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Motocikli 125ccm

Odkrijte razburljiv svet 125ccm motornih koles - od starih do novih modelov, izkušnje, predelave, preizkusi in reševanje težav. Pridružite se nam!

  • Filtriraj teme po forumu
    1. Aprilia RX 125 1 2

    2. Cinšpula cross 125ccm pomoč

    3. Težave s števcem

    4. Daelim VT125: izkušnje

    5. Olje teče iz auspuha

    6. Cagiva Raptor 125 1 2 3 4 5

    7. Poraba

    8. Izpuhi na enem kupu 1 2

    9. Aprilia ETX 125 1 2 3 4

    10. Problem Jinlun 125 - 11

    11. Aprilia RX 125 obrati

    12. Cagiva Freccia C10R

    13. Težava z elektriko

    14. Kje najti rabljene motorje?

    15. Yamaha TZR 125 (od 1987 do 1992)

    16. Husqvarna SMS 125

    17. nakup 250-ke 1 2 3 4 7

    18. Enduro/Cross 125ccm

    19. TM racing SMM 125

    20. Husqvarna CH 125 Racing WXE 1 2 3

    • Zadnje objave

      • KARMEN1
        Prodam:  Kawasaki Z900 SE. Letnik 2022, MY 2023. Registriran do 19.09.2024 (naslednji teden ga bom odjavila). Kupljen in servisiran pri Elisa Domžale.  Prevoženih 10500 km. Crash padi original Kawasaki, zravem podarim še stojalo za zadnje kolo.  Cena 10.000 eur (če prineseš denar s sabo, lahko 9.500) Probna vožnja ni mogoča. Lokacija: okolica Kopra. Samo resni kupci na zs. Čau, bau 💪💪💪😂😂😂!  
      • StaraFeltna
        Prejšnji petek ko sem se vračal domov ravno se pripravljam zvoziti krožišče, nakar pridrvi (najbrž me ni videl) s stranske ceste (iz Mercedes in nekaj še delavnice) velik siv fancy karavan in kar pospešuje. Reagiram pravočasno, ne zapaničarim (bravo jaz!) in progreisvno suvereno zabremzam.... vseeno sva se dotaknila in sem mu z desnim žmigavcem malo preuredil lak na boku. 1m troblje on pa samo pomaha sori stari in gladko gre (je štekal da je hudo zaj... a se mu vseeno hebe). Reg. sem si zapomnil (je bila personalizirana) in ko tega lokalca en dan srečam mu lepo povem, da ko sede za volan naj da ven prst iz nosa ki ga je imel prej... Prva taka dogodivščina v zadnjem dobrem letu dni odkar imam spet motor. Vozim izredno defenzivno. Potencialnega sranja dnevno kolikor hočeš relacija Portorož - Koper
      • StaraFeltna
        Evo pa sem prišel do lonca medu...   Ok, so here's a bit of a PSA about the BT-023 tires: these tires are suspiciously loud (at least, that's the assumption so far). The full story is below. Ever since I've had them fitted, I've been noticing a weird, hollow, scraping-like sound coming from the area of my front wheel. I didn't really notice it immediately because of my cool new exhaust I had fitted at the same time, but the sound crept up on me after a while. I started noticing it and recently started listening for it. I noticed the sound would become audible at around 30kph and was at its loudest somewhere around 60kph. Faster than that and the sound would be drowned out by wind noise. The sound is most obvious by speeding up to 60kph, then pulling the clutch so the engine idles and it cannot be missed. I had no idea what could be causing this (I started fearing it would be the ball bearings in the wheel or perhaps the brake pads scraping along the disc (although I didn't notice any weird braking behavior or sounds). So I went back to the shop where I had the tire fitted. One of their mechanics checked all the mechanical components and didn't really find anything out of the ordinary. He took the bike for a test ride, took it back in the workshop, took it for another test ride and came back telling me that there was nothing out of the ordinary and that he suspected it was coming off of the tires. He said new tires are known to be a bit louder when scrubbing it. However, since I've already done like 1500+km (1000mi) on these tires, they should've been way past that point of scrubbing in already. He said that the Bridgestone BT-023's are known to be comparatively loud tires so he was sure that was it. So the question is now if I can mentally get over this issue or if I would replace the tires. I think I'll just hang on to them for the time being.     Kot da bi jaz napisal.... In razlika v nagibu je profil! In ker je v nagibu vse tipitopi me ne sekira več. Gre pa na k toliko, da bom šel na grobnik (izgovor za prej menjat gume)...  Če ne bi tip opisal zvoka ne bi nikoli rekel da je to guma...   Hvala vsem sodelujočim. 💪  
      • Kugelschreiber
        Na iglo sm se dal. Drugic letos. Ne zadnjic. Gaddemit.     
      • skalar36
        Verjamem, da ima čist vsak motorist kako tako, podobno zgodbico. Dobr je @Kugelschreiber reku, da smo motoristi res ena čudna vrsta, damo malo plastike in stiropora na glavo pa mislemo, da se nam ne more nič nardit. Ja motorizem je pač tveganje. A užitki pač premagajo strah pred... Zato sedaj preveč moralizirat odtiste nesreče nima smisla. Pač vsak naj zase na cesti čimbolj poskrbi in naj bo previden.
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