kasti Objavljeno Oktober 29, 2014 Objavljeno Oktober 29, 2014 O hvala štajerc za pojasnilo. Še manjši popravek: Lastnik trgovine ni Boštjan, ampak njegov prijatelj; Boštjan mu samo pomaga.
Fazer03 Objavljeno December 1, 2014 Objavljeno December 1, 2014 Čisto iz radovednosti sprašujem: je že kdo tu nakupoval? Outlet Dainese Top Ten Indirizzo: via Dell'Economia, 64 Vicenza 36100 (VI), Veneto - Italia
dreja_123 Objavljeno December 20, 2014 Objavljeno December 20, 2014 Prosim za nasvet pri izbiri ustrezne usnjene jakne. Trenutno se vozim s starejšo Axo jakno (ne usnjeno), v kombinaciji z motokros body armorjem. Za hladnješe dni imam tudi podlogo. Meril sem: Dainese racing C2 (nima grbe, na ramenih ima "alu pokrovčke" in ni perforiran.) ter Alpinestars Atem (ima grbo, na zunanji strani ima plastične "sliderje" in je perforirana) So te razlike pomembne, oz. na kaj moram pazit pri izbiri jakne ? Jakno bi potreboval za vožnjo z mojim Hornetom, v obdobju od Aprila do Oktobra. Hvala in LP Andrej
cikadina Objavljeno December 20, 2014 Objavljeno December 20, 2014 pr nobeni je bos ravno falil. tako da se bolj odloci kaj ti je bolj usec. kar se meni zdi razlika med dainese in astars je da je pr dainese bolj mehko usnje se pa zarad tega mal tezje puca. glede perforacije pa je malo odvisno od tebe kolko si obcutljiv na mraz. se pa da z toplejso podobleko in kaksno vetovko da premostit tudi hladnejse dni.
dreja_123 Objavljeno December 22, 2014 Objavljeno December 22, 2014 (popravljeno) Tnx za odgovor. Malo sem v dilemi glede perforacije, saj so jakno na testu opisali kot precej zračno: https://rideapart.com/articles/gear-alpinestars-atem-leather-jacket Je treba pihanje zaradi "naked motorja" upoštevati tudi pri izbiri jakne ? Do katere temperature bi bila takšna perforirana jakna še dovolj ? Ali spodnja oblačila (npr. windstopper majica) nadomestijo polno usnje, da te ne zebe ? Drugače pa sem se vsaj do sedak vozil le, ko je bilo v Gorici 10+ stopinj... Hvala in LP Popravljeno December 22, 2014. Popravil dreja_123
skalaprava Objavljeno December 22, 2014 Objavljeno December 22, 2014 Če ni nujno Alpinestar ali Dainese, samo kot namig, si morda gledal tudi kaj iz Revit-ove ponudbe? Ponavadi imajo tudi kakšne snemljive podloge, ki jih odstraniš v vročih dnevih. Recimo jakna Revit GTR (http://images0.revzilla.com/product_images/0075/1870/revitgtr_leather_jacket_detail.jpg ) je taka usnjena športna jakna s snemljivo termo podlogo. Tudi Revit Stellar je nekako v rangu tvojih zahtev, s tem da ima zunanje drsnike na ramenih. Sorry za tale off topic, če je pod mus jakna od firme A-star ali Dainese.
