BIZIXXX Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Kolikor jest teli stvari sledim, naj bi motor ostal klasika koncept, L-twin, na isti kubaturi 1198. Je pa veliko informacij ( seveda neuradnih) da se precej igrajo z aluminij monocoque okvirjem ( takim kot ga ima MotoGP Ducati, samo da je na GP mašini karbonski). Bomo videli jeseni. 1
Stric Burek Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Hmm, sam zakaj pa Ducati ne dirka s Desmosedicijem v SBK?? Na to nisem nikoli pomislil 1
rot Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 (popravljeno) Hmm, sam zakaj pa Ducati ne dirka s Desmosedicijem v SBK?? Na to nisem nikoli pomislil Eden izmed največjih razlogov, da Ducati vztraja na L twin zasnovi agregata je ravno prepoznavnost te znamke. Ducati je po mojem mišljenju dosti več vnovčil(prodal) na račun WSBK prvenstva, kot pa GP. Očitno probavajo dvocilindraša obdržati pri življenju,pa če tudi na račun različnih pravil( dvo in štiricilindraš). Japonski motorji pa, za razliko od Ducatija, bistveno bolj črpajo svojo prodajno uspešnost iz GP tekmovanj, kot pa iz WSBK. Se pa zadeva lahko hitro obrne pri rdečih. Lep primer je Aprilia, RSV Mile je bila njihov paradni konj, pa jo je kar čez noč povozila RSV4. Popravljeno Maj 23, 2010. Popravil rot
Stric Burek Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Objavljeno Maj 23, 2010 Heh, verjetno imaš prav ja... Čeprav mislm, da bi s Desmosedicijem kr bli v vrhu...
Dolenc™ Objavljeno Maj 24, 2010 Objavljeno Maj 24, 2010 No čez noč ravno ne je kar ene 5-10 let trajalo
primmo Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 imam en problem..ko sem se na morje peljal z mojim monstrom se mi je tisti majhen šrauf v merilniku za hitrost odpustil in se mi je ploščica (lahko rečem za 10 km/h) premaknil navzol. A ve kdo mogoče kako odpreti tole reč brez da bi poškodoval pokrivalo...ker sem že probal in zgleda da je zalimano z lepilom, nevem no...prosim pomoč!!!!
Kawl Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 No čez noč ravno ne je kar ene 5-10 let trajalo Verjetno je mislil da takoj ko je rsv4 ven prišla je bila rsv1000 out! Mislim da pri ducatiju vseeno nebi bilo take razlike- saj je 1198 brutalno močan motor tudi v primerjavi z aprilio V2.
TBoxer Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 imam en problem..ko sem se na morje peljal z mojim monstrom se mi je tisti majhen šrauf v merilniku za hitrost odpustil in se mi je ploščica (lahko rečem za 10 km/h) premaknil navzol. A ve kdo mogoče kako odpreti tole reč brez da bi poškodoval pokrivalo...ker sem že probal in zgleda da je zalimano z lepilom, nevem no...prosim pomoč!!!! Na zadnji strani ohišja števca ni nobenih vijakov? lp
Brdaus Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 4, 2010 Hmm, sam zakaj pa Ducati ne dirka s Desmosedicijem v SBK?? Na to nisem nikoli pomislil Mal pravokacije: Zato, ker ga že navadna Honda prehiti (preverjeno v Misanu na WDW, sem mislil, da me bodo pretepl, ko bom s piste dol zavil) 1
primmo Objavljeno Avgust 5, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 5, 2010 Dva vijaka sta samo pa 4 luknje pokrite s plastiko ohišja se eno dstranil samo ni bilo videti vijaka...ali pa so?! bom pogledal...
Carp Objavljeno Avgust 10, 2010 Objavljeno Avgust 10, 2010 imam en problem..ko sem se na morje peljal z mojim monstrom se mi je tisti majhen šrauf v merilniku za hitrost odpustil in se mi je ploščica (lahko rečem za 10 km/h) premaknil navzol. A ve kdo mogoče kako odpreti tole reč brez da bi poškodoval pokrivalo...ker sem že probal in zgleda da je zalimano z lepilom, nevem no...prosim pomoč!!!! Frdamn, sem enkrat že nekje napisal da je na Dukatijih problem s temi šrafi pa mi eni niso verjel, pa dobr zrihti:yea1:
aero Objavljeno September 4, 2010 Objavljeno September 4, 2010 Ve mogoče kdo kje bi dobil nove plastike za 749?
