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KTM LC8 950 in 990 Adventure (S)

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Ne spomnem se v tem trenutku, ker sem ravno ene druge stvari preračunaval porabe itd... je pa majhna, mislim da okrog 6 litrov...?  Ne vem.. bom ob priliki malo zmeril...

V tisto o majhni porabi kar malo dvomim - ko sva se lani konec novembra s kolegom peljala na Grobnik (in po njem), je bila poraba pri obeh približno enaka (on z LC 8, jaz z AT), pa sem ožemal afriko na polno, njemu pa KTM - a glede na večjo zalogo moči, ni bilo treba. Tudi na stezi je delal kakšnih 10 sekund slabši čas kroga. Poraba je bila pri obeh - ne prav veliko pod 10l in mislim, da pri LC 8 to ni zgornja številka.

V tisto o majhni porabi kar malo dvomim - ko sva se lani konec novembra s kolegom peljala na Grobnik (in po njem), je bila poraba pri obeh približno enaka (on z LC 8, jaz z AT), pa sem ožemal afriko na polno, njemu pa KTM - a glede na večjo zalogo moči, ni bilo treba. Tudi na stezi je delal kakšnih 10 sekund slabši čas kroga. Poraba je bila pri obeh - ne prav veliko pod 10l in mislim, da pri LC 8 to ni zgornja številka.

Nemogoče... 10l po cesti???

Mislim da je bila poraba, ko sem skuril res čisto cel tank na offroadu, torej prva druga gas na polno, bremza, gas na polno, bremza,..., okrog 9-10 litrov. A to je bilo res tiščanje, tiščanje, tiščanje, in nič šparanja. Seveda tukaj govorimo o ekstremnih razmerah.

Drugače pa ima motor dejansko NIZKO porabo, kar tudi hvalijo na vseh testih, kar sem jih bral dosedaj. Mojih številk se res ne spomnem a mislim, da je bilo okrog 6-6,5. ----> bom pa šel pogledati, če še imam račune iz bencinskih, na katerih sem si beležil prevožene kilometre...

Lahko pa pustimo tudi za čas, ko jo bom dejansko lahko ponovno izmeril, pa bomo videli.

Me pa čudi, kako si imel ti z AT porabo 10? Hja, če je šlo za ekstremno nažiganje, potem smo pač tam, kjer smo... Ali pa ima tvoj AT običajno porabo tudi 10l???


Na, evo takole. Ker me je Romanova izjava mučila cel dan, sem šel poiskati račune za benz, na katerih sem si pisal km in druge opazke...

Kolikšna je bila poraba je razvidno iz pripete slikce. Seveda niso vsi računi (manjka za slabih 10.000km), a menim, da bo vzorec kar reprezentativen. Lepo se vidi skoraj 10l porabe na Stanovnikovi enduro šoli, pa tudi poraba manj kot 6l na umirjenih vožnjah.

Moram priznati, da takrat ko se voziva na motociklu dva, je poraba opazno manjša (netiščimtolkfuramboljenakomernopress). :)



The Fun Factor: KTM 950 Adventure By Dexter Ford Jan 2004 Motorcyclist Magazine (*Other bikes: Aprilia RSV1000 Tuono, MV Agusta F4 Brutale S, Buell XB12S lightning, Suzuki SV1000, Ducati Monster S4R.)

PREFACE: The Adventure S made the grade because it is so unexpectedly hilarious. It's designed to get a very studly rider from wherever to Dakar as fast as superhumanly possible. It's not even intended for the street-but it just happens to kick ass on almost any street you can imagine. It's absurdly, ridiculously tall, but after a corner and a half, even short people have no reason to back off. its styling is shockingly angular, yet it inspires lust, if not love, in nearly every person tall enough to rock it off its sidestand.

CAPTION: Who Knew? How can a 500-pound 90-horsepower, er, dirt bike works so well on the road and be so stupid fun to ride? (Enough questions.) Wheelies and superlatives come easily.

ARTICLE: Yes, we know KTM's 950 Adventure S looks like Picasso's take on an off-road Rally racer-the big-boy dirt bikes designed to get to unpronounceable places ahead of all those other guys with unpronounceable names. Mainly because that's exactly what it is-a barely streetified version of the bikes KTM has been using to shred the egos of its World Rally competition..

