SiR Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance nekaj povzetkov recenzij - Arguably one of the most profoundly important essays ever written on the nature and significance of "quality" and definitely a necessary anodyne to the consequences of a modern world pathologically obsessed with quantity. Although set as a story of a cross-country trip on a motorcycle by a father and son, it is more nearly a journey through 2,000 years of Western philosophy. For some people, this has been a truly life-changing book.- George Steiner, The New Yorker It lodges in the mind as few recent novels have...The book is inspired, original...the narrative tact, the perfect economy of effect defy criticism. The analogies with Moby Dick are patent. Robert Pirsig invites the prodigious comparison. What more can one say?- n this monumental 1974 work, Robert Pirsig has achieved what few others have managed before him and, to the best of my knowledge, nobody else has accomplished since: a perfect unification of philosophy, adventure and mystery. His "Chautauqua," or traveling tale, takes the reader on a profound tour of ancient Greek philosophy, the steppes of Montana, and even a little bit of Zen Buddhism, with endless surprises and much original if not truly inspired thought along the way. Through his self-portrayal by means of the unforgettable and eerily enigmatic character Phaedrus, Mr. Pirsig shares his far-reaching search for the meaning of life, and himself. His fundamental concern is with the following seemingly simple but in effect infinitely complex question: "How can one distinguish "good" from "bad?" The question is posed and addressed in many different forms throughout the book, and in the process the concepts of truth, value and quality are dissected, reassembled, and again dissected and reassembled many times. Mr. Pirsig has an uncanny sense of timing, and he never allows the heavier passages to labor on too long. This is avoided by craftily interspersing his philosophical discourse amongst very down-to-earth and charming observations made during a motorcycle trip that takes the narrator and his seemingly troubled son Chris from the American Prairies to the Pacific, and forms the prevalent background for the entire "Chautauqua." "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is a totally unique creation. Not being one to lend himself easily to corny clichés, I nevertheless believe that this is one book that definitely could dramatically change your life, whether or not you believe in Zen or have ever sat on a motorcycle. If you love somebody, buy them this book
Kruse Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 O:-) Ko smo ravno pri motorjih, sem se spomnil se na eno vojasko zadevo: Jirzy Przymanowski - Štirje tankisti in pes Prigode, zgode in nezgode mesane rusko poljske tankovske posadke med WW2 Kako bi temu se lahko naredili reklamo: :kva2: Seks, drama, pes, smrt, tezki boji, osebne in osebnostne krize, zgube in izgube, prijateljstvo, bratstvo, tovaristvo, iskanje oceta... :wacko: Me kr mal na vojno zvezd spominja.... OK, seksa ni....Se je pa zatresku u eno.... A to tut steje?
SiR Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Edgar Hilsenrath: Nacist in frizer odlično branje :D obstaja tudi v slovenščini ... groteskno in humorno o banalnostih nacizma ... pa tut fuk s starimi čarovnicami je vključen ... "Ich bin Max Schulz, unehelicher, wenn auch rein arischer Sohn der Minna Schulz...". So beginnt Edgar Hilsenraths berühmter Roman über den SS-Mann und Massenmörder, der in die Rolle seines Opfers Itzig Finkelstein schlüpft und ein angesehener Bürger und Friseursalonbesitzer in Tel Aviv wird. Es gibt kaum ein vergleichbares Buch, das so meisterhaft die Banalität des Faschismus und die Dürftigkeit seiner Akteure ihrer traurigen Lächerlichkeit preisgibt. "Dem Romancier Edgar Hilsenrath gelingt in 'Der Nazi & der Friseur' scheinbar Unmögliches - eine Satire über die Juden und die SS. Ein meisterliches Vexierspiel über Schuld und Sühne - Mörder und Gemordeter werden identisch, es gibt keine Lösung." ](Der Spiegel)
SiR Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 ps, dodajam še v angleščini recenzijo Nacista & frizerja (z Son af german prostitute and son of rich jewish man. Bourgenositiy and "lumpen-proletariat". At first glance mutually exclusive sides, who were entangled by destiny. If there is a way for Max Schultz to become a decent citizen, he must cease to exist as himself and quietly slip into the skin of someone else. Born the same day as his jewish peer Itzig Finkelstein, who later become his living alter ego. Their companioship has been beneficial; Max learned about Jewish tradition, Itzig learned about rat torturing. Max, often abused by his step father, was seeing faces, one of them was serial killer. Encouraged by Itzig, he became educated young man. Depression hit Germany; instead of going to university, they started learning barber craft by Itzig's father. Max gradually became member of SA, and after night of long knives, enlisted to SS. Maybe it was his jewish face, which turned him to become exterminator. But he didn't feel too much ideological inspiration. He executed his tasks with routine and precision., German precision, who peaked in small concentration camp in Poland. After war with a bag of golden teeth, he returned to Germany. He took identity of Itzig, who died by his hand. Itzig formerly known as Max, becomes jewish pioneer in Israel. At the same time he starts with his vocation of a barber. Skillful, he gains trust and respect of others. In his thought he talks with his dead companion, and gradually he realizes what he has done. A book is a brilliant, hard-core, explicit-content novel, that grasps attention till its end. A must have item for all satire loving readers. The story in which two became one.