cikadina Objavljeno December 22, 2014 Objavljeno December 22, 2014 Tnx za odgovor. Malo sem v dilemi glede perforacije, saj so jakno na testu opisali kot precej zračno: https://rideapart.com/articles/gear-alpinestars-atem-leather-jacket Je treba pihanje zaradi "naked motorja" upoštevati tudi pri izbiri jakne ? Do katere temperature bi bila takšna perforirana jakna še dovolj ? Ali spodnja oblačila (npr. windstopper majica) nadomestijo polno usnje, da te ne zebe ? Drugače pa sem se vsaj do sedak vozil le, ko je bilo v Gorici 10+ stopinj... Hvala in LP ne vem kako zdej to pametno napisat tko itak da neki pripomorejo te luknce k zračnosti, predvsem lažje uhaja tvoja lastna toplota, pihljanja skoz te lukne praktično ne čutiš dokler res ni neka nizka temperatura. ni pa to, da zdej neki ful piha, pač čutiš da je tam hladneje. jst mam perforiarane tako hlače kot jakno in morem rečt da mi to ustreza. za začetek in konec sezone oz. če je kje res bolj hladno pa dežjaka čez (če imaš samo vetrovko je še bolje). ne vem maus ma še ful bolj peforiranga pa se še zdej fura v tem samo z vetrovko čez. windostoper je tudi super, ampak majo ponavadi eno pomanjkljivost in sicer velikokrat del brez windstoperja sovpada z elastiko na rokavih (res pa da jih zdej par let nism gledala lahko da je zdej kej boljše). tko da jst če bi se še enkrat odločala bi se še enkrat za perforianega. glede tipa motorja pa poleti te zarad tega ker dobiš mal več vetra ne bo mrazilo, pozimi pa greš itak kak kilometer manj. 1
dreja_123 Objavljeno December 24, 2014 Objavljeno December 24, 2014 Hvala obema za odgovore Zaenkrat sem imel priliko pogledat le Dainese in Alpinestars, si bom ob priliki pogledal tudi Revit... LP Andrej
Dark Objavljeno Februar 9, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 9, 2016 (popravljeno) Čeprav smo v drugi niti že pisali in razpravljali o obeh izdelkih Dainesa: tekmovalnem D-Air Misano in lanskoletni novosti cestnem D-Air Misano 1000, sem prepričan, da se enodelni kombinezon Misano in jacket Misano 1000 tako razlikujeta od Air-bag brezrokavnikov, da si zaslužita posebno nit. Ta trenutek sta mogoče manj dostopna zaradi visoke cene, vendar sem prepričan, da bo razvoj motoristične Air-bag zaščite šel v to ali podobno smer, ki je plod 15 letnega razvoja tovarne Dainese. Popravljeno Februar 9, 2016. Popravil Dark 2
Dark Objavljeno Februar 9, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 9, 2016 (popravljeno) Tehnični podatki D-Air Misana 1000, ki je za razliko od tekmovalega Misana 1000 namenjen navadnim smrtnikom. Misano 1000_Technical information.pdfMisano 1000_Technical information.pdf Popravljeno Februar 9, 2016. Popravil Dark 1
ferek Objavljeno Februar 10, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 10, 2016 DARK zajebal si! Odprl si novo temo... in sta obe zamrli!
Dark Objavljeno Februar 10, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 10, 2016 (popravljeno) pred 44 minutami, ferek pravi: DARK zajebal si! Odprl si novo temo... in sta obe zamrli! Ferek, nisem imel tega namena in obe temi sta tako pomembni, da jih je potrebno nadaljevati. Varnost bi morala biti vsakemu motoristu na prvem mestu. Ko bo med nami prevladala miselnost, da je zaščitna oprema vsaj tako pomembna kot dober motocikel - ali celo še bolj, bomo s tem naredili za večjo varnost in zaščito zelo veliko... Menim pa, da sta kombinezona Dainese D-Air Misano vredna svoje teme. Kot sem že zapisal, danes se nam morda zdita draga (čeprav nam za dobro zaščito nikoli ne bi smelo biti žal denarja), menim pa da bo razvoj motociklistične zaščite šel v smeri D-Air. P.s.: Po začetku sezone pa bom lahko v tej temi tudi sam (upam, da še kdo) zapisal tudi osebne izkušnje z D-Air, ki bodo morda koga zanimale... Popravljeno Februar 10, 2016. Popravil Dark 4
Dark Objavljeno Februar 12, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 12, 2016 Kaj je D-Air? (What is D-Air) http://www.cyclegear.com/medias/sys_master/Brochures/8826163462174/D-air_Brochure36_15x21_ENG_low.pdf 2
ferek Objavljeno Februar 12, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 12, 2016 Tako kot smo bili jaz in 4 kolegi prvi kupci helita v SLO, boš najbrž ti prvi srečnež z d-airom... in takrat se bo debata odprla, ko bo folk želel iz prve roke vedet kako in kaj... 1
Dark Objavljeno Februar 14, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 14, 2016 (popravljeno) Ob 12 Feb 2016 at 17:26, ferek pravi: Tako kot smo bili jaz in 4 kolegi prvi kupci helita v SLO, boš najbrž ti prvi srečnež z d-airom... in takrat se bo debata odprla, ko bo folk želel iz prve roke vedet kako in kaj... Ferek, ne vem, če in kdaj bom "prvi srečnež z D-Air-om". K suknjiču je sicer mogoče obleči katere koli hlače. Vendar: hlače, ki bi po mojem okusu edine barvno sodile v komplet, v velikosti (št. 52), niso dobavljive. Dobavljive so perforirane, ki pa v hladnejših dneh niso uporabne... Popravljeno Februar 14, 2016. Popravil Dark 1
pajkica Objavljeno Februar 23, 2016 Objavljeno Februar 23, 2016 Ob 1. 12. 2014 at 13:02, Fazer03 pravi: Čisto iz radovednosti sprašujem: je že kdo tu nakupoval? Outlet Dainese Top Ten Indirizzo: via Dell'Economia, 64 Vicenza 36100 (VI), Veneto - Italia a kdo kupuje tukaj? ali pa v Pordenone ? http://www.motoutlet.it/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=6
kasti Objavljeno Junij 28, 2016 Objavljeno Junij 28, 2016 Eno vrhunsko Dainese jakno D-Stormer D-Dry (vel. 52 / L) mam "viška"... podrobnosti: TUKAJ
StaraFeltna Objavljeno Julij 2, 2016 Objavljeno Julij 2, 2016 Jakna in hlače št. 54 če koga zanima...