But some funny things happened on the way to Latigo Canyon. The same light, compact, wonderfully usable LC8 V-twin that rockets rally heroes like Fabrizio Meoni over the sands of Tunisia also turns out to be nearly magical on the contorted canyon roads of the Santa Monica Mountains. The giraffish, enduro-soft chassis, once you've successfully mounted and cast off, turns out to be absurdly capable in almost any street-riding situation. And the the modest overall weight, perfectly positioned handlebar and sit-up riding position act like a triple shot of 100-proof confidence, conspiring to make sliding the Pirelli Scorpion A/T semiknobby tires more of a pleasant diversion than a portent of imminent pain.

Rider after rider hopped on this crazy thing exhibitiing various levels of initial trepidation. It's so tall, after all, that even six-footers are reduced to using the sidestand as a crutch while climbing, and we do mean climbing aboard. But after a couple corners, all fear evaporates, replaced by waves of sheer, foggy pleasure. This thing is not only amazingly fast over twisty asphalt, it is also astoundingly easy to ride, even for people with scant dirt-bike experience.

Where lower, stiffer street-bikes dart and thrust, altering heading and tire loading with each change in throttle or brake, the Adventure S just flies and floats above it all. The beautifully controlled, highly adjustable suspension allows lots of pitch under acceleration and braking, but with conservative steering geomety buffering all that useable travel, this just serves to smooth one's control inputs. You simply sit up there on top of the world like God's own high-speed lifeguard and ride. The wide Renthal handlebar makes changing direction quick, sure and easy. And the predictable, progressive brakes, while not quite up to roadracer standards, work fine in most real-world situations.

Bottom line? While many of the other* bikes here feel faster, with more thrashing, gnashing and howling, hardly any of them actually are faster over a given piece of kinky, unknown road. Riders who would typically run third or fourth in our impromptu pace line suddendly found themselves dicing for the lead-and feeling less stressed, more confident and more secure doing it. This thing makes good riders feel great, and great riders feel like they are cheating. With stickier, more street-oriented tires, and the suspension snubbed up to the stiffer end of its range, you could beat up on race-replica leather boys all day long-and have enough mental capacity left over to do your taxes. The torquey yet highly revvable engine, perfect carburetion, great shifting, good (90ish hp) peak power and plush, forgiving chassis simply let you keep your head-and your traction while the higher-strung men and machines around you were losing theirs.

Flies in the couscous? Well, the Adventure S is simply too tall for novices of any size, and anybody else below about 5-foot-9. Which is why KTM, in its infinite wisdom, also makes the regular 950 Adventure, with lower suspension and a 1.4-inch-lower seat height. We haven't tried this version, but it might be even better on the street, and far more manageable in any dirt situation we can think of sort of traversing the Chott al-Arab at 170 kph.

Ironically enough, for us, the Adventure S' extra height might well make it less suitable for actual dirt duty then its shorter brother, simply because the great elevation saps confidence and saveability in technical situations, side-hill maneuvers and low-speed sloggin. And that beautiful, orange, metal-flake bodywork tends to instill fear in inverse proportion to the Rockwell hardness of the material below. The extra travel of the S gives you theoretically greater ground clearance and bump absorption off road, but with a 500-pound machine, expecially one equipped with street oriented tires, you really don't want to be vaulting over tree trunks and smashing foot-tall bumps at serious speed. If you were actually racing-and somebody else was paying for the bodywork-you might talk yourself into gassing it, and letting the (plastic) chips fall where they might. But in the real world of mortgages and mothly payments, the $500 cheaper standard Adventure is probably the way to go for just about anyone we can imagine.

The Adventure is available with either aluminium or molded-plastic pannier boxes, a road-book holder and a custom-fitted tank bag for the next stop cairo crowd. The sheer rideability of the thing does inspire one to keep on going, but there are a couple problems for the long-haul fanatics. First, the hard ( and hard-edged) seat, though fine for short riders becomes a sore spot after about a half hour. And the small forward-mounted fairing and smoked shield only serve to roil the airflow around your helmet at any speed over 70 mph. You can make serious time on an autobahn, or freeways, make no mistake, but you're going to feel like a Dave Despain bobblehead after a while. Just as the BMW GS spawned a legion of fans-and a burgeoning aftermarket-we predict the fast, lighter and more light-hearted KTM will inspire the same. And a wider, softer seat, along with a wider, taller windshield, would make the KTM as formidable a rally-tourer as it is a back-road giggle bike.

KTM aimed this thing at what is, after all, a small niche in the U.S. motorcycle market, and succeded in lighting up almost all our pleasue centers, seemingly without trying. Can the faster, street-targeted KTM 990 Duke, due later in 2004, actually be even better at all-out endorphin production? We can't wait to find out.