Kruse Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 O lej, spet ... :P Se ene sem se spomnil: Isaac Asimov - Jaz, robot. Mal sm ze pozabu, kaksne zgodbice so notr. Neki u zvezi z roboti, pac. Skratka, booooooring. :whistle: Ne priporocam tistim, ki so prepricani, da roboti ne cutijo..... In da je zelezo samo zelezo.
Ganges Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 9, 2005 Politolog...smer? Bolj vojaške zadeve...vse resnične -Lost victories (Manstein:-general odgovoren za ta del nemške fronte njegovi spomini)-Nemška ofenziva v SZ in dokončni umik, nekaj tudi o profilu Hitlerja s strani generalov in vojske, in kakšne štale jim je povročal -Panzer leader (Guderian-spomini generala), čudež tehnologije in taktike nemških tankistov-ljudje so imeli nore ideje in jih veliko izpeljali v praksi -Bojevali so se za nebo-letalci junaki 1. sv vojne -Pekel na pacifiku- bitke na pacifiku -Potopite Bismarc (lov in poraz najsodobnejše nemške vojne ladje) -Fantje v letečih škatlah-prvi letalci -Most na reki quai (kaj je to sploh bilo in film je brezvezna nategavščina) -Podmornica -Bitka za Stalingrad -Biografija Napoleon Pol roman na to temo vojne in življenja vojakov: Na zahodu nič novega Židi in njihova država: Jeruzalem ,Jeruzalem; zg. roman: če te kdaj pozabim Fajn je tudi: J. EDGAR HOOVER-biografija-šef in glava FBI kako je držal v šahu vse ameriške predsednike in sploh kako si je izgradil svojo nedotakljivost in strašen upliv nad večino dogajanja v takratni zda. ← He, he , he :D Obamboslovje :D lp
Ice Objavljeno Avgust 10, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 10, 2005 He, he , he :D Obamboslovje :D lp ← "nas" naslednji general glanckopf. :naughty:
bassko Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Prva knjiga, ki sem jo z užitkom prebral: Franc Rueh - Moj dnevnik 1915-1918 (dnevnik vojaka iz 1. svetovne vojne)
Nagaya Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Pijevo življenje - o fantiču ki sedem mesecev preživi v reševalnem čolnu na doprtem morju v družbi bengalskega tigra - ali pa je vse skupaj zgolj stwistana resničnost? Ne in Amen - ute ranke heineman: o krščanskih mitih in legendah in zakaj jih je RKC čez čas tako skrotovičila. fene davinčijeve šifre pa bo mogoče zanimala njena druga knjiga : Krščanska cerkev in spolnost - ko smo že pri Mariji magdaleni in podobnih zadevah. sicer pa, za poletno branje: Kafka:proces :)
bauca Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Pred Spanjem Si stokrat Skrtačim Lase - Dnevniški zapiski šestnajstletnice kot ena izmed italijanskih uspešnic. Super knjiga, prebrala sem jo kakšno leto dni nazaj. Ni samo za najstnice in ostale frklje, ampak tudi za bolj zrele ženske ... O čem govori si lahko preberete na zgornjem linku ... ;)
dr.looney Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 no končno sem mela neki cajta da sem spet mal brala: Pompeji-Robert Harris- opisuje izbruh ognjenika Vezuv in dogodke pred tem. Silmarillion-J.R.R. Tolkien- za vse ljubitelje bajk in pravljic Družina-Nepozabni Borgijci - Mario Puzo....pisatelj razkriva samopašnost in spletkarstvo Vatikana tiste dobe. Gospodar prstanov-Kraljeva vrnitev - J.R.R. Tolkien no pa bodi dovolj, do naslednjega dopusta .) dr.looney :devil:
sladkor Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Erich von Manstein Lost victories Heinz Guderian Panzer Leader ← Kje si ti najdu te knjige?!? COBIS namreč ne najde 0, knjigarne so polne takšnih in drugačnih Šifer... Pa Rommel: Achtung Panzer! tud iščem že dalj časa, kej znano? Drgač pa se strinjam; Metulj je ful huda knjiga, ena najbolših dozdej (zame)
lina Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 TU NAJDEŠ VSE ...tudi če ne veš kaj...imaš pri vsaki še nekaj priporočil o ,,podobnih,, knjigah, iščeš lahko pa tudi po tematki. Tudi rabljene lahko kupiš, ki so mnogo cenejše. Cankrjeva založba ti jih lahko naroči in ti jih pripelje na dom...če nisi glih za internetne nakupe...knjiga pride cca 10.000 sit. V bistvu bi ti lahko obe posodila...sam te ne poznam oz. ne poznam nobenga, ki te pozna....knjigo ...mi je pa lažje v smeti zabrist kot se zment in jo nekam nest in potem nikoli več videt. :?
