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Kawasaki Ninja ZX 10 R in RR

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Jaz sem tudi nakakšen bedni moderator tukaj. :huh:

Me zanima, če se bo kdaj kakšnemu trgovcu ali pa fabrikantu utrgalo, da bi me poklical, da grem sprehoditi njihov motorcikelček, pa kateri koli že to bil. :P

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pa kateri koli že to bil. :P

:D Nabrž G.Kavčič že piše mail. :D

Čeprav moram reči, da so se na motobum-u potrudili in so lahko drugim v izziv.

Pa LP.

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  • 2 mesecev pozneje...
A ma kdo kake probleme s kuplungo. Kje mrzu sploh nč ne prime, se peleš, stisneš, pa je še zmeri u brzin.

hmmm, zaenkrat se ni nobenga problema, hval bogu

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  • 3 tedne pozneje...

Zanima me, če je kdo kej krajšu prenos? S 17 spredi je prva ful dolga. V drugi ga sam z gasom sploh ne dvigne.

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V drugi ga sam z gasom sploh ne dvigne.

zakaj bi pa mogu :? kaj ti maš motor prez sprednje gume al jo šparaš O:-)

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Zanima me, če je kdo kej krajšu prenos? S 17 spredi je prva ful dolga. V drugi ga sam z gasom sploh ne dvigne.

Na drugih forumih sem bral da dajo spredi 16. Men ga drgač u drugi dvigne in zaenkat še nimam namena krajšat prenosa. Prva je res dolga ampak je tko bolš hehehe :devil: :devil: :devil:

Dvigne ga tut u tretji sam brez provociranja ne gre.

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Hej a

A je možno, da bi se enkrat dobila, pa bi se pelu z mojo 10, da bi vidu, če dela kot je treba?

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Do 300 km samo 4.000 obratov, nato 700 km do 6.000 obratov in nato 600 km do 8.000 obratov.

Včasih se mi zdi kot, da bi kuplunga rahel drsela, ko odprem do konca v prvi ali drugi, sam mam pa pol že po cca. 400 - 450 metrih čez 250 na števc, tko, da al števc ful laže, al ma pa res 170+ ponijev.

A si iz LJ?

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Mastersbike 2004. Zmagovalec ZX10R. Najhitrejši vendar ne najpriljubljeneši. Hiter vendar zahteven, Malo zabave, dosti dela - najhitrejši na Mastersbikeu. Takšne in podobne izjave so dajali dirkači po vožnji, Barth ga je primerjal z podivjanim bikom. Eni bi pa krajšali prestavno razmerje?!? Dečki ne ga srat niste vi vsi Dr. Rossi & Co..

LP Bajsi

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A je velka razlika med 16 in 17 zobov?

Po moje kakšne bolj opazne razlike ni.Mislim,da se ta razlika fajn opazi tam pr 14zobov... :hmm:

A sploh kdo da na svoj motor (razen na dirkalnega seveda) spredi 14?

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14 je spredi premajhen in se veriga preveč lomi. Morš pol it zadi več. Drgač pa zgleda da bo treba prednjo feltno menjat. Upam da tole ni res:

Since I can't translate German, I had to rely on to do it for me. So, for the rest of us who don't read German, this was the best I could do:

At all Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R drivers, when preface I would like to ask you to lead this information schnellstens at everyone you well known Ninja ZX-10R driver further. Further please I you to give as a dealer and Kawasaki the possibility to US the situation to clear. GIVES SIMPLY a week time BEFORE YOUR WITH THE QUESTIONS COMES, FAVOR TO US!

Call back action

Kawasaki assessed that at some ZX-10R-Vorderrädern a mistake appeared in the shower process in the supplier business.

Therefrom is concerned only a little amount at ZX-10R-Rädern. In order around to guarantee the absolute security of our customers, we decided ourselves to replace all front wheels free of cost – without regard to its condition. Back wheels are not concerned of this call back.

Although we registered until now only in three front wheels worldwide this shower mistake, wise we customers on to use its motorcycle no longer until the front wheel was replaced. We go out therefrom that the large part of the motorcycles, that were delivered in Europe until now, will be rebuilt, until beginning of September. The Umrüstaktion begins middle August.

Customers are asked to get in touch immediately with its responsible dealer, in order to lead the Umrüstaktion into the ways.

This call back action concerns only the Ninja ZX-10R, no other Kawasaki-models.

F. A. Q. – Frequently asked questions and answers

Would ask: manners all ZX-10R-Modelle this shower mistake up? Answer: all units are not concerned of this shower mistake. Nevertheless all units, that are rolled to date by the volume, are converted, out of security reason. For a visibility inspection of the front wheel does not suffice in

order to recognize whether a mistake exists.

Would ask: why this concerns only the front wheel of the Ninja ZX-10 R? Answer: the back wheel is poured in another form as the front wheel.

Would ask: I should go my machine no longer? Answer: yes. The machine further may be used on no case until the front wheel was replaced.

Would ask: if I can go my motorcycle no longer, how I should bring it then to the adaptation to the dealer? Answer: they should bring your motorcycle preferably per follower or vehicle to the dealer. If you should have no possibility for such a carrier, you address yourself please to your dealer. It will carry for that worry that your motorcycle is picked up. Kawasaki receives the costs for the carrier.

Would ask: I possess no Ninja ZX-10R, but the front wheel at my motorcycle has the same design. Is my motorcycle concerned also? Answer: no. The problem emerged only at molds of ZX-10R-Vorderrädern.

Would ask: my Ninja ZX-10 R my single carrier means is. I cannot wait until my motorcycle is converted. What should I do? Answer: you discuss favor such matters with your dealer. Under circumstances, one can make available you a Leihmaschine. In our order, the dealer will strive to help you also in such a case.

Would ask: why it lasts until September before all motorcycles are rebuilt? Answer: this period is necessary based on the existing productive capacities of the supplier. We preferred a fast information because of the high threat potential and waited not for the prior production of the


Would ask: I can use another wheel as a replacement and further can go so my motorcycle? Answer: no. No wheel of another Kawasaki-model would fit without larger modification. Moreover the front wheels of other models in most felling ventured more what would impair the Handling of the ZX-10R.

Would ask: at like many front wheels shower mistakes were registered until now? Answer: at three front wheels


Would ask: why the supplier delivered front wheels defective at Kawasaki Heavy industries? Answer: the production inspection of the supplier was not accurate enough.

Would ask: how the supplier mistake as well as this in the future wants to avoid? Answer: all wheels are subjected in the future to a more precise x-ray-check. Moreover one will improve the shower process

in order to avoid air inclusions dependably.

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Ja no... kolkr sem imel priloznost sprobat pa se vozit z mojo lubico :ph34r: ninjoo :D je biu ciist suuper motorcek pa komej cakam da bom lahko spet gor zlezu... pa preden zacnete obsojat nisem bil kriv... mi je avto ven zapelu :cry:


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@miller ni kaj lepo si zrihto :blink: ! Kaj pa je s tabo :? ?Kaj pa zavarovalnica pravi? :devil:

LP Bajsi

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kojev je vedn premal :OK:

Da ne bo preveč "dobrega" :naughty: , tudi lahko škodi. :afro1:

LP Bajsi

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Dobil po pošti, obvestilo o vpoklicu. Se pravi je uradno in ne smemo se vozit...

jap ... napake pri izdelavi prednjih koles ... doslej tri defektna ... zaradi tega bodo zamenjali vsem ... odsvetujejo vožnjo ... in nemogoče je diagnosticirati ... bodo kr vse zamenjali ...ampak samo ZX-10R, prednje ... drugo je okej... baje..

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