CAPTION: They say Austrians are just Germans with a sense of humor. Explains the Adventure perfectly. Sure it looks like a stealth fighter hoisted on two wheels, but it's actually massive fun to ride. Talk about exceeding expectations.

MAKES US SMILE: Fabulous motor with superb throttle response and plenty of poke. (this is KTM's first effort! Everyone else should quiver in fear.) Long-travel suspension eats everything.... and we mean everything. Confidence-inspiring in its own odd way. Really.

MAKES US FROWN: Too damn tall. Crashing one would be like jumping from your garage roof. Already grown weary of the orange hue and the wedge-du-fromage aesthetic. easy to override the tires. Brakes not quite up to available velocity. Too damn tall.


Peter Stark, Age 24, 5ft7in. 28inseam. As for the KTM, I had to have my fun vicariously'cuz i'm too damn short.

Aaron P. Frank, Age 29, 5ft7in. 30 inseam. What bike should Governor Ah-nald ride"? An Austrian built KTM 950 Adventure, of course! The big KTM is probably the only bike in the world burly enough to bound over gridlocked, greenie-weenie hybrid cars, yet civilized enough to ride to a black tie soriee in Bel Air. Something of a greenie-weenie myself, I was set to hate the Adventure-it's about 19 feet tall, with a 21 inch front wheel and skinny, knobby tires. But on the road, the arms-up riding position, stellar suspenson and even better engine equal total confidence. In the end, the KTM was the only bike I could keep up with Boehm and cook on. Heck, it was the only bike I could keep them in sight on-it's that much better. Anything more than 90 mph and you're swimming in all that suspension and wishing you had a Tuono or SV100, but for max fun in the twisty bits, the Adventure can't be beat.

Marc Cook (No KTM comments)

Dexter Ford, Age 50, 6ft 32inseam. This is not the rational choice, but hey, fun is anything but rational. That loony KTM Adventure S is more fun than scuba diving in Hef's Grotto. It is simply amazing how well what is, after all, a dirt bike perfoms on any piecd of curved pavement we could throw at it. Dspite its great height it feels ligfh, utterly controllable and eminently flicable. And it does it all with a calm, self-assured flair that maks you feel well-nigh invincible. I knew this long ago, and I now know it again" Any morotcylce that works well in the dirt can work just as well on the street-and be simply infectiously fun doing it. I do prefer the shorter, non-S version, and I can't wait to ride one. But until then, consider my fun-meter permanently pegged.


nojs, ampak zgleda, da te je edino miran spravu, da kateema zaprou tiščiš, kaj? :devil:

nojs, ampak zgleda, da te je edino miran spravu, da kateema zaprou tiščiš, kaj? :devil:

Hehehehe, morda... no ja, enkrat sem imel celo 10.nekaj porabo, ko sem res cel ampak cel tank sprašil... bomo videli, kakšna bo poraba v Tuniziji... :)

V tisto o majhni porabi kar malo dvomim - ko sva se lani konec novembra s kolegom peljala na Grobnik (in po njem), je bila poraba pri obeh približno enaka (on z LC 8, jaz z AT), pa sem ožemal afriko na polno, njemu pa KTM - a glede na večjo zalogo moči, ni bilo treba. Tudi na stezi je delal kakšnih 10 sekund slabši čas kroga. Poraba je bila pri obeh - ne prav veliko pod 10l in mislim, da pri LC 8 to ni zgornja številka.

Nesmiselno se je pogovarjat o porabi enduro motociklov, po cestnih dirkališčih. Jasno , da je na Grobniku obema tolk žrlo ko pa "nikamor ni šlo", pa je bil gas skoz do daske. Sigurno bi se dalo iz obeh iztisniti na dirkališču še kakšen liter več.

Raje povej primerjavo, ko sta se s kolegom vozila po terenu ali vsaj makedamu.