antares Objavljeno September 25, 2016 Objavljeno September 25, 2016 (popravljeno) Na začetku septembra 2016 so pri Dainese imeli predstavitev tehnoloških dosežkov na področju zaščite motoristov. Ta tehnologija je namenjena vsem, ne pa samo profesionalncem, ki jih Dainese sponzorira. Na prvi sliki lahko vidite model "Laguna Seca" predstavljen skozi leta razvoja. Dogodek je bil namenjen njhovemu novemu usnjenemu kombinezonu Dainese Mugello R D-air (cena cca. 4.000€); (25 inovacij, 5 patentov). Zračna blazina je povečana in pokriva poleg vratu, ključnic in ramen tudi vse do spodnjega dela prsnega koša. V primeru nesreče se sproži LED osvetlitev telesa motorista. Drugi, kar bo zanimivo tudi pri ostalih bodočih modelih usnjenih kombinezonov: - na novo oblikovan predel zaščite kolen; adaptive knee construction and innovative constructive solutions as high-performance pre-curved engineered textiles and tri-axial elastic. - na novo oblikovana zaščita komolcev; optimized slider shape and a quick release system. Nova čelada! AGV Pista GP R (cena 1.200€) V celoti iz ogljikovih vlaken; ne samo zunanjost lupine kot pri konkurenci; velikost zunanjosti sledi velikosti čelade. Povečan obseg vidnega polja zahvaljujoč Race 3 Max Pinlock ( Class 1 Optic visor with 100% Max Vision Pinlock® (120) and is characterized by a new-patented Visor Lock System (VLS). Komfort: nova struktura notranjosti in ventilacijski sistem (vključno s kanali za pitje prek cevke iz grbe na kombinezonu; kamela efekt). Popravljeno September 25, 2016. Popravil antares 3
antares Objavljeno Oktober 9, 2016 Objavljeno Oktober 9, 2016 (popravljeno) We interview Dainese’s Racing Director Fabio Muner about the development of new product By Maria Guidotti October 6, 2016 The future of protection is in the head-to-toe safety system.” This slogan proclaims the mission of Dainese and is the philosophy that inspires the 2017 model lineup, consisting of the AGV Pista GP R helmet and the Dainese Mugello R D-air racing suit. MotoGP racers have been wearing airbag suits since 2007, with the first deployment in competition happening at the Valencia GP that same year. The electronics of the airbag control unit is precious as it stores all the data on how the rider moves, and what happens in a crash. All this using accelerometers and gyroscopes, plus an accurate GPS system. This is the place where the Andrea Iannone’s leathers came after the incident in Misano, or the D-air worn by Valentino Rossi in Aragon, when he crashed in practice and airbag saved his shoulder. All to have their data downloaded. What did you discover about Iannone’s crash? Fabio Muner: “In the crash [Iannone] fractured the D3 vertebra. It’s an injury on the spine that comes from iperflexion of the back, so a collision of the front side of the D2 with the front side of the D3 vertebras. We have experienced other broken vertebras, from the T1 but also lower, even where the back protector is. We protect the riders in a lot of crashes but, at the moment, no kind of modern technology is able to protect the riders from this vertebras’ internal impacts due to the back’s iperflexions. The airbag and the back protector, in fact, protect from an impact coming from the outside, not from an iperflexion of your body. This is an area where we are investigating a lot, also with Clinica Mobile and other medical centers. It’s a kind of injury on the spine that is becoming more and more frequent recently, maybe due that the dynamics of the incidents that have changed a lot in the last seasons. There are less violent highsides, compared to the past, and more low side slidings at very high speed with the riders rolling in the gravel with the risk also to sink inside the gravel itself.” How important is to have the data downloading station at the track? FM: “We started to download the data from the year 2000 here in the GPs with the first projects. The first prototype was launched in Munich in 2000. The first bags were external and very big—around 80 liters, because they were not using the high pressure. The first deployments in racing were in 2007. In 2009 we introduced the current technology—all the bags are under the leather and the volume is reduced to four liters. In all these years we have been collecting all the telemetry data contained in the electronics of the airbag in the hump after every single practice session and race of all our Dainese riders in every class. Nowadays all our official Dainese riders in the GPs and World Superbike have the D-Air system under their leathers. In addition since 2011 these products are sold in the market and the electronical technology inside is exactly the same used by Valentino Rossi.” How important have Valentino Rossi’s contributions been for