva te spravla u slabo volo3 točk -
3 točk
OMV Postojna Moto Hub
Bmflar in 2 drugim reacted to Kmet2 for temi
Spet po dolgem času in ob 20h ....nikjer nobenega ,samo najači3 točk -
Kawasaki Versys 650 in Versys 300 (2017)
MMF in 2 drugim reacted to Borutt for temi
Vidim, da so ti tvoji antiokoljevarnostni nasveti veliko nevarnejši od mojih stožcev. Ne samo, da tvoji slušatelji s svojimi motorji bolj onesnažujejo okolje, še bolj agresivno in nevarno vozijo, da sploh ne omenjam kršenje zakonodaje. Slab zgled si, res slab. Ostale, še nedolžne, motoriste vabim med stožce. So veliko koristnejši in varnejši od Snecerjevih nasvetov.3 točk -
Razne fotke (+ hude fotke z motorji)
izibajker in 2 drugim reacted to ForU2 for temi
3 točk -
Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2016
robot in 2 drugim reacted to HyperJack for temi
29.10.2016 Porko dijo že skoraj en teden od zadnje fure...sej toliko časa je trajal tudi prehlad, ki sem ga staknil med mrzlimi ovinki nekje v okolici Čabra... Fužine: Pa še ene dva selfija, ki jih roko na srce nism baš vajen delat Vtisi: - sonce, radost, veselje, adrenalin - pesek, dela na cesti, mraz, prehlad Naj blu dost, ene 200 km3 točk -
3 točk
Kje smo se potepali in kaj smo zanimivega videli
MiNa in 2 drugim reacted to Bostjan L for temi
Pred časom sem tudi sam nekaj zanimivega videl in posnel Vsekakor se bom vrnil z motorjem.3 točk -
Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2016
Bmflar in 2 drugim reacted to DAMI34 for temi
Mati, kave bi.... In tako sem napisal tole črtico z naslovom: na kavo do Vikija. pri kavi srečal Motoloverja, ki je bil namesto mati in plačal kavo(tenx), nakar sva skočila še do Axla, kjer mi je v uč zapel tale BMW 5.600 ja ni slaba cifra. No ko sem si mal pomanel uč sem prebral na mopedu napis Mwm-alnekitacga. Ampak Še vedno, jebačko zgleda, celo nastavljivo vzmetenje ima. Lep dan je bil.3 točk -
Kaj trenutno počnete?
Bmflar and še enemu reacted to maus for temi
jas tut počas izklaplam in pospraulam zmize ... in pol bom odskakljau domou2 točk -
Najave + Dogovori dnevnih voženj (ali večdnevnih)
Bmflar and še enemu reacted to Kmet2 for temi
A kar 2x mi moreš citirat ,se nisi spomnil vsega naenkrat v tej svojo mladi karieri P.S. skratka napisal sem en dan prej kam grem in vedno je dobrodošla tvoja družba , zato je beseda "zajebal " malce groba Zajebal bi te če bi rekel 2h preden grem da grem drugam ali pa sploh ne bi prišel ......si pa ti s svojim super duper motorjem preveč šmensi fensi da bi se vozil z mano ki rad zavijem tud iz ceste dol , kljub neprimernem motorju napram tebi ki imaš vsestranski motor2 točk -
2 točk
2 točk
KTM 1290 Super Adventure (R, S, T)
dAlencc87 and še enemu reacted to Bambi61 for temi
Ha...ha..ha...... Jaz sem z mojim tako hiter da mi sprednja luč še malo nazaj zavija svetlobo2 točk -
Najave + Dogovori dnevnih voženj (ali večdnevnih)
Bmflar and še enemu reacted to HyperJack for temi
Hvala ker si me zajebal z spremenjenim planom. Tako sem imel čas da sem spucal motor (tiste dve muhce) in ga tako mirne vesti dal v toplo garažo. Danes se mi pa kr smeje ko gledam tele šipe na avtu svojem: Winter is coming. Jaz se ne grem več teh mrzlih igric...seveda se pa zarečenega kruha največ poje...pride upam, da že danes ali jutri nova igračka...2 točk -
2 točk
Migrantsko/teroristična kriza
dr.looney and še enemu reacted to Nearrain for temi
Kaj se dogaja in kaj nam nasi zmanipulirani mediji ne povedo, ker so bolj pomembne izdajalske kosti in resnicnostni showi... RAISING THE STAKES: Putin slams US nuke threat with ultimatum October 5, 2016 - Rostislav Ishchenko- translated by J. Arnoldski - Following the president of the Russian Federation’s decree on suspending Russia’s compliance with agreements with the US on the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium and the submission of the corresponding bill to the State Duma, disputes have begun in the media on whether this is connected to the rupture of the Syria deal. The second stumbling block is a question: Why is Russia, having known that the US has not fulfilled its part of the