  • 4 tedne pozneje...
Objavljeno (popravljeno)

:zzz: vidim fantje , da vam je pri motorju za 3 Mio še največji problem poraba bencina ?????? Kaj vi z motori bencin šparate al se vozite. Drugače pa me lahko vidite na plavem KTM 950 ,pa čao ! :yea2:

Popravljeno . Popravil bambi61
:zzz: vidim fantje , da vam je pri motorju za 3 Mio še največji problem poraba bencina ?????? Kaj vi z motori bencin šparate al se vozite. Drugače pa me lahko vidite na plavem KTM 950 ,pa čao ! :yea2:

Saj nam ni problem. A ti si tisti, ki je vzel prejšnji teden ta modrega... mmmm... ko boš imel, sporoči :photo: :)

:zzz: vidim fantje , da vam je pri motorju za 3 Mio še največji problem poraba bencina ?????? Kaj vi z motori bencin šparate al se vozite. Drugače pa me lahko vidite na plavem KTM 950 ,pa čao !  :yea2:

Velika poraba je problem, če je treba zaradi nje prepogosto na pumpo, sploh kadar oz. kjer pumpe niso tako pogoste... :(


Stara VTR-ka npr. (mislim, da ima le 16l tank) prevozi s tankom manj kot 150km. Fališ pumpo, pa si v riti :?

  • 3 tedne pozneje...

V zadnjem motorradu je bil primerjan BMW R1200GS vs. KTM LC8 ADVENTURE 950... testiranje na terenu.

KTM zmagal s 165 proti 140 točkami (od 200-ih).

Ergonomija BMW 14 KTM 17 (od 20)

Karakteristike agregata BMW 24 KTM 26 (od 30)

Pogon/sklopka BMW 14 KTM 18 (od 20)

Stabilnost vožnje BMW 17 KTM 19 (od 20)

Možnost nastavitev "podvozja" (vzmetenje,... ) BMW 19 KTM 27 (od 30)

Obvladljivost BMW 13 KTM 10 (od 20)

Trakcija BMW 14 KTM 14 (od 20)

Razmik od tal BMW 5 KTM 8 (od 10)

Zavore BMW 13 KTM 18 (od 20)

Občutljivost na padce BMW 7 KTM 8 (od 10)


Točk SKUPAJ: BMW 140 KTM 165 (od 200)

Zanimivo je, da je pri obvladljivosti BMW boljši, čeprav je KTM tako nizko spravil težišče. Se vidi, da višina naredi svoje. So pa nemci totalno skritizirali slabo vzmetenje in smešno majhno razdaljo do tal na BMW-ju. Pohvaljen navor (kubatura naredi svoje) pri BMW. Zanimiv podatek o teži: GS 225kg brez bencina, KTM pa 200kg! Hkrati so pokomentirali, da so BMW zmanjšali težo za 22kg in ne 30, kot pravijo njihovi tržniki. Polno napolnjen GS1200 še vedno tehta 242kg :(

Končna ocena v Motorradu:

1. mesto KTM: offroad king v svoji klasi, za resno rallye vožnjo in ležerno uživanje na makadamih.

2. mesto BMW: ostaja potovalni enduro, najnovejša predelava ga ni naredila kaj dosti bolj primernega za offroad.

V prihodnjem Motorradu pa primerjalni test BMW R1200GS, APRILIA CAPONORD, HONDA VARADERO, KTM ADVENTURE in SUZUKI V-STROM. Bolj iz cestnega vidika.

Fotka pa pove vse o karakterju.



:yea2: Jodl-jodl....... :OK: :OK: :OK:

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

iz foruma....

1150 GS Adv, no, wait KTM LC8 !?


I was looking for a big trail, for city commuting and some significant carrying capacity. I almost decided for a GS 1150 Adventure (the 1200 is way too ugly IMHO).

I've tested a GS: it' fine. Great breaking, incredible stability in turns. Gearbox not so bad. Wind protection is deceptive, though.

I wasn't interested by the KTM 950, as I already had a 640 Adv, and wanted something different. Anyway, I just tried once out of curiosity.

SH*T !!!

This... thing is pure MADNESS. Incredible engine, great suspension, perfect gearbox, etc, etc... Surprisingly enough, position seems better than the GS. And wind protection is better too (I didn't want to believe that one). I did not have so much fun on a bike since my Buell X1. It's ludicrously tall (I've tested the 950S and I'm 1.74m), but it's OK and a exhilarating experience. When I brought it back to the dealer, he told me the bike has just 600 km, so the break-in is still to be done !

On the other hand, I think the seat is made of wood, and my driving license would'nt last long.

So now I'm a little confused. I almost won't make any offroad, and I wonder about the KTM's carriing capacity. Also, I have a hard time selling my 640, so I think I'll loose tons of money on the 950.