k0ci Objavljeno September 4, 2010 Objavljeno September 4, 2010 kupi poliestre z izrezanimi luknjami za luči in sedež, to bo cca 250-300€, ali pa kopije originalov iz ABS plastike iz hong-konga, imaš na ebayu teh replik toliko, da se boš 14 dni odločal katero poslikavo bi vzel, strošek cca. 500€ s poštnino in carino vred ...sem prehitro rekel imaš samo enobarvne kopije, pripravljene na barvanje: ducati 749 ABS fairing
aero Objavljeno September 4, 2010 Objavljeno September 4, 2010 kupi poliestre z izrezanimi luknjami za luči in sedež, to bo cca 250-300€, ali pa kopije originalov iz ABS plastike iz hong-konga, imaš na ebayu teh replik toliko, da se boš 14 dni odločal katero poslikavo bi vzel, strošek cca. 500€ s poštnino in carino vred Hvala, nisem pomislil na ebay. 1
ImenitnaPriložnost Objavljeno November 10, 2010 Objavljeno November 10, 2010 (popravljeno) Kakšne izkušnje je imel z Ducatijevim 900-kubičnim Hunter S. Thompson ... :-) Song of the Sausage Creature by Hunter S. Thompson There are some things nobody needs in this world, and a bright-red, hunch-back, warp-speed 900cc cafe racer is one of them - but I want one anyway, and on some days I actually believe I need one. That is why they are dangerous. Everybody has fast motorcycles these days. Some people go 150 miles an hour on two-lane blacktop roads, but not often. There are too many oncoming trucks and too many radar cops and too many stupid animals in the way. You have to be a little crazy to ride these super-torque high-speed crotch rockets anywhere except a racetrack - and even there, they will scare the whimpering shit out of you... There is, after all, not a pig's eye worth of difference between going head-on into a Peterbilt or sideways into the bleachers. On some days you get what you want, and on others, you get what you need. When Cycle World called me to ask if I would road-test the new Harley Road King, I got uppity and said I'd rather have a Ducati superbike. It seemed like a chic decision at the time, and my friends on the superbike circuit got very excited. "Hot damn," they said. "We will take it to the track and blow the bastards away." "Balls," I said. "Never mind the track. The track is for punks. We are Road People. We are Cafe Racers." The Cafe Racer is a different breed, and we have our own situations. Pure speed in sixth gear on a 5000-foot straightaway is one thing, but pure speed in third gear on a gravel-strewn downhill ess-turn is quite another. But we like it. A thoroughbred Cafe Racer will ride all night through a fog storm in freeway traffic to put himself into what somebody told him was the ugliest and tightest decreasing-radius turn since Genghis Khan invented the corkscrew. Cafe Racing is mainly a matter of taste. It is an atavistic mentality, a peculiar mix of low style, high speed, pure dumbness, and overweening commitment to the Cafe Life and all its dangerous pleasures... I am a Cafe Racer myself, on some days - and it is one of my finest addictions. I am not without scars on my brain and my body, but I can live with them. I still feel a shudder in my spine every time I see a picture of a Vincent Black Shadow, or when I walk into a public restroom and hear crippled men whispering about the terrifying Kawasaki Triple... I have visions of compound femur-fractures and large black men in white hospital suits holding me down on a gurney while a nurse called "Bess" sews the flaps of my scalp together with a stitching drill. Ho, ho. Thank God for these flashbacks. The brain is such a wonderful instrument (until God sinks his teeth into it). Some people hear Tiny Tim singing when they go under, and some others hear the song of the Sausage Creature. When the Ducati turned up in my driveway, nobody knew what to do with it. I was in New York, covering a polo tournament, and people had threatened my life. My lawyer said I should give myself up and enroll in the Federal Witness Protection Program. Other people said it had something to do with the polo crowd. The motorcycle business was the last straw. It had to be the work of my enemies, or people who wanted to hurt me. It was the vilest kind of bait, and they knew I would go for it. Of course. You want to cripple the bastard? Send him a 130-mph cafe-racer. And include some license plates, he'll think it's a streetbike. He's queer for anything fast. Which is true. I have been a connoisseur of fast motorcycles all my life. I bought a brand-new 650 BSA Lightning when it was billed as "the fastest motorcycle ever tested by Hot Rod magazine." I have ridden a 500-pound