deal, only reacted now after a few years? Some nuclear experts argue that the deal was objectively beneficial for Russia. Maybe. I’m not an expert in this sphere and it’s difficult for me to say how objective they are. Moreover, that which is beneficial from the standpoint of the nuclear industry might be disadvantageous from the point of view of security. In principle, I think that there were no particular security problems. Russia has a sufficient nuclear arsenal capable of inflicting a deadly blow on the United States. Washington recognizes this as well. There was also more than enough material for the production of new warheads. In the event of full-scale nuclear strike exchanges, the production of another batch of weapons would already be redundant and, indeed, physically impossible. The real problem would be physically preserving the remains of civilization at least at the level of the stone age. As for the Syria, this is not the first time, and not only in Syria, that the US concludes agreements only to disrupt their fulfillment and then conclude them again. The form of the Russian reaction is clearly not comparable to Washington’s public rejection of cooperation which, in fact, it has yet to do. I think that in order to understand the scale of this incident, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Putin has not simply taken Russia out of a contract. He has announced the possibility of returning to it, but he has furnished certain conditions. Let’s look at these conditions: (1) the US must lift all sanctions against Russia; (1) compensation should be paid not only for the losses from American sanctions, but also for the losses incurred by Russian counter-sanctions; (3) the Magnitsky Act should be repealed; (4) the US’ military presence in Eastern Europe should be sharply reduced; and (5) the US should abandon its policy of confrontation with Moscow. Only one word fits in determining the essence of Putin’s demands: “ultimatum.” As far as a I remember, the last time that Washington was given an ultimatum was by the United Kingdom over the Trent vessel incident. And that was in 1861 during the American Civil War. Even then, in extremely difficult conditions, America agreed to partially meet British demands. It should be noted that the British demands in 1861 did not contain anything humiliating for the US. The captain of a US Navy ship had indeed broken international law, arrested people on a neutral (British) ship, and thereby encroached upon the sovereignty of the UK, nearly provoking a war. Then America disavowed the actions of its captain and freed the prisoners, albeit refusing to apologize. But Putin is not demanding any apologies or the release of a few prisoners, but for all of American policy to be changed, and still more for Russia to be compensated for losses due to the US’ sanctions. This is an unmeetable, humiliating demand. This demand essentially means complete and unconditional surrender in the hybrid war which Washington does not consider to be irreversibly lost. And there’s still all those indemnities payments and reparations. Something similar was demanded from the US by the British Crown before the end of the war for independence, when the Americans were still King George III’s rebellious subjects. For the last 100 years no one has even imagined talking with Washington in such a tone. And so, the first conclusion is: Putin has deliberately and demonstratively humiliated the US. He has shown that it is possible to talk tough to the US, even tougher than the US itself has gotten used to talking down to the rest of the world. How was this done? What did Putin actually react to? Did he actually think that the US would fulfill the Kerry-Lavrov deal and is now upset over what happened? Russia also knew that Washington has not been observing the plutonium deal for years, but Moscow has extracted serious profit from this for its nuclear industry by nearly becoming a global monopoly and is clearly not perturbed by the US’ technological backwardness preventing them from disposing of weapons-grade plutonium as stipulated in the agreement. Russia’s tough and almost immediate reaction followed the statements of the US Secretary of State’s spokesperson to the effect that Russia will have to start sending its troops home from Syria in body bags, is going to start losing planes, and that terrorist attacks will begin to plague Russian cities. In addition, the State Department’s statement was immediately followed by the Pentagon's announcement that it is ready to launch a preventative nuclear strike on Russia. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also reported that Moscow knows about the US’ intention to launch an air war against Syrian government forces, which also means against the Russian contingent legally stationed in Syria. What else formed the background for Putin’s ultimatum?: The exercises from six months ago involving air and missile defense and strategic missile systems which practiced repelling a nuclear attack on Russia and then launching a responsive counter strike. Add to this the other day's emergency exercises involving up to 40 million Russian citizens that inspected the readiness of infrastructure and civil defense structures for a nuclear war and provided additional information to citizens on the plan of action in the cause of “X hour.” If we take all of this together, then we can see that the US has long since informally frightened Russia with a nuclear conflict, and Moscow has regularly hinted that it is ready for such a turn of events and is not going to back down. However, given the end of Obama’s rule and lacking absolute confidence in a Hillary Clinton victory in presidential elections, the Washington hawks have decided to raise their bets once again. And now things have reached an extremely dangerous limit in which conflict begins to reach the stage of developing independently. At this stage, nuclear Armageddon could begin over any kind of incident, including due to the incompetence of some senior Pentagon officials or White House administrators. At this precise moment, Moscow has seized the initiative and upped the ante, but by moving the confrontation onto another plane. Unlike America, Russia is not threatening war. It is simply demonstrating its capability of giving a harsh political and economic response which can, in the event of further inappropriate behavior by the US, realize just the opposite of Obama’s dream: tearing apart Washington’s economy and financial system. In addition, with these actions, Russia has seriously undermined the international prestige of the US by showing the whole world that America can be beaten with its own weapons. The boomerang has come back. Given such dynamics and turn of events, we might see hundreds of representatives of the American elite at the dock in the Hague not only in our lifetime, but even before the next American president serves their first four-year term in the White House. The US has been given a choice. Either it will carry through with its threats and start a nuclear war, or it will accept the fact that the world is no longer unipolar, and begin to integrate into the new format. We don’t know what choice Washington will make. The American political establishment has a sufficient number of ideologically-blinded, incompetent figures who are ready to burn up in a nuclear fire with the rest of a humanity rather than recognize the end of US world hegemony, which has turned out to be short-lived, senseless, and criminal. But they have to make a choice, because the longer that Washington pretends that nothing has happened, the greater the number of its vassals (who are called their allies, but have long since been bogged down in dependency) will openly and explicitly ignore American ambitions and cross over to the other side of the new perspectives of global power arrangement. In the end, the US could be faced with the status of one of the centers of the multipolar world no longer being available for it. Not only Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans, but also Europeans will gladly take revenge against the