Fritz Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 :topic: A Linči da je obramboslovka. Sem vedel, da sem čutil eno negativno energijo. Asimovljeva "Jaz, Robot" je samo ena v seriji izmed njegovih knjig o robotih in je zelo dobra. SF Barry B. Longyear - "Manifest destiny" in še posebej zgodbe "Jaren" in "Enemy Mine" Manifest Destiny: Four related novellas describing humankind's early efforts at space relations: "The Jaren," five young backland aliens enlist to do war with the humans. What they learn about humans pales next to what they teach. "Enemy Mine," two enemies, one human, one Drac, are stranded in a hostile world and must rely on each other to survive. This is the original story upon which the motion picture of the same name was based. "Savage Planet," a broken down teacher lifts an entire world, and himself, out of the dark. "USE Force," as civil war breaks out among the human planets, a young man enlists in the United States of Earth Force to search for himself and instead finds his destiny. Fantasy Robin Hobb The Farseer Trilogy Assassin's Apprentice 1995 Royal Assassin 1996 Assassin's Quest 1997 The first Robin Hobb Trilogy, The Farseer Trilogy, took place in the Six Duchies. It is the tale of FitzChivalry Farseer. The discovery that this bastard son exists is enough to topple Prince Chivalry's ambition for the throne. He abdicates, ceding the title of heir to the throne to his younger brother Verity and abandoning the child to the care of the stable master Burrich. The youngest prince, Regal, has ambitions of his own, and wishes to do away with the bastard. But old King Shrewd sees the value of taking the lad and training him as an assassin. For a bastard can be sent into dangers where a trueborn son could not be risked, and may be given tasks that would soil an heir's hands. And so FitzChivalry is trained in the secret arts of being a royal assassin. He shows a predilection for the Wit, a beast magic much despised in the Six Duchies. This secret vice in the young assassin is tolerated, for a partnership with an animal may be a useful trait in an assassin. When it is discovered that he may possess the hereditary magic of the Farseers, the Skill, he becomes both the King's weapon, and an obstacle to Prince Regal's ambitions for the throne. At a time when the rivalry for the throne is intense, and the Outislanders and their Red Ship raiders are bringing war to the Six Duchies, FitzChivalry discovers that the fate of the kingdom may very well rest on the actions of a young bastard and the King's Fool. Armed with little more than loyalty and his sporadic talent for the old magic, Fitz follows the fading trail of King Verity who has traveled beyond the Mountain Kingdom and into the realm of the legendary Elderlings in what may be a vain hope to renew an old alliance. Military Robert R. Leonhard The Principles of War for the Information Age The Principles of War - defined as the fundamental truths governing the prosecution of strategy and tactics, these words immediately evoke a strong sense of immutability regarding the principles. Developed more than 100 years ago, it is amazing that the principles which were so true in the age of the sword and arrow still holds true in the age of computerised guided weapons. Its remarkable resilience has indeed guided many warriors throughout history, despite considerable changes in the character of warfare that has demanded a serious reassessment of the art of war. What was particularly disturbing was the used of the principles as aphorisms – as rules, as prescriptions in an unexplained blind acceptance way even when they were proven to be inconsistent. Many armed forces clung onto them irrefutably – choosing more often to force battlefield results to fit the principles, rather than to modify these ideas. Acclaimed soldier and author Robert Leonhard’s “The Principles of War in the Information Age” is a book that contributes to military education, as the latter is what you “rely upon when you face the unknown”, in the words according to eminent educational philosopher and psychologist Dr Jean Piaget. In this book, Leonhard attempts to re-examine the classical principles of war since their early expression in the 19 th Century and questions their relevance in the era of the information age. He strongly suggests that a radical change is overdue, but regrettably military and civilian leaders are still trapped in their comfort zone concerning the character of future war. He emphasizes the urgent need to “break into the temple and smash a few idols” if we are to summon the future with true conviction. However, given the way the principles of war have evolved in the past as a complete entity developed to address a set of problems related to warfare, it is not enough to change one or two principles. What really was required was a shift in paradigm thinking about the principles of war. With enormous energy and intellect, the author puts forth a strong thesis in the hope of generating serious and rigorous dialogue and debate; which in his mind will sow the seeds of change.