Vincent through traffic on the Ventura Freeway with burning oil on my legs and run the Kawa 750 Triple through Beverly Hills at night with a head full of acid... I have ridden with Sonny Barger and smoked weed in biker bars with Jack Nicholson, Grace Slick, Ron Zigler and my infamous old friend, Ken Kesey, a legendary Cafe Racer. Some people will tell you that slow is good - and it may be, on some days - but I am here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba.... So when I got back from New York and found a fiery red rocket-style bike in my garage, I realized I was back in the road-testing business. The brand-new Ducati 900 Campione del Mundo Desmodue Supersport double-barreled magnum Cafe Racer filled me with feelings of lust every time I looked at it. Others felt the same way. My garage quickly became a magnet for drooling superbike groupies. They quarreled and bitched at each other about who would be the first to help me evaluate my new toy... And I did, of course, need a certain spectrum of opinions, besides my own, to properly judge this motorcycle. The Woody Creek Perverse Environmental Testing Facility is a long way from Daytona or even top-fuel challenge-sprints on the Pacific Coast Highway, where teams of big-bore Kawasakis and Yamahas are said to race head-on against each other in death-defying games of "chicken" at 100 miles an hour.... No. Not everybody who buys a high-dollar torque-brute yearns to go out in a ball of fire on a public street in L.A. Some of us are decent people who want to stay out of the emergency room, but still blast through neo-gridlock traffic in residential districts whenever we feel like it... For that we need Fine Machinery. Which we had - no doubt about that. The Ducati people in New Jersey had opted, for some reasons of their own, to send me the 900ss-sp for testing - rather than their 916 crazy-fast, state-of-the-art superbike track-racer. It was far too fast, they said - and prohibitively expensive - to farm out for testing to a gang of half-mad Colorado cowboys who think they're world-class Cafe Racers. The Ducati 900 is a finely engineered machine. My neighbors called it beautiful and admired its racing lines. The nasty little bugger looked like it was going 90 miles an hour when it was standing still in my garage. Taking it on the road, though, was a genuinely terrifying experience. I had no sense of speed until I was going 90 and coming up fast on a bunch of pickup trucks going into a wet curve along the river. I went for both brakes, but only the front one worked, and I almost went end over end. I was out of control staring at the tailpipe of a U.S. Mail truck, still stabbing frantically at my rear brake pedal, which I just couldn't find... I am too tall for these new-age roadracers; they are not built for any rider taller than five-nine, and the rearset brake pedal was not where I thought it would be. Mid-size Italian pimps who like to race from one cafe to another on the boulevards of Rome in a flat-line prone position might like this, but I do not. I was hunched over the tank like a person diving into a pool that got emptied yesterday. Whacko! Bashed on the concrete bottom, flesh ripped off, a Sausage Creature with no teeth, fucked-up for the rest of its life. We all love Torque, and some of us have taken it straight over the high side from time to time - and there is always Pain in that... But there is also Fun, the deadly element, and Fun is what you get when you screw this monster on. BOOM! Instant take-off, no screeching or squawking around like a fool with your teeth clamping down on our tongue and your mind completely empty of everything but fear. No. This bugger digs right in and shoots you straight down the pipe, for good or ill. On my first take-off, I hit second gear and went through the speed limit on a two-lane blacktop highway full of ranch traffic. By the time I went up to third, I was going 75 and the tach was barely above 4000 rpm.... And that's when it got its second wind. From 4000 to 6000 in third will take you from 75 mph to 95 in two seconds - and after that, Bubba, you still have fourth, fifth, and sixth. Ho, ho. I never got to sixth gear, and I didn't get deep into fifth. This is a shameful admission for a full-bore Cafe Racer, but let me tell you something, old sport: This motorcycle is simply too goddamn fast to ride at speed in any kind of normal road traffic unless you're ready to go straight down the centerline with your nuts on fire and a silent scream in your throat. When aimed in the right direction at