Well, this bike is sooooo much fun, anyway...


danes sm v tuto moto (italjanska moto revija) gledal (bral nism kj dost,ker ne razumem .) ) primerjalni test KTM LC8S vs. Aprilia Caponord 1000 vs. BMW GS 1200

na koncu so razporejeni v takem vrstnem redu kot zgoraj


Odločil sem se za nekaj manjših predelav... Inštaliral sem KTM Sommerjeve Air Box Cover, onemogočil EPC sistem in namestil 16 zobi prednji zobčenik.

(nekaj o teh dodatkih na straneh KTM Sommer: )


Najprej: pokrov zračnega filtra... luknja med 2 in 3 tisoč obrati preprosto IZGINE... Vleče kot nor od 0 do 9k... Takšna sprememba s stvarjo, ki stane 15€ ?!?!? Ja. :o

EPC sistem, ki zaradi kontrole emisije itd. blokira kako motor vleče v 2. in 3. prestavi je sedaj onemogočen, kar pomeni, da se NORO dogaja v 2. in 3. (prej rahlo zadušeno!).

Kar se tiče zobčenika pa ne bi izgubljal besed. A_ritzel_16z.jpg

Vedno (še) bolj huliganski bike postaja... Muhuauhhauhuahuahuahuahuhuaa... pa ne samo to - tudi offroad je sedaj dosti boljši zaradi prestavnega razmerja (najprej), pokrova filtra (ni luknje med 2 in 3 tisoč obrati), pa tudi zaradi EPC-ja (menda lahko preko EPC-ja kakšen prah pozauga mašina v ekstremnih razmerah (kot bodo puščavske v Tuniziji, kamor se že čez dobrih 10 dni odpravljamo))...



Zdej k mas lc8 ze kar nekaj casa pa lahko porocas o morebitnih napakah.

Koliko zobov pa ima sprednji verižnik v originalu?


Zdej k mas lc8 ze kar nekaj casa pa lahko porocas o morebitnih napakah.

Trenutno jih zame nima.

  • 2 tedne pozneje...

Noise, mene pa zanima, kakšna je bila pri tvojem lc8 poraba olja v prvih nekaj1000 km, ker kolegu je v prvih 4k km pokuril 4l olja, pa sedaj ne vem ali je to podobno kot je pri bmw-jevih boxerjih, ki v začetku pokurijo nekaj več olja, potem se pa poraba s časom umiri, ali pa bo ostalo tako, oziroma počasi šlo še na slabše :hmm:

Odločil sem se za nekaj manjših predelav... Inštaliral sem KTM Sommerjeve Air Box Cover, onemogočil EPC sistem in namestil 16 zobi prednji zobčenik.

(nekaj o teh dodatkih na straneh KTM Sommer: )


Najprej: pokrov zračnega filtra... luknja med 2 in 3 tisoč obrati preprosto IZGINE... Vleče kot nor od 0 do 9k... Takšna sprememba s stvarjo, ki stane 15€ ?!?!? Ja. :o


EPC sistem, ki zaradi kontrole emisije itd. blokira kako motor vleče v 2. in 3. prestavi je sedaj onemogočen, kar pomeni, da se NORO dogaja v 2. in 3. (prej rahlo zadušeno!).

Kar se tiče zobčenika pa ne bi izgubljal besed. A_ritzel_16z.jpg

Vedno (še) bolj huliganski bike postaja... Muhuauhhauhuahuahuahuahuhuaa... pa ne samo to - tudi offroad je sedaj dosti boljši zaradi prestavnega razmerja (najprej), pokrova filtra (ni luknje med 2 in 3 tisoč obrati), pa tudi zaradi EPC-ja (menda lahko preko EPC-ja kakšen prah pozauga mašina v ekstremnih razmerah (kot bodo puščavske v Tuniziji, kamor se že čez dobrih 10 dni odpravljamo))...


Ja noise, zio!

Jest mam tud LC8, pa me zanima mal več o teh predelavah, če lahko.


Noise, mene pa zanima, kakšna je bila pri tvojem lc8 poraba olja v prvih nekaj1000 km, ker kolegu je v prvih 4k km pokuril 4l olja, pa sedaj ne vem ali je to podobno kot je pri bmw-jevih boxerjih, ki v začetku pokurijo nekaj več olja, potem se pa poraba s časom umiri, ali pa bo ostalo tako, oziroma počasi šlo še na slabše :hmm:

Ja Roman, mene pa nč več ne zanima, kr je je.

Ja Roman, mene pa nč več ne zanima, kr je je.

je ribnil, ali kaj drugega?

je ribnil, ali kaj drugega?

Ma kaki, sam zgleda da žre 1 liter na 1000, pa da ga j...!

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