lina Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 (popravljeno) Ti kar skači v zaključ ti vidi, da si dostikrat v prazno si pač še enkrat-nič novega. :BUA: Kaj si pa ti?...Botanik mogoče? :topic: Popravljeno Avgust 16, 2005. Popravil lina
ant-z Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Chaos, James Gleick. Je poljudno znanstvena, prevedena tudi v SLO. Govori o determinizmu, nenapovedljivosti, nedoločenosti, o temeljnih zakonih narave. Je knjiga, ki je najbolj povečala moje znanje in spremenila pogled na svet. Če te zanima kaj v zvezi z ustrojem narave, te bo sigurno pritegnila. :OK:
Fritz Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 16, 2005 (popravljeno) Še mal military stuff: Robin Moore "The hunt for Bin Laden - Task Force Dagger" Zapisi o delovanju ameriških specialnih enot v Afganistanu pred padcem talibanskega režima. Čeprav skozi optiko američanov, še zmeraj zanimivo in na trenutke zelo zabavno branje. Damien Lewis "Operation Certain Death" Reševanje angleških vojakov v Siera Leoneju. Dober opis razmer v ujetništvu, predvsem medsebojnega odnosa in občutkov ujetih vojakov. David H. Hackworth "Brave Men" Že na začetku knjige je izjava, ki je ne bom pozabil. Hackworth kot navaden vojak nekaj časa služi kot paznik v vojaškem zaporu v Italiji. Osebno skrbi za enega Waffen SS častnika, ki je precej ošaben. No Hackworth mu pravi: "Kaj se tolk nosiš, saj si ti ujetnik, ne pa jaz. Kako je lahko tak Uebermensch izgubil vojno?" In Nemec mu odgovarja: "Ko sem držal položaj na obrambni črti s svojim 8,8cm topom je izza ovinka pripeljal Sherman. Pa smo ga uničili. Za njim je pripeljal še eden. Tudi tega smo uničili. Čez nekaj časa je nam zmanjkalo streliva, vam pa tankov ni." Knjiga pokriva predvsem dogodivščine v korejski in vietnamski vojni. Hackworth je napredoval od navadnega vojaka do polkovnika. Condensed from Colonel David H. Hackworth's blockbuster New York Times bestseller, About Face, Brave Men is an explosive battlefield chronicle from one of America's most decorated soldiers. Vividly recalling his experiences as an infantry leader, Hackworth takes you to the steep, razor-backed hills and bone-chilling cold of Korea, to the steamy guerrilla-infested jungles of Vietnam, to the real wars fought in the chaos of close combat. Here is Hackworth himself, jumping onto tanks to fire .50 caliber guns...charging through the smoke of frag grenades to land in front of the enemy...taking prisoners at bayonet point with an empty rifle...revealing the brutal emotions of battle...and witnessing heroism of the highest order. Here is the hard-fought, hard-won legacy of one man, who in 25 years amassed more than 110 medals. Brave Men stands as one of the most extraordinary military memoirs of our time. :topic: Ne Linči, jaz sem pa navaden vojaček. Ti pa ne grejo najbolje skupaj z obramboslovci, ane :grrr Popravljeno Avgust 16, 2005. Popravil Fritz
SiR Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 :topic: Ne Linči, jaz sem pa navaden vojaček. Ti pa ne grejo najbolje skupaj z obramboslovci, ane :grrr ← no saj maš srečo - ker si narobe sklepal ... ni obramboslowka ...
Nagaya Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 (popravljeno) AGH! KNJIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: Popravljeno Avgust 17, 2005. Popravil Nagaya
matic Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 AGH! KNJIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: ← Pa saj to ni več normalno, da se Nagaya za vsak post (ne glede na kakovost vsebine) "pizdi". Za :SS
SiR Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Pa saj to ni več normalno, da se Nagaya za vsak post (ne glede na kakovost vsebine) "pizdi". Za :SS ← Se mora pizdit, ker kurčit se ne more ;)
Fritz Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Objavljeno Avgust 17, 2005 Prvo :topic: Res sem zgrešil. Lina, opravičujem se ti za napako in provokacijo. Potem pa še knjiga, da mi Nagaya neu Nagayala... O:-) "Srebrenica: Record of a War Crime" Jan Willem Honig, Norbert Both Odlična knjiga o zločinu v Srebrenici. Sto strani pričevanj, dokumentov in zapisov o ustanovitvi območij pod zaščito ZN, varovanju teh območij, o srpski zasedbi Srebrenice in poboju več kot 8000 bošnjakov. Tem stotim stranem sledi sto strani analize kjer avtorja iščeta odgovor na vprašanja: "Kako je mednarodna skupnost, z vsemi svojimi inštrumenti in svojo vpletenostjo v dogodke, to lahko dovolila?" Knjiga, ki te razbesni in te na koncu pusti žalostnega...
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