former hegemon for their former humiliation. And they are not so humane and peace-loving as Russia. Finally, Putin’s ultimatum is a response to all of those who were outraged that Russian tanks didn’t take Kiev, Lvov, Warsaw, and Paris in 2014 and pondered over what Putin’s plan could possibly be. I can only repeat what I wrote back then. If you are going to confront the global hegemon, then you have to be sure that you will be capable of responding to any of its actions. The economy, army, society, and state and administrative structures should all be ready. If everything is not fully ready, then one needs to buy time and build muscle. Now things are ready and the cards have been put on the table. Let us see what the US will respond with. But the geopolitical reality will never be the same. The world has already changed. The US has had the gauntlet publicly thrown down before it and they have not dared to pick it up.2 točk -
BMW S 1000 XR
shark90 and še enemu reacted to skalaprava for temi
No, ko greš na dopust in podobno, privijačiš gor nosilce za kovčke ter originalni izpuh in natakneš kovčke. To je najbrž parkrat letno, ostalo pa imaš staknjene nosilce za kovčke (ki roko na srce niso nek estetski presežek), ter natakneš višji ror. Menjava rora pa itak ne vzame več kot 5 minut. Pa čestitke za nakup...tudi pri meni je ta motor na vrhu spiska, potem ko sem ga lani testiral.2 točk -
2 točk
Intermot ter EICMA ; Köln in Milano 2016
DAMI34 and še enemu reacted to antares for temi
Kawasaki -Z900 in Z650 Kawasaki je napovedal, da bodo v Milanu predstavili ta dva motocikla, za sedaj so dali v javnost tile sliki Z900 - nov 948cc agregat, 126HP. Sklopka bo imela assist in slipper (manj zaviranja agregata in lažja ročica sklopke). Agregat je v povsem novem okvirju iz jekla, teža 210kg. Sedež je nizek, 794mm!!! 300mm prednji zavorni diski,ABS je Nissinov. 41mm prednja vilica. Barve: Pearl Mystic Gray / Metallic Flat Spark Black, Candy Lime Green / Metallic Spark Black, Metallic Flat Spark Black / Metallic Spark Black and Candy Plasma Blue / Metallic Graphite Gray (Special Edition) . Z650 (zamenjava za ER-6n) 649cc agregat je bil predelan, Teža 187kg, sedež 790mm! ista sklopka kot pri Z900. Bosch ABS. Pearl Flat Stardust White / Metallic Spark Black, Candy Lime Green / Metallic Spark Black, Metallic Flat Spark Black / Metallic Spark Black and Metallic Raw Titanium / Metallic Spark Black.2 točk -
BMW S 1000 XR
domina and še enemu reacted to shark90 for temi
Pozdravljeni, Tako od sobote sem tudi jaz ponosen lastnik XR-a ker pa iščem dodatno opremo, nemški forumi itd. sem zasledil stopalke za sopotnico kar višje ( original so zelo nizko in ji ne odgovarjajo preveč), pa me zanima če je kdo morda zasledil te stopalke kje? Še slika: ps. Izpuh mi je tudi všeč2 točk -
Kawasaki Z 1000 SX (2011-2019), Ninja 1000 SX (2020) in Ninja 1100SX (2025)
Bmflar and še enemu reacted to DAMI34 for temi
ti jaz povem, fantastično. Bp...če sem Kmeta vozil zadaj pa ni voblalo Ne brez šale že 2015 ima revidirano vzmetenje in se ga da odlično nastavit, tako sam kot v dvoe in dvoje+kovčki je suveren in se ga da pulit. Kar mi je pa najbolj všeč je da na 2017 niso spreminjal agregata, kateri je zanesljiv in naredi veliko kmjev bp. ps. GTja zaenkrat ne mislim prodat, je preveč fajn bi pa mel obadva 1. Sx bo suvereno potegnil od 80km/h v 6 2. na SXu boš trpel na AC pri 150km/h če ne boš šipce menjal za kako poštarsko prednosti, ki jih jaz vidim na SXu v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi mopedi, seveda ti predhodno mora sesti drža, katera je nekoliko naprej in za noge ni toliko placa kot na enduricah 1. odlična ciklistika, varen moped tudi pri pretiravanjih 2. velik opreme sploh pa 2017 letnik, KTRc nastavljiv velikokrat prav pride 3. prožen agregat, ki z samo rednim vzdrževanjem naredi ogromno kmjev 4. relativno mala poraba tudi pri preganjanju 5,5 litra 5. dovolj komot tudi za potovanja 6. nobenih tovarniških napak 7. dobre zavore in dobro vzmetenje2 točk -
Vtisi z dnevnih voženj 2016
Bmflar and še enemu reacted to Belaglava for temi
2 točk