the new Dainese Mugello R D-air racing suit? FM: “When we first introduced the D-Air in racing in 2007, Valentino was not so confident to trust the electronics and a system that deployed when it was needed and suggested [laughing] to start the introduction with the 125cc class riders. But once he tried it, he became literally addicted to it and he helped us to develop the system and for the new suit we just used him for the ergonomics, the bags, etc. He is the only tester right now. He has collaborated a lot with our R&D department. He is using the D-air also when he trains in Misano with his R1 and he requested the protections also for all the VR46 academy riders. The D-Air system in fact is very easy to use; you just need to charge the battery, like a mobile phone, and trust it.” 2 del: We interview Dainese’s Racing Director Fabio Muner about the development of new product By Maria Guidotti October 6, 2016 Can you describe the characteristics of this new “head-to-toe” protection system? FM: “This is the present and the future of our mission. To do this we have merged the technology centers of AGV and Dainese in the same building and now the engineers work side by side. The new leather and the new helmet have been developed together, on the racetrack but also in the wind tunnel so the that the shape of the hump suits the spoiler and the GP R helmet. The idea is to optimize the aerodynamics and also the stability of the helmet, as well as the comfort at a very high speed. We started at Dainese with the boots integrated in the leathers. Now it’s a complete safety system that the rider can feel the difference in as soon as he wears it on track. The Pista GP R is also the first helmet to include a hydration system, featuring dedicated internal channels and a drinking valve placed inside the chin area.” What are some of the new features on the Pista GP R? FM: “The new spoiler developed in synergy with the hump is called Biplano and improves a lot the air flow and stability of the helmet at a very high speed. We modified the internal air flow with completely new air channels, and the new extractors on the back improve the internal air conditioning and optimize the Venturi effect. The thickness of the visor is now 5mm with Class 1 Optic visor, so there’s no distortion, with 100% Max Vision Pinlock (120). Valentino commented some time ago that, “It’s like to move from TV to cinema,” because the top and lateral vision has improved a lot with the Pista GP family shells. Plus the bottom shape of the shell that we call “save collarbone” has a particular design that contributes to a reduction in the possibility to break the collarbone during a crash.” What about the Mugello R D-air racing suit? FM: “Firstly, the D-Air platform has been implemented to extend the area covered by the airbag: from neck, shoulders, and collarbones, to the lower sides of the rib cage. Secondly, we reduced the number of pieces to increase safety and reinforcing the leathers. Our standard D-air leather is made of 374 pieces, while the new model has 324 pieces! We also moved the sewing in the less risky parts of the leather components. Thirdly, we introduced the seamless construction, as in the new technology of sneakers. We use just one piece of textile with different fabric thickness so that we can pre-shape the parts and play with the elasticity. Mapping the data from the crashes of our riders in the last 10 years, we reshaped and changed the position of the titanium plates of shoulders, elbows, and knees. We don’t use plastic—only titanium, because it facilitates the sliding. We made a step forward introducing innovative constructive solutions also for the back elastic, moving from the famous patented bi-axial to the tri-axial elastics. The elbow construction has also been re-engineered, introducing a lighter, more optimized slider shape and a quick release system. The suit also features a patented Intelligent Emergency Lighting System, directly triggered by the D-air algorithm. This Mugello R D-air has in total 14 patents—8 for the suit and 6 for the D-air system. Valentino appreciated the Mugello R D-Air so much that he used already in Misano and in Aragon.” Popravljeno Oktober 9, 2016. Popravil antares
J.a.m.e.s Objavljeno November 8, 2016 Objavljeno November 8, 2016 Če kdo kupuje Dainese opremo, Moto limit v Mb jo ima znižano 20%. Včeraj sem bil tam in kupil jakno Racing D1. 1
antares Objavljeno November 8, 2016 Objavljeno November 8, 2016 Dainese and AGV Helmets Press Conference at the 2016 Eicma show in Milan, Italy, will begin at 18:00 CET, Hall 14. Stay tuned as all the new products and latest innovation are about to get introduced to the world! 3
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