high speed, though, it has unnatural capabilities. This I unwittingly discovered as I made my approach to a sharp turn across some railroad tracks, saw that I was going way too fast and that my only chance was to veer right and screw it on totally, in a desperate attempt to leapfrog the curve by going airborne. It was a bold and reckless move, but it was necessary. And it worked: I felt like Evel Knievel as I soared across the tracks with the rain in my eyes and my jaws clamped together in fear. I tried to spit down on the tracks as I passed them, but my mouth was too dry... I landed hard on the edge of the road and lost my grip for a moment as the Ducati began fishtailing crazily into oncoming traffic. For two or three seconds I came face to face with the Sausage Creature.... But somehow the brute straightened out. I passed a schoolbus on the right and got the bike under control long enough to gear down and pull off into an abandoned gravel driveway where I stopped and turned off the engine. My hands had seized up like claws and the rest of my body was numb. I felt nauseous and I cried for my mama, but nobody heard, then I went into a trance for 30 or 40 seconds until I was finally able to light a cigarette and calm down enough to ride home. I was too hysterical to shift gears, so I went the whole way in first at 40 miles an hour. Whoops! What am I saying? Tall stories, ho, ho... We are motorcycle people; we walk tall and we laugh at whatever's funny. We shit on the chests of the Weird.... But when we ride very fast motorcycles, we ride with immaculate sanity. We might abuse a substance here and there, but only when it's right. The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body. It is that simple: If you ride fast and crash, you are a bad rider. And if you are a bad rider, you should not ride motorcycles. The emergence of the superbike has heightened this equation drastically. Motorcycle technology has made such a great leap forward. Take the Ducati. You want optimum cruising speed on this bugger? Try 90mph in fifth at 5500 rpm - and just then, you see a bull moose in the middle of the road. WHACKO. Meet the Sausage Creature. Or maybe not: The Ducati 900 is so finely engineered and balanced and torqued that you *can* do 90 mph in fifth through a 35-mph zone and get away with it. The bike is not just fast - it is *extremely* quick and responsive, and it *will* do amazing things... It is like riding a Vincent Black Shadow, which would outrun an F-86 jet fighter on the take-off runway, but at the end, the F-86 would go airborne and the Vincent would not, and there was no point in trying to turn it. WHAMO! The Sausage Creature strikes again. There is a fundamental difference, however, between the old Vincents and the new breed of superbikes. If you rode the Black Shadow at top speed for any length of time, you would almost certainly die. That is why there are not many life members of the Vincent Black Shadow Society. The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time. It was impossible. But so was my terrifying sideways leap across the railroad tracks on the 900sp. The bike did it easily with the grace of a fleeing tomcat. The landing was so easy I remember thinking, goddamnit, if I had screwed it on a little more I could have gone a lot farther. Maybe this is the new Cafe Racer macho. My bike is so much faster than yours that I dare you to ride it, you lame little turd. Do you have the balls to ride this BOTTOMLESS PIT OF TORQUE? That is the attitude of the new-age superbike freak, and I am one of them. On some days they are about the most fun you can have with your clothes on. The Vincent just killed you a lot faster than a superbike will. A fool couldn't ride the Vincent Black Shadow more than once, but a fool can ride a Ducati 900 many times, and it will always be a bloodcurdling kind of fun. That is the Curse of Speed which has plagued me all my life. I am a slave to it. On my tombstone they will carve, "IT NEVER GOT FAST ENOUGH FOR ME." Popravljeno November 10, 2010. Popravil mashina 5 9
RHonda Objavljeno Februar 6, 2011 Objavljeno Februar 6, 2011 Čudi me, da ni na forumu nobene teme o ducatiju 916, vsaj iskalnik je ne najde. Tu bi tudi skritiziral iskalnik saj vedno, ko sem kaj iskal najde vse drugo samo tistih iskanih stvari ne...Zato se pomojem tudi toliko praznih tem odpira. In nisem odprl nove. In k stvari, bral sem o tem ducatiju v reviji (pa ne da ne bi nikoli prej kje drugje) in se samo še 1x prepričal, da je najlepši in najbolj legendaren ducati, kar je izdelanih. In pomojem sem med tistimi, ki bi si ga želel peljati ali celo enkrat imeti. Eden od 'populiziranih' motorjev, ki ga vidiš v filmih, slišiš v sodobni umetnosti oblikovanja. Edino kar sem slišal iz ustnih virov je, da je bil motor zelo lahek, majhen, okreten- vodljiv sploh za tisti čas. Mislim da si zasluži kakšno besedo, sploh ko se na forumu dostikrat nič ne 'dogaja', piše v prazno.. 3 3
sesir Objavljeno Februar 6, 2011 Objavljeno Februar 6, 2011 In pomojem sem med tistimi, ki bi si ga želel peljati ali celo enkrat imeti. Edino kar sem slišal iz ustnih virov je, da je bil motor zelo lahek, majhen, okreten- vodljiv sploh za tisti čas. Mislim da si zasluži kakšno besedo, sploh ko se na forumu dostikrat nič ne 'dogaja', piše v prazno.. Moj prijatelj ima 916 SPS in mi ga je posodil za mislim 5dni... Men je jajc od mopija. Preveč slabosti ima...sploh ta,da kamorkoli prideš vsi gledajo mopi in neki sprašujejo... Pije olje,ko...neokreten,niti malo lahek...Vodljiv?Kje po dolgih ovinkih mogoče po kratkih sigurno ne...Gre ne nikamor.Končna pa po števcu 260km/h...Pospeški zelo podobni suzuki gsxr600 srad! Men je cbr isti letnik v vsem boljša... 3 8
Popularna objava kađiva Objavljeno Februar 7, 2011 Popularna objava Objavljeno Februar 7, 2011 sicer nimam 916, mam 748, ki je v bistvu isto, sam par kubikov in konj manj kaj naj rečem, legenda pri kateri moraš pričakovat, da tud kaj crkne, vozne lastnosti so pa tko, da ko se ga navadiš se pelje kot 125, dokler se ga nisem navadil mi je bil totalno nevozen motor glede primerjave s CBR istega letnika, sem imel dve 900, je močnejša, je hitrejša ampak pelje se pa sigurno ne boljš kot Duče :grrr najbolj se to občuti na Grobniku v izhodu iz luknje ven, ko moraš motor preložit iz ene na drugo stran, je Honda dost težja za preložit kot 748 Na mojem so komplet Termignoniji , kar se za Ducatija spodobi in s svojimi 100 konjiči je čist dost močan za moje potrebe lani sem probal 1198S, to je absolutno prebrutalno zame Definitivno je Mssimo Tamburini več kot odlično opravil dizajnersko delo in takrat l.94, ko je ta motor prišel na tržišče je bil revolucionaren, zato še dandanes kakšne specialne omejene serije dosegajo cene, ki jih razni 1098 ipd. nikoli ne bojo lp evo še slikca mojega 11
Ice Objavljeno Februar 8, 2011 Objavljeno Februar 8, 2011 Čudi me, da ni na forumu nobene teme o ducatiju 916, vsaj iskalnik je ne najde. ce je ni nihce odprl......... nekako ni cudno.
Pervy Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 evo kolegu v avstriji je šel motor in po delih prodaja za pisto porihtanega 749/999 se pravi racing in original dele. če koga zanima http://www.ducati1.d...nal-racing.html
BIZIXXX Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 evo kolegu v avstriji je šel motor in po delih prodaja za pisto porihtanega 749/999 se pravi racing in original dele. če koga zanima http://www.ducati1.d...nal-racing.html PERVY, link ne dela 1
Pervy Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 Objavljeno Julij 19, 2011 PERVY, link ne dela ups - hvala!
Dr_Jakob Objavljeno Julij 20, 2011 Objavljeno Julij 20, 2011 Hej Ducatisti. Imam par vprasanj glede Ducatija ST4. A kdo ve, so kake klasicne napake pri tem modelu? Pa vzdrzljivost? Pravijo, da je ST2 en najmanj zanesljivih motorjev evah, da pa ST4 deluje kot mora. Ima kdo kaj izkusenj? Lp j
kađiva Objavljeno Julij 20, 2011 Objavljeno Julij 20, 2011 haha ta je pa dobra, da je ST2 eden najmanj zanesljivih,...glih kontra je, ta ST2 mašina je pomoje neuničljiva, za moje pojme najboljši agregat, ki je kdajkoli prišel ven iz Bologne, kar za ST4 ne bi rekel. ST2 je v bistvu tko kot zračno hlajeni Ducati motor (monster 900, ss900,..), samo glave ima hlajene, ST4 je pa 916 oz. kasneje 996 motor, kar pomeni velik bolj zahtevno vzdrževanje (4 ventili)in tud posledično dražje. Za informacijo ti lahko povem, da sem bil pred 3 leti na prvem evropskem srečanju ST-jev (v ITA) s svojim ST2 in tam so bili Angleži, Francozi, Italijani...nekateri z že krepko čez 100.000km brez kakšnih resnih okvar, vsi na ST2. Edino kar je bilo pri prvih letnikih in ST2 in ST4 mal težav je bila elektrika, neki ni štimal in jim je akumulatorje razneslo, mehansko so pa to vzdržljivi motorji. Že dlje časa razmišljam, da bi si zopet enega kupil, ker mi je bil motor tako všeč in za vozit in kar se zanesljivosti tiče. z njim se lahko hitro pelješ in daleč pelješ in res velika škoda je, da je Ducati prenehal z izdelavo tega segmenta, izgovarjajo se namreč na Multistrado, ampak to ni isti rang. škoda 4
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