FlamE#7 Objavljeno Junij 20, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 20, 2008 tema nsr 125 obstaja, ampak izumera :lol1:
coldy Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 mislim da se norčuješ iz Aprilije... vrjetno bolš gre kot pa tvoja Honda NSR 125... aja...pa tema Honda NSR 125 tut obstaja, tk da če te moti kvaliteta Aprilije piši temo Honda :winkiss: lol sploh nisem kaj omenil honde v tej temi trenutno, res da gre bol ja je pa vprašanje kako dolgo
sonda Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 lol sploh nisem kaj omenil honde v tej temi trenutno, res da gre bol ja je pa vprašanje kako dolgo itak vsak hvali svojo "garo" tk da se je brezveze o tem pogovarjat... dans sm dobo zavorne ploščice sprednje+zadnje original Aprilia 65€ !!!
FlamE#7 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 boys! 2 uprasanja mam! wtf je tole? ČEMBR
FlamE#7 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 (popravljeno) aja pa se eno novo prdobitev sm narocu VHM glavo za rs 125 :whistle: Popravljeno Junij 21, 2008. Popravil FlamE#7
roban Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 bos dav gor to boh?? dj kdaj greva en điro?? :winkiss: aja pa a morjo bit obe gume enake ferme oz. kok je to važn?? ajd
roban Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 aja...tega :winkiss: sm ponesrec kliknu ne narobe razumet.... :D
coldy Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 (popravljeno) itak vsak hvali svojo "garo" tk da se je brezveze o tem pogovarjat... dans sm dobo zavorne ploščice sprednje+zadnje original Aprilia 65€ !!! jaz moje ne hvalim ko vem da je za en kurac , pač tolk da se lahko peleš je me pa bk kaj si drugi misli če mu je krš me bk pa naj si misli kaj si hoče ps. flame kolk si boš dal za vhm glavo ?? Popravljeno Junij 21, 2008. Popravil coldy
_LuX_ Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 (popravljeno) kašn orodje more bit za tole naštelat? ke se ga kup? aja a pa tle more bit tole čist levo, kolker gre? Popravljeno Junij 21, 2008. Popravil _LuX_
norc 16 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 89€+ poštnina ne bit presenečen da nebo delalo. za tako glavo rabiš raven bat:(
JeRn3j Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 ne bit presenečen da nebo delalo. za tako glavo rabiš raven bat:( bo pa še batek naroču ane:)
sonda Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 kašn orodje more bit za tole naštelat? ke se ga kup? to rabiš samo mislim da je 10 al 12 ključ pa matico odtegneš pol pa z izvijačo zateguje oz. odteguješ...je pa šravfek ful občutljiv tk da se kr hitr spremeni delovanje sklopke...aja pa na vrhu prvo zajlo čisto not zategni preden da šravfek sučeš...
FlamE#7 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 (popravljeno) bo pa še batek naroču ane:) ja ker pa je ravn? dons sm su na rakitna GP :D drzi k svina sam si jst nism kej prevec upu.. tm do ene pol centi do roba sm prsu... jap, en let je tega odkar sm se furu bl po ovinkih :BUA: :BUA: Popravljeno Junij 21, 2008. Popravil FlamE#7
k0ci Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 boys!2 uprasanja mam! wtf je tole? ČEMBR tako zvani boost bottle
k0ci Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 joj ne da se mi spet tle razlagat kaj to dela, mal pogooglaj pa boš našel, se pa da dat gor ja, da je le 2T motor evo sem našel nekaj: 2 strokes are very sensitive to intake and exhaust conditions since their simple passive design relies heavily on external components. The exhaust pipes are tuned and equipped with divergent and convergent nozzle sections to create a slight vacuum immediately after exhaust and a slight pressure right before the exhaust port closes. This helps to clear out exhaust gasses and to pull extra fuel/air through the chamber, then the reflected sound pressure wave pushes some of the extra fuel/air back into the cylinder, creating a slight supercharge. The exhaust pipe tuning has a very significant effect, approx. 10%-40% power gains for most engines, however, a mismatched exhaust can also reduce power. Boost bottles are more controversial with regards to performance gains. If the bottle is properly matched to the engine, it is likely that some gain in performance can be measured, but these gains are usually insignificant, perhaps 1-3 % peak under certain load and rpm conditions. Boost bottle theory: All 2 stroke engines equipped with reed valves tend to spit back a little of the fuel air mixture sucked into a chamber. The boost bottle stores this small amount of fuel/air in a tank along with additional air. After one chamber spits back a bit of the mixture, the other is just starting its intake, and boost bottle supporters claim the spitback from one chamber can pressurize the bottle slightly and force more mixture into the other chamber. Others claim that the sudden stop of flow of mixture into one engine chamber creates a pressure wave that would bounce back up the intake pipe unless it had a boost bottle to enter and pressurize, and the bigger chamber instead of a crossover tube reduces flow resistance between carbs. There are numerous other theories and claims regarding boost bottles, some are at least loosely based on scientific principles, but most of the gains would be slight and only at a few discreet operating points and rpm ranges. In conclusion: Properly matched boost bottles do produce some (barely) measurable gains over certain rpm ranges, but nothing really significant. Just enough to legally verify that it does produce a gain. Most of the boost bottle theory available on the internet is usually written or altered by people trying to sell boost bottles, so I wouldn't put too much faith in it. I don't know of any textbooks or sources that would contain scientific data - I don't think the performance gains have been significant enough to attract any serious research interest. I think most of these boost bottles fall into the same category as the "electric turbochargers" which have plagued the internet and ebay over the last two years. Someone decided that strapping a spraypainted $8 marine electric sewage vent fan into a car's intake system could increase performance since it acted as a turbocharger. They never mentioned that a real turbo can give 9-20 psi boost and the electric turbo provided only 0.008 psi, but just that a gain was possible. They along with hundreds of copycats sold thousands of sewage fan turbos for up to $400 each, but now the price has dropped to $15 due to market saturation and lack of demand or belief in the claims. In my opinion, if these boost bottles actually gave any significant gains, they wouldn't need to offer free shipping or <$30 list prices to get them to sell. The boost bottle probably won't hurt performance, and there might be some minor gains under a few situations, but I wouldn't recommend buying one unless you simply liked the way it looked on the bike or ATV.
-baSe- Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Lej podobn kt na skutrju http://www.motosvet.com/tabla/index.php?sh...hl=boost+bottle tuki mas! Zmansa porabo za mau pa mau poveca odzivnost
FlamE#7 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 21, 2008 mah ko jebe nizke obrate, jazst pravim :worship:
alenn46 Objavljeno Junij 25, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 25, 2008 elow=) evo dans hodu testirat moje aprilie na marof, pa morem rečt da se je je kar obnesla :yes: evo mal reklame, za bodoče kupce... :whistle: lp alen
_LuX_ Objavljeno Junij 25, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 25, 2008 tm je ena slika, zgleda k da se po trav vozš :)
budacki Objavljeno Junij 27, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 27, 2008 (popravljeno) http://i23.ebayimg.com/03/m/000/92/11/2cf5_27.JPG je to normalno da ima RS 125 17k obratov na stevcu? Popravljeno Junij 27, 2008. Popravil budacki
biker125 Objavljeno Junij 27, 2008 Objavljeno Junij 27, 2008 http://i23.ebayimg.com/03/m/000/92/11/2cf5_27.JPG je to normalno da ima RS 125 17k obratov na stevcu? tole je pa od 636 ninje števc, mimgrede